Monday, July 30, 2012

Dark Knight Shooting Victim Who Lost 6 Year Old Loses Unborn Baby

Ashley Moser has been through a lot in the past two weeks. 25 year old Ashley was one of the victims of the Dark Knight shooting when she was shot once in the stomach and twice in the throat. She also lost her six year old daughter who was killed during the shootings. When she was admitted to the hospital, she was pregnant and her unborn baby was alive. During surgery this weekend though related to her wounds, she suffered a miscarriage. She was about 10 weeks pregnant. Ashley's condition is being guarded, but some say she is paralyzed now as a result of the shootings.


  1. I hope they impose the death penalty. I really do.

  2. Words cannot express my feelings on this entire tragedy. For once, I am speechless.

  3. I hope the NRA is real proud of themselves.

    1. Read down thread you sick fuck! Don't place blame on innocent people. For all you know there could have been members on the NRA in that movie theater.

      People like you really make me feel sick.

    2. I'm for crazy control. Not gun control.

    3. @carrowsboy: Get bent, you fucking git! Stop assigning blame -- there's only one person responsible for this crime, and he's awaiting trial.

  4. Out of all the stories from the shooting hers has broken my heart the most. I can't even begin to imagine what this poor woman is going though. :( Sometimes words just aren't enough. How do you ever get past all the pain this woman has gone through & continues to go through?

  5. Awful, from start to finish. Think of it this way; baby now with big sister in heaven. And if mother is paralyzed, mb cant take care if baby. I dont know, just trying to make sense of senselessness.

  6. The NRA didn't commit this crime. A psychopath did. Place blame where blame is due. Pointing fingers is a waste of time.

  7. Anonymous7:02 AM

    He should be charged for the death of both children.

  8. Thanks M, well said. Christina I agree. All I can say is damn. It's just too sad.

  9. This is truly horrible on many levels. I think that it will be interesting to see what they discover about this "Joker" and the extent of his mental illness. If he truly has mental illness, supposedly schizophrenia, the death penalty will not be an option. He will spend his life in prison until the other inmates kill him. I also think the bigger picture is how untreated mental illness can be catastrophic.

  10. Christina --

    I doubt they will pursue the charge for the deceased fetus. The DA will have enough to deal with, and opening a can of worms on the "when is a fetus actually a human" debate will just be too much. The goal is likely to just get this guy as much time in jail as possible/death penalty.

    1. Yeah i think they will usually only pursue murder on an unborn child if the fetus is viable. At 10 weeks that would be hard.

  11. The NRA made it possible for civilians to have access to assault rifles.

    What would Tony Stark do?

  12. He won't be charged for the miscarriage of a 10wk old fetus. Some article I read last night said you can't be charged in Colorado over a fetus. Mightve been Washington Post, I don't remember.
    My heart breaks for this woman. All the victims, but her the most. I just can't imagine dealing with everything she's been through.

  13. Tony Stark has been exported to China.

  14. She has a chance to overcome this devastating tragedy and become just as inspirational as it is horrible. It's a small chance but it's there. I will not think her life is over just yet. I believe she can have a good life and teach the world something from what she's learned. She needs help, and good thoughts, not so much pity until we see how her story ends. We are all stronger than we think and don't find out until something terrible happens unfortunately.

  15. There's no good reason for any civilian to own an assault rifle.

  16. With that logic, Budweiser makes it possible for people to drunk drive and kill innocent people.

  17. And I do agree that semi-automatic weapons are not necessary. But the fact is, this creeper would have found a way to do it no matter what. Someone still would have died.

    1. Yes he wld hv done something insane, but ckd we make it just a little harder for him to do it?

  18. I believe he can be charged for the death of the baby although unborn.

    There's an argument Pro Lifer's can a person be charged with the murder of an unborn child but a woman can't be charged with murder when she aborts...Something along those lines. I'm sure he'll be charged.

  19. @kats - you are on the right track there. She still has a chance, indeed. She needs lots of time to heal physically and mentally, but her story's not over yet. Great point.

  20. Colorado law is very clear, and there is many precedents. The baby has to have "been born and alive".

    There was a woman hit in a crosswalk, at 37 weeks and her baby was killed. All they could charge him with was hitting her with the car. Since my baby was born at 35 weeks, just a couple of months before, that news was difficult to stomach.

  21. The fucking NRA is the biggest terrorist organization in the country.

  22. @Darkness - wow. One of my kids was born at 35 weeks also. Damn, that is a terrible story.

    @Vicki - yup. I know it's going to unleash a shitstorm, but folks, no one needs semi-automatic weapons unless they're in a war zone. We have loads of guns, due to hubby's profession and love of hunting. But even he is dumbfounded by the semi-automatic weapon thing. And we have friends who are stockpiling them. Insane in the membrane.

  23. sad! sad! sad! i'm against the death penalty but nothing can defend Holmes

  24. i note NRA did nothing for the injuried victims whereas others not directly involved(WB,Zimmer,Bale,Bronco team....)did something for the victims

  25. Jezus, this is horrible and I hate this asshole.

    I'm sure CO will get it right. He's not insane if he planned this which he obviously did.

    Death penalty isn't harsh enough. Put him in general population and let the inmates have at him.

    The end.

  26. Politicians are the #1 terrorist group inside the USA:)

  27. @Agent**It - I have to say I agree with you on that one!

  28. I'm sorry she lost her 6 year old and fetus. But I was one of those that didn't think a 6 year old should have been at a midnight showing of an extremely violent movie. That kid should never have been there.

  29. although i am not a strong believer, i pray for God to give this woman and her family all the strength in the world to deal with all the tragedies that so brutally changed her life.
    If there is a God, i hope he/she is saving a special place for the brute who caused all this pain.

  30. That is so sweet of you @L. I don't believe it has to be "God" because we can't prove which of our religions is correct as long as we send positive thoughts.

  31. So sad, that is just awful:-( I hope they read the news of the victims to him everyday. Make him aware of the sadness he caused.

    Killing the living and the unborn child, paralyzing the mother is heartbreaking.

  32. This is absolutely devastating. I feel so sorry for this woman. I hoep they fry that a-hole.

  33. That poor woman.So awful.

  34. I saw the movie yesterday and cried at several points throughout, just not even being able to imagine the horror and aftermath of this situation. That creep is playing with the media, they are eating out of his hands and making him "famous", and the lives of these poor individuals will NEVER be the same. He deserves to die--you can tell he is enjoying this and putting on a show for everyone. I don't even read stories about him anymore.

  35. no cameras allowed in court.

  36. @Kats and L and Frufra - Sweet words! I can't imagine going through so much and losing so much at 25. Sending her lots of love and praying for the best possible outcome for her.

    Ashley's story is why I get so angry about this whole mess. How do we make sure this doesn't happen again? There is no quick fix but I want hope we can stop fighting with each other and figure out something better. Does this mean less guns? Better mental health care? Less stigma for mentally ill people? Being more directly active in people lives?

    How often do we get to talk to real people and interact in a meaningful way - instead of through texts, emails, blogging? When you lose the human connection it's much easier to say and do hurtful things. How many people commenting would have the balls to say some of these things to someone's face...

  37. Touching article about Alex Teves on CNN. His father wants us to "look to the good in humankind."

    Sorry - I don't know how to post this as a link.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. It's not the guns. They are just the preferred method of murder at the moment. Take them away and we will get bombings like in the UK. The only common denominator I see is mental illness.

  40. The fact that a man that is so out of his mind is out walking amongst us is the problem here, not the NRA. More needs to be done about the criminally insane. There should be no selling of guns of any kind over the internet. We have the right to bear arms, what we do with them is our own responsibility. I have never fired my gun outside a shooting range and hope to never have to.

    This is Holmes fault, no one elses.

  41. Wow Smash, that's a little extreme. Simma down.

    I cannot imagine the pain Ashley is having to endure at this time. Her father sounds like a wonderful man and you can bet she's probably learned a thing or two from him. I do wonder as well why she brought a 6 yr old to such a violent film at such a late hour however. Perhaps she couldn't get a babysitter and thought she'd sleep through it?

    1. I am not crazy freaking out or anything. I just hate when the blame is placed elsewhere. We should be blaming the real murderer and not a group of people who enjoy guns.

  42. Ashley's story is beyond tragic. She may have used bad judgement in bringing a child to a midnight showing of a violent movie. But I think the repercussion outweigh the misjudgement.

    You know I'm not sure why we even have laws. After all criminals are going to commit crimes one way or another.

  43. It is kind of outrageous to me everyone is jumping on the "blame the NRA" and "band assault rifles".

    Please before you do that. Look at other countries like England. They have some of the most strict gun laws. Yet they have horrific bombings and massacres. What happened in the theater was awful! But imagen if we did have stricter laws and he could have built a bomb like in his apartment, strapped it to himself and killed everyone in the theater.

    Also think if someone had an open carrying in that theater. Maybe they could have stopped this. I know here in Seattle there was a robbery and the elder man defended himself with a gun. Had he not, he would have been shot by the thug trying to get his drug money.

    This is such an in-depth issue and to make such blanket statements like this is somehow and assosiations fault is fucking absurd. Look within yourself and really ask
    Would our founding fathers want everyones rights to own A gun abolished because of one crazy jackass?! I think not.

    1. Who the hell cares what our forefathers wld want? Thats speculation. Times have changed, people hv changed. I dont see jefferson or adams getting panties in a bunch over banning assault weapons. What is this fanatical, rabid adherence to this amendment???!!!!! There are others; how come none of them get people crazy?? Relax already, be honest; u prob dont really need a gun, u just like them.

  44. I'm glad no one had a concealed weapon in the theater. It was dark, no one knew where the shooting was coming from, so the "hero" would probably have ended up killing MORE innocent people.

    I agree, assault weapons should be banned, but if someone really wants to create a tragic event, they will find a way to do so no matter what weapons are legal.

    That said, I've never heard of a "drive-by knifing"...

    1. Really. My boyfriend had a knife pulled on him in Vancouver Canada a few years ago. Luckily they Only took a cheap 50 dollar wallet and not his 3,000 dollar watch.

  45. I agree that it is easy to blame the NRA. They are an easy scapegoat in this mess, but honestly they are also part of the problem.

    This is my POINT exactly. They system as it currently stands, does not work. Everyone needs to be willing to make changes if we want a better country /society where things like this don't happen. It's not just this terrible crime, what about all the gun violence that happens on a daily basis in the USA.

    I want these deaths to mean something. 13 amazing people died. Many more are still suffering. Does your need to have a gun outweigh what they lost?

  46. Isn't this the same girl who lost her father to cancer earlier this year?!? If so, that is 3 losses. She was probably still recovering from the death of her father - that they lived with. I have heard she is indeed paralyzed. Thank God for medical miracles that may help her walk. However, just that one issue is more than enough for the strongest person!!

  47. @kats - Totally agree that mental health is probably the biggest factor. Read this article on Sunday and thought it may add more insight.

    However, the fact that depression is so frequently accompanied by violent rage in young men — a rage usually, but not solely, directed at themselves — is something we need to acknowledge and understand.

    The Overwhelming Maleness of Mass Homicide

  48. I don't think I have ever felt so bad for someone that I have never met. What this poor girl has gone through is unfathomable and honestly, turns my stomach. I hope that somehow she will eventually be able to put the pieces of her life back together and find happiness because if anyone deserves it, it's her.

    I'm not going to blame anyone except for the maniac who did this. He is one who deserves all of the blame in this situation.

  49. agonizing. absolute agony. I was pregnant with my daughter when my son was 6 and I remember it as one of the most magical times in my life. I loved my little boy more than anything and couldn't wait for my daughter to come and complete my family. I could not have made it if something like this happened. I would have been done. I am just so sick for this woman.

  50. I would just want to die. I would beg the doctors and nurses to load me up with medication and kill me. Such a horrible tragedy.

  51. Anonymous11:40 AM

    My thoughts and prayers to the family. Losing one child is beyond what most could take, to lose a second one is inconceivable. I live near this and it has been devastating. This guy will burn in hell, I just hope he gets there as soon as possible.

  52. If you take away the guns they will just make more bombs. Didn't he have bombs in his apartment? Crazy will still find a way.

  53. @ Agent**It and dia papaya: Absolutely!
    When the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution was written, the most lethal weapon available to the private citizen was the front-loading musket, so maybe restricting personal firearm ownership to that level would be more in tune with actual Constitutional principles.
    People who don't believe in owning large amounts of weapons, unfortunately, aren't able to readily defend themselves from those who do. That's the scary part for me.
    What this young woman has survived is beyond imagination for me.

  54. Update: The alleged shooter was charged with 24 counts of murder, 116 counts of attempted murder.

    I cannot fathom what she is going through.I can only pray for her strength because the pain must feel unceasing.

  55. I disagree with people saying that if we had lax gun control laws, and people had been carrying, that this never would have happened. A movie theater is dark, and Batman is a very "dark lighted" movie, when I worked at the movies in my teens I HATED the "Dark lighted" movies because you couldnt see A THING. Would be "heros" probably would have caused more harm than good. Imagine the panic in there, people everywhere, bullets everywhere, how would you even know where to shoot?

  56. I feel for all who have suffered and for the healing they need to go through. Let's hope that we don't have anymore deaths coming from this tragedy.
    My husband and I saw The Dark Knight Rises on Sunday in Australia. It was a wonderful film. I was always planning to see it, but I would have gone anyway in defiance of this maniac who wanted to instill fear. The only change I made to my behaviour was to hold my tongue when the woman next to me talked and yawned loudly during the film, I thought it was best not to have a scene.

  57. Budweiser does make it possible to drive drunk. That's why the check your ID before letting you buy it.

    I'm not against guns, since I own several myself.

    I am against the NRA buying the government to impose some sort of lunatic corporate ideals that don't fucking benefit me.

    People can do just fine with one hand gun, 1 good hunting rifle and maybe 1 shotgun if you live in a rural area and need to worry about bears. Not one of those weapons needs to be automatic. And no one should be buying any of those weapons without taking a fucking safety course and having a permit - which includes a back ground check to make sure they're not fresh out of a prison, an insane asylum or on a terrorist watch list.

    How is it unreasonable to say that Guns should belong to CITIZENS and not to frigging criminals?

    People who counter with "Well, criminals would get them anyway", please don't bother - By that logic we should never do anything. Criminals would get drugs anyways so we should just legalize it. People will just die anyways, so we should not do heart transplants. I have no use for people who accept uselessness.

  58. I hope this young woman, and everyone personally affected by this gets the therapy they need and not just drugged up to handle the pain. They can recover.

    This incident is why I need an assault weapon. Like an Uzi that will fit in my purse.

    Clown killer was adopted. What have I said about psychopaths breeding like dogs and abandoning their kids! Not everyone can afford brain scans and DNA testing when they adopt. This should be mandatory so people know what they're dealing with. If they're showing it on Diacovery channel then it's time to put it in practice.

  59. @ _-_=_
    Where did you get the information he was adopted? I haven't seen much info out there regarding his family life, and his parents live about 20 minutes south of where I live

  60. Right on Mr Wolf, right on...

  61. Anyone wanting to donate to Moser's care visit any Wells Fargo Bank and request "Donation Account for Ashley and Veronica Moser

    Also, please remember you can donate to the general fund for the victims of the Aurora shooting. This fund is official, and was set up by the Community First Foundation and the governor of Colorado to cover the immediate and long term needs of those affected. There is a spot for general comments or to add a name "In memory of" during the checkout process

  62. Sunny - I thought it was on Aurora KUSA site but can't find it now. I'll keep looking.

  63. @Sunny

    Read this on the DailyMail the other day, but didn't know how accurate.

    It is just the latest example of Holmes' bizarre behavior and comes as his mother revealed she feared he had been disturbed for years and was concerned about his social isolation.

    Arlene Holmes, who lives in San Diego, California and was only made aware of the shootings when a reporter called her for a comment, is said to have urged her son to seek counseling.

    The claim in the Washington Post about Mrs Holmes, a nurse, is the first sign that she could have averted the massacre and raises grave questions over what else she knew.

    When she was called about the shootings on Friday, she told an ABC reporter 'you have the right person' - in an apparent indication that her son was the likely gunman.

    But on Monday, her lawyer spoke out to claim Mrs Holmes's statement had been mischaracterised, and she had in fact been confirming that she was the 'right person'.

    According to reports, the neuroscience graduate was adopted and Mrs Holmes, 58, and husband Robert, 61, a software developer, raised him as one of their own.

  64. It's at NY Post but that's not where I read it. I can't find it now and my phone won't paste the link. Google.

  65. Found this:

    Holmes was adopted as a child and raised in San Diego, Calif., the New York Post reported, citing the father of a victim, who had in turn said he got that information from the police.

    His mother is a registered nurse and his father is a senior scientist at FICO, the company that provides credit scores, according to local paper U-T San Diego.

    He has a younger sister, Chris, according to USA Today.

  66. This made me SO sad to hear this morning. This poor girl. My heart hurts so much for these people.

    Thanks for posting that link again, Sunny.

  67. I need more information from her side (she's not talking, apparently?). But I can't fathom what he did to warrant this.

  68. As long as weapons used to mow down humans like semiautomatics are readily legally accessible, the vast majority of the U.S. population will continue to be sitting ducks. The NRA wants everyone to pretend this just isn't a part of the equation at all, but it is. Take a look at the stats from absolutely any other nation on the planet.

  69. Thanks ladies (dia, = and lelaina)

    I am gutted regarding Ashely's situation. I wish I could take care of her myself. I can't imagine dealing with ONE of her losses, let alone her children, her father's recent death and her paralysis. Jesus take the wheel, indeed. Love and light to you, Ashley

  70. And thanks for that link Sunny!

    I too wish I could take care of her. I don't think I would have the strength or the will to continue. She's so brave. Angels and Jesus, indeed!

    PS - didn't mean to steal your sun. just sending out the light in a big way. kitten power can only go so far...

  71. Male violence... and add one more to the death toll. :C

  72. This woman is suffering from terrible tragedies, none of which she deserved in the least. But I doubt the miscarriage will count towards the death toll; there's no way it could be argued that a 10 week pregnancy (which is still embryonic development) would have been otherwise viable. "Unborn baby" is hyperbole. I realize I'm probably a fucking asshole for pointing that out, but it's true.

    James Holmes and his fake-crazy act still needs to get strung up by his nutsack and left to rot for the rest of his hopefully miserable life.
