Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Demi Moore Has A New Guy

So, Life & Style has photos of Demi Moore hanging out with a new guy. He is a New Zealand born actor. The photos they have show the couple at a lunch for lots of people. In their story though, they say that Demi and Martin Henderson were staying together in a house. For the weekend. Would you get a house just for the weekend? Do you think there were others in the house? Is this about the movie she is filming? Everyone wanted to get away from NYC so went up to Connecticut to do some antiquing and gossip about Elizabeth Olsen and Dakota Fanning. This would also mean that Demi is not heartbroken about Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis at all and is having her own fun.


  1. THats the guy from The Ring!

  2. At least she doesn't look scary skinny here.

  3. Anonymous10:42 AM

    He was in The Ring and Bride & Prejudice. He's super hot and pretty funny, too. I approve!

  4. What about Elizabeth Olsen and Dakota Fanning?? Do tell

  5. Looks gay to me. :-P

  6. Good for her!!! He is handsome and probably is an actual adult! Unlike trucker hat ashdung

  7. Boardshorts and a popped collar?

  8. Erm, Elizabeth and Dakota??? Yep, actually I could see it.

    Anyway, Demi looks much much healthier there. Good for her!

  9. Demi really is trying to relive her 80s heyday...check out that popped collar and the Jams-like shorts!

  10. OT - Kristin Stewart issues apology for cheating.,,20614722,00.html

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. She looks healthier. Maybe this relationship will be healthier too. I don't know much about the dude other than that I liked him in Bride and Prejudice.

  13. Ashton is the last guy anyone should be mooning over, I hope this is a nice guy and that they have fun.

  14. Good for her, she needs more adults in her life, hopefully he's the real deal and she's happy

  15. Well that was quick...just yesterday she was heartbroken about Ashton & Mila.

  16. And Holy Cow on the KS apology. Wonder if she ran that by her publicist...but kudos for womaning up with the apology

  17. Just because she is hanging out with a new guy, doesn't automatically mean she isn't heartbroken. Many women have gone out with a rebound guy to mask their sadness over losing someone. Right gals?

    I hope she really is past asshat. She looks healthy in these photos for the first time in ages.

  18. I don't expect it to last long if at all true. He is a really private guy and not at all into the whole media circus thing that would go along with being linked with Demi. He has stated in interviews he avoids premieres unless he is involved and doesn't do the whole Hollywood party scene.

  19. Please. This is obviously another PR move, launched by her people to make her appear less desperate.
    I wonder what they are paying the guy?

  20. Just happy that she doesn't look scary skinny here.

  21. Look at her body language. She is turned away, not towards him.

  22. yes The Ring........he's nice looking.

  23. Martin was awesome as Noah in The Ring, but it looks like he's put on some weight.

  24. Oh he is still yummy

  25. On a good note - she doesn't look like death warmed over anymore.

  26. Showmance time! I guess this guy needed a few quick buck$ so here he is with Demi. Poor thing, why doesn't she get some help? She needs to worry about what's inside for a while and stop all this craziness. What could Asston POSSIBLY have that anyone would ever weep over losing? He's not even cute, he looks like every frat tard stoner douchebag and I bet he's about as appealing. There's a lot to be said for maturity, maybe she should give it a chance?

  27. Anonymous2:02 PM

    She would do well to heal from one relationship before jumping into another.

  28. Does Demi know he is gay?

  29. I see that we all have similar thoughts about this new relationship. Meow Mix, ladies?

  30. Looks like two friends out shopping for the day. I am not getting a "couple's vibe" from these photos.

  31. Clamdiggers, anyone? *said in my Magic Bullet Mick accent that even my real friends won't laugh at*

  32. I remember him, he was on a few shows here and I use to have a crush on him haha funny the things u remember :)

  33. He's as gay as the day is long...

    Those two are lunching and shopping, not canoodling (I hate that word only when the rags use it).

    I find it hilarious that gossip bloggers automatically thing two peeps are TOGETHER if they are papped together...Shouldn't Enty know better? One would assume so.

  34. We kiwis are big on wearing the popped-collar (although usually paired with pearls) Good on him for trying to sleep / faux-sleep his way on to the b list.

  35. He WAS superhot in The Ring. Now his face looks just somehow different.

  36. haha, i love reading along and then - BAM - BI reveal.
