Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Drunk Driver Who Kills Mother Of Two Get 17 Likes On Her Facebook Page

Over the weekend a married woman with two kids died while she was riding her bicycle at almost 8 a.m. She was killed by a man who was on a motorcycle and was racing his girlfriend who was in her car. They were both drunk. The man hit the bicyclist first and then his girlfriend finished the job. They both fled the scene but were later arrested. The man was charged with manslaughter, but his girlfriend was only charged with DUI at this point. The woman only charged with DUI is named Megan Merkel. People found her Facebook page and have been giving her lots and lots of crap and grief as they should. Her boyfriend had already been arrested before for DUI and this was 8 a.m. Who is driving drunk at 8 a.m.? Why are you driving drunk and racing? People vented on her Facebook and she told them all in a series of rants that they could basically all f**k off and to stay off her page. How on earth did she get 17 likes? Who is supporting her? She helped kill a wife and mother of two small children who was riding her bike on a Sunday morning before going to church.


  1. Typical dumb rural American blaming "the media" for "twisting the facts."

    1. Because being an urban dweller equates to intellectual superiority? You're a fucking elitist twat.

  2. If I'm ever late on my rent, I'm totally blaming "The Media".

    1. Wait, I thought Oprah was to blame? :)

  3. Fuck you, Megan Merkle. You were racing your boyfriend and someone died as a result. YOU ARE JUST AS RESPONSIBLE!!!!!

  4. It's easy to make fake accounts on Facebook.Mix that with family and friends with her who are just as bad and you get 17 likes.

  5. Sometimes people like a status so they can follow it...just saying. it's always a big discussion on the local news pages. Just clarifying, I don't like it or condone it, but some people do it.

  6. Oprah is behind it, I'm sure.

  7. Dammit, @rejected, you beat me to it! I'm blaming Oprah for everything in the future.

  8. I'm sure Megan Merkel has plenty of asshole friends just like her who believe her when she says she "was not being reckless" and what happened she "couldn't help." There are so many assholes on this earth, it doesn't shock me but at all.

  9. LOL @ carebear! Just what I needed for the Terrible Tuesdays.

  10. Sick, sick people.

  11. Who is supporting her? Probably the same people who are supporting the man who shot and killed Trevon Martin.

  12. I hope a drunk driver hits her mother one the way to her arraignment.

    Yes, that drags me down to her level, but my shit doesn't smell like roses or heal the sick.

    1. Hey Vicki! What's it like down there? I'm tired of healing the sick ;)

  13. That absolute POS Scerbo - - the motorcyclist -- had been out of prison on parole for a whopping 25 days when he helped kill this woman. These people, I wish the worst on them. I just can't help it.

  14. It's called personal responsibility - she obviously has never heard of it :(

  15. @em- oprah is the reason why my bank account is over drafted as well.
    @dia- i'm glad to have made not only your monday better, but also tuesday. (we refer to it as asshole tuesday cause all the assholes come out today!)

  16. Megan Merkel, you sorry piece of shit.

  17. @Snoopy - Exactly what I was going to say! She ran over another human being and can't even admit it to it, didn't stay on the scene or call for help. It's not like she broke a glass in the kitchen! WTF!

    Selfish C U Next Tuesday B*tch! Those poor babies to lose their momma so young. The victim had a 4 and 7 yo.

    PS - I found this on DailyMail. Is it bad that I get most of my news my DM?

  18. Fucking Cunt! (Sorry that's the word for her)

  19. @Chris. Typical dumb rural American? Excuse me? Yeah she's dumb and happens to live in a rural community in America...but seriously? I grew up in rural America. I don't know a single soul who has done anything or is anything even close to like this. If you grew up in a rural American town and happen to be like this or know a large group of people like this, then ok...but something tells me your statement is just plain ignorant.

  20. I'm blaming "the media" or OPRAH for EVERYTHING from now on;-)

    Am I the only one that needs a donut from starting my gossip day with death???

    I'm sending EVERYONE a virtual donut, cupcake, fruit bowl and coffee, tea, chai, cocoa plus a smoothie. Have a great day:-)

  21. this bitch makes my stomach turn, ban her from society forever

  22. Ugh for the blaming of "the media." She got the likes because substance abuse pathology is socially generated, and few binge drinkers or heavy drug users engage in their behaviour without a support network of other people who normalize their actions. Hence the fools liking this.

  23. @carebear - Really? Do they crawl out of the ground like evil zombie Groundhogs?

    Here's to Asshole Tuesdays! *clink*

  24. No excuse. This is reckless driving AND DUI AND vehicular manslaughter in my book.

    And when you're drunk at 8 AM (with previous DUI's), you are an alcoholic. That's not "social drinking."

  25. So..reading the article: Her jailbird bf (who was in jail most recently for his THIRD DUI conviction, he's only 22) hit the lady and was also thrown from his motorcycle. She completed the hitting in her car and kept driving only to be stopped later by police.

    Darwin dropped the ball on this one

  26. I find it interesting that she is blaming the media but then leaves her FB account open for randoms to post. If she doesn't want the attention, lock the account or close it.

    I wonder if she'll take the same tact in court.

  27. @lola - Thanks for the donut! I'm washing it down with a vodka tonic ;)

  28. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I'm sorry, but you killed someone and being a b on Facebook,about it doesn't u do the fact that you took someone wife and someone's mom away from them. Plus, you fled the scene. I truly believe if you leave the scene your sentence should be tripled. That is the only way to lessen (someone people will still run from police or flee the scene of a crime regardless of the punishment). People running from the cops. DUI and vehicular manslaughter for her. She's useless.

  29. @lola... thank you! NOM NOM NOM

  30. thank you @crila16. I dont know if he's a troll or not, but that sort of comment ticks me off too!

  31. They're both pieces of crap and they've both done time. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/article/20120730/NEWS01/307300059?gcheck=1&nclick_check=1

  32. How is this worthless piece of shit not in jail? I thought if you hit & run, it is automatic jail time.

  33. Once upon a time, there was a thing called "innocent until proven guilty."

  34. She really is dumb if she is posting ANYTHING about this incident on her Facebook, which will definitely be used against her when she goes to trial.

  35. I love she says "and what happened I couldn't help". Um, yes. Yes you could've prevented it by 1. not being DRUNK and 2. not racing Charlie Sheen on his crotch rocket.

  36. The rule should be 3 DUI's and your done! Mandatory 5 year or more jail sentence and you can't drive a car for 15 years. I think there are still a lot of people in the country, my ex stepdad, my boyfriends friend who is a father of a 3 year old, other Radom people in my life that really don't think drinking and driving can KILL someone.

    I am allergic to alcohol and can't drink. So it may be hard
    For me to judge. But even when I did, I would always take a cab, walk home or find a bus. There is no reason, especially at 8am, that you should be behind the wheels of a giant weapon while intoxicated.

    Sorry if that is confusing.

  37. So this was the BF 4th DUI. He should be warehoused permanently so he doesn't breed. And her too. Buh-bye.

  38. @nunaurbiz--Yes, but you're talking about the court of public law. I don't think that applies to the court of public opinion. :)

    @jbdean and crila--I'm right there with you. I'm not even from a rural area, but I f'ing hate generalizations and assumptions like that. Chris has thrown out a couple of those today so I would just ignore.

  39. Unbelievable.

    I may have to go find her fb now.

  40. Another article I read had a link in the comments to a screenshot of her entire FB page:


    Love how everyone is all "Glad you're OK, Megan". Never mind the fact that she and her boyfriend collectively killed a woman because of their worthlessness :P

    Sorry I sound ugly...it's just that things like this make me deeply angry :(

  41. @smashbash - ITA! We have shockingly lax DUI / DWI penalties. When my BF worked in the UK for a year, he was surprised (in a good way) how strict they were there. None of his coworkers would drink and drive, ever. They drank a lot! But would walk home from the pub.

    Any Brits want to chime in?

    1. If your an American with a DUI for everyone 1 it's five years that you can not enter Canada. I love love love that! Canada is awesome strict about alcohol period. They have commercials about not drinking and driving. They really look down on it. As I have heard they do in Europe as well.

      America turned it into something cool to do by locking it up from everyone until you turn 21. I know I binge drank more at 18 and 19 then anytime after I turned 21. Thank my mom for making me smart enough to not drink and drive, god knows I probably would have hurt someone or myself.

  42. she was a teacher and I'm very sorry for her students as well as her husband and children. : (

    Scerbo sounds like a waste of carbon.

  43. @dia - Germany is the same. When I lived there, we all rode bikes, or walked home, from the pubs. No one would get in a car. I had an uncle who got his license taken away. I think they're pretty strict about it: the first time, your license is taken away for a certain period of time, and the third time it's gone for life.

    I'm not completely sure if that's the way the laws are, but that's the impression I got.

  44. I don't agree with this shit at all. Both of them fled the scene and left that poor woman there to die. Maybe if they immediately called for help, she would have lived. This bitch should be in jail, not on facebook updating her status. FOH.

  45. @wenx - I looked at your link. One of her friends has the right idea, I love how she says "are you guys kidding me? She needs help!" (it was something along those lines)

  46. I am astounded at the amount of people who assume absolutely no responsibility for their actions. What has happened to people? Or does the media only show us these POS's? And I blame reality tv for all this attitude about "I'm not to fault for my own actions".
    A life was lost and 2 selfish, drunk, irresponsible people live another day. The shame in it all.

  47. FWIW, I'll chime in with a law enforcement fact: cops LURVE dumbasses like this who put their idiocy on display on the interwebz. Hubby and his cohorts catch people all the time via Facebook. So I feel pretty confident that her confession here is admissible in court. She will, I hope, be repaid royally for her actions.

    1. Love your comments girl! Good on your hubby.

    2. @smash - thanks, girl!

    3. :) no no. Thank you! Thank you for being so welcoming to me.

  48. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Chris -- "typical dumb rural American?" Really? I've known plenty of dumb people who live in cities ... and not just American cities, either.

    Paul, this situation is NOTHING like the Trayvon Martin case. Please educate yourself before commenting on something.

  49. @EmEyeKay: I know, right? It's good to see that at least one person was willing to speak the truth rather than be a syncophant like the rest! The sad/frustrating part is that as long as she refuses to recognize and admit her responsibility for her actions (in this, or anything else), no amount of slaps with the truth or interventions will ever make a difference with her :(

  50. Why the hell was her page public? I do not understand people who put their business out there on FB for the whole world to see. Change your privacy settings, don't accept requests from people you dont actually know, and don't click on links that you don't absolutely recognize. Stupid people are stupid. I hope they use that info to bury her.

    Unfortunately in the US, DUI laws are handled at the state level so they vary from state to state. In California a few years back there was a law proposed to issue special license plates to 3rd time offenders so that everyone would know they were drunks, it was rejected for being too harsh (and also unrealistic, who is going to make sure the plate stays on the car?)

  51. "Typical dumb rural American blaming "the media" for "twisting the facts."

    yeah, sure Chris. But your typical dumb racial baiting is not "twisting the facts". What a sheeple you are. Use your regular name, no need to hide behind "Chris".

  52. I'm guessing she's not smart enough to figure out the privacy settings on Facebook. Too bad we can't jail stupid.

  53. Thanks Em and Smashbash! Good to know!

    @Smashbash - I am allergic to alcohol too, esp beer and wine. Pay backs from my youth I guess. I think I'm also now allergic to COFFEE. So sad :(

    1. I don't know how wine works with me yet. It's such a waste to open a bottle and drink half a glass just to find out if I will throw up or not. Hard alcohol is a big no no for me. Two mojitos a few weeks back made me throw up all night
      :( a couple sips of a beer make my neck hurt and tummy upset. So now I just steer clear and keep to my medical pot hahaha. :)

      But lord almighty! I wouldn't know what to do without a latte every morning. Maybe the acid is what upsets your body? Try a cold toddy maker. It removes a lot of the acid from the coffee and just gives you pure caffeine. But If it's the caffeine that screws with you then I can't really help :)

  54. You guys have some heart for this girl! You never killed someone, you don't know how it feels! Obviously she needed to be on Facebook to check her wall and update her status to cleanse her soul! Beside she disn't hit that woman, the car made her do it! It wouldn't stop! other's also made her drink, it's not like she did on purpose. Can't you guys see she's a good person, who "feels" and feels bad!


  55. Well, I was curious - can't find her on FB now so she must have figured out the privacy settings! What a stupid stupid cow.

  56. Honestly saying shit for circle jerks and shock value is fucking tiresome and the reason SO MANY people left this site. Bravo.

  57. Anonymous12:05 PM

    You can't like a status on facebook and follow it. You have to comment on it.

    And wow...these two really need their heads examined.

  58. kids today terrify me.

  59. The victim was a beloved teacher riding her bike on the side of the road in a upscale suburb of Rochester, NY. This douche and her boyfriend were screwing around when the boyfriend passed her on the right. He hit Heather Boyum, throwing her into the road where his girlfriend Megan, above, ran her over. The scum bag boyfriend caused the teacher to fall into the road. Megan didn't have time to stop. Megan who was guilty of reckless driving and dating a piece of crap and making the bad choice to screw around while driving decides to drive away after RUNNING OVER A HUMAN BEING. How selfish of a person can you be to run away while another person lay dead in the road.
    She argument is that shes being blamed for running the teacher over when she had no choice, her boyfriend caused her to fall in her path however, it was her choice to drive drunk, it was her choice to screw around while driving and it was her choice to date that piece of manure.
    tl;dr, shes trying to deflect the blame but she deserves plenty of it

  60. @Susan B This is a link to what was on her FB page


  61. i don't know if anyone has answered this but i have been told on multiple occasions during the Colorado Springs Waldo Fire and the other forest fires in Colorado, and as well with the Aurora theater shooting that people who are accessing FB on some mobile phones don't have a "share" button so they hit "like" as it will show up in their feed for their friends to see.

    i don't know if this is true, but i'd like to think that is why people are "liking" some of these foul posts.

  62. ok i take it back. she and her friends are f***ing douche bags. except her one friend that says .. they need to be REAL friends and drive her ass to rehab. so she's an alcoholic. idiot.

  63. @Frufra - Yeah, I was wondering if this idiotic/heartless post would be able to make it to court.

  64. I'm a snotty cunt and have a real issue with people who type UR instead of going to the fucking effort of typing YOUR because those two extra letters would FUCKING KILL THEM to expend the effort typing.

    Also, they look like IDIOTS.

    And when I'm reading UR, it always looks like "errr" to me. Guess that's just my hang up. *ahem*


  65. Just read some of the linked articles. Well so much for strict DUI laws, neither of these douches had a valid license when this happened. And the later news reports have the girl staying on scene, but her passenger drove the car around the corner. Maybe trying to stick around to see what happened but not look like she was involved? Who knows. Anyway, what are the odds these 2 have fetal alcohol syndrome? It causes people to have poor judgment for sure, and alcoholism runs in families. You gotta wonder.

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