Friday, July 27, 2012

Four For Friday

Today, I thought I would do a traditional Four For Friday and give you some variety. If you are going to be around this weekend and not glued to your television watching the Olympics, I will be blogging tomorrow and Sunday. Tomorrow I will be revealing one or two blind items from the archives. Feel free to follow me on Twitter. The bird thing is over there -----> I try to talk about things on there that I don't over here and to also give some different blind items.

#1 - This former B list actress who was once touted as the next big thing fell off the wagon. Got back on and got married and had some kids. Now way off the wagon again. Horribly off the wagon. She is taking the whole family down with her.

#2 - This now almost A list television actress on a hit network comedy recently split from her husband. He said that her most annoying habit is that when she has sex she sings. Really softly, but she does sing and does it the entire time. Even if you tell her to be quiet she starts again after a few seconds.

#3 - This A list tween singer who is moving nicely to the top 40 as she becomes an adult recently decided to surprise her celebrity boyfriend backstage at a show. The singer had finished early with her commitments and when she walked into his dressing room, her boyfriend was not there, but a girl wearing nothing but a pair of panties was. The singer stormed out, but as she always does, forgave her boyfriend.

#4 - This former A list television actress from a very hit show with a huge following to this day has mainly struck out since and dropped to a B lister. Anyway, one of her former co-stars who is now just about an A list television actress in her own right says that she refuses to have any part of any discussion of any kind of reunion show with the former A lister because she is one of the meanest, people she has ever met and that life is too short to spend even five seconds with someone like that. Wow.


  1. #2 - that's hilarious.

  2. #4 I think is Megan Mullaly, with Debra Messing as the awful one.

  3. 2. The Zooey
    3. Selena?

  4. #3 is Selena, obvs. #4 is also obvious, Heigl. #2, my guess is Zooey. No idea on #1, but how SAD.

  5. #2 is Fox a network or "almost network"? I can never remember. If it is, then I'll go with Zooey.
    #3 Selena and the Biebs
    #4 Aniston and Courtney Cox?

  6. 1.?
    3. Justin B. and his girl?
    4.Castmembers from Fiends?

  7. Number 2’s hubby needs to get some earplugs.

  8. @Em Cue Em, I don't think in any way does Heigl have a "huge following to this day"...does she?

  9. Does "fell off the wagon" only refer to alcohol?

    If not, I say Jody Sweetin for #1, #3 clearly seems like Selena Gomez, and for #4, I was thinking Friends as well - Jen & Courtenay.

  10. FSP--Your avi is so gross! :)

  11. I think Frufra nailed it with Will and Grace for #4

  12. #4 makes me think of Friends - Lisa Kudrow as the B-lister and Courtney Cox as the mean one.

    1. i could see this more than jen & courtney, for goodness sake jen is coco's godmother. when friends went off the air i don't think jen & court would have stayed friends w/ each other if one of them was the meanest they had ever met

  13. Everyone knows Zooey's most annoying habit is that she is a gluten-intolerant vegan. She can sing to her hearts content as soon as she finishes her sandwich. :)

  14. hmm....I'm gonna say sarah michelle gellar and alyson hannigan for #4, selena and lesbeaver for #3 and that's all I've got

  15. @Jolene Jolene - gimme a kiss

  16. Great guesses.
    I'll second The Zooey and Beibs and Selena.
    I was also thinking Friends for 4 too.

  17. #1 I read as Melanie Griffith, but she's been married several times, and I do think I'd call her A list back in the day. But I still read it as Melanie Griffith.

  18. Great guess Kewi! The girls from Buffy for #4. The descriptions are perfect.

  19. 1. ?
    2. Zooey D.
    3. Selena Gomez

    4. Sounds like a show with a large ensemble that's been off the air for a while if there's talk of a reunion. It's unclear, but it kind of sounds like the "now just about an A list television actress" wasn't A list or close to it at the time of the TV show. A show with a large cast could have had someone at one point who became much bigger later.

  20. Melanie griffith fir #1?

  21. Regarding #4 - Enty said the SHOW has a huge following to this day...not the actress.

  22. Ooh! Love the Buffy guess for #4!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. All I got is a definite Zooey. Hysterical.

    For #4, aren't the people from Friends supposed to be nice? If it is from there then Lisa Kudrow is one of them. Her new show is great - Meryl Streeps been on it playing a sort of Paris Hilton type socialite. Rosanne Barr plays a former nun!

    No idea on 1. 3 is probably Bieber land.

  25. I think #4 is Buffy.

  26. 1. Amanda Peet? Don't know if she was boozing it, but she was everywhere and now after kids...nothing.

    2. Yeah, I can see Zooey for this.

    3. Selena

    4. Yeah, I like the Megan/Debra Messing guess, but to be different, I'll through out there - Lisa Kudrow/Courtney Cox?

  27. @Jolene Jolene: I think Enty was saying that the show has a huge following, not the actress, though I could be wrong. I also think that when he says the show has a huge following to this day, it is in reference to his earlier post about Grey's Anatomy and the fact that it still has great ratings even though it's not a water cooler show anymore. I figured the almost A-list television actress they're referring to is probably either Ellen Pompeo or Sandra Oh. Meh. I could be wrong.

  28. 1.
    2. Zoeey
    3. Selena and Leave-it-to-Beiber
    4. I got a Debra Messing and Megan Mullaly vibe here

    I keep thinking someone like Marcia from Desperate Housewives, or something...don't know why

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I think the Friends guesses are wrong, because every single one of the cast is considered, by default, A-list television because of their salaries on Friends.

  31. Could number 1 be Rebecca Gayhart? Especially in light of the comments made about Eric Dane?

  32. #4 - Shannen Doherty and Jennie Garth?

  33. Anonymous10:35 AM

    4 Sarah michelle gellar and alyson hannigan... Maybe??

  34. 1 almost said Demi Moore, nut I'm still on the fence..
    2 The Zooey
    3 Selena Gomez
    4 Allison Hannigan with SMG being the uber c u next Tuesday

  35. RE #4: What if the big bad is Charisma, and not SMG?

  36. 4. Kudrow and Cox but could be Mulaney and Coke Mom

    I don't think SMG is TV A list with her show being cancelled and terrible.

  37. @Honeykatt - I thought Demi Moore for #1, too, but I was also on the fence. The way it was worded kind of throws a wrench in it being her, but I'm still not counting her out.

  38. #3 must be Demi Lovato. Selena isn't a singer.

  39. @Jeneral, Selena had that song, "Love You Like a Love Song" and she's had others with her band.

    Selena Gomez and the Scene? Is that the right name?

  40. Oh, shit. Just re-read and realized he referred to a reunion show. Well, that counts out my Grey's Anatomy guess. I'm totally on the Gellar/Hannigan bandwagon.

  41. I like the #4 gues of SMG and AH with Buffy being the show with the following and AH being A list because of HIMYM.

  42. @Meg - I don't think Charisma Carpenter was ever considered A-list. B-list at most, but probably more like C-list. She was always a supporting player or guest on every show she's appeared on, not to mention that most Americans have no idea who you're talking about when you say her name. I really think the Buffy guess was spot-on, but it's definitely Gellar and Hannigan.

  43. On #4, would Megan Mullaly be considered a current A-list actress?

    1. It'd be the other way around. Shed be the one that dropped to B, and Debra would be A in her own right.

    2. i consider megan A list but that's b/c i loveeeee karen walker and i met her & got a picture with her when she did young frankenstein on broadway she was sweet, roger bart however was not he was dr frankenstein in the effing play therefore the lead and he didn't even come out to greet fans, went out another side exit...what kind of lead does that?

  44. @jeneral Selena Gomez is a singer

  45. #2 If not Zooey, Sofia Vergara? She had a separation recently, and I can picture her singing to distraction.

    #4 Not Gray's Anatomy, because there is no need for a reunion show for a show that's still on the air. I don't think it's "Friends" because all the ladies are doing quite well in their careers at present.

  46. @Sunny, Rebecca Gayheart is a great guess for #1.

    Another guess -- one I'm quite sure is wrong by the way -- is Jessica Alba for #1. I don't think ever had substance abuse problems, though.

  47. I also think 1 could be Demi, I think it is, he just didn't want to make it blatantly obvious. Def zooey for 2, Selena for 3 and I do like the will and grace guess.

  48. @Jeneral
    Selena isn't a singer? Are you sure about that? You might want to let her band know...

  49. Agree with Buffy for #4 due to this wording "is now just about an A list television actress in her own right"

    This seems to be saying that she wasn't A list until now, so has moved up since that show.

    Allyson probably has moved up due to How I met your mother

  50. 1. Oh yes, Gayheart is a great guess! Good job!

    4. Mullany as B list and Coke Mom as A list (isn't she on Smash?) Mullany is much more talented though.

  51. 1. Rebecca Gayheart or Heather Locklear

    2. Zooey. Sofia Vergara isn't a bad guess, but I think she'd be more likely to use that exaggerated accent rather than sing.

    3. Selena and Biebs, don't think there's any other fit.

    4. The Buffy Crew sounds good to me. Still has a cult following, and SMG has failed in everything since then. Except for the domination of Freddie Prinze Jr.

  52. Do people really watch the Olympics? I get restless and bored after three or four minutes. It's like watching soccer for me.

  53. 4--Immediately thought of SMG and Allyson Hannigan

  54. Learned something new (although totally useless) today. ;-)

  55. #2 - Zooey just divorced a singer. Do we really think he'd mind, or bitch about it?

  56. Wow, Buffy didn't even register with me when I read the blind, but as soon as I read that guess a lightbulb went off. It's gotta be Aly and SMG. Firefly just had a reunion of sorts at SDCC, so I can see people wondering if Joss' other baby would have a reunion.

  57. @Cake - Gellar is the former A-list and Hannigan is the almost A-list

  58. Selena is totally a singer, and Demi only wears huge formal shorts lately, so ...

  59. #1 Nicole Ritchie, not really an actress though.

  60. Yes, I change it to SMG and AH. They never hung out and I remember some cryptic messages AH said in an interview. Also, SMG has a diva rep. Remember her rift with LaLuce?

  61. #4 screams Hannigan and Gellar to me. Buffy's still got a cult following, and the two of them have publically acknowledged they don't speak. SMG once vaguely implied it was because AH had a raging coke problem, and AH hit back guns blasting, so I have no problem believing AH thinks SMG is the biggest a-hole out there. Rebecca Gayheart seems like a good enough guess for #1, and I'm pretty sure #3 is Selena and Biebs. Yawn. I got nothing on #2.

  62. Rebecca Gayheart has never been touted as "the next big thing."

  63. I agree with the people of the willow and Buffy train. After everything I hear about Michelle Trachtenberg, I also heard that she learned it all from SMG.

  64. What I am curious about is what did she sing ? Show tunes , movie theme songs (jaws) (titanic) etc, did the songs go along with the bed action or was it just random songs ?
    Ugh , I want to know !

  65. I don't think #1 is Demi Moore because one could easily consider her A-list or former A-list, at least as far as sex appeal and name recognition. Remember how she was kind of the Angelina Jolie of the moment back around the GI Jane/Striptease period? I don't think you could describe her as "former B-list actress who was once touted as the next big thing."

  66. @topper Madison
    Clearly you were not a Noxema girl ;)

  67. I never manage to guess any of them, but today I'm amazed none of you got #1, while I did.

    It's obviously Gretchen Moll who was touted as the Next Big Thing with a Vanity Fair cover & huge stories about her everywhere.

  68. I just now realized that Rebecca Gayheart and Rebecca de Mornay are two separate people.

    Rebecca de Mornay probably had a better chance of being the Next Big Thing, after Risky Business.

  69. I think everyone pretty much nailed it with Zooey, Selena, and Buffy but Topper is right. Rebecca was never touted as the next best thing. although I guess she could bring her whole family, meaning Eric,down.

  70. #1 - Nicole Ritchie?

  71. #1 - Nicole Ritchie?

  72. 1. Gretchen Mol WAS touted as the next big thing, good call. Also on w/ the Rebecca Gayheart guess.
    2. Zooey could work.
    3. I'm down w/ Selena
    4. Never watched Buffy but y'all seem pretty sure. I was going to guess Dawson's Creek actually w/ Katie as the bitch but that seems super far-fetched (Michelle Williams as A-Lister)

  73. Meh, scratch my Dawson's guess - doesn't seem very likely.

  74. I have no clue who #2 is, but I find it really sweet! If that is all ex-hubby could find to complain about, he was lucky.

  75. Wow, I can think of LOTS worse things to put up with than ZD singing during sex.

    I think some people are just spoiled.

  76. Totally agree with #4 being Buffy's SMG & Hannigan. They were buddy buddy to about the end of Season 2 and then something went down between them. There were always reports that SMG is a huge bitch. But,SMG did make a kickass vampire slayer and Buffy the show still gets my love (until season 6 & 7 which were mostly terrible).

  77. @ Heather - thanks for the brain video!! Having a blast imagining these. Titanic?! lmao.

  78. 2 is so painfully Zooey it's not even really a blind.

    3 is pretty much equally painfully Selena and the Biebs.

  79. #3 Has to be Selena and that LOGOFFAG Bf of her Justin Beiber.

    Look Girl what did you expect? He is a hot male teen popstar who girls will throw themselves at.

    This is probably why despite Simon's encouraging, Demi has stayed away from Niall, even if she has a crush about him. Although it seems to have cooled down lately. I think her video interview of her saying she needs to stay single for her recovery, probably KIA's any plans Simon had.

    She learned her lesson with Joe Jonas. There are already rumors coming out about the active lives of One Direction.

    Selena needs to just give in and have womanly love with Demi, after Demi goes back to her natural hair color.

  80. Clark St.! I think you nailed it! I was reading the comments saying, no, no, it's gotta be Gretchen Mol.(sp?) Yes, it was about 15 years ago, but she was EVERWHERE -- a starring role opposite Matt Damon, and on the cover of Vanity Fair, I believe, they even said something about her being the new It Girl. And *poof* -- she disappeared. Makes total sense to me.

  81. Was Buffy The Vampire Slayer ever a hit show? I will love it to my dying day, but I recall it was always in danger of cancellation due to poor ratings.

  82. 1. Jessica Alba
    2. Julie Bowen - is she separated? The Zooey guess is good, too.
    3. Obviously Selena Gomez
    4. Sarah Michelle Gellar

  83. But Gretchen Mol is on Boardwalk Empire. I'm liking the Noxema Girl guess for #1.

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  85. Maybe I'm wrong but I feel like Jessica Alba has her shit together. She seems, at least is portrayed, as really enjoying motherhood and being a Mom. Maybe someone else has inside information that is different.

  86. Regarding #2, clearly Selena never read any of the gossip about the Biebs having legions of willing teenaged girls around his place for partying, and for him to try out sexually.

    As for #4, I'm a Buffy fan, but I have a feeling that shoe fits here. I thought SMG did fine in Buffy, but she's failed miserably at everything she's tried since, mainly because she seems capable of playing only herself. And I always did think there was more than a hint of the diva about her.

  87. Along with Noxema, she was in some teen movies---Jawbreaker anyone?

    I remember her being in Seventeen and the now defunct YM (that was my go to back in the day! Haha).

    I think you guys got it with Rebecca Gayheart for #1.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Here's my #1 reason that it's Gretchen Mol & not Rebecca Gayheart.
    Enty would have written that the person mentioned had major legal problems in the past, he always puts stuff like that in the blinds. Gayheart hit & killed someone with her car.

  90. #2 sounds like Kaley Cuoco and I bet she sings "Warm kitty, soft kitty.."

  91. 1. Mol

    2. Zooey

    3. Selena and Bieber

    4. SMG and Hannigan

    It's not the Friends girls. As this refers to both as TV actresses, it would be Kudrow and Cox. Kudrow guested on Cougar Town ... as a mean doctor.

  92. 1. Melanie Griffin
    2. The Zoe or that trick on 30 Rock who does all the Orange Juice commercials
    3. Selena Gomez...grow up girl. No one is going to take you seriously till you drop him
    4. I'm going with Holly Marie Combs or anyone else who has had the misfortune to work with Shannon D

  93. Put me down in agreement for Buffy and Willow not getting along for #4.

    I remember back in the day thinking it was odd that SMG didn't invite anyone from the Buffy cast to her wedding to Freddie Prinze, Jr.

    And then there was Alyson Hannigan not inviting SMG to her own wedding to a fellow Buffy castmember (Alexis Denisof / "Wesley Wyndam-Price").

  94. 3. Selena
    4. SMG and Alyson Hannigan

  95. Re #4 being SMG, I am pretty sure I heard that she was really difficult to deal with on All My Children and that Susan Lucci hated her. Now I have no idea what Lucci is like nor do I know what the problem was between those 2, but the fingers were definitley pointing at SMG.

  96. I would like to change my #4 to Kaley Cuoco (sp?) and Rose McGowen. I could swear I heard rumors about a Charmed Reunion

  97. #2 is one of the most famous scenes in comedy: "Oh, sweet mystery of life, at last I've found you!"

    Bonus points to whoever IDs it.

    #4 -Like everyone else, I'm on the Buffy train. SMG is infamous for her 'tude, and the last few seasons of Buffy, even Whedon, the consummate diplomat when it comes to talking about his shows, acknowledged there were problems on set between the cast.

  98. @Squeezbox - That would be Young Frankenstein with the fabulous Madeline Kahn stealing the movie

  99. I wonder if Zooey was singing Death Cab For Cutie songs. Reminds me of the old SNL skit where someone would get on an elevator with Sting & start singing Roxanne to him.

  100. #1 totally tells me is Kate Hudson. Which is sad.
    2. Zooey
    3. Selena, but I dont buy that the Biebs even knows what sex means.
    4. Agreed on Will and Grace former castmates.

  101. I don't think #1 on the blind is Gretchen Mol, whether or not she fits. Gretchen Mol has a whole persona on this site (maybe) (if it's her) (allegedly) as "the Director's Wife" and I don't think there would be a random blind about her without referencing how much "she's been in this space before."

  102. #4 makes me think of Alyison Hannigan as the A List actress on a hit show (HIMYM) and SMG as the bitch from former show (Buffy).

    #3 i thought initially as Miley and Liam but then i realized Liam really doesn't seem like someone who would have such a sexually forward/groupie type of fanbase so it's probably Bieber and Gomez

  103. totally thought buffy and willow for #4. you never see them together anymore. And Buffy will always have a huge following.

  104. I am amusing myself trying to decide what the Worst Song Possible is for those circumstances. There are annoying songs to sing ("I think we're alone now," "Whoomp, there it is," "My Humps") and horrible songs to sing ("I can't feel you anymore," "This is the Sound of Settling," "Is that all there is?").

  105. nothing wrong with being a gluten intolerant vegan. I am one myself. We didnt choose to be intolerant to gluten. I love me some Zooey. I would let her sing in bed ;)

  106. This comment has been removed by the author.

  107. 1) I'm stuck on "she's taking the whole family down with her". Why would we care about Gayheart's or Mol's families? (I mean, other than the humanity thing, of course.) It seems to me it should be someone with at least recognizable family members. I thought it was Demi at first, but she actually *was* a big thing for a while, not just touted. Same with Mel.

    2) If this is Zooey, as everyone seems to think it is, and that is really her MOST annoying habit, then her husband is an a-hole.

    3) Who else could it possibly be? Boy, I'd hate to have gone through my teenage make-up-and-break-up stuff with the whole world watching. How humiliating. Goes for Robsten, too.

    4) I was reading on Go Fug Yourself, who were pretty mean about SMG's wardrobe on that twin show, how SMG wrote them a nice note personally, saying the wardrobe would get better and generally seeming a good sport about it. I also heard the rumors about how LaLucci and SMG didn't get along, which Lucci later denied. I want to think that SMG is just a cool-ish personality (like me) and not a Trachtenberg-like entitlement monster, but they *were* all teens when that show was on and I suppose some angst was inevitable. I hope that this is Megan Mullally and Debra Messing (who really could be obnoxious) -- but it just doesn't fit as well, does it?

  108. Is Meagan Mulally on something currently that would put her back in the A stratosphere because DM on Smash is definitely more in the public eye than she is.

    And the only reason Gray's Anatomy jumped into my mind was the talk of Katherine Heigl being interested in coming back onto the show to reprise her character, though I don't know if Enty would technically consider that a reunion in the traditional TV sense.

  109. 1. Mol
    2. Zooey
    3. Zane Malik and Louis Tomlinson
    4. 90210...J Garth has a new reality show

  110. 1. Mol
    2. Zooey
    3. Zane Malik and Louis Tomlinson
    4. 90210...J Garth has a new reality show

  111. Selena Gomez might be a singer, but as far as I'm aware, she's basically put her singing career on hold while she's been acting and hasn't had any shows recently.

    Because of that, I doubt it's her. I also don't think she's A List. However, she and the Biebs were the first to come to mind when reading that blind.

  112. 4. What about Cybill Shepherd for the A-list and Christine Baranski from Good Wife for the B now A-list?

  113. @Jo, that would be so good except I'm not sure "Cybill" still has a huge following or that anyone would be clamoring for a reunion. :)

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. I'm always late to the game, never get to read this until late in the evening:

    #1 So Sad...popular guess is R. Geyheart...could this be why hubby, Eric Dane is leaving Grey's anatomy?

    #2 The Zooey was first one that came to mind (too funny!) Loved her in Elf & Failure to Launch

    #3 Miley & Liam first I thought of

    #4 Kewi got it...SMG & Alyson Hannigan. Sad, loved BTVS...still airs on Chiller. Glad Alyson has had a successful career!

  116. 1. Noxema Girl

    2. Zooey

    3. MIley Cyrus and that big dude..didnt they break up and get back together??

    4. Jennie Garth Shannon Doherty..90210 orig..

  117. i am new to this website so i was wondering if enty reveals the celebrities?

  118. i am new to this website so i was wondering if enty reveals the celebrities?

  119. i am new to this website so i was wondering if enty reveals the celebrities?

  120. i am new to this website so i was wondering if enty reveals the celebrities?

  121. Was Rebecca Gayheart ever touted as "the next big thing?" I don't think her acting ever rose above a "C" anyway.

    Number one is too hard, need more hints!

  122. #4- Courtney Cox and Lisa Kudrow

  123. @Think for Free - July 4th and New Year's Day are the big reveal days with a bajillion reveals, but he also does one from the archives each Saturday.

    BUT! Not every one is revealed...

  124. Anonymous5:10 PM

    #2 - Zooey lol

    #3 - Definitely Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber.

    #4 - I actually thought about Desperate Housewives. I thought of any of the girls and Teri Hatcher as the mean one.
