Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hope Solo Was Conceived In Jail

The US Women's soccer goalie, Hope Solo has a new biography coming out the week after the Olympics. Huh. How about that for timing. Anyway, in the biography she says that she was conceived in jail. Her mom visited her dad in prison where he was serving time for fraud and they had a little conjugal visit and the next thing you know, Hope was born. Hope spends a lot of time in the book talking about her dad and how he would steal the Girl Scout cookie money or the time he kidnapped Hope and her brother when she was 7. Her dad was caught and arrested for that. It amazes me when I read these types of stories to see how much you can achieve in life even when you start from nothing or have an awful childhood. How is that one person thrown into this situation becomes a world class athlete and another grows up and has a life of crime. What is it about people that makes them so different? Do you think in the biography she admits to having sex with Vince Vaughn? Was he married in 2008? That would be awkward then wouldn't it. Shhhh. Keep it to yourself.


  1. Is that another blind hint?

  2. Married in 2010 - she's safe. :P

  3. I always thought she was a he.

  4. She was a little bitch on DWTS.

  5. So was her dad in prison on Tatooine or in the Cloud City?

  6. So after-school programs such as sports really can turn people from a life of crime?

  7. bahahaha, Vicki. Awesome!

  8. Yep, total bitch on DWTS.
    Thanks for the scoop Enty!

  9. the difference is money. if you have an awful childhood but are still affluent enough (through her mother, i guess) to be in girl scouts and play organized sports, you'll have a better chance of making it and not living a life of crime.

    if the same things happened to a kid who was not well-off, it wouldn't be the same story.

    1. I parents were both alcoholics, my mom abandoned me when I was a tweend and I was raised by my grandparents. My dad was in the military and he made a choice not to be in my life. We were not by any stretch wealthy, but I decided early on that I would not let my life be determined by my crappy parents...plenty of people with money make crappy decisions too - see Paris Hilton :)

  10. @Leianne, you don't have to be affluent to be in girl scouts, or even to play organized sports. I don't understand what you're saying.

  11. Affulence doesn't = organized sports. I grew up with a single mom on welfare in low income housing, and due to program that subsidized the cost of organized sports, my brother and I played basketball, soccer, and girl guides (myself, not my brother :P)
    I also turned out A-okay too - not a Olympian, but you know ;)

  12. We were dirt poor, but my sister and I were in Girl Scouts. We were only allowed to play softball in the summer, though.

  13. Seachica, girl scouts/organized sports require money for uniforms, equipment, field trips, transportation, etc. don't you think low-income families are less likely to prioritize those things in their budgets? xoApril was able to do those things yes, but with the help of a subsidization program.

  14. I thought she was a bitch too, but others didn't read her that way. I'm glad there are some other smart people on this board. :)

  15. Yet people born with a silver spoon in their mouths (are you listening Paris) accomplish nothing in their lives.

  16. The difference is a strong adult role model somewhere along the line, whether it's a parent, relative, mentor, teacher, coach, etc. And being involved in something like sports or music or the like where you have regular practice and work towards goals and see the payoff. I see this all the time with the kids I work with. The ones who have great role models eventually do well, even if they come from terrible backgrounds.

  17. Of course being the daughter of a rebel princess and a devilishly handsome smuggler doesn't hurt.

  18. You don't have to be affluent to be in Girl Scouts. I low income due to being unable to work due to medical issues when my children were younger and my daughter was in Girl Scouts for many years.

  19. I disagree xoApril - there were sports programs in our area but you had to have money to get involved. There were no programs for low income. I think it depends on the area your in as to rather or not there are free or subsidized sports programs for children to participate in.

  20. Whether you are born rich or poor some people have more drive. Its about the personality.

    She looks great in this picture:-) She was saying on DWTS that she felt pressure to be more feminine. They complained about her being to muscular etc.

  21. I didn't think she was that bad on DWTS, I thought she seemed SUPER uncomfortable --I am not sure where it came from--whether it was with the dancing or her partner or the whole thing--she did ok dancing--not the best but she is not a performer--her athletic ability was ok but in the end I thought she was a little glad to be eliminated.

    I saw her on Dr Phil talking about the book--she had a hard childhood.

  22. I get what enty is trying to say. People decide to make priorities for themselves at some point though. She knew at a young age soccer was her thing. So she made that her priority #1 in her life.

  23. In regards to income, it depends on the sport. One with little to no equipment is cheaper than one that requires gear. Hockey equipment can be very expensive, especially when you have to buy new (new for you, not brand new from the store) equipment every year or so because kids grow. Or sports that require lessons, like figure skating or gymnastics, can be very expensive. You don't see a lot of professional skiiers or golfers who talk about growing up in the projects.

    Then there's equestrian....

    The commercial with the little boy trying to get a job so he can play hockey gets me every time (it's Canadian Tire, I think??).

  24. I feel like I have to type "I love you, Vicki." every day. But i do. I really, really do.

  25. Vicki...girl you are on a roll today! Thanks for the laughs:)

  26. I've spent some time around women's soccer, have met Hope and know people who know her better. She's okay. She was uncomfortable on DWTS because she's an muscular athlete, not a girly girl. She's insanely competitive so didn't want to lose DWTS but she was definitely out of her element. Hope's a no-bullshit kind of gal, but she's not bitchy.

    She didn't grow up with money. Working mom, grandma, brother. Her father was later mentally ill and homeless. She went to UW on scholarship. Sometimes adversity and sports really do combine to give young people a healthy focus.

  27. I love her (watched her make two awesome saves last night against France)....and she proves, life it what you make it.

  28. It depends on whether you have a normal brain capable of sufficient analytical thinking to connect the dots. With that you can overcome insurmountable odds.

  29. I got my uniform from goodwill. They must have helped me cuz I'm sure my Mom didn't find it. She did get mad when I volunteered to bring treats to often.

  30. i know what enty means, how come this woman is doing well, and others in similar situations end up following dads path.

    i think a certain part is just your personaity, and the fact that you aren't beaten down. if you are sexually assauted, told you are worthless, beaten and treated like human trash; different from being ignorned. from what i read, having just one person really believe in you and love you makes up for a lot. hope so, since my ex tries to tear down one of my kids every chance he gets.

  31. none of you made that happen. You didn't build that. Thank the government / couldn't resist.

  32. and you are all forgetting that ppl with rich folks get to HIDE their perversions, deviate behaviors, illegal behaviors, etc. UNLESS it gets so extreme that even $$$ & connections can't make it go away.

    So basically, stop fooling yourselves.

  33. I agree that there's a different mindset in those that succeed.

  34. Vince Vaughn is this big, fluffy, teddy bear. She looks like a lean, mean, ass-kicking machine.

    I can't imagine that sex between the two of them would not end up with him being injured, badly.

    Sorry. Too much lawyering for the day makes Holiday use too many negatives.

  35. HAHAHAH, so much for her "Olympic secret." Too bad Vince Vaughn hasn't been hot since the 90s.
