Tuesday, July 24, 2012

James Holmes Was Rejected on Adult Friend Finder - Appears In Court

Colorado gunman, James Holmes was apparently rejected by three different women on Adult Friend Finder shortly before he went on his killing spree. I have seen people speculate that if he had hooked up with someone that he might not have done what he had done. He had been planning this thing for months and I don't think anything was going to stop him from carrying it out. When you put in your ad that you want someone to visit you in jail, I think that shows where he knew he was going to be. It is so strange that he surrendered. Usually that doesn't happen. I'm not sure if this happened in Los Angeles that they would have let him surrender. There were a lot of victim's family members at his first court appearance yesterday. I don't know if they have him on drugs or what, but he looked dazed and sleepy. And demonic.


  1. They had him so doped up, I'm surprised he wasn't drooling. Does anyone seriously know why they were allowed to do that? He's supposed to be there to understand what the judge says to him and hear the charges against him. Is this so the defense can say he's not "competent" enough to stand trial and further delay the process so they can have more time? I'm seriously not understanding how they allowed to do this.

  2. classicjimbo turned down? No way! Here's an interesting read I've seen floating around on Facebook - http://www.naturalnews.com/036536_James_Holmes_shooting_false_flag.html

    1. I read that yesterday.... Sheesh!

    2. I am happy your posted this. Good on you!

  3. His hair looks like it's on fire.


  4. I'm not sure if he was doped up on anything, who knows it could be possible....but I feel that he was acting like that on purpose. It might be hard to try and go for the insanity plea with all the facts pointing to a calculated act on his part, however, the defense more than likely will try and go for this plea and with him looking all doped out yesterday in court, and with all the people viewing footage of him looking so....I'm thinking anything is possible now. I just pray for all the victims and their families.

  5. The hair is really odd to me. Why would he do that when he knew what he was planning? Something to make him stand out and be more memorable?

  6. I heard that when they were taking him to his cell that the inmates threaten to do some bad things to him, called him "baby killer", and that they wanted to kill him. He may not have gotten anyh sleep. Also I think he just realized what he has done and the consequences (?) of what he has done. Jail ain't what he thought it would be.

    1. that's what i was thinking when i was watching his court appearance yesterday i felt like it was more of a "wow i'm in prison, i'll die in prison whether it's death penatly or life sentence" it felt like watching him i was thinking the consequences of his actions are finally starting to sink in for him and he's in solitary. to me he just looked exhausted. i know a lot of people are saying he was faking his dazed look for a later insanity defense but idk can you really fake looking dazed?

  7. He looks like Side Show Bob

  8. I read that he took a Vicodin about an hour before he began his rampage, and don't think he anticipated such a quick 911 response. It only took them 90 seconds to get there and surround him.

    He did look kind of dopey in court, but could have just been exhausted because he can't sleep. What he's done has got to be registering with him on some level even if he's been out of his mind lately.

  9. A few years ago (not sure how many), a man in Eastern Canada filled his car full of weapons and drove to Toronto where he intended to go on a killing spree. He was sitting on a park bench planning his spree when a dog ran up to him and wanted to be pet. Something triggered in the man and he realized the world wasn't that bad a place and he turned himself in to the police.

    You never know what can make someone change their mind. I'm not saying he would have, I'm just recounting a story.

  10. To add, I'm so glad he didn't kill himself. Those bastards always kill themselves and never face the consequences of their actions.

  11. FSP - Interesting read! FBI staging the "massacre" so the UN could come in and confiscate all our guns??

    I don't believe it, but it's interesting to see how a conspiracy theory is created!

  12. He may have asked to be medicated, though he needs to be compos mentos enough to understand the proceedings and aid in his own defense.

    I doubt he's been anywhere near the general population of the jail he's in. Cases like this, they put the perp in ad. seg. and surround him with guards.

  13. @anita I almost wish he had, frankly. He's probably going to get life without parole and be placed in a high security area for his safety. And the kicker for me is he is probably going to get more female attention now then he ever did before. Hell, he could take the Gacy route and start doing Disney paintings for money.

  14. What I am grasping to understand is how someone that intelligent, by all accounts a genius level IQ, from that normal of a background, who was functioning fairly well prior to a month or so ago when he dropped out of his PhD program, could suddenly have a psychotic break to this degree. Buying the guns, boobytrapping the apartment in such an elaborate way, basically believing that he was a comic book villain. How do you go from a relatively normal kid to the Joker overnight? And why, with his extreme intelligence, would the thought: "Hmm, I'm going to get the death penalty for this" not even float through his mind, especially since he clearly didn't have a death wish (all the body armor he wore)?

    I can't imagine the horror his parents must be feeling right now to know that their son caused all of this tragedy.

    1. what i want to know is how he got out of his booby trapped apartment b/c the bomb squad couldn't enter through the door b/c it would've set off some type of bomb

  15. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he was faking it or exaggerating it. He thinks he's The Joker. In his fucked up mind, he's still in control.

  16. If he was medicated it's probably because he's violent. I heard he was spitting at the police officers and acting out.

  17. Thank you Enty for using the word demonic:)

  18. @dhphob - I kind of agree with you. We're going to be spending a lot of money on this POS for the next 40-50 years. And we'll probably never know why he did it. Seems like a lot of these type people also choose suicide by cop. If he had killed a family member of mine, I might have preferred that.

  19. I'd like to think that maybe he's realizing what a horrible thing he's done, but that is probably not true.

    It has to be hard for the victims and their loved ones to watch this guy try and keep his eyes open after shattering their lives. I hope they can all eventually find some peace, but the truth is, he's caused immeasurable pain with his actions.

  20. @SueRH that's what I was thinking, too. I think if he hadn't been medicated he would have been saying all kinds of crazy shit in court and trying to get up. Also, just imagine if someone would have opened his apt door before the attacks, and then imagine if his rifle hadn't jammed. Not only would the police have been late because they were at the scene of the explosion, he would have killed many more people. Especially with more time. I think he wanted to try and kill everyone in that theater.

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  22. You can ask for alot of things in jail but unless you have doctors orders you AIN'T getting it!!

    They are not giving out sleeping pills, pain pills, anxiety pills because inmates are stressed out...rothflmao He's either faking, didn't get sleep or the voices told him to do it.

  23. The only option the defense has is an insanity plea and the jury won't buy it. What are they going to say, ah , gee 'not guilty' because there's no evidence? If this thing has a shred of decency left he would just go before the judge (no jury) admit guilt and throw himself on the mercy of the court. The result would be life in prison or death penalty.I do not want to see his face on court TV.

  24. I'm not buying it, I think either he's pretending so he'll get an insanity plea, or its just settling it what he did. I think he should be in general population, maybe after the trial. He deserves to live in fear everyday for the rest of his life.

  25. I just assumed he wanted his hair to match his prison jumpsuit...

  26. Joker? more like Mr. Heat Miser

    and I think he is just faking it too to try and get an insanity plea going and live out his life in a kush Colorado hospital.

    He isn't insane he knew exactly what he was doing and enjoyed every moment of it. Of course he didn't kill himself how else could he enjoy the fame and media circus around him now.

  27. He’s destroyed so many lives that I want him to stay alive so that he has to live in his own version of Hell. He will know what he’s done and I hope it will eat him up. It’s what he deserves. For that to happen, the person has to have a concience. I am glad that Mark Chapman is still losing out with the parole board. There’s a special kind of Hell for him too.

  28. I watched the court video twice. No one is that good of an actor.. his head was SLIGHTLY bobbing back and forth and he was fighting to keep his eyes open. I don't want it to seem like I'm concerned about his rights or anything I'm simply wondering how/ why they were able to drug him that way. If he's been violent then I can understand drugging him but to THAT extent?? He's supposed to be coherent in court I would think. I can't believe the judge didn't even say anything about it.
    This also strikes me as odd, anyone know why he listed himself on both social media websites as shorter than he really is? He listed himself as 5'11/6'0 and the FBI lists him as 6'3.

  29. Anonymous9:35 AM

    He's faking the faces. I have done the same exact thing when I'm faking that I'm sleeping and my parents 'wake me up'.

    Only an idiot would say 'not guilty'.

  30. @timebob "Joker? more like Mr. Heat Miser"

    BWAHAHAHAHA!!! He's too much!

  31. The extreme level of premeditation he employed pretty much rules out any insanity defense. His counsel will try that--it's his only option--but it won't fly.

    Remember, Colorado is home to ADX Florence, the "Alcatraz of the Rockies." I'm sure they'll find some pretext for transferring him there after conviction.

  32. He was faking the weird faces and what not. This is all probably part of his plan. The fact that people like this live in the world leaves me in absolute disbelief.

    I would like to see more stories about the victims. I'm done looking at this clown haired piece of shit.

  33. I think he is schizophrenic and his lines of reality are so blurred that he doesn't quite know what is going on. I don't think that schizophrenia is ruled out just because of the premeditation. It is truly sad.

  34. He is a poster child for schizophrenia/paranoia which has attending sleep disorders. I counsel people whose children have schizophrenia and 99% of them say their kids sleep a LOT--far more than others do.

    I'm not excusing what he did or his behavior in the courtroom. I do think he's exhausted and not faking it. I feel so sorry for the victim's families having to watch him in court.

  35. @Ms Cool --You and I obviously agree!

  36. @jennifer, he had a timer to set off the music which was tied into activating the devices. So he could leave, and at midnight when the music started blaring, whomever went into the apt (the door was unlocked) would have set off the explosions simply by going in. Truly frigging evil. It was meant for the police to respond and get blown up (along with the building).

  37. I'm on board too. Unmedicated schizophrenia / paranoia is bad news. Untreated mental illness will be the bane of this country.

    It does not excuse what he did. But maybe we need to direct some of the anger for this horrible crime elsewhere.

  38. blech. he reminds me of my ex husband.

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  40. @Ms Cool, @L'auteur, @dia papaya - agreed. His age, his gender, the abrupt change in behavior all consistent with the onset of severe schizophrenia. Happened to a buddy of mine from grad school around the same time; a friend's daughter, too, just diagnosed at age 20. If he's crazed, hearing voices or just super manic, they may have medicated him just to keep him from harming himself or others. Or it may just be the schizophrenia itself making him act that way. I see a "by reason of insanity" defense coming up...but all that pre-meditation...hard to defend that. As for the conspiracy theory - sorry. Don't buy it for a second. I'm sure the money trail will lead back to maxed out credit cards, missed student loan moneys, etc.

  41. He's a psychopath .

  42. I'd like to see all media outlets and blogs stop showing his picture, and giving him the 'fame' he desires. I'd love to see more on the victims --- though I think it could be hard (ontop of what is already a brutal situation) on the families to see pictures of their loved ones with that constant reminder, so that might not be the best idea either.

  43. If he is a schizophrenic, which seems obvious, I have two questions. Do you think he belongs in a regular prison for regular offenders? Or get the death penalty? Aren't there prisons for the "criminally insane" that could get him the help he needs in addition to keeping him locked up for life?

    Another issue: I have friends whose daughter developed schizophrenia at age 19. They did everything they could to help her but she refused to take her meds. They even went to court to have her declared mentally incompetent so they could make decisions for her. It was denied. As a result, she's living on the streets, homeless, she's been arrested multiple times. We need better ways of dealing with mental illness in this country.

  44. I agree with all y'all about the schizophrenia business. I have dealt with this in a family member, and agree that being completely manic/out of your mind doesn't mean you can't plan/premeditate/appear to be functioning normally.

    Lots of these folks - mine included- are quite bright and able to conceal their mental problems, until stress/illness/ some breaking point makes the dam burst.

    We had to request the two psych evals that lead to involuntary commitments. And this was with medical personnel all around dealing with other issues. She was able to maintain her composure for periods of time while interacting with them - act normally, in other words.

    And L'auteur, didn't know that about excess sleeping, it that fits perfectly in our case, too.

  45. He looks like a demonic Muppet.

  46. Yup, WW. Law enforcement is now the gatekeeper for our mental health care system. It's a real tragedy, but is now the only option for helping someone who refuses to help themselves. And it's tough, really impossible to make the help stick if the patient refuses. And denial of mental illness is of course one of the hallmarks of mental illness. Not a well thought-out solution.

  47. I was watching show with pycharists and the like, and they positited he had to medicated to understand fthe sharges.. Obviously he is mentally ill, prob schizo. Got a whole fantasy in his head, and acted it out. What looks like to us premeditated planning is him, in his mind, acting out a rational plan. he is sick, obviously cant mix with us reg humans. I dont know what the answer is, I only know he killed alotta good people due to his delusion. i really feel for each and every victim.

  48. ABC is reporting that he was NOT medicated. They have expertly concluded that he is either faking or not faking. One theory is that he was manic and up for days before the shooting.

  49. And, wouldn't it make some sense if a gun dealer said: "Say, nerdy loner who gives off a creepy vibe, what do you want an assault rifle for?"

  50. Looks like he's coming down, rather than doped up. The popular theory now is that he was hand selected by someone else to fuel election issues.

  51. I think he's faking. And I've been obsessed with this story because I actually grew up there many years ago. It was just a little town then always ignored by Denver and not much going on other than Fitzsimmons Hospital, which is now a new name and where he was studying. All the locations they have been showing, I'm totally familiar with except they look much worse when I use Google Streetview. I went to that mall too, though the theater hadn't been built yet.

    If you listen to the hour of police/fire radio they have made available, it is intense.

  52. "Be" schizophrenic and avoid prison.
    That's his defense.

  53. There were several reports that when law enforcement called his mom, she said something along the lines of, "You've got the right man. I'm flying to Colorado." So there must have been a prior history of SOMETHING. I mean, if the police called my mom to report me for having committed a terrible crime, she'd be shocked and convinced they had the wrong person.

  54. @125records
    The media actually misconstrued her words. When ABC called her, they asked "is this Arlene Holmes, the mother of James Holmes". That's when she said "you've got the right person". As in, yes this is Arlene Holmes

    I have no idea what the parents knew or didn't know, but just wanted to make sure that was clarified

  55. She was completely unaware of the shooting when ABC called her. Probably should've added that to my comment above.

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  57. If he put "Will you visit me in prison?" on his online personal ad he knew exactly what he was doing and what the consequences would be if he wasn't taken out by the cops. This massacre was deliberate and well-thought out. How could anyone think otherwise after all the bomb traps he left in his apartment, traps that were designed to destroy evidence about his plans as well as take the lives of police, firemen and/or his neighbors?

    This psycho needs to be put away in a little windowless room for the rest of his life, with no toys, no electronics, no outside contact except for his guards. He needs to experience hell on earth. That sounds about right to me, but you know hordes of insane women will soon be dong just what he wanted: visiting him in prison as if he's some sort of sexy misunderstood genius. Feh.

  58. Wow, Sunny, I hadn't seen that. Thanks for letting me know -- that is an important clarification!

  59. dJphob said:

    ABC is reporting that he was NOT medicated. They have expertly concluded that he is either faking or not faking.

    I love how he is conclusively either faking or not faking!

    Look - you can't fake schizophrenia. As everyone has stated before it's really hard to force adults into the system if they don't want to go. The options available to most people are horrible if you do have insurance and non-existant without insurance.

    I think it's hard for most people to comprehend that a realtively normal functioning person could just crack. But it does happen. All. The Time. The brain / mind is a very complicated thing.

    We can lock him away forever. But it won't change the fact that lots of people have untreated mental illness and you probably pass them everyday on the street. This will happen again bc there is no where for these people to go.

  60. Anonymous12:50 PM

    They don't dope people up. He's acting , rather poorly IMO

  61. Anonymous12:59 PM

    And you can fake schizo. His "master plan" fd up and now he's trying to get out of it, so to speak. I don't think they'll execute if they find you mentally ill. I could be wrong though

  62. I've been reading all I can about this and now I've been staring at this picture trying to figure him out and all it's made me do is crave a big mac with fries and a mcflurry. Hmm.

  63. all the people so matter-of-factly saying you cant fake a mental disease is sorely mistaken. I'm sure all of you have your Ph.D. or Psy.D. in psychology too, right? I dont deny what a P.O.S this guy is, I'm just saying its awful callous of people to say he's evil by default and that there's no possible way for him to have a mental illness. If he *Seriously* thinks hes the Joker, it could also be D.I.D/MPD (dissociative identity disorder/mutiple personalities)

  64. I remember a case here in Minnesota. A kid, not more than 17, sent to prison for the rest of his life for killing two people in a convenience store. Then we got the backstory. His parents have been trying for this kid's entire life to get him the help they knew he needed since about age three. The "system" kept kicking them out, denying medication, denying involuntary commitment, denying treatment. I really felt for them, because they tried everything and still this happened. I wonder if this is the same sort of thing here.

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  66. Are you kidding? That is the worst acting I have ever seen. He was a graduate student in neuroscience... do the math.

  67. The sick thing is that he will have lots of female fans now.

    Not the kind of gals I would want to pal around with, but more than he deserves.

  68. @Happymostofthetime - So you think only dumb people get schizophrenia or mental illness?

  69. I was thinking he was being his own guinea pig as well. The mindless killing is all for his thesis, future books, movies, fame and future conjugal visits from desperate women...IJS

  70. In the end, he's a cold-blooded, calculating, mass murderer.

  71. Just saw Dr Drew (and we know what an expert he is) on one of the tabloid shows and he says the guy is displaying classic psychotic behavior to the jail people. Whether he's acting, I guess we'll find out when he is evaluated--he would have access to the info on how to behave. I guess I am not sure why--even if he got off as being insane he's probably locked up in some institution the rest of his life. I saw one show that had a body language expert talking about him in the courtroom and she said her take was that on one hand he is secretly proud of what he did and on the other hand he's scared of the consequences--which made sense to me.

    It could also be that he was seriously exhausted. It is very noisy in jail all the time and in some they don't turn the lights all the way out. He was probably wired up prior to the attack and probably didn't sleep the 2 nights after.

  72. JUST GREAT! Now I won't be able to eat at McDonalds anymore.....he looks like a John Wayne Gacy Ronald McDonald painting.

  73. Anonymous5:37 PM

    That internet "pickup artist" movement has guys paying money to learn to be "alpha males." They are often high-achieving geeks who do poorly with women. When the results don't materialize, they sometimes go off the deep end, and since they are training to be "alpha males," they don't back down.

    George Sodini was one of these students. I suspect Ray Clark (the Yale murderer) was as well. This guy fits all the signs of men from this CULT numbering in the thousands.

    I warned after Sodini that more like him were coming, and I suspect there will be still more, until someone establishes this link.

    One of the "gurus" in this movement has flaming red hair, btw, and teaches socially awkward men to become very socially aggressive, not to back down when challenged, etc.

    Look up "seduction community" if you want to see what might be the real source of these "losers gone mad."

  74. @Gypsytrill you got it right!!

    Beaker on Bath salts

  75. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Just remember, folks, you can NOT hypnotize someone into violating their own moral code.

    You can make them hallucinate, or not feel pain to the point of being able to perform major surgery on them, but you can't make them do anything they normally wouldn't.

    Don't even THINK otherwise.

  76. He kind of looks like Eminem. :(

  77. @BetterOffSingle I find your theory very interesting.

    I once visited Guam. I was blown away by the fact that all over town there were gun shooting galleries right next door to strip clubs. I remember thinking wow, guns and sex seem to go well together.

  78. @BetterOffSingle

    your last set of comments =see =

    "Colorado Gunman Planning For Months - No Accomplic.."

    made no sense to me. Can you clarify what you were trying to say?

  79. I don't give a rat's ass if this douche bag is mentally ill or not. I hope he has an "accident" in jail that turns his genitals to chum. Mental illness does not excuse murder; this guy needs to be executed.

  80. It seems from reading this comments area that people are already forgetting the reported facts. There's no way this was schizophrenia or a sudden psychotic break.

    For one thing, the guy's apparently been known as the brilliant, quiet guy since high school. Not only that, he was apparently "witty" and "wanted very much to be liked" by the people who knew him well at the time.

    If anything can be gleaned from reports of his college years, it is probably a gradual but deliberate trend of disassociating from his peers, and ultimately, social interaction itself. At the same time, he focused his undergraduate studies in neuroscience, and his post-grad studies in-gee, look at that-biology of neurological disorders.

    This is no sudden onset of mental illness or impulse breakdown. This is more like schizoid or schizotypal personality disorder. This is a guy who's keenly aware of his own pathology and has been for years. He researched it even while simultaneously indulging in his homicidal ideation. He planned EVERYTHING in meticulous detail. He didn't even withdraw from his program impulsively- it's not like he just quit showing up, he filed to officially withdraw. The last thing this guy has a problem controlling his impulses.

    For another thing, he took deliberate precautions to 1) be identified as the shooter, and 2) stay alive to enjoy the aftermath. Again, it's not a coincidence that a guy who stayed off every social media until he decided to create a notorious, foreshadowed profile on Adult Friend Finder, of all places. Furthermore, many shooters kill themselves on the scene. Even during the process of stockpiling weaponry, most don't make sure to buy protective gear. This guy was padded to the gills.

    This guy obviously wants to be the next Hannibal Lecter. He probably thinks that he'll be getting a posh, isolated cell somewhere, expanding his brilliant mind on neuroscience textbooks 23 hours a day and occasionally entertaining the Clarice Starlings of the world who need his help to find the next killer.

  81. Maybe I should have said "you can fake mental illness, but you probably won't be able to fool a trained psychotherapist".

    We may never know what really happened. We do know he is brilliant, was studying the brain, then planned and executed a horrible crime.

    While I'm not a trained therapist, I have psych training and did work in criminal justice earlier in my career. I've been around schizophrenics and other people with mental health issues. I'm basing my opinions on those experiences.

    Let's see what the psych eval says. If I'm wrong I will totally eat crow. I just hope this whole thing will bring attention to the sad state of mental health care in our country.

  82. I also hope this brings light to the desperate need for Universal Health Care in the USA. So many of the injured do not have health insurance and will be saddled with enornous medical bills. For example, Caleb Medley was shot in the eye and is still in the ICU. He is estimated to have a 2M bill. That's right 2 MILLION dollars!

    Way to go USA. OK to have guns. OK to let mentally ill people have access to guns. OK to let the victims pay for the being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The whole thing makes me wish I lived in another country. It's just really sad.

  83. The priority should be due process and justice for the victims and survivors. It's not like they care why he did it, but THATt he did it. Don't forget, it's mass murder . I know what it is like to sit in a courtroom and have a defendant try to "Be Schizophrenic" to avoid prison. It didn't quite work out for him. Thankfully, as my family member was the victim.


    I am going to e-mail this Enty, but I found the official Aurora Victim's Relief Fund set up by the governor of Colorado and the Community First Foundation. 100% of the proceeds will go directly to the victims of the shooting to help them with their immediate and long term needs. These guys really need everybody's help, so please lets get this information out there


  85. You don't know that he was mentally ill. A large fund has been already set up to cover medical costs and the survivors are getting plenty of lawsuits out there already. You can't make 'the government" your daddy or your husband. I'd rather die free than to live in a nanny state. Have some faith in humanity!!

  86. @Sunny, great timing, we always have these synchronicities!!

  87. @agent**it
    That just gave me chills!

  88. Thanks @Sunny! Perfect timing! Please send to Enty. I want to donate if it's legit.

    @Agent**It - I'm sorry about your family member's bad experience. Now I understand why we've been dancing around each other all day. I am in complete agreement that it was mass murder and he should be punished to the full extent of the law. Even if he is mentally ill, he still did it. Just know too many other people that didn't get the care they needed bc of the system and went on to hurt themselves or others.

    My faith in humanity is pretty low after all this pain and suffering. I try not to get political bc it never ends well. Trying to stay rational, but it's hard when it's in your face all day.

    I agree let's focus on the victims. Sorry if I ruffled some feathers.

  89. @dia
    Definitely legit (I was worried about some other funds I had seen set up). I linked to it from the Huffington Post, and it already has over 2 million dollars thanks to generous donations from Warner Brothers, the production company (forgot the name) and regular folks like you and I :)


  90. @dia, I would not have responded if I did not care, and you sounded so 'down in the dumps'. The important thing is to become an activist , and clearly your calling may just be for this group of people who are truly mentally ill. I have a neighbor who suffers from schizophrenia. We (neighbors)all check on her as her family is wonderful and she is trying to live independently. She is doing well, but the meds knock her out.Now, go to sleep!

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  92. What does POS mean in this context? I thought it meant 'Point of Sale'.

    I can't imagine what was going through the minds of the victim's families who were there ... intense.

  93. I am not a psychiatrist or health care professional -- but it is my opinion that he is not schizophrenic. In those photos, he does not have "the look" and I have seen a number of people suffering from schizophrenia, and they all have a certain "look" around the eyes and eyebrows. This guy has something else going on.

  94. @Alex T - very interesting. I think you're on to something there.

    @Sunny, Agent, dia - you guys are great. Y'all are why CDAN is my favorite place to be online.

  95. @Margaux POS means "peice of shit".
    @AlexT that's the best scenario I've heard so far! Makes alot of sense and ITA!

  96. Disclaimer: I am not a psychotherapist, but I play one on the internet.
    That said, I just can't agree that this guy shot up the theater because he was deranged or delusional. He did it out of hatred and contempt of the segment of society he targeted. (One does wonder why he decided to shoot up a movie theater and not the school. Maybe he doesn't have contempt for people he considers his intellectual peers.)

    If he calls himself the Joker, maybe that's his idea of an inside joke. In the comic books, the Joker character is supposedly a brilliant mastermind of chemicals and explosives. He also always evades permanent capture, "slipping through the system" by being found not guilty by reason of insanity. Very meta.

    Hopefully the real-life justice system will treat him like the piece of shit he is, and make him wish he'd put a bullet through his head when he had the chance.
