Friday, July 20, 2012

Jessica Simpson Buys Pedometers For Her Weight Watchers Group

Jessica Simpson seems to be kicking up her weight loss a notch. There have been some rumors in the past week that she is only losing one pound a week. While that would be great for all of us, it is not enough for her to make her payout goal from the company. Well, it would have been if she had been losing that much from the beginning, but she had some setbacks. I think her buying pedometers for her group shows that she is finally committed to this thing, plus the Tweet that advertised her gift. You know, because you need to make sure you are telling people that you bought something for others.

"Just bought all the girls in my @weightwatchers group pedometers to track their steps. 10,000 steps a day = 5 miles! Let's step it up!" I had a pedometer once in one of my many efforts to lose weight. It worked just fine, but I was obsessed with it and would walk back and forth all the time just to watch the numbers increase. The problem is that when you are in an office there are a limited number of places one can walk and I found myself headed to vending machines or the refrigerator the most and it actually ended up costing me weight. I think if you were away from temptation or had more willpower than myself, which is none, then it would be something that can really help. So, how many steps do most people take in a day?


  1. Please, I walk everywhere it takes a lot more than that.

  2. Any time I start to quantify anything, calories, steps, etc., I gain weight. I'm mental like that.

  3. Walking is great and all but unless it's continuous and at a moderately brisk pace, it's not going to add up to much.

    But of course Jessica can't do anything without gloating and bragging about it on Twitter, whether it's buying pedometers or getting a $10,000 purse as a gift from her boyfriend.

    Were they at least nice pedometers? Otherwise they're cheap as hell and if you hold one in your hand and shake it up and down, it'll count as steps.

  4. A pedometer would be the death of me. I'd walk until my feet fell off just to hit a higher number...and then I'd start obesessing about calories...and then my eating disorder would be full grown again.

    So I want a pedometer--but I can't have one because I know what will happen.

  5. I can't track my food because I became to obsessed by that.

  6. I'm sorry but did the women in her group say THEY were having trouble losing weight? If she wanted to advertise anything, she should have mentioned how many steps she's done and been gracious (and quiet) with her gift giving.

  7. I've never owned a car and have walked or taken public transportation everywhere for 4 decades.

    Now that I live in a city that sucks in terms of mass transit, I walk 4 miles a day round trip to work. Hard around the blind curves where I have to walk in the street into oncoming traffic.

    Given that my new state is known for obesity, people around here can't figure out how I can remain thin or why they can't lose any weight.

  8. On a vacation, my husband and I wore pedometers we got for free at a health fair. It involved a road trip and we wore them in the car. Well, since he did all the driving he got extra "steps" on his. Apparently, the movement from gas to break and gas triggered steps.

    You know what would be funny, if one of the "girls" in her group tweeted about the cheap pedometer a "celebrity" in her WW group passed out.

  9. So you have 12-pack abs?

  10. @jp That's why studies show that people who live in cities tend to have healthier cardiovascular systems than those of us who live in more rural areas. I have to drive everywhere I go. I live in an area that has coyotes, bobcats and bears, and no stores within 10 miles, so unless I'm wearing body armor and carrying tear gas canisters and I have an entire day to spare for walking 20 miles roundtrip, driving is my only option. We are currently looking to move to an urban environment where we can live without a car. Mind if I ask which city you now live in that has terrible public transportation?

  11. We have great mass transit here in New York, but walking is faster ...our traffic is awful.

  12. I actually think pedometers and walking can help. My wife and I stated that with our diets this time( along with my fitness pal) and so far since June we've both lost 30 lbs. I think the best part is it sluices you something to be excited about when you hit that nasty plateau.

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  14. @Jemtastic, I don't think JS is capable of being gracious. She's too self-involved (and stupid). I loved your comment.

    @Patty, that would be hilarious.

  15. During the Olympics-- the London officials are telling the people who work in London to walk and NOT use public transport Gotta love it!

  16. @Agent, that's funny. I love when adults do stupid, immature things (within reason, of course).

  17. Hahahaha, we're not exactly talking Oprah-like gifting, are we? The WW pedometers are a bit nicer than the cheapies they hand out at health fairs, but they still cost only $10 or $15 (it has been awhile since I bought one). Figure at most 30 people in her WW group, so maybe $300-$400. Now if she also bought those rhinestone decals that Paris Hilton wannabes put on their cell phones, THEN I'd be impressed :)

    The WW pedometers can still be jiggled, BTW. Though not *quite* as easily.

    JS should also know that the # of steps to mileage conversion varies, based on how wide your stride is.

  18. It's interesting how WW works their celebrity endorsers. The WW program states you will lose 1/2 pound to 2 pounds per week, and they discourage you from losing more than that. But for their paid endorsers they expect them to lose much more in a short amount of time just so they can put "results not typical" at the bottom of the ads. As a WW member I would much rather see Jessica lose her weight at the same realistic pace members are... of course realism isn't dramatic enough to sell more memberships.

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  20. @Agent, but did anyone's arms get buff from all the shaking? I love the shaking in front of the veeps!

  21. I'm not going to judge WW harshly on wanting her to lose a certain amount of weight by a certain date.

    The way I assume it went (because why not?), the deal was made when she found out she was pregnant (a year ago?). She likely agreed to be a certain weight by August 31, be their spokesperson and get a big fat paycheque. But she of course didn't think things through and ballooned during her pregnancy (no judging) and now she's screwed.

    That's what I'm guessing happened.

  22. @Patty and @Agent, I'm thinking what the arm motion looks like and it's in no way appropriate in the office (but hilarious as fuck).

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  24. 10,000 steps a day is what is suggested you ought to walk in order to see any results (at least that's what my pedometer instructions told me). That is a LOT of steps. There is no way Jessica is walking that much in a day, every day.

    Unless she spends 3 hours a day on a treadmill.

    Wait, maybe that's exactly what she's doing for the next month. We'll know soon enough...

  25. I bought a pedometer a little over a year ago. It makes a great paperweight.

  26. Jessica Simpson could save a truck filled with unicorns and dolphins from being slaughtered and you'd all still find a way to be pathetically negative for no good reason.

  27. My daily steps have taken a nosedive since I became addicted to CDaN. I think I may have to dig out my dusty pedometer

  28. I have an IPOD Nano. It has a built in pedometer. I wear it everyday and get around 12 to 13,000 steps average. Get a Nano! You can listed to music, radio or podcast. It is awesome!

  29. @Jax, but then you'd get to feel self-righteous and indignant so it all works out.

  30. @Janet296
    Holy cow - thank you! I just ran (5 steps!!) to my Nano and saw the pedometer feature. That's so cool. Technology is typically wasted on me. I never take the time to look at an instruction manual to learn how to use the extra features on any type of apparatus. Guess I better knock that off :)

  31. You know, i see a lot of negativity and judgment about something nice that Jessica did for the women in her WW group. So what if it wasn't hundreds of dollars...she didn't have to do ANYTHING.

    Hell, for that matter, she doesn't even have to GO to a group...she can do the online program and not have to sully herself with the general public, but she does. (i know, i know, someone will probably say it's part of her contract, whatever...)

    Lastly, trying to lose that amount of weight and being her height is HARD...1 lb. per week is what you're taught to expect, because a 5'1"/5'2" body just doesn't burn calories and metabolize fat the way a taller (or man's) body does. That's the fact of it.

    She's trying...let's give her a break and put aside the fact that she is a star for a moment and has access to more resources than we all do. That's the way life is...the next guy's situation is always going to be vastly different then yours.

  32. Someone tell Jessica its going to take more than a pedometer to loose her weight...

    >>Currently searching through a drawer to locate mine:)<<<

  33. Jessica, if you are reading this, good luck with this weight loss. I am sorry that you signed on to this WW thing and have to lose some large, set amount by a certain date and have made this effort a big public event. It must be really difficult, and I feel for you.

    Even if you did put yourself out there for this ridicule.

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  35. I have a phone app which makes it feel like you're being chased by zombies. I've never run so much.

  36. @Holiday, you nailed it!

  37. I was wearing a pedometer a few weeks ago @ work & when I went to the restroom it flipped off & fell into the toilet. Of course I left it in there. I did wonder what the next person thought when the went into the stall & saw the thing staring up @ them.

  38. I lost a ton of weight by walking, SO..... yeah. Sorry, I think this was a great thing for her to do.

  39. What's the big deal?! Who cares! Sure weight watchers wants her to push their name often for what they are paying her. GO JESS! I would do the same.

  40. @finally tomorrow I was going to say basically the same thing. I'm a WW myself, and it's been working for me. An average of 1.5 lbs per week. It does add up, but I'm glad I don't have papparazzi on my ass all the time. The pedometers they sell there are like 20 bucks. I'd get one if I didn't think I'd lose it or break it in a few days.

  41. @Shay, that made me laugh.

  42. oooooh pedometers for everyone? she is so generous!

  43. @Agent**It - My friend's employer had a similar plan set up but they used decent pedometers. I thought it was a great idea. They had monthly goals and I think have away prizes to whoever had the most steps. It made people take the stairs more and try and legitimately be more active (for those who cared to participate). My old employer paid for everyone's gym memberships, which was awesome.

    Jessica needs to start jogging, spinning and Zumbaing, although I don't know how much high impact stuff you are allowed to do after your bag is massacred?

  44. I wore a pedometer for like a week because I heard you need to do 10,000 steps a day. But since on any given day I was doing about 14,000 without adding anything extra into my day, I decided I didn't really need to be tracking it.

  45. And everyone wonders why there are so many women with eating disorders out there. Give the girl a break!

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  47. Hah. Weight Watchers put their pedometers on sale last week. IIRC, they were either five bucks or seven-fifty. So Jessica picked the right time to treat everyone in her group to pedometers.

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  49. Jessica girl, you're being so human. Stop that.

  50. I have to agree with Jax and Kassandra -- Jessica did a nice thing, so why not say, "Oh, nice," and leave it at that?

  51. I think then MOVband is a right choice for you, because it helps you to count your daily workouts, like your daily steps, running rate, heartbeat rate etc. it is really helpful for you. & you don’t want to go anywhere to buy this pedometer; you can buy pedometer from online directly.
