Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Kate Gosselin Has A Dating Show

Do you want to watch Kate Gosselin go on dates? Does her bodyguard boyfriend want to watch her go on dates? Isn't that going to be awkward with him there? Kate Gosselin is convinced that America wants to watch her date people. Considering that very awkward episode of the last reincarnation of her show where she and her friend met some guys, I don't think anyone would like to watch her date. She says that it's tough for her to meet guys in her everyday life. Why? It isn't like she does anything. She has a fleet of nannies who watch her kids when they are not in school. The reason she does not meet anyone all day is because she is hanging around the house with her bodyguard. She then sends minions to do most of the day to day things. Sure, when she is feeling like a photo op she will get some makeup on and go out with one of the kids to a store and then admire herself the next day online, but aside from that, she does not do much. Right now she is just pitching the show and has said she is willing to travel across the country and be away from her kids to make it happen. Soooo basically she wants a paid trip to LA to meet guys and be on television and have a nice long break away from her kids while she hangs out in a hotel room with her bodyguard.


  1. Does anyone really want to date a woman with eight kids?

  2. But, she is doing it all for her children. Blah blah blah.

    If this is any indication, it will be a slow gossip day.

  3. Give it up girl, your 15 minutes are over.

  4. Ugh her? I feel like I got in a hot tub time machine and was transported back to 2005 when people gave an fudge about her. Go away kate.

  5. She and Jon should just get back together already. That could be the show.

    Then break up again. Then she freaks out and goes back to her old hairdo. That I'd watch.

    Those poor kids - hope they have money in trust for therapy.

    1. Legally, the parents are required to put the money into a trust that they can access when they turn 18. When the oldest 2 turn 18 it'll be interesting to see if that actually happened.

  6. She's just a nasty and vile human being.

  7. Tell me again why this trick needs and has a bodyguard.

  8. Oh Joy. Now if Heidi and Spencer also get a new show, my life will be complete.

  9. Isn't her bodyguard married? If so, why would his wife allow this? (Questions of the poor, naive and anonymous here)

    Oh, and the reason why she can't meet guys is: 1) she's a bitch, 2) she has 8 kids, I don't care how rich you are, that's a lot to take on, 3) she's the devil incarnate, 4) her fugliness shines through no matter how she tortures her hair, and 5) did I mention she is a vile human being?

  10. cough cough *famewhore* cough cough. Go raise your kids Kate. Your heydey was over three years ago.

  11. Well of course she does! I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner, she's quite the catch! Mother of 8, a vivacious and pleasant personality, I'm surprised there haven't been men lining up to date her already. Best of luck to you, Kate, you're bound to find true love!

    *rolls eyes*

  12. I have a terrible feeling that someone like Seacrest or Cohen will pick it up and give her yet more money.

  13. The ONLY thing 'Gosselin' I EVER want to see again---would be pap pics of those kids AND their famewhore mom getting the therapy they need!

    Anyone else remember her hogging the water bottle in her thirsty child's face, when she thought nobody was watching? Sick sick sick. The daughter's face lit up when Kate picked up the bottle, and then there was this -pause- as Kate took a big drink for herself, and then closed the cap. I seriously think she ENJOYED toying with the kid.

    Why is it that thousands of potentially terrific parents can't even get one child, and this bitch got 8?

  14. i cant remember his name, but maybe her ex-husband should get custody of the kids. if i remember right, he has a normal job and is living a relatively normal life. its better than having nannies raise your kids while your off skanking it up and mooching money off the remaining fame you received only because of your eight kids.

  15. If anyone is at all interested in her, im at a loss to know why. Everyone else is right- shes mean, sadistic, bitchy and has huge sense of entitlement. And wtf does she need with a bidy guard? How can he stand her? Perhaps material for his tell- all book?

  16. And when no one picks up her dating show, she'll pitch a cooking show, then she'll pitch a tattoo show, then a dog grooming show, then whatever is "of the moment." I am kind of amused everytime her or someone like her pitches a show. It just shows their desperation. And they always talk about it like it's a done deal but it's not, they're just trying to create buzz which is even sadder.

    And by sadder, I mean highly amusing.

  17. Fun, watching a woman emasculating a group of grown men. She really wants to be on TV.


  19. Who are the assholes that are going to give her this show and who are the assholes who are going to watch it? And who is watching that crapfest of the Palin tramp? I can hardly find anything decent to watch on tv anymore cause its full of shit like this.

    /rant off.

  20. Give her the show. Then when no one watches it, the networks can get a clue that we're really not into her. (I'm looking at you morning shows. Just stop having her on. Please.)

    I can't wait for one of the older kids to write a tell-all.

  21. Personally, I don't want to watch ANYONE date.

  22. Havent the network and production company figured out yet that no one wants to watch Kate Gosselin?

  23. My male best friend says "YES, I will date a woman with 8 kids because she obviously puts OUT!!!!"

    Men easier to feed then understood!!! just like the

  24. I, personally, would love to see more of this harpy on the tube. Who isn't entertained by a deliciously evil villianess? I totally remember that water bottle incident. I watched it over and over again on YouTube.

  25. I was at Winners (the Canadian version of TJ Maxx) this past weekend and they had ALL the seasons of Jon & Kate + 8 in the clearance DVD bin. Marked down from $4.99 to $2.99 and people STILL weren't buying them (there was a ton of them). I nearly died laughing right there in the store.

  26. Shouldn't she be stripping with Octo ?

  27. If we are giving a crazy multiple mom a show I want Octomom to get it. Kate is a nasty excuse for a human being and has pimped herself and her kids out for money since she conceived.

    Octomom is much needier and a much nicer much crazier person and if i had to watch a crazy multiple mom dating show i would pick her over Kate.

  28. So...she's dating her bodyguard? Lol. She must be good...ew never mind, I don't even want to think about it.

  29. when i was growing up, one of the couples my parents hung out w/ got divorced. the mom was AWESOME. beautiful, talented, funny, kind, great mom. and she did okay in th divorce; house, support so she didn't have to work. anyway, she was like 32 when they divorced and i could never undersand why she never got remarried. there was usually a boyfriend around, and many times he would go on to marry someone else. finally, years later i asked her why she never got remarried. she said the fact that she had 4 kids basically removed her from the remarriage pool. even aftre thwy were grown and gone with families of thir own, she said the men always thought she had to many other priorities and obligations and they would never come anywhere near first. if that woman can't find someone who wants to marry her; no way can katw gosslin find one. no. way.
