Saturday, July 28, 2012

Katy Perry & John Mayer

There are a couple of tabloids that are reporting that Katy Perry and John Mayer hooked up. It is definitely not dating because they got together way back in the middle of June. So, it was either a one night thing which is quite likely knowing the history of John Mayer or Katy would not do what John Mayer wanted which is also very likely because John does like to get his freak on. They would make an interesting combination. They both like to be in the limelight so much though, I fear the world would become nothing but John and Katy 24/7. There is nothing they would not do to show the world they were a couple of they were. The pair were supposed to have been kissing and canoodling.


  1. God, they are just both pretty horrible people in my opinion. Match made in heaven. Makes perfect sense.

  2. It was probably just a hook up. I don't see Katy as the type to want to roll around in shit. Then again, she married that homeless looking sextard. Oh, I just know.

  3. I meant I just don't know. Sorry.

  4. Why is she horrible?
    I love Katy Perry and I don't give a rats ass none of y'all do. She's a very hard worker and can crank out the pop hits like crazy. Harmless fun. She's good to her fans and not a stick up bitch.
    With that said, gross on john after what Ted and Enty told us. Poo play. Shudder. No wonder it was one time only who can blame?

  5. I don't like Katys music but she has an awesome bod that I'm so jealous of. I do love John Mayers music but not his stinky fetishes.

  6. I'm with Linnea....I think they're perfect for each other.

  7. Katy noooooooo! Of all people HIM! I know Russell ain't much better but at least he doesn't try and hide his skeezieness.

  8. I think she is horrible because she seems so fake and disingeneous. Nothing she says or does is real, it is all just a put on show to make money. Tries to be a Christian singer but it doesnt pay enough, so she goes for "shock pop". Panders to the LBGT community ('cept for when she is writing offensive lyrics about them), yet wont distance herself from her parents' hate speech. Lady Gaga becomes popular by embracing being weird, she tries to copy that.

    Thats why I think those two will make a great couple.

    But to each their own. :)

  9. Why do all of these women drop their drawers for him? I don't get it.

  10. They figured Kim & Kanye already locked in the top famewhore couple spot.

  11. I read the headline and thought..."meant to be".

  12. She came across as quite sweet o the Graham Norton Show but Jeez, she’s got dreadful taste in men. I think he’s even worse, if that’s possible, than her ex-husband.

  13. hi im famous you're famous let's fuck!

  14. The way he disses his exes in public, he's lucky to get any hook-ups at all (except hired ones of course)....

  15. Am i the only one to find that she is not pretty at all?

  16. Ok I'm fairly new here so, what's the deal with John Mayer and poo?

  17. @bobbi, apparently when he and Jessica Simpson were together they left behind lots of poop in their hotel room bed like theyd been rolling around in it? I don't remember the details but I think it happened more than once?

  18. @bobbi he is into poop play during sex. Like he enjoys shitting on women for.foreplay. Ted C has amany blinds.about it.

  19. John Mayer isn't really any grosser than Russell. An apple for an apple, except that Russell actually speaks nicely of women when they're finished, unlike Mayer and his press conferences.

  20. Oh ok so he likes porta-potties aka girls who let guys shit on them(no pun intended). Thanx guys!!

  21. Celebs are so gross. I don't believe anything that's posted here, but it sure is fun!

  22. Sometimes there are men that women find irresistible. By looking at them we cant understand why. I know (and have been attracted to) a couple of guys who can pick up women any night of the week. I cant for the life of me completely understand what they have that other much less skanky guys have going for them. I can tell you, they've got the words and the body language. I wish I could bottle it, I would be a millionaire.

  23. @Della - Stupidity is my guess.

    @Anotheramy - It's called chemistry. People like to think that we're intellectual, but we're still animals and pheromones have their say. I have to assume that knuckleheads like John Mayer and Wilmer Valdemarra smell really good or something.

  24. @nolac...ur comment is just giving me life right now. ROFL! I forgot about the poop thing. I just think of John as douchy.

  25. So, what was the issue? Katy refused to take it up her backside or what?

  26. As I get older, I believe more and more in the saying, 'It's not the things you do that you end up regretting. It's the things you don't do." So if they want to have some fun together, by all means, have at it.

    I think Mayer is worse than Brand. At least Brand is self aware in a way that isn't pretentious, unlike Mayer. I am a big Russell Brand fan, though - so take that for what it's worth.

  27. @Linnea: I feel the exact same way about her. Something just doesn't seem right with her.
    I do have to admit her songs get stuck in my head hahaha

  28. Brand at least has a sense of humor, doesn't take himself too seriously, and doesn't talk trash about the women he's slept with; I also get the sense that he could be fun to hang out with in a platonic sense as well. Mayer, on the other hand, takes himself WAY too seriously and has no qualms about dishing on the women he's been with, yet he got all butt-hurt over Taylor Swift calling him out in a song for being exactly the kind of douche that we all know he is. If I had to sleep with one or the other of them, I'd go with Russell--between the sex and laughing my ass off, I'd probably have a pretty good time, I wouldn't end up being banned from various hotels as the result of scat play, and I'd probably get a nice bathrobe out of the deal...sounds good to me. :-)

  29. So this story is based on a rumor found on the internet.

  30. I'd go with Katy not wanting to bang on the first date. She was probably interested in him, I really don't see the appeal especially nowadays when it has become fairly public knowledge that he is the definition of a womanizer. Whatever, like I said I bet they went out but since Katy has been "with" the other guys she's slept with for a while I'm willing to bet this was ended because she wasn't "open" enough for Mayers standards. Even if she was how likely would it have been to last? I'm willing to say not long at all. Either way she's going to try and get some of that Twilight candy anyways.

  31. John Mayer is such a douchebag. Why would anyone want to sleep with him, even at this point? Plus he is not attractive.

  32. John Mayer is such a douchebag. Why would anyone want to sleep with him, even at this point? Plus he is not attractive.

  33. What exactly is canoodling?... Is it legal? ;)

  34. Well, guess if you've been with Russell Brand Mayer isn't much of a stretch. Ick though.
