Wednesday, July 18, 2012

LAPD Investigation Of Scientology President's Son Getting More Intense

The LAPD says that it has assigned more people to the investigation into the death of Alexander Jentzsch. He is the son of the President of Scientology. Not to be confused with David Miscavige who really runs the place, but close enough. Anyway, Alexander was supposedly taking a lot of prescription drugs when he died. Wait. I thought Scientologists didn't need any of those. He was found dead in his in-laws house. Guess what they did when they saw him dead? Went and ran errands for a few hours before calling 911. Yeah, the police should have been investigating this thing like crazy since July 2nd when it happened and not just because his mom has raised a stink the past week. His mom left the church. She was not allowed to contact her son. She was also barred from his funeral. This is why I have started the Tom Cruise count. There is going to be a revolution inside Scientology if he is allowed to see Suri and no one else is allowed to see their kids. There is either going to be a shift or Xenu is going to come down from space and leave a directive that Tom is the holy of holies and can do what he wants.

Going back to Alexander. He supposedly wanted to kill himself because his wife was forced to have an abortion by Scientology in the past few weeks because they are both in SeaOrg.

You know what I think? I think about how there is so much bad publicity with this organization, but somehow, people keep walking into Scientology and signing up for stuff and throwing their lives away. Why?


  1. Because people are desperate for love and acceptance. It's why victims stay with their abuses. It's why kids will stand by the shittiest of parents.

    Hope they get justice for this poor man and his family. Go LAPD!

  2. ^^What @Frufra said.

    And in a bizarre way, I think that all the negative publicity will attract some people.

  3. I read this last night at Village Voice (Tony Ortega). It is really interesting. There's another piece (also related to forced abortion) about Laura DeCrescenzo which is unbelievable, that's also on his blog (or see facebook , Tony Ortega and it links).

    Also, nobody can get numbers regarding whether enrollment is up or down. When CO$ launches their TV programming,it will get even more interesting.

  4. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Stop drinking the Kool aid. I will never understand how delusional you must be to be a part of this crap.

  5. @Agent**lt, when/where are they launching TV programming? I gotta see this...

  6. It's terrible that this happened, but if it happened six months ago, would we have even heard about it? Hopefully some good can come of this tragedy and CoS will be one step closer to oblivion.

  7. It's the same as the gangs in the town next to me. They prey on the weak, alienate them from what little, broken families they might have, promise them money fame and bitches (arm candy) except scientology appeals to a different class of people with no self esteem and dreams of grandeur.

  8. I dont get it either, and i dont think i will ever understand it. I think of it this way: they dont do drugs or drink, they join a cult. It gives them a raison d'etre, and they feel noble abot being part of something important. Until it explodes in their face.

  9. Enty said : "There is either going to be a shift or Xenu is going to come down from space and leave a directive that Tom is the holy of holies and can do what he wants."

    Mr. Cruise has only 2 options that I can see ??

    1. He takes over the church
    2. He leaves the church.

  10. Watch the BBC panorama documentary on you tube. It's an hour long, but they talk to the former head of COS "secret service" as well as several other famous detractors. It's very worthwhile and so fucking scary at the same time. Weird creepy weird.

  11. @Amber - I have no clue how to "link" - Telegraph (sorry) was the 1st to come up as a source.

  12. This is crazy. Scary scary stuff.

  13. If you take away the aliens, and don't know about their crazy tactics, I can totally see why people get sucked into Scientology. Dianetics has some really good points in it, but when Hubbard saw all the power he was able to wield, that's when shit got cray cray.
    There's a reason you have to be a really high OT level before you learn about the serious shit. They want you good and brainwashed so you don't just go, "Aliens?! I'm out."
    All that aside, I could see Tom being allowed to see Suri while others can't see their own SPs. People may be pissed, but Tom is too important to the "church" to lose. He is like the messiah to them.

  14. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Tom can't leave the church. They have too much on him....and I kind of think he really digs this Scientolwhatever crappola. Sooooo maybe he's running the joint.

  15. How do people not educate themselves prior to getting involved? Maybe I'm just super Type A, but I look into EVERYTHING before I do it. It takes me an entire day to pick a hotel when I travel, because I sit and read Trip Advisor and Bed Bug Registry - and that's just trivial! How do you not figure out what something is about before giving your life over to it??

  16. How much more has to come out before people start running for their lives? Im a Tom Cruise fan, I dont care that hes really gay and uses beards or does everything for publicity. I actually feel sorry that hes totally brainwashed but if he gives up his daughter(biological or not) for this cult, no more for me. RUN PEOPLE, RUN!!!!

  17. @seaward, in the Rock Center piece last week, it showed that several people who had left the Co$ and become its vocal detractors were still practicing. It wasn't the religion that was the issue, but it was the way the "church" was run.

    What's up with the forced abortions? I've never heard about that aspect before.

  18. Should say abusers, not abuses.

    And kats had an excellent point about gangs.

  19. so glad LAPD is looking in to this, now if only the people who handle elder abuse would look into Heber Jentsch's health and well being. He's been in the hole for years

    FWIW - I thought CO$ was trying to say it was an accidental overdose of meds he had been prescribed after a really bad accident (car accident?) he was in a year or two ago. I think I recall reading that he had to be admitted to CHOLA when he was a kid and they ripped him a new one for not being a good enough $cilon which is why he got sick. I'm sure they probably discouraged him from any appropriate medical intervention after his accident and told him a good $cilon can heal themselves. smh

  20. Also, the COS doesn't inform their members about Zenu until the reach certain levels, which cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Members are told not to read negative articles about COS or go online to find out info. It makes sense that all lower level people deny Xenu, because it sounds absolutely ridiculous.

  21. Forced abortion IMO is just as bad as not letting a woman chose to have an abortion on her own: both violate her rights (reproductively and as the autonomous person she is).

    And yet this guy killing himself and leaving a wife he loves because this happened seems so pointless and dumb to me. Im not trying to make a statmement about suicide here, I just think that there must be more to the story. Leaving your spouse, the person you love most in the world to that life simply because they were forced to have an abortion (which is no doubt a horrible situation) just sounds like he's a weak person or something greater was happening below the surfce and this was an exuse he took and needed to end it.

  22. Did this poor guy really have a chance being born into it? It's all he ever knew. This is just really sad.

    McGilb craves all the attention and ego stroking. That's just as much of an addiction as any drug. He won't leave and give that up.

  23. This is getting good!! I can't wait for the implosion. I hope they make a movie about it!!

  24. Did he leave a suicide note? I'm just wondering if he was intentionally distraught and trying to kill himself, or if he was self-medicating with anti-depressants combined with alcohol which we all know can be deadly.

    I would really like to see the article myself if anyone can direct me. I can't imagine anyone "running errands" after finding the dead body of a loved one (or anyone!) before calling 911. Hinkey

  25. I don't think he killed himself I think he was very ill and the family didn't get him medical help becuase in their heads he should of been able to cure himself or they don't take you to dr.'s that aren't scientologists.

    From what I read his father one of the early CO$ followers is in charge of CO$ Internationational but it is a figure head role and David controls everythim.

    I also read one of the reasons Alex stayed in is becuase he thought it would get him acccess to his dad, but it didn't poor kid never saw his dad and was banned from his mother. Is there anyone in charge of CO$ that isn't a sociopath?

  26. Here's the Tony Ortega article:

  27. @Agent**It - I read somewhere that despite COS opening up all these new buildings, their membership is actually down. They would just like everyone to believe otherwise.

    Also, something I read last night (sorry, can't remember where) alluded to the fact that Tommy Davis may have been replaced as spokesperson - not only hasn't he been seen in a few weeks, but a woman is now responding to media inquiries (this woman's name was mentioned in the Rock Center piece). Maybe he was sent to the "hole."

  28. With the amount of money Tommy Boy gives the church I think he'll get a pass....
    Rank has privilege...

  29. @Amber, I am the say way!I won't even go to a restaurant that I am unfamiliar with until I check it out thoroughly before I commit my stomach and my $$.

  30. How do you bar someone from a funeral?

  31. Third choice for Mr. Cruise: Lie to the congregation and claim it's a smear campaign against Co$ Then, hook them up to emeters and quiz them for hours to find out why they are on the forbidden internet watching forbidden videos on forbidden websites. Don't they have toilets to scrub? Get back to work, and mind your own business SeaOrg Slaves.

  32. THIS

  33. Thank Xenu for the police looking into this. Perhaps they will look into the other disappearances and deaths. I wonder if the LAPD is on the payroll like Clearwater PD is? Where is Shelly?

  34. Its a hilarious video of tom cruise holding auditions for a new lady. I laughed so hard

  35. I read in an article about CO$ that Tom Cruise lost his mind for a while during auditing. Hopefully, their behaviors are now catching up with them and the whole place will disappear in a sinkhole.

  36. Everyone needs to watch the video Nellie posted, it's pretty dang funny. Thanks, Nellie!

  37. @crazy/beautiful. Barring someone from a funeral sounds horrible but it's not hard to do. You alert the funeral home staff and they keep a person or two out or if they person gets in they escort them out.

    I've not seen that done at graveside services.

  38. For the full story on Alexander, read Tony Ortega in the Village Voice - some of the best reporting on this cult out there:

    Then google "Lisa McPherson". She died while in Scientology "Care" in the '90's, and the coroner was ultimately bought off. Would not be surprised if something like that would happen again. Having a billion dollars in the bank gives you leverage.

    As for Tom Cruise, check out the "Tribute" video that the church made for him a few years ago when he received the "Medal of Valor." He is 'sold" as the "model Scientologist." It explains a lot about why he would have a hard time leaving.

    I can't imagine he would take over the church - when would he have time for acting? Also, Miscavige has his confidential audits taped! The church is either going to squeak by this mess again...which I hope doesn't happen...or it's going to come apart in a very ugly way.

    It's about time.

  39. Why do people fall for this crap in spite of all the bad publicity? Because people AREN'T INFORMED - THEY DON'T READ!!!! People don't read magazines or newspapers or watch the'd be amazed at how many people are totally unaware of what's going on around them. Ask 50 people who the vice president is - 5 might get it right. A lot of people don't know a state from a country. And you expect them to be informed as to what a load of crap Scientology is? All people want to know is about the latest movie coming out, or what the Kardashians are doing. The older I get, the more I hate people. I'm totally not surprised Scientology can snare people - people are too stupid to research ANYTHING.

  40. I can't imagine being born into this. How would you ever know normal.

  41. There's a reason Charlie Manson trolled bus stations and Hollywood Boulevard for runaways. Cult leaders all know many, many people, especially young people, feel lost and are looking for answers. They are looking for a family unit, some place where they feel they belong. This use to be what the family unit, the tribe was for. But society has changed that. And, of course, in America, freedom of religion means freedom to be as big a crackpot and you want.

  42. What's the difference between the Church of Science and Co$?

    1. Nvm. Its called Christian Science Church

  43. Enty said: "I think about how there is so much bad publicity with this organization, but somehow, people keep walking into Scientology and signing up for stuff and throwing their lives away. Why?"

    You can ask that question about any religion and any cult. Look at all the religions (not just the RC Church) that have had child molestation scandals, yet families don't walk away from their faith. Why?

    Look at how crappy most religions treat women. Frankly, most religious leaders are male, yet women do the majority of the behind-the-scenes work that keeps those religions running. And yet, despite their being denied any authority and being told what they can and can't do with their bodies, women stay. Why?

    Obviously, those of you who belong to these groups have reasons why you remain despite the harm they cause to some people. Personally, I don't get it, but that doesn't mean there's nothing meaningful there -- despite the harm that's there, too.

  44. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Beth, re: the forced abortions, all of the lower-level (below "clear") people in Scientology are required to work for the organization in some way. This couple was in the Sea Org, which is really hardcore. People sign billion-year contracts and work up to 100 hours a week for below minimum wage. They are barred from having children because that would interfere with their work schedules. If they get pregnant, they are told to either abort or leave the "church." The problem is, if you leave, you will be completely cut off from everyone you know and love, since the only people you know are Scientologists. This includes family members who are Scientologists, as this couple apparently had. Also, you will be presented with a bill for your "training" and for breaking your contract. This bill will be for hundreds of thousands of dollars. You don't have any money because you've been busting your ass for pennies for years. So that's how they keep people in the group and convince them to abort. Disgusting, huh?

  45. I thought Xenu was the bad diety, not one who would give orders or be prayed to.

  46. Man, if I was in LA or NY I would stroll into the COS and let them start to suck me in then start screaming "Where's Shelly???" and tell them I have been on mind altering drugs, tell them to scrub their own damn toilets and run out, but only when I got to talk to someone higher up. Crazy damn cults. I watched the video of the couple who escaped and she was forced to divorce her husband. So I can see forced abortions too. How damn creepy. So glad I have a mind altered brain in my head and don't drink cool-aid.

    1. I'd be afraid to step foot in one of their buildings for fear they would find a way to hypnotize and trap me! Anyone ever see the movie Death Becomes Her? Theres a part that I swear is about Scientology where there are famous people who are immortal and they have to keep a low profile so as not to be discovered. The way they act like a cult and the mansion etc. all reminds me of CO$.

  47. Tom is in NY with Suri since yesterday and they "plan to spend several days together"

  48. Watch this video of David Miscaviage's secretary who had to scale razor fences twice in order to be rescued by her husband who she had been forced to divorce. He had been sent to a Scientology labor camp. This stuff is crazy and needs to be posted everywhere. He had to send her a cell phone in a Victoria's Secret box so no one would open it.

    These ex-Xenus must have multiple procedures in how to help the others escape and this makes me think Katie had received similar advice.

  49. Someone may have said this already but I wonder if Katie going forward so completely with the Catholic church and Catholic school is herScientology quiet way if forcing Tom's hypocrisy out into the public so he will have to not see Suri. Even though Suri would be devastated, he's a whack job who will always e a threat to her. Katie's car has een hit two times in the past week. Coincidental? NY is tough to drive in but in one week? Watch your back Katie.

    1. Sorry for the typos, touch screen phone, sausage finger, haste. I dont think anyone is trying to kill Katie while Suri is with her, but youd HAVE to suspect a message, no matter who is driving. And it may be because of her increasing involvement with a non Scientology group.

      With this church, any conspiracy theory mind of has merit. But I dont think mine is wild at all. They are terrifying.

  50. @ Susan B your so right! It totally amazes me how many people go through life not knowing much at all about what is going on around them in their city, state, government or the world. I would be lost if I had no way of knowing what was going on around me. Lost.

  51. Xenu Wants More Money:

    "As if church members hadn't been asked to give enough already, we're hearing that several new expensive initiatives have been launched or are in the works, and soon David Miscavige will be announcing one of the biggest revelations of his 26-year leadership of the church: there's a new Bridge to Total Freedom."

    It's like a money machine! All Miscaviage has to do is announce a "New Bridge" and all the Xenu worshipers have to buy new everything. New E-Meters, books and auditing. Isn't that special?
    (scroll down)

  52. What IS SeaOrg? What is the purpose of it?

  53. Sea Org started out as the crew of ElRon's various ships during his at-sea exile period. It evolved into being the Jesuitical Schutzstaffel of COS.

  54. Here's the Village Voice take on the testimonials from the children in Sea Org:

  55. Hey Nap assassin thanks for the BBC panorama was really interesting

    Manda kitty: the CO$ and the Christian Science Church are not related in any way.....

    I have family members who are Christian Scientists....

    Christian Science is a type of Christianity that was started by Mary Baker Eddy....they do not believe in illness...for instance....but that's about the most unusual aspect of it......

  56. @Opie...and they would follow you home, harass you, vandalize your property, denigrate you to your family, friends and neighbors...

    Where is Shelly?

    Where is Heber?'s always worse than you think.

  57. What CoS does to families is heartbreaking. The German film, "Until Nothing Remains" (2010), is based on a true story.

    PS Don't forget to turn on the cc to get the English subtitles. :)

  58. Here's an interview of the mother, from KFI radio in Los Angeles. She's pretty hysterical. (Not in the funny way unfortunately) .

  59. @Squeezebox - I will tell you Why. The thing is, crap can go on in any organization and leaders in any organization can do crappy things. That doesn't always mean the whole organization should be shut down. We have bad politicians, but does that mean we should have no government? We have corporate fraud from time to time, but does that mean there should be no corporations? There's been sexual abuse in families, schools, scouts, and little league, but does that mean there should be no families, schools, or children's organizations?

    Going back to religion, I remain Catholic because the abuse scandal isn't enough to shake my faith in Christ. I think all Catholics are pissed about it. Personally, I think the Church needs to do as much for the victims as possible. However, things like the sacraments, service, social justice, community, eucharist, etc. are good things that outweigh the bad. Moreover, Catholics agree that predator priests were sinful and immoral. The laity wants reform. No one staying in the religion agrees with the behavior.

    Comparing mainline religion to Co$ doesn't really make sense to me. As a Catholic, I have never been pressured to give money (donations are requested, but not mandatory), held against my will, harassed if I didn't stay in the relgion, or told to "disconnect" from non-Catholic family members. Scientology schools reportedly don't teach much while Catholic schools are reputed places of learning. If our leaders do something terrible, there's outcry. If Miscavige does something terrible, Co$ members are brainwashed to think it's OK. It's apples and oranges, and the Co$ scenario does not apply to all religions.
