Thursday, July 05, 2012

No Emergency Hearing For Katie Holmes

Despite what you may have read, there have been no filings by Katie Holmes asking for a public hearing or anything quick to happen. The only thing she has filed is the divorce petition and a request to keep all the filings anonymous which kind of sucks. Tom Cruise has filed nothing but, then again it was a holiday and his 50th birthday so he had a surprise auditing to attend and there was cake after. Tom will be filing for divorce in LA. His lawyer has already said that New York was not a home. It was just for work and for Broadway plays. Seriously, I can't believe they actually said Broadway plays, but they did. I wonder if Tom is up for finding another beard or if he is just going to is be single from now on. I thought Scientologists just ended things and never discussed them again so a long divorce battle would seem at odds with their stated beliefs. Then again, what they state and their reality generally don't have cross paths.


  1. Sending good thoughts Katie's way. She will need all the help she can get to save herself and Suri.

  2. At least there was cake after auditing. I'd be pissed if I had to tell all my secrets and didn't get a treat afterwards.

  3. The request to keep all the filings anonymous had to be on the advice of her attorneys and she got the best ones available for someone in her position. Here's an article with a very good rundown of who she has retained and why:

  4. Wow, I guess he considered her broadway plays to not be work!

  5. Im sure Nicole is sitting in her home saying damn why didn't I think of that. But I don't see how in the long run she is going to get around Tom cramming CO$ in Suri's head.

  6. This is also interesting, from the Village Voice:

    So where is Shelly?

    Scientology Leader David Miscavige's Disappeared Wife Shelly: What We Know

    You also get a lot of info within the comments.

  7. Thanks Agent**It.. that is just too suspicious.

  8. Timebob-LOL, you KNOW Nicole is thinking that!

  9. I have a question for someone with more (read: any) legal knowledge than I. There are obviously murmurings of her not wanting Suri to attend Scientology school and it was assumed that it was because it was SCIENTOLOGY SCHOOL. But would she have legal grounds to claim that their curriculum is not meeting other basic standards? Connor and Bella supposedly don't know basic math and science skills. If she can't claim it's for religious purposes, can she use education as an excuse?

  10. Scientology keeps it's youngest members illiterate like the Tea Party wants to keeps them in control...Tommy didn't finish high school....he was an easy target for them..
    I pray for her, personally I think they should let her and Suri go....or this just might take down the church.

  11. I can't believe people are falling for this crap! Do you really believe this was all a surprise to Tom! These two planned this act and now Katie is giving an Oscar performance. The plot goes that she must come out not looking like a poor broken hearted Kidman ! Her exit is scripted to propel her back into the hearts of the public who will be team Katie all day all week. Sole custody? Sham , Tom doing DNA test? I think not! It's all a performance with special effects( firing entire staff) Katie is hot again

    1. But what is Tom and CO$ benefiting from her being painted as strong and independent? They are looking very bad in this divorce before they even take their first way would they want to be portrayed this way no one will fall for them being victims, If anything they'll always be at fault here...

  12. @misch

    "Scientology keeps it's youngest members illiterate like the Tea Party wants to do."

    That makes no sense but no need for an explanation:)

  13. @it took forever ummmm ok?


    Scientology is crazy. more crazy than I ever knew. I've been a bit obsessed with reading about it since Katie filed. I just had no idea. The kids who write about being in scientology - wow. No education. Just work. They learn nothing in those schools. It blows my mind.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. @ItTookForever: I have the same kind of ideas, that this has been set up since day one, that THIS is going to be how Katie's career benefits - she's going to be a whole different person after this and everyone will love her.

  16. I don't think there will be any Oscars in Katie's future. Nor do I think she and her team are plotting in a conference room how to get those blockbuster roles. I think it comes down to she married someone she didn't know and tried to make it work and it didn't. Tom threw millions at her to stay to keep up appearances and she still walked. He never got she isn't about money, she wants her daughter to grow up happy and well adjusted. Just because I am Team Katie doesn't mean I am going to pay to see a movie of hers. I'm sure she is loving all the good will but I don't think it is all as manipulative as some people would like to think it is.

  17. I have a hard time believing that Tom would agree to Katie having sole custody of Suri if this is a pre-planned "act." Also, this divorce--the way it is being handled by Katie--sheds a whole lotta light on Scientology which I also think Tom wouldn't like. Though I don't think he was "blindsided" in Iceland--he knew this was coming. I bet he didn't predict she would ask for sole custody though.

  18. Oh please Nice was so shocked when Tom filed and bitter ALL an ACT. It's been over ten years now and I have been waiting patiently to hear all the dirty deeds about Tom ! Hell am still waiting ... Did you see the dust ball rolling? # never gonna happen

    1. If Tom is not biological dad then Katie should feel no way about sole custody . Doubt there will be any big custody battle

  19. There is a prenup, so the only real issue here is custody. For that reason, I find it very difficult to believe that this is an orchestrated attempt for Katie to make a comeback.

    I'm sure Tom knew a divorce was coming - eventually - but I think Katie filing when she did, where she did, and for the purpose of obtaining sole custody came as a complete surprise to Tom.

  20. At this point it doesn't matter if Tom is the bio dad or not he is on the birth certificate and is legally the established father. At most it would be just another embarrassment in the media if it came out he wasn't the sperm donor.

    I just think this is the first decision Katie has made on her own in 5 years. I agree I think Tom knew the marriage was over but wanted to end it on his timetable not hers.

  21. @timebob , absolutely agree. Doubt this will even go to court.

    I don't think her "career" will benefit from this at all. Maybe she's determined her 1st priority is not a career but her daughter. Maybe that's wishful thinking, but it's my preference to be just a tiny bit hopeful.

  22. I think Tom was blindsided about the filing and how public she made it. He is a major control freak and I don't think he would ever allow himself to look this bad, especially after finally having a bit of a comeback from the couch jumping lunatic days.

  23. OT: I took the time yesterday to watch the Oprah incident and 2 of the 4 leaked videos with Tom spouting off nonsense (frankly I'm surprised they weren't removed somehow).

    The whole Oprah show..WTH? That was the stupidest thing I have ever seen. I cannot believe people bought that. Was everyone in the audience drunk? Did they put something in the air supply to make them all act like giddy teenagers? And what was the getting down on his knees thing and doing that Thinker move? Oprah is just as complicit as he is. There is no way that shit wasn't rehearsed. More disturbing than the other videos. Just.Bloody.Odd.

  24. TEAM KATIE!!!!!!

  25. I mentioned this in comments before on another topic, sorry to those who have to read me repeating myself. But anyway, I attended a taping of Oprah and during commercial break she eluded to the whole Tom couch jumping fiasco. She didn't specifically mention his name, but you it was one of those things where you knew exactly who she was talking about without having to say it. She basically let it be known that she knew the marriage was a hoax and actually didn't want him to come out and go through the whole announcement shenanigan of being in love with Katie. Evidently Oprah forewarned them that once you come out and do that there's no turning back, do you really want to do this sort of thing. She didn't seem happy that his tom foolery went down on her show like that. Tom foolery, ha! I crack myself up sometimes.

  26. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Scientology is scary. Who knows what they will do. That's why I'm glad Katie is "staying in the public eye" though I'm sure she would rather take Suri somewhere and hide out.

  27. If she went into this thing for her career, it may have worked. She's now young, beautiful, famous, has had billions of words written about her, and she'll come away from this scandalous divorce smelling of roses. Well played, Holmes, well played!

  28. Coincidence.... is down. After the article on the Village Voice & all this stuff about Katie & Suri... hmmmmm.

  29. Katie is doing a great public service by calling attention to Scientology. All these investigative articles are giving the media the cover to report on their activities with children and the long term effects. It's been going on too long with no one doing anything about it.

    Now, if only they could put Xenu's real Achilles Heel under a microscope - the money.

  30. @ittookforever

    I agree with you. I think that if this child really isn't his, Katie SO has the upperhand. I'm sure Katie has lots of secrets that she has kept that even with a "contract" can find their way to light. I'm interested in seeing how this impacts Scientology.

    And thanks for all the reveals ENTY. I loved how you outright wondered if "Tom is up for finding another beard ..."

    Between Travolta and Cruise ... the spinmeisters must be busy at COS

  31. @Elizabeth,

    With NO thanks to the IRS for giving them "church" status.... hard to get to the money trail.

    But financial lenders (Banks, credit card companies, etc) are asking for more and more documentation from the church members to maintain credit ratings, and that is really, really good news. Because then the documentation of their finances will be further analyzed ...

  32. I agree Elizabeth. I don't think Scientology will "let" Tom put up a fight...they have too much to lose, and too many willing to expose them even further...including Katie. BTW, if you saw her in "Pieces of April" you would realize she did have the beginning of a good career. I think all of the decisions since she's been married, have been Tom's and he didn't want her to succeed. He learned that lesson with Nicole.

  33. Regarding the money - it would be easy for the media to start asking the question - where is the money coming from and where does it go? Start showing the price lists for these audits and books. I saw a list that showed packages in the range of $30,000 and that's not to be come their Operating Thetan! (So dumb)

    Say a person walks into Mindhead and says they want to buy a package deal to become an Operating Thetan. Is it $100,000? Where does that person get the money? Does Xenu start selling all their belongings? And look at these Sea Org people that get paid from $11. to $50. per week. Sure keeps the costs down, now doesn't it?

    Then look at all these facilities they have. I read somewhere from an ex-Xenu guy who was tasked to sell these audit packages and the books. He said they came into desperate need for money and he had to go back to all members and tell them there were changes in the Xenu books and they had to all rebuy them for something like $3000. - to every Xenu member. This is a money operation, that's all it is.

    It sounds like David Miscavage is a short Jimmy Swaggert.

  34. @It took forever
    Interesting point of view. However that stipulates that Katie had the acting talent to portray her change from happy crush, to stepford wife, to zombie and now, back to life.
    I've only seen her in Dawson's and Batman, but oh lordey, her acting is a very monotone experience.

    yay, out of the commenting closet after reading CDAN for years and years! I deserve a drink.

  35. For anyone that doesn't know who Jimmy Swaggert is:

    "He had all the perquisites of that special priesthood—three spacious homes, a personal jet and the use of a luxurious ministry "retreat" in California...Jimmy Lee Swaggart, 52, was the charismatic maestro of high-energy salvation. In the course of each sermon, the fired-up preacher would rant, weep, thrust his Bible high in the air and strut the stage this way and that, whipping his followers and himself to a devotional frenzy. An acute businessman as well as a spellbinding performer, he built an electronic empire with hundreds of millions of viewers worldwide and an income from contributions of $150 million a year.",,20098413,00.html

  36. Village Voice and have all the prices of the courses. But what is needed are bank, tax returns and examination of credit card transactions that start an 'audit" trail. (pardon the pun).

    PS; Next time on Ebay, check out what Co$ stuff people are trying to sell. Wonder who the sellers are ?

  37. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Misch, what the f*ck does Scientology have to do with the Tea Party? And where do you get the idea that the Tea Party wants to keep its young people illiterate? That's one of the dumbest things I've read recently, and that's saying something.

  38. Agent I knew I'd seen the price list somewhere and it's just been this week.

    In one of the articles, it might have been Mike Rinder, not sure, but the guy said they got very good at finding out the credit lines available on people's credit cards, assets the person could sell, ways to borrow money from others, etc. in order to sell these audit packages and books. He made it seem like people have more money than you realize if you get really good at it.

    Because there was so much pressure on the Xenu minions and the punishment they received if they did not make quota, they really knew how to put the pressure on and these Xenu worshippers would break and sell all their stuff to buy the packages. eBay sounds like it would be the perfect way for them to sell belongings off for cash.

    When you read that David Miscaviage gave Tom a custom motorcyles and $300K birthday parties, etc. that money had to come from somewhere. Xenu's financial needs must be huge and their methods to feed that beast should be investigated.

  39. Yes, and the credit card investigations are exactly what I'm talking about...

    I want to really see the audit trail of homes that were sold by Co$ members who then never bought real estate again (they "donate" the $ to Co$). That should be traceable and also by analyzing their CBR reports.

  40. Sharron Angle, the "tea party" laughingstock from Nevada, was a big Scientology weirdo. For what it's worth. That's one link.

  41. My favorite public "servant" is Lee Baca, Sheriff of Los Angeles County.He is heavily associated with Co$ and provides them with special protection.

  42. Sharon Angle dances to Xenu? Hahha I didn't know that, that's pretty funny.

  43. "But would she have legal grounds to claim that their curriculum is not meeting other basic standards?"

    Yes, in California, and likely in New York as well. In CA it is a statutory requirement that every child receive a basic education hewing to certain scholastic standards. I do not believe that there is an exception to that law for reasons of religion.

    But I would presume that COS has dealt with that issue already for their schools and that they're compliant beyond the point of challenge.

    It's probably not going to be an issue since Katie will probably end up with the custody leverage to determine where Suri goes to school. The pitched battle, on more even terms, will be whether and to what extent Katie can prevent Suri from being exposed to the core "religious practices" of Scientology.

    The legal standard in CA has been that either parent can require the child to attend the church of their faith while in their custodial care. But it's a thorny question and there's significant case law that would apply.

  44. For sale on Ebay:

    E-meter-signed by LRH $25k

    L. Ron Hubbard - Scientology & Dianetics Library World’s Largest Private Collection of Authentic LRH $3.5 Million.

  45. The other reason that Tom won't put up a huge fight is that it could kill what's left of his career. Despite the last MI movie doing well, that franchise is played out and Tom's box-office appeal in other films has severely eroded.

    Most of his remaining box-office mojo is due to the grosses he pulls overseas in action films. Well, the majority of countries where Tom makes that coin have state religions that view Scientology as an idolater cult. A big family fight on religious grounds--especially COS vs. the Catholic Church--could destroy him as a movie star.

  46. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Sharron Angle isn't a Scientologist. She's a Southern Baptist and was a teacher at a Baptist school. Her "link" with Scientology, such as it is, was that she was credited with a successful bill against psychotropic drugs in Nevada schools, which Scientologists also support. Jenna Elfman and Kelly Preston accompanied her to promote the bill in the Senate. That's it. Angle has denied multiple times that she is a Scientologist.

  47. Co$ breaking news from Village Voice:


    "Karen de la Carriere, formerly a member of the Church of Scientology who studied directly under L. Ron Hubbard and who was at one time married to the current (and disappeared) president of the Church of Scientology International, Heber Jentzsch.She learned minutes ago that her 27-year-old son died on Tuesday, but the news had been kept from her by Scientology"

    Just go to village voice for the article July 5

  48. we went several rounds on the church thing in my disso. my ex wanted the kids to continue in catholic school and to go to church every sunday. the court told him, several times, that "no court" would make me take the kids to church (this is california). and agreed w/ me send them to public school. after telling my ex 3 times (different court dates!)that she would not order me to take them to church, the judge told him to move on and stop asking. she aded that he was fre to take them as often as he wanted; during HIS visits.

  49. I'm a little surprised that the judge didn't let your kids stay in Catholic school (provided that Dad would pay for it) since they usually default to maintaining the most continuity of family and social life for the kids (i.e., not mandating school changes). Otherwise, yes, your ex was CRAAAAZY wrong to think that a judge would order you to take the kids to his church.

    They're not visits, remember, in a shared custody settlement or order. That's gonna be the rub with Katie & Tom. The burden of proof will be upon her to show that Tom exposing Suri to Scientology during his custodial time is detrimental to her welfare. The law will initially be on his side in that regard.

    (Again, this is how it'd go under CA law.)

  50. I should also note that the California Family Code specifically allows judges wide latitude in determining what is in the best interest of the child or children. Appellate decisions have generally backed up the practice of wide latitude by CA family court judges.

    So whatever the common practice is, a judge could go against it (like awarding Katie sole legal custody) and the decision would likely stand up through a first round of appeals (family law appeals in CA being a huge crapshoot).

    Who the judge is that eventually ends up with this case on his/her docket in L.A. is going to be a major factor in the final decision.

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