Monday, July 16, 2012

Rihanna Blows Off Work For Drug & Booze Fueled Vacation

This could be the week that pushes Rihanna over the edge into rehab. At least I hope it puts her into rehab. The singer, who already blew off one huge project this summer has now told record label bosses that she won't be working for awhile and is not interested in going on tour until she has some fun. By fun, she means another vacation. Umm, she just got back from Barbados and is now in Italy where she has already been spotted getting wasted out of her mind on drugs and booze and also having sex with Drake and others. Yep, more than one. It is like one big orgy fueled hedonistic summer party. So, in other words she is living like a rock star. Huh.


  1. You bet me again FSP!

  2. Seems like a good time to proclaim my love for the phrase/term "booze-fueled".

    @FSP - what's going on in your profile pic? I'm scared.

  3. River Island, a UK chain, have announced today they are doing a collaboration with her. Lucky the UK getting to dress like her.

  4. Rehab > casket. Stupid twat.

  5. Crash and burn big time.

  6. @FSP - nevermind, I looked at your profile. Yikes!

  7. IF she goes to rehab, it'll be some bullshit Hollywood 21 day program and it won't work. She needs intensive therapy - clearly - and the best way to deal with it would be 60-90 day inpatient in a legit program. Not some cush "recovery spa".

  8. First thing's first, fabu hat.

    Party like a rock star. That's the dream, right? I'm not going to scream for rehab everytime someone goes on a bender (or six).

  9. @ EmEyeKay - whose mug shot is that? I've been trying to figure it out for a while lol.

  10. @rejectedcarebear - great minds!

    @EmEyeKay - you're digging my belly aren't you?

  11. The girl needs help!! and that's really all there is to it.

  12. I agree that she needs help, but I also wonder how many male performers pull this exact same shit without it getting publicized.

  13. @FSP - Ohhhhh, yessssss...

    @Amber - it's that woman who got naked on the side of the road/freeway, and then invited the cops to touch her/lick her/whatever. I didn't catch her name :/

    1. Was she the lady who was arrested whilst masturbating on the side of the road?

  14. FSP- I got into a fight in high school with this dirty bitch cause I said she had a five head (which she so clearly did, you could rent space on that thing) needless to say, I won that fight and she now has a scary meth five head.

  15. @ Em - hahaha that's fantastic. I'm sure I can dig it up on TSG. It cracks me up every time I see it!

  16. Crash and burn are the words that ame to mind. I see that I wasn't the first to think that way...Good luck RiRi. You and LiLo could be roommates.

  17. Wow, Enty is quite mysoginistic it seems. I have worked with her in production and the only difference between her and any 24 year old is that she's for millions of dollars.

    She's also an avid pothead, which technically isn't drugs, but the government would say otherwise. It just seems lousy as hell to say a 24 year old who's been working non stop for almost ten years, likes to drink and smoke weed with her friends, is On a'drug and booze fueled' vacation.

    On the mysoginistic tip-WOW, a woman has sex with more an one guy! Lock her up and throw away the keys! At whore!

    1. Thanks Frankie for your insight, makes a lot of sense.

  18. She told us straight up, "Hey baby. I'm a rockstar." Personally, I was a damn fool at 24. Hope she gets it together - I liked her from the time she owned her nude photo leak by saying something like, "Yeah, that was me when I was skinny." I mean, how can you not sort of respect the hell out of that?!

  19. Atta girl!!! Become a STATISTIC!

  20. @Em - I always image your pic screaming THOR! It makes it that much funnier ;)

  21. I could curl your toes with the shenanigans I was doing at 24. You don't think of things in the long-term, so you need grounded people around you to remind you fame isn't forever and you need to work your a$$ off while you have it. I think she needs to value herself a lot more, but that's coming from a 39 year old who has lived the rock star life already ( and came out fairly unscathed. Phew!)

  22. I personally don't care if Rihanna wants to smoke a few blunts and drink, I did my share when I was younger. Her media photos show her with drivers on her nights out.
    That being said, I do think she's got some deeper issues to work out with a counselor.
    The fact that she runs back to have sex with guys like Chris and Drake, and after they wrote diss songs about her and joke about how easy it is to sleep with her on Twitter. She lets these guys pass her around.

  23. She's a classic Borderline Personality Disorder. Just look it up in the DSM-IV-TR. Worked with too many of them in my career.

  24. I like RiRi. She reminds me of some wild peeps I used to know. She's grieving. She's young. She needs a break. Just hope her drunk ass doesn't fall off the boat and drown.

  25. Her grand mother just died. Give her a break.

  26. This could also be the week that the few remaining people who give a crap about this skankbag finally give up.

  27. I hope she is using is going to have multiple diseases...

    she is such a drugged out mess....

  28. when i hear about what other people, non-celebrities included, were doing at 24, i think to myself that i must be the most boring 24yo in the world.

  29. @dia... hah! Her face goes really well with some comments (like, repeating "THOR" over and over, which I must do when I see his pix, 'cuz once is not enough).

  30. Yeah, let the girl live it up. At least she hasn't got kids she ought to be tending to instead, or anything.

    Who among us didn't party like rock stars at that age? And with the money, security, help, connections, fame, etc. that RiRi has? Shooooot. Party on, girl!

  31. 'Course, if she's not showing up to, or canceling, her business obligations (mainly those involving fans) or otherwise pulling a Sly Stone-type thing on a regular basis...then yeah, it prolly time for some ratcheting-back.

  32. As a mental health professional it really bothers me when people diagnose people they've never met with mental illnesses.

    Ay yi yi...I shudder to think of the result if I had a lot of money while I was living my own rock star life. I rarely had money for food...I can't imagine if I would have had her access.

  33. @ Frankie and Selena - Totally agree. Let her have her fun. She's earned it.

  34. Lordy I love how these kids work for a few years and then feel entitled to taking a six month vacation. Their whole job it to entertain and have fun.

    Go try digging a ditch for twenty years, that is hard work.

    Maybe she wants to join the 27 club so she need to get cracking on the drinking.

  35. Barbados wasn't a pleasure trip...she was burying her gran gran, whom she was very close with. Damn get off her back and stop willing the 24 yr old (emphasis on her age) to crash and burn. Let her be.....

  36. @ timebomb - it's tough work to put on a show night after night, not to mention having to show up at parties and make appearances. Sure, it sounds like fun to us, but they still have to show up when and where they are told and do what they're supposed to do. That's called "work". She worked very hard, albeit for a short time, made a lot of money, and now wants to enjoy for a bit. I would do the exact same thing.

  37. Yeah I agree too on let her have her fun. She's young, damaged, and I too hope she doesn't take it too far, she's not evil I don't think, I can't hate on an internally sad girl.

  38. I can't blame her. Island life is sweet. Everything slows down. You can deal with important life things. After reading about her father I'm sure she has problems. It's no wonder why she goes back to CB. I hope she has some good people around her.

  39. DM has an article on Duran Duran.

    John Taylor describes life on the road "as a haze of alcohol and drugs." The band was given memos telling them things like, "Today is Oct 3" or "You are in Chicago."

    So, this is the lifestyle. It's not without its downfalls, certainly, and I do believe that Riri has things she needs to work out.

    Interestingly, John Taylor says, "Everyone wanted to party with me, but behind the party face, I was caught up in a vortex of fear, arrogance, loneliness and extraordinary popularity.'"

    He also mentions that he still battles the addictions that he developed as a consequence.

  40. She's not a rock star, more like a coke whore. She may be rich, but she aint happy.

  41. She buried her grandmother in Barbados, HARDLY a vacation. Let her be.

  42. Good for her, hope she has a blast!

  43. A 24 year woman who just lost her grandmother wants to party instead of busting her ass working, at 11.

  44. She's going to need to be treated for 'exhaustion' soon.

  45. @ Denise - right on, sister. I probably wouldn't be here today if I had unlimited resources during my partying days.

  46. She can afford it. Wasn't she #2 after Taylor Swift on the women under 30 show biz pay list? Swift made $57 million last year & Rhianna was just behind her with $53 million. The 1st film actress was near the bottom of the top 10.

  47. In other words, she's doing what male stars are doing except she's getting criticized for it because she is a woman, not a man. Apparently 'party like a rock star' only applies to male rock stars and females who do the same are labeled as being messed up and damaged. She's rich, famous, and beautiful and does whatever she wants. Sounds like a nice life to me.

    Fuck who you want, fuck you who you like. That's our life with no end in sight.

    Yes I know those are Minaj's lyrics.

  48. Growing up in entertainment is she has had some trauma so I give her a pass.

    Too bad her dad is an idiot, she needs Brittany Spears dad to rescue her.

  49. you guys can defend her all you want and yes I knew her Grandma had died I was referring to the 3 months before and after.

    But keep thinking what a hardworker she is.

  50. careful, your misogony, and perhaps other things, is showing....

  51. I cannot stand Rihanna.

    It's not that she's a stoner, a drinker or a partyer.

    It's not because she doesn't get why the public is disgusted that she would go back to Chis Brown.

    I cannot stand her because she's a famewhore who insists on showing the public her boobs whenever the opportunity presents itself.

    That, and her music sucks ass.

  52. And I don't quite understand why anyone thinks that Enty, or any of the commentators, judgement of Rhianna is misogynistic.

    If you put yourself out in public and make sure that everyone knows your business, you open yourself up for judgement.

    It's a little unrealistic to yell,"look at me, LOOK AT ME!!" And then in the next breath say, "don't judge me;" and not expect criticism.

  53. I agree with those who say let her be. One day, hopefully, she'll release an autobiography that I will find as interesting as Slash, Nikki Sixx etc. Men seem to get a free pass, she isn't harming anybody else, I would travel and not work if I won the lottery, and in a way she has won it.

  54. @lola--it's misogynistic because she is judged differently solely because of her gender. "Whore" carries a lot of weight with no real counterpart for men. yet, that is the word used over and over. sad.

  55. She's a sleazy skank.

  56. @faye, don't worry, I bet I was a lot more boring than you'll ever be when I was 24. Never did any drinking or drugs or partying...I've got Asperger's and I don't even like to be around small groups of people, let alone big parties full of people. Frankly I think partying is over-rated as hell anyways- there are a number of people in my family who are waaay too into it and it's really not amusing.

    @Timebob, agreed. I always roll my eyes so hard when celebs who spend half their time shopping and tanning anyways are all "I really need a vacation!" every chance they get. There is nothing wrong with liking to go on holidays but acting like you are busting your ass all the time when you're not is annoying.

  57. She's also got some legal issues going on. She's suing her accountants for multi-millions. That might have something to do with her "refusal" to perform, no?

  58. @NYer...

    Wilmer Valderama, manwhore. John Mayer, manwhore. Adam Levine, manwhore. 3 off of the top of my head that we all attack for their manwhore ways.

    I would point out that, much as I said above, if she weren't saying, "LOOK AT ME!!!," we wouldn't have any idea who she was, or wasn't sleeping with.

  59. glad to see some people standing up for rihanna instead of the usual insecure celeb bashing that seems to take place way too often on this site. agree with many of the above, give her a break!! and to the person who said she has BPD, get over yourself.

  60. I can't believe it that way its reported here.

  61. Remember when we gave Lindsay a pass because she was "young?" There have been enough reports that people close to Rihanna think she's close to a meltdown that it isn't exactly out there to say she needs help. I haven't seen much to indicate that she's enjoying her current life very much. In the past, it has looked like she was having a ton of fun living the Rock 'n' Roll lifestyle; now it seems like she's desperate to feel better.

  62. Her grandma JUST died. Can she grieve in peace? People deal with things differently.. & weed is hardly a drug.. She has the right to take a few wks/months off to just be. How long did you take one a loved one passed..& did it stop hurting immediately!? NO!? So hop off..just because she's a celebrity doesn't mean anything..she's human you know..

    PS I wish I had Yacht money to melt all my troubles away tanning & kicking back. Don't be a bunch of bitter miserable haters
