Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Russian Road Rage


  1. People are fucking crazy!!! And my husband wonders why I hate people!!!

  2. If that had happened in the US, guns would have been fired at some point. Thank God it was just water.

  3. I can't believe how many people are filming while driving.

  4. I hate people sometimes. Well, most of the time.

    OT - I can't remember where we talked about it, or who I talked to, but last night Spike TV had new programs of America's Wildest Police Chases. I just love that show! They stopped making it for awhile but it's back. It's my guilty pleasure.

  5. lol that was hysterical!!!

  6. I've been to Russia several times and to different cities. In my experience, drivers actively sped up and tried to hit pedestrians trying to cross the street. It was worst in Moscow.

  7. The water splash was hilarious. Who knows guns might have started blazing. It looks like they were still following each other at the end.

  8. I was going to a job interview in a different city and was looking at my directions. At the last minute saw my exit off the expressway, and took it. Cutting this guy off. Realizing I was driving like a lunatic, I pulled into the gas station to look at my directions. This guy had followed me off the expy!!!! Had gotten out of his car and started yelling at me. I got out of my car looked at him and said "I'm lost, I'm sorry this wasn't about you!" Got back in my car locked the doors and went back to looking at my directions. So, whenever someone does something silly on the road, I just imagine they are lost like I was:-)

  9. @luckylass, it appears to be a mounted camera. I know people who do this now and film all their driving. In the event of an incident having the video could be very helpful.

  10. Wow, so Russian drivers are just as stupid as American drivers. Who knew?

  11. It's always best to get out your aggression out where people's lives are at stakes.

  12. I'm sorry...that was hysterical. I loved it.

  13. I want to know what happens next!

  14. @mikey - interesting and definitely a fair reason to film.

  15. I thought it was hilarious too--childish, but in a very satisfying way.

  16. Nooooooooo..... HOW DID IT END??!

    roflmao. hilarious.

  17. Anonymous1:26 PM

    hahahha good one entywood.

  18. And then it ends in a fiery wreck.

  19. It's not worth a possible fiery crash just because someone has a small penis, a large vehicle and issues but that could very well be the outcome.

    I had someone follow me because I passed them faster in the other lane and then tell me it's a good day to die. Then he followed me to the police station and said I started it! And what happened? Nothing. Creep.

  20. some stupid cunt in a micro car cut me off bad tonight on the way home from work. no reason, she just didn't want to get stuck in the slower moving lane. i had to stand on my brakes. i hope she gets ass cancer.

  21. http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Hundreds-of-accidents-blamed-on-Houston-road-rage-3721059.php

    Yeah, road rage is funny. Laugh it up.

  22. Those tiny cars, who wants to be reckless in those? I cant imagine driving in those tiny Tonka trucks.
    I went to Ukraine several years ago and the driving was terrifying. Our large van tried to run two motorcyclists off the road. I couldn't watch. I took a taxi back to our camp one day after visiting a town nearby and the driver got offended that I wanted to wear a seatbelt in the front seat. Im still mad at myself for putting my cultural niceties over my spine/face/body. He hit dirt roads and hills at 70km/hr (translation anyone?) and my friends in the back wrapped their arms around my chest because I was flying in my seat, bouncing, lurching. Im an idiot. He kept grinning and cacking in Ukrainian and I kept having to ask my translator wtf he was saying. She kept yelling at him to slow down. Id love to know the stats for that city on mv accidents.

  23. Ok, 70 kilometers per hour is 43 mph, according to my recent research which sadly undercuts some of the dramatic tension inherent in my anecdote. But trust me, we were flying and his shocks sucked as we slammed back down on the hills. Whew. Don't drive in Ukraine and wear your seatbelts.

  24. I have a special hate for road ragers. Calm down, people. Take a breath. It's not worth it. Right up there with drunk drivers. Yes, equally. They are choosing to be reckless and risk other people's lives. Fuck them.
