Saturday, July 28, 2012

Snoop Is Banned From Norway

Snoop Dogg is banned from entering Norway for the next two years. His lawyer says Snoop os fine with that. I guess he was not planning on playing any Norwegian shows for the next two years or he might have tried to appeal. I guarantee you if it was England he would be spending a lot of money appealing the decision and getting them to change. The issue he is going to have is Japan is not going to let him now either so that will be a big money hit.

Snoop was arrested after he tried entering Norway with pot in his possession. He was also charged with having too much cash and not declaring it.


  1. It's great how the world Crimenalizes a planet. Getting drunk and driving, I can see you banning the person. Misdemeanor possession? That I can not see why you would ban a person. Someone please tell me there is more to this story!

  2. I wonder what it's like to watch Snoop try to get through customs in any given country.

    "Sir, do you have anything in your pockets?"

    "Fo shizzle my nizzle, I got some chronic and some chedder up in this beyotch, baby boo."

    It's like he's on a one-man mission to get ejected from every country on earth. I have to applaud his dedication.

  3. Legalize it. That is all.

  4. Importing illegal drugs is not a misdemeanor in any country as far as I know, it's a serious crime. Doubt the US Border people would let you through. Stupid move trying to carry through customs. Snoop's lucky he's not in jail.

  5. Snoop, this has happened enough times now that you should know better. I'm a stoner too ( not on your level tho) but its easy to remember stuffs. Write it on a post it note: Don't bring weed to other countries. Put it in your passport. Your are welcome.

  6. Hahahaha. Great thread.

    Illegal drugs? Haha. You act like it's heroin. It's a plant. Global legalization!

  7. I think he's a dummy for trying to bring it in. HELLO! You're Snoop Dog the D-O-G I'm pretty sure people would be lining up to give him quality smoke.

  8. I believe he has one of those so-called "medical" marijuana certificates, and lots of people with the med.mar. card think they can travel with cannabis.

    Me, I think it just needs to be legalized for recreational use by adults and carefully monitored (and taxed to high holy hell). For what it's worth.

  9. Can't he just mail it like everyone else? :) j/k

  10. Snoop is the man. Ridiculous that pot can get someone legally entangled.

  11. I'm all for the legalization of marijuana use, but the Norwegians would be well advised to keep that degenerate cretin out of their country permanently.

  12. Come on, surely these countries have "contacts" that the stars Come in clean, leave blitzed.

  13. The fact that overuse can cause Schizofrenia is probably why it is still illegal. Just because it's natural doesn't mean it's good for you.

  14. I support legalization for recreational use, but I acknowledge that there are correlation studies showing a link between marijuana usage and psychotic disorders. No one knows if the users are more prone during their prepsychotic phase to use marijuana or to self-medicate to reduce symptoms of oncoming trouble; the studies don't show an actual causative link, but they don't rule out a causative link. Still, I believe that people ought to be able to grow and use cannabis, in spite of its risks. It's nowhere near as dangerous as hard narcotics, and the prohibition turns millions of Americans into criminals simply because they are enjoying a socially normative experience.

  15. Snoop Dogg is indeed an international criminal. (Heavy sarcasm)

  16. @Barton Fink: Exactly! Hell, if we legalized and taxed weed, we could probably take care of the deficit, no problem, plus everyone would be totally baked and happy to boot. :-) No, smoking it constantly isn't a good idea, but in all fairness, alcohol has caused a hell of a lot more human misery than pot ever has, and seeing just how badly Prohibition turned out, they won't be trying to ban that again any time soon.

    (I swear, half the problem is that people doing any kind of substance don't understand the concept of moderation--smoking a bowl occasionally or having a couple of drinks w/friends once or twice a week isn't the big problem; it's the folks who are so baked they can't see straight and the hard-core alcoholics that are. I remember speaking w/a pharmacist regarding some of my meds before I went on my last trip to New Orleans, to find out if 1 or 2 drinks over the course of 3-4 days would be a problem, and she said no. "The main reason we tell people not to drink at all is because most people won't stop at one drink." "Well, I do!" Actually, come to think of it, I may not have actually had anything alcoholic to drink during my stay, but I did want to be prepared in case I did decide to split a Hurricane or Hand Grenade w/a friend...Anyway, Americans in general are terrible about moderation in just about any area you can think of, IMNSHO.)

  17. Pot should be legal. I believe this and I don't even smoke anything.

    That being said, Snoop has waaaay too much money.

  18. Uruguay has legalized pot. It would be much safer to grow your own or buy domestically. I figure in October Obama will come out in support of "taking a look" at the issue.

  19. Paul McCartney got put in a Japanese jail for 2 weeks for doing the same thing Snoop did.
