Saturday, July 07, 2012

Ted Casablanca

So, earlier this week, Ted Casablanca signed off from E! after 20 years there. That is a really long time to be writing a gossip column. Many of you have asked if I know anything. I will get to that in a minute. I think Ted deserves a lot of credit for the blind item. He made it popular. He made every column his own with that crazy language of his that only a Variety subscriber can truly appreciate. Over the past three weeks he has not really been there and after that long away, the move was not unexpected. Is he sick? Getting a new job? Fired for doing something wrong? Maybe he bad mouthed a Kardashian instead of kissing their rings. The rumor is that Ted was suspended while the bosses decided what to do. It didn't turn out well, and I don't think ted did anything on purpose. He could have caused a lot of damage to a lot of people. I think the bosses at E! should remember that and have given him a second chance. I think they chose what he did as an excuse to get rid of him and his salary and find someone they like more.


  1. The Jeremy Renner outing?
    Was wondering when/if you would mention this.

    1. I hope he starts his own blog...minus the twihards.

    2. Oh crap. When did that happen?

    3. That was my very first thought, too, Denise. That Renner slip up was pretty bad. Sorry for getting in on this kind of late. Kids and errands and cleaning, oh my!

  2. What'd he do? I would think he'd be a major site draw.

  3. Jeremy Renner outing??? What happened? He said something? Do spill!

  4. Ummm...who DIDN'T know Jeremy Renner was gay?

    If that's what Ted was fired for, then the E! bosses were just looking for an excuse to get rid of him.

    1. Ditto.. if that's what got him fired BS for talkin what we all knew.

  5. I have loved Ted and his column for years. Miss him already.

  6. I knew he was gay, I mean did he out him??? I missed that. Stopped going there because between the Twi-Hards and the long, complicated blinds I was getting a headache.

  7. The "Renner blind" was a random blind about some gay guy, but in the middle he used the name Jeremy instead of the nickname he used. Everybody assumed it was Jeremy Renner. It's on here somewhere.

  8. @ Kassandra, yeah but to have it posted like that was a terrible mistake on the part of Ted and his editor/s, too.
    Frankly he lost me long ago with all his who's gay blinds, they got old. That and the twilight shit.

  9. Found it...I remembered this...

  10. @Denise, seriously hahah. I hope he starts his own blog, and he wouldn't have to kiss E approved ass like Twilight and the Kartrashians.

  11. Ohh how i will miss the legend of toothy tile. i heard he didnt get along too well with Seacrest

  12. i don't remember any Jeremy Renner outing and honestly so many websites were screaming he was gay and in the closet. Even his acting teacher talked about meeting his boyfriend. I do agree I think it is a cost cutting measure and out with the old and in with the new and cheaper and easier to control talent.

    I just wish he had gone kamikaze and revealed his most famous BVs like toothy tile, and the rest of the crazy ones.

  13. who's jeremy renner?

  14. Ted did a blind not too long ago about a gay actor and accidentally called him "Jeremy" in the middle of the blind. Can't remember his blind name.
    Anyway, I will miss Ted very much. Not the idiot Twi-Hards though. I hope he gets a new spot somewhere minus them!

  15. Another reason to not watch E!

    He had a blind about Kim, i think it was Camela Social Climber, she had sex with someone to get shoes

  16. Oh, holy crap...I picked up on the Jeremy Renner being gay thing and didn't care, but I missed the whole thing that JR has apparently been getting it on with Tom Cruise since they met on Mission Impossible!

    Can't post the link from my phone, but just google "Ted Casablanca Jeremy Renner" and it's the second hit.

  17. Timebob, that would have been epic. Or just release all the names.

  18. @Lissette, he mistakenly typed Jeremy's first name in the midst of a Blind Item post. It was quickly changed when he became aware of it, but by then it was the talk of the site, with everyone assuming it concerned a sexual relationship between Renner and Tom Cruise occurring during filming of the last Mission Impossible installment.

  19. Ted C isn't dead. There is life after E!, and he'll find another outlet.

  20. "Knowing" someone is gay, as in "you don't actually know, but instinctively believe or strongly suspect is different than being outed by someone who actually would know. There's a difference. If Ted outed someone, I think that's cowardly and unprofessional.

  21. And for those of you who are always shocked and befuddled when a Hollywood actor turns out to be gay, think back to the boys in your high school who spent all their time in the drama wing and were in all the school plays and talent shows. Were any of them straight? I didn't think so.

  22. Totally bummed. Really wanted to know more about Baby Tile.

  23. It was an accidental outing? Well that makes feel better about Ted then.

  24. oh em gee thanks @lissette well shame on E! for not having proofreaders before posting.

    I can see Jeremey's people wanting blood for this one he is right on the cusp of A list action star. Maybe Jeremy is bi so when he says he is straight in his head he isn't lying. I think he just goes to the beat of his own drum sexually guys and girls and seems very, very shy about it. Look how long it took Anderson to come out. Honestly, no one really cared. I think if Jeremy came out he wouldn't lose his A list status. He is a great actor no matter who he goes to bed with.

  25. It's an unfortunate mistake, but you can't depend on editors to catch this stuff all the time. My imagination is picturing Cruise's people screaming at E! on the phone over this.

  26. And darn, I'm going to miss what Toothy Tile, Crotch Uh-Lastic, and Jackie Bouffant (I see you Zac) are up to, as well as who Judas Jack-Off and Dash Dingle-Dream really are, and on and on :(

  27. Was it a "mistake", or did Ted want out...and hurt E! In the process?

  28. Well, I just wonder if that is really why he was let go, but it was one of his last blinds.

  29. What is ironic is that E! publishes potentially damaging blinds but don't run the copy past an in-house attorney, or even attorney-intern? It was a slip that should have been caught.

    Whatever really happened - We may never know the Awful Truth. Ted may well be finished with gossip. You never know. Maybe he'll get involved with animal rights.

  30. I stopped reading Casablanca at least three years ago. The E! site used to be easier to navigate, then it became difficult and it loaded a billion ads with each paragraph of the column, and I finally stopped. Besides, he was always going on and on about people I didn't care about, and no one was guessing, and it was all a big waste of time.

    Maybe in a new venue he could be good again. After all, I've learned an entire new language just to understand him, so I would hate to forget Ted-Speak.

  31. Somehow I think he'll land on his feet....he knows everyone and their secrets....they prefer him working than a memoir...

  32. I love Ted. FLOVE. (I ignore the comments on E's site and just go to BlindItemsRevealed (blogger) to discuss. Hope Ted finds another venue, but bet E! will "claim" Toothy Tile and everything; might be hard for Ted to use his own shit. Fuckin E! (No: fuckin Kardashians!)

    OT: anyone know where I can get a CLEAN copy of Hollywood Babylon in pdf on the interwebs? :( Even ppl on Goodreads give it great reviews (although they tend to say it's filled with lies, they like the narrative, heh).

  33. This makes me so sad. I remember reading Ted when the awful truth was only weekly. I hope he rebounds soon. I'm not surprised he didn't screw E! over in the end. Ted seems to be a classy guy.

  34. @Denise, I'm wondering about that too, because another blind gossip site had a similar item, and recently published a reveal, saying yes, Tom and Jeremy were hooking up. So why does Ted get canned for mistakenly mentioning just the first name of one of the subjects, when another site comes right out and reveals it with no repercussions? Don't get that at all.

  35. Thanks Enty for letting us know, it seems politics is rampant everywhere.
    He'll land on his feet.

  36. Guess that means I can remove E from my bookmarks.

  37. I love Ted too, and hope he resurfaces soon. I sent him info about Brad and Jen when they were here in Austin and first started dating...many eons ago...

  38. I've been reading Ted for years, before E! He'll resurface. I welcome a Ted that doesn't have to kiss network ass. As far as Toothy is concerned, I think that we all have that one about 98% confirmed.

  39. I don't think E can claim the blind vices, but Ted is pretty savvy and can get around that, with new monikers, thinly veiled hints, etc. I have happily followed Ted since the Premiere days, and I have never had any trouble understanding his writing style--read it out loud--and I won't miss him on E, and won't miss him anyway cause you can't keep a good gossiper down for long.

  40. After the Hollywood kids, Ted was the place for blind items! I agree with Barton though, the E site has become a big ol mess and I know his best ones will come here eventually. Wish Ted the best, maybe he will join us here some day!

  41. The website Towleroad outed Renner months ago. When he was in Thailand and got in that fight with some guys that worked at a bar, it was actually a gay bar and his friend that nearly got his head hacked off was also gay. Matter of fact, I believe it was a whole group of guys and they were on a strip catering to gay bars.
    And let me just say, I still think he is effing hot and don't care if he likes peen, poon, or chichis he is a great actor and nobody can deny that just watch The Hurtlocker.

  42. ITA: I hate the E! site. That's why I went looking for sites that cataloged Ted's BIs. Even with AdBlockPlus on the E! site is garish.

    Toothy Tile was a favorite, but also the Grey whatever and the baby. Ferocious A La Angelina Jolie whatever was interesting too. The ones with Reese Witherspoon (can't remember her moniker) were always hilarious. Liked LOTS of the older blinds, but got to a point where I was just reading Ted's [Twilight] BIs here @ Enty.

  43. Maybe Ted was gonna out Ryan.

  44. He could easily set up his own site. The problem is, who owns the monikers? If he owns them, then it would be an easy transition, but if E! owns them, he'll have to start from scratch.

    Did he bring the monikers with him to E! or were they developed while he was employed by them? Was he freelance or a direct hire?

    Sadly, this is what I'm curious about. I know, it doesn't take much...

  45. He also outed G. Clooney, so maybe that contributed to his firing.

  46. I had actually learned to decipher Ted speak. I was seriously sick of the twi-hards and the seeming lack of straight people of either sex in Hollyweird.
    I hope Ted gets another gig.

  47. Thsi guy has been around for years. Unless this is some kind of industry wide blacklist, he'll probably land on his feet. Interesting timing for this though. With Tom and Katie's divorce coming up Ted probably has got alot of info on those two and maybe this was E's way of nipping it in the bud?

  48. I had a feeling that Ted's departure related partly to cost-cutting. Like TV column "Watch with Kristin," material is contributed more frequently by freelancers or other E! staff than the actual columnists.

    If the reveal was indeed about Jeremy Renner (I believe he is gay & closeted), then the reasons for Ted's canning are even more obvious: Jeremy's Bourne film, "The Bourne Legacy" is being released by Universal Studios, which is a subsidiary of NBC Universal. Another NBC Universal subsidiary is E!. The suits don't want their action hero franchise tainted by a man who bangs men, not women offscreen.

  49. Oh thanks Enty for telling us this. I get my Ted speak here and on D-Listed but Ted has been around for SOOOOOOO long I did not think he could be dismissed like that. Blind Gossip had a reveal just last week about Jermeny and Tommy, but I can see a studio wanting heads to roll as he is about to take over the Borne films. Let us know where Ted resurfaces too!

  50. Re: the monikers, that's what I'm saying. DOES Ted C own them, or are they E's? Will E try to bring in another BI-writer who will take those monikers over?

  51. I agree with everyone else. The E! online website is hard to navigate but I only visited the site for Ted C. Ted will land on his feet somewhere. He would be great as an addition to a daytime talk show.

    BTW, my favorite Ted blind was about Toothy Tile. Any guesses who Toothy Tile is?

  52. MissCrop, it's generally accepted that Toothy Tile is Jake Gyllenhaal.

  53. All the little sheep--every time Enty posted one of Ted's blind items on this site, the comment section was filled with 'I hate Ted' 'I have a headache from trying to figure this out' or 'What is with the shitty nickname' type comments. Now every one is voicing their undying love for the same guy. He was fired--and isn't dead so save the fake love until his demise into the hereafter.

  54. not a fan of ted speak, i generally skipped the cross posts of his BIs, but I have a feeling we may be getting a guest poster sometime soon...

  55. Oh no! I LOVE me some Ted! I hope he lands on another website soon.

  56. E announced on June 28th that they were taking down the Forums. Coincidence? Cost Cutting measure?
    I'll be following Enty and Ted's Twitter to keep up with the Fall of Scientology....

  57. Maybe Ted didn't do it intentionally but his subconscious got sick of the hypocrisy in Hollyweird.

  58. This might explain why Lainey laughably announced that Jeremy Renner is straight at a recent SMUT event. E told her/ paid her to.

    I think Ted will take his BVs with him. He has said before that no one at E knows the true identities of the monikers - only him. And in Ted's departing letter, he made the point about 5 times that HE started blind vices and The Awful Truth over at Premiere magazine. I thought when I read that - he's sure going out of his way to make that clear.

  59. / oh, my g, so I went to Twitter to find Ted C and follow him, saw a link to Tom Cruise's cult, and read "TEAM TC" tweets. I can't even.

  60. They've been trying to get rid of him since Ryan joined. As soon as that happened, he went from being on air talent to online only. I stopped watching then & I'll stop going to the site now. If I wanted nithing but ass kiss pieces, I'd pick up Kneepads.

  61. Every time I hear that Renner or Remner guy's name, I wonder who he is until I remember, "Oh, yeah, 2011's Chris O'Donnell."

    1. Never heard any gossip about Chris O'Donnell, what am I missing?!!

  62. Iam a newbie here, just recently got into gossip on the internet, before that it was just watching the Tv shows, this is one of the first sites I found, and I must say one of my favorates. I have a question though, some of the posts Iam reading are saying that the awful truth got shut down due to the outing of a blind. How does the gentlemen who runs this site not get into trouble for outing his blinds. Thanks

  63. So just supposing, in light of the Holmes-Cruise divorce, we have the accidental Jeremy, the MI dating, and a gossip blurb that alleged that Katie and Suri interrupted a liaison.

    What could that all add up to given that both TC and JR are leads in a few very big movies for 2 studios? It would seem TC would be over a very big barrel and that's in addition to the pounding his public image for COS would take in terms of perception and church dollars. Could any publicist regroup him from this mess -if it were to be true?

    Probably all fiction but if someone had this as their trump card, it seems they'd have a heavy duty bargaining chip.

  64. Swf...if that I in fact why Ted left it probably has to do with the fact that he was employed by a large corporation while sited like CDAN, blind gossip are on their own. in other words Ted had a boss and enty does not.
    ? Just my take.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. "And in Ted's departing letter, he made the point about 5 times that HE started blind vices and The Awful Truth over at Premiere magazine. I thought when I read that - he's sure going out of his way to make that clear."

    Sounds like he may be arming up for an intellectual property fight.

  67. @SFW Enty doesn't out people, you will notice he didn't even mention why Ted was fired. Our super sleuth commenters knew the reason why.

  68. oh I see I read your posting wrong, Enty doesn't get in trouble because he has said in the past he only reveals things that are not worth being sued over or it would call more attention than it is worth for celebs to sue over. This is a free hosted blog site, Enty is doing a public service.

  69. What are the chances that by outing Renner Ted also outed Cruise and their affair which brings Scientology into the game and we all know how they react.

    Also Lainey is paid and embarrassing how much she tries to convince her readers Renner and Toothy Tile are straight or the Twilight people.

    1. Lainey has never posted that Renner is straight - she hardly ever writes about him.

  70. timebob, thanks for the answer. I guess being new to internet gossip Iam still alittle fuzzy on things, for ex: being huge stars that they are, wouldn't Brad and Angie be upset about the recent reveal about her cheating with Billy Bob, I would think that would be damaging to their reps. They have the star power and money to make that go away don't they.

  71. I love Ted, have since Premiere, but in the last few years it has been all Kardashian and Twilight (almost) all of the time. Before I came here, I was only going to eonline for Friday blinds anymore.

    I hope Ted gets a chance to get back to how awesome he was pre-Kardashian days...he is charming, handsome and I'm all about his clear love for animals.

    Good luck, Ted!

  72. My comments mirror so many of the above! I loved Ted back in the day, then got sick of all the "gay" blinds in recent years. Still loved him, just didn't go out of my way to follow them recently. Loved when he and previously Steve Kmetko were on E! (tv). I also love Greg Louganis and loved those 2 (Greg and Steve) as a couple...I digress...

    One thing that worries me about Ted. Ben Widdecombe (sp?) was one of my favorites when he wrote Gatecrasher for the New York Daily News. He was supposed to have his own site and I haven't read any juicy Ben blinds since. I heard he works on some cable shows, but I have never seen him.

    I would love to see him out some of his infamous characters, and I know some place online, does keep track of best guesses.

    Whatever he does, best of luck Ted - and screw Ryan Seacrest!!

  73. His dedication to Twilight and his pandering to the Twihards are what finally did me in. I couldn't read him much after that. That said, the guy is a legend, and I truly hope he lands on his feet. I'd be happy to start reading him again if he balanced things out (read: less Twilight). Ryan Seacrest hates him, and I guarantee that little fact is behind this whole thing. E! never had a problem with Ted before Ryan became Lord God King Bufu over there.

  74. I use to LOVE Ted! I read him (yes, read) him in Premiere before the Internet. I got tired of Ted and the Twilight crap. His leaving E reminds me of Roger Friedman who left Fox.

    I'm sure Ted will appear somewhere else. He is the pioneer of the Blind Vice.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Figured there was more to the story. Thanks, Enty. This does make me sad as Ted deserves better than that. I read his column for many years, and even though it was taken over by Twilight fans, I still had a place in my heart for Tedspeak and his blinds! E! sucks anyway - hope Ted ends up somewhere better... An outlet that doesn't have anything to do with kissing the Kardashians' asses and that will give him more freedom from the legal department.

  77. Ted outed somebody, totally invaded his privacy. Oopsie! It's okay, though, because "privacy" is "hypocrisy" so outing people is just fine. And, yes, I'm sure it was totally unintentional because the guy mainly posts gay and lesbian blind "vices". Because being gay or lesbian and wanting to have a private life is a "vice" as well as hypocrisy. Fuck off, Ted.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Just a thought, but Ted sounds sloppy drunk in some of his writings. Could he have needed his column cleaned up for years, and some editor got sick of proof reading and let this little bit slip on through?!? Random thought of someone who considers herself a fan...

  80. I doubt it. Ted is a recovering alcoholic. He's been sober for years.

  81. @sfw sometimes it's better for a star to ignore gossip than to dignify it with a response. CNN doesn't cover reveals but they might if there was a lawsuit. And pretty sure Enty's disclaimer would make suing difficult.

  82. I think it was a mistake, because there are way too many typos on that site for them to have editors. Also as a writer, I can see myself typing away and accidentally writing the real name without even realizing it.

    I have Ted to thank for getting me addicted to celebrity gossip. I started reading him in high school when the weekly column could get emailed to you. It's been 12 years...holy cow! I hope he is able to keep doing what he loves because he's a guy I always thought would be awesome to meet in real life even if he may not like me because I'm Mormon... :)

  83. I think it was a mistake, because there are way too many typos on that site for them to have editors. Also as a writer, I can see myself typing away and accidentally writing the real name without even realizing it.

    I have Ted to thank for getting me addicted to celebrity gossip. I started reading him in high school when the weekly column could get emailed to you. It's been 12 years...holy cow! I hope he is able to keep doing what he loves because he's a guy I always thought would be awesome to meet in real life even if he may not like me because I'm Mormon... :)

  84. I started reading him somewhere around like 1998 and I really will miss him a lot. E! is now off my list of daily gossip rounds, and I think they are really going to feel the punch. Because they suck.

  85. I will miss Ted. His Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey stuff was a load of crap, but he almost always answered my questions in his columns.

    Besides, it's not like he outed Fey Oiled-Tush or anything.

  86. Now, the only decent thing E! has going for it is The Soup.

  87. I banned everything E!, including their website as soon as they became all K! channel. I fucking hate them for it.

    Ted will show up somewhere else.

  88. @Lala - Lainy is paid? I've heard rumblings that people did not like her, but I'm not aware of the specifics. What's the deal?

    1. Lainey isn't paid to conceal any celebrity's secrets/orientations, as evidenced by her blind riddles. She simply doesn't "out" people - unless they are practically begging to be outed (John Travolta). As far as Jake and Rob P go, she's addressed the rumours about both of them before. She said that she's aware of that Ted C, ect. insinuate that they're gay but that her sources tell her otherwise, and until she finds out more she will go by her current sources. It could just be that Ted has more connections in the gossip world to find out the truth about certain people, or it could be Toothy Tile is just an elaborate story to bring in more readers. Who knows.

  89. If the Jeremy Renner outing is what got Ted fired, he should sue. Right after the EXCELLENT movie, The Town, the National Enquirern"outed" him, and was specific in that Renner did not want to play the game, but the machine was making the decisions. If I am not mistaken, they had pics of him and his supposed boyfriend, from some time ago.

    Maybe now he'll start revealing his blinds.....

  90. Trébuchet, Hollywood Babylon is 95% bull. If you want to read it for laughs just buy a cheap copy Amazon

  91. It was pretty obviously a mistake on Ted's part; the offending instance was actually "Jeremy's" which obviously didn't get picked up by the search+replace of "Jeremy". Sloppy editing though!

  92. The first gossip site I ever read. I always liked him. He kind of lost me with the Twilight stuff though.

  93. @ LaLa and @ Cesspool - Yes, I'd like to know more about Lainey and her deal. Maybe she's only "paid" to disclose some "truths", because they surely ain't paying her to whitewash the TC/Katie/Scientology info. She seems to be going after that with real teeth!

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. I liked Ted's cast of characters, the juicy gossip, and game to figure out who they are.

    I won't miss the Ted-speak though, and I didn't care for his activist agenda when it came to celebrity gays. He never tired of demeaning those who wouldn't go public with their sexuality, and I think an element of payback for that factored into the multitude of his gay celeb blinds.

  96. Lainey promotes some movies by her blog:do anyone remember her promotion for LOVE,DRUGS & etc?
    Lainey says Jake G is straight! it's not a clue that she's RP
    She's too ambivalent about celebrities

  97. So many people here and even Enty himself have written many times that it's the comments that make this site so special. The comments on Ted's site went to hell with the Twihards. I read him for years and he even posted a couple of my letters, but I stopped reading regularly a long time ago.

    The most up-to-date info that I care about is here.

  98. Just thinking about all those long nicknames and run on gossip sentences gives me a headache. If Jeremy Renner wanted to remain in he could have avoided going to gay bars. Not taking a stance on that, but when I hear a macho actor was hanging out in a gay bar, that possibility is obviously now on the table. And I dont respect him or his friends for not doing anything to keep that guy from being beheaded, if he was actually his friend. OMG.

    Anyway, but for those of you with a decoder ring and time spent in the CIA would you mind giving us your guesses for who was who? It seemed to me the nicknames had nothing to do with the people. Unless Tom Cruise is Toothy Tile. He does have that tooth.

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. @misspoppypants, go to this URL:

    and scroll down a short way until you see the word 'labels' appear at the top of a column on the far right side.

    You'll see a long list with a mixture of both celeb names and the nick names Ted used for them. Click on any celeb name or nick name you're curious about. At the very bottom of the articles that brings you to, you'll see 'Top suspect:' or suspects with the name of the celeb it's believed the article is referring to.

  101. Thanks Enty for writing about this! Happy to see that you really do read the comments!

  102. I wasn't watching E! anymore and I stopped visiting his blog when the Twihards took it over, but I wish Ted the best. I LOVED the Awful Truth in college. Was so thrilled when he published one of my sightings (Gwyneth Paltrow related....remember when she was dating the guy from Third Eye Blind?! LOL!!!)

  103. Thanks for the link. I just read about Renner's dog dying and his loneliness. You know, after reading this blog for so many years, you want to feel compassion for people, well, you just do and I dont know about all of you, there's a moment where I think, wait, am I being manipulated? Am Iosing my mind? Are these people also characters outside their scripts? These blinds really are so insane... living those covert/fake lives, then immersing themselves into scripts, how do they ever know who they really are if their scripts never end in their personal lives? Im not saying Renner wasnt really crushed about his dog, Im actually in touch with reality here. It just strikes me that every reportable moment about mega stars are open to creating an image and being marketed. Anyway, Jeremy, I'm sorry about your dog. Hollywood, you are very disturbing.

  104. Haha, Im not embarrassed enough to not ask, but I kinda wish I was.. where did Enty's link to naked shots of hottie male actors go? TIA! hahahaha (blush)

  105. I used to read Lainey's site all the time, she was good but she was sly about her reveals. It was exciting when she got to be a regular on TV and she shared her happiness with her readers but it dawned on me that she would have to be more careful with her blog. I mean you cant't be interviewing Nicole Kidman when you call her Granny Freeze behind her back, it would never fly. I noticed her blog getting smaller and smaller and only ended up visiting on a weekly basis, then stopped visiting on a regular basis.
    I noticed her content is a lot tamer than it used to be, more sanitized on account of her employer so it's a bit boring now. The blog was how she got her following and why she was invited for guest spots on TV but the blog is a conflict of interest unless she sugar coats or omits the real truth.

  106. Lainey was on TV? This is how much I don't go over there. I'll link from Dlisted once in a while, but I find her boring for the most part.

    Speaking of Dlisted, the joint is on fire tonight, especially in the Tomkat comments, as I'm sure you can imagine.

  107. Lainey is a regular now on eTalk on CTV

  108. Boo. I love Ted. I'm also convinced judas jack off is Hayden Christensen. Judas-an akin sky walker. Jack-off-- his role in one of my faves, life as a house.

  109. Thank you The Black Cat! Yeah, the only Canadian shows I get down here are re-runs on HGTV. House Hunters International and that McGilvrey dude who renovates basements. Oh, and I love Sarah Richardson. She is bitch on wheels, but I love her design. (She always seems to put tartan/check into things...) Her sidekick Tommy is adorable.

  110. Ugh, glad he's gone. I stopped reading Ted years ago and only came across those blinds of his if they were reposted on other sites. He just came off as an arrogant pompus ass to me, especially when he decided he didn't like a celeb for whatever reason. And frankly Enty writes better blinds.

  111. @unknown - the funny thing is, I always thought he was gay because of the blinds he wrote, and especially after I saw a picture of him. LOL!

  112. I would have thought that Ted would have a proof reader. Maybe it was a deliberate "slip."

  113. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Man, I feel like Ted and I go way back. He moved on some tips of mine and published a couple of my letters back in the day. But I hadn't read him in ages, only whatever Enty posted here. Like others said, the gay blinds got old. Really old. I honestly don't care who's gay or not. Yes, I think someone who comes out is really doing something wonderful on the behalf of those who are seeking guidance or are bullied. On the other hand, everyone asking who's gay and who isn't gay perpetuates the problem. I mean, if we treat like being gay is such a big deal with al the blinds, speculation, etc., do we not make the problem worse for those who may want to come out?

    Anyway, I wish Ted the best. E! blows now, so he deserves better.

  114. I read the Awful Truth weekly from 1999 to 2002 or so. Then I didn't have a computer until 2008, and when I got one again I found this site instead. He wasn't doing the horrible nicknames back in 1999. He just had strangely written blinds, not always even salacious, and only one was ever correctly guessed that I remember him revealing. I do remember one blind vice about a news anchor demanding oral sex from a female staffer before going on the air, and I don't know who that was, but at the time (new to gossip) it shocked me. I wondered how anything like that COULD be a secret, because wouldn't everyone be so horrified at his brazenness that that's all they's say about the guy? Haha, the fact that we still don't know means no one bats an eye at cravenness like that.

    Anyway, I saw Ted C on TV once back then, on a panel of some kind with Kato Kaelin, and he asked Kato point blank if Kato thought OJ killed Nicole, and Kato tried to skirt the issue, like, "I've already given testimony," but Ted C wouldn't let the subject go, and Kato finally said, "I think probably yes," but he sounded very defensive about it. I expected that story to be HUGE but nothing came of it. Odd.

    I wish him happiness in his next endeavor.

  115. Timebob, Anderson Cooper never "came out" because he was never in the closet. Living with your boyfriend, who owns a gay bar in the East Village and everyone knows said boyfriend isn't exactly being closeted. Not to mention living your life openly with the boyfriend, and introducing him as your boyfriend to co workers and out socially.

    He finally addressed his sexuality publicly, but he certainly wasn't closeted.

  116. Looked on E! For the hell of it and in Ted's goodbye, his last sentence is "Always do what your not supposed to do." Hmmm

  117. @Bubbles, I think the way Anderson and others like Matt Bomer handle that aspect of their lives is the way to go because it's how just about everyone else lives - normally. Straight celebs don't make announcements about their sexuality, and don't talk about who they're hooking up with. They just go about their normal lives and let people make what they will of it like it's no big deal, because it isn't for them and shouldn't have to be for anyone.

  118. Agree with most who have stopped visiting The Awful Truth after the Twilight explosion...that was really awful. But, up until Twilight, I visited daily...Ted's column was my first intro to celeb gossip (it was a, "You mean I don't have to buy The Enquirer every week?!" revelation).

    Probably a typo, as others have said, the E! sight is FILLED with poor grammar, spelling and punctuation.

    Does anyone know why Ted started the monikers? I know waaay back, he didn't use them. If it was his idea, as opposed to E!'s, maybe he can take them with him. It would seem he would have done some type of CYA with those monikers, anyway. Like a chef taking recipes with them if they get canned from a restaurant.

    I am truly sad to NEVER know who Baby Tile is. Sigh. Wasn't the popular guess Maggie G.'s daughter, Ramona? Assuming Grey Goose is the father, of course. The sisters over at blinditemsexposed will get a flood of non-Twi readers now. I don't frequent them much, since they're pretty open about their Enty hate, though.

  119. Back when Ted used to post a long entry just once a week, I used to look forward to getting to work on those Thursdays to chew my bagel and slurp coffee while reading it and enjoyed every minute!

    Once he went to daily it wasn't quite as good, but still liked it. Then he went Twi crazy and I left was INSANE, 99% Twilight coverage with literally thousands of comments from pre-pubescents on every post.

    Thank goddess I found CDAN around that time, ha.

  120. I'm not particularly revved up in the grand cosmic scheme of things about who's straight/gay/bi/asexual/other, unless that person's going out of their way to make life miserable for others who do the same thing. Wherever you are on the Kinsey scale is your business, unless you're trying to get into my underpants :-) (Let's also not forget that some people are, how shall I put this, remarkably fluid on the scale, or genderqueer in behaviors outside actual getting their particular gonads off.)

    But if someone's not out, or is quietly out only to people they know IRL, I'm not terribly keen on outing them for sport, and I have to wonder if that's the road Ted had been going down. Given the price people still pay for deviating from the hetero norm in a lot of places (including plenty of places right here in the USA), it's a problem.

  121. Ted's style changed a lot over the last few months, and it seemed obvious that some intern (with lousy writing skills) was transcribing. LOADS of grammar, spelling and syntax errors, which was really unlike Ted.
    BTW, everyone who is leaping to the conclusion that "Jeremy" was J. Renner is doing just that-leaping to conclusions. No one outed anybody on the Awful Truth, although several other sources did.
    Ted was on a crusade against the studio system preventing gay people from being honest about their lives, and against hypocritical actors committing creepy immoral actions to keep the dirty system going. I've always agreed with him on that.
    Hope he has found a Twit-free landing place, and will be writing again soon.

  122. Not a big reader of Blind Items Exposed. They have Enty hate? I've stopped checking Blind Gossip as frequently as I used to because they declared Enty to be a gossip blog SP, but what's the deal with B.I.E.?

  123. Look- yes, I feel like I deserve to claim to be bilingual ("I speak English... and Ted C.") every time I'm able to decipher one of his blinds, and yes, it recent years he wasn't interested in much besides who was gay and Twilight, but c'mon! He's Ted Casablanca! He practically invented the BI and I guarantee we wouldn't all be sitting around reading a site like this if it wasn't for him. My prediction- someone'll give him a job somewhere (or he'll start his own site) and he'll still be happily spewing incomprehensible blinds when the Twihards are collecting AARP.

  124. Even though I haven't read Ted regularly in years, I hate for him to go away and I hope he finds another outlet.

    I started reading his weekly columns in 1995. I looked forward to it's posting with baited breath.

    Good luck, Ted! Hope you find an even better way to do what you do.

  125. SiS Cesspool, you might be able to check Lainey out on the CTV website, and you can watch most shows online, she's on eTalk.
    Last time I checked she's on Mon, Wed and Fri and anytime anything juicy happens. She covers events too like the GG's and such.

  126. @Colleen, the sisters at BIE have a problem with Enty because of an email he sent them that included something along the lines of "bored housewives in PA." I think they were overly critical of his blinds? I need to research again, I haven't visited in a while. They stopped posting BIs from CDAN over that, so I jumped ship and have been here ever since. I recall having seen them acknowledge in their comments a few times their dislike for Enty.

  127. @Cornbread, thank you! I've been around these parts since fall 2008, but must've missed out on that drama somewhere along the way.

  128. @Colleen - they received a letter from someone at least claiming to be Enty insisting that they not post his blinds on their site (even though he posts NE and Ted blinds on his) and called them bored housewives and other offensive things. It's a shame too, because they do a better job than any other site at keeping track of all the blind items out there.

  129. Also, I just went to E!'s website this morning (out of habit). They changed the whole layout and now it looks like one giant clusterfuck. I don't need to get a headache while enjoying my morning coffee, so I'm done with that site now.

  130. @Cathy, thanks for clarifying...I knew it was something silly like that.

    I'm over E!'s site, it's a disaster...they're just paid spokespeople, anyway. Dateline NBC had a piece on the Tom-Katie divorce, and the rep they had from E was spinning it to look like the relationship failed because they spent so much time apart. BS.

  131. I'm so old, I remember when Ted Casablanca wasn't Ted Casablanca. Didn't follow him for years because couldn't understand a damn thing he said. He's a big boy. I'm sure he knows the rules when you swim with sharks. He's done it long enough.

  132. This is sad. I loved Ted, very surprised. The Twilight obsession annoyed me, but I still like him & wish him well.
    Off topic, but I was recently at a Mall & saw a kiosk filled with prono books. Flipped through a couple & they were written in the same semi grammatical fashion, as Fifty Shades of Nothing. The dumbing down contuines.

  133. I personally think Ted's been on his way out for ages. And with Twilight and his "Robsten" hits winding down and his gossip becoming more tweenish and irrelevant, it was probably an easy call for E! to make.

    As for Lainey, I've heard she works with the PR teams for Jake G., KStew, and Blake Lively. Which is hardly a revelation as it's obvious when you read her columns on any of them.

  134. The Blind Item far predates Mr. Bibby's column. By a generation, easily.

  135. Lainey posted a cryptic comment today about "the one we trusted who, as it turns out, can’t actually be trusted." Reference to Ted?

    1. No, that's was in reference to Johnny Depp for throwing Vanessa under the bus and blaming their breakup on her (when the reality is that he cheated). Johnny is close friends with the publisher of US Weekly (Jann Wenner), and US published a cover story at the end of June about what a bitch Vanessa was and how she drove poor Johnny to cheat. (Uh, way to respect the woman who birthed your kids, Johnny). In other words, she doesn't think that Johnny Depp is one of the "good guys" anymore.

  136. This comment has been removed by the author.

  137. Homosexuals need to own what they are and not hide. People with nothing to hide, hide nothing. Or at least Dr. Phil says so.

  138. Homosexuals need to own what they are and not hide. People with nothing to hide, hide nothing. Or at least Dr. Phil says so.
