Thursday, July 19, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Nightmare

Over the past six years I have told you some awful stories of people. There have been plenty of good people too. This story though is about someone who probably suffered the most as a child star and still managed to come out on top, although very emotionally scarred. This actress used to be a nice solid B list actress. She does not act very much anymore. Some movies and some cameos, but for the most part she does not do much. She has some other activities which keep her busy and which she has also made a name for herself. Back in the day she was a child actress. Cute and funny and growing up in a time of actors on set where rules were not really followed and behavior could be abhorrent. Despite being just an early teen, our actress was forced to have sex or coerced to have sex with men twice or sometimes three times her age. This was not a one time thing, but a daily thing she had to endure if she wanted to be an actress. Her parents told her to toughen up and that there was nothing wrong with it. Well, she did not have the best parents in the world. From the very first day she walked onto a film set, she was groped and teased. There was one older actor she thought she was safe from, but after their third day filming he had her in his dressing room, undressing for him while he pleasured himself. She had to do this at least once a week. There was her co-star who was almost the same age who told her he would get her fired unless they had sex. He also made her try some drugs. This was all like at 12 and 13. Crazy. On one show she was on she was repeatedly molested by a man who later was accused of raping one of his neighbor's children. Apparently since he thought he could get away with it on sets, he also thought the same rules applied in the real world. All you have to do is mention this guy's name or character name to the actress and she will start crying. All of this has affected every day of her life since. It all makes sense what she does now when you think of what happened to her back then.


  1. I'm tired of these kinds of blinds.

  2. WTF. People need to stop gossiping and start prosecuting.

  3. I have no idea who this is, but I am sorry she has such dreadful parents who did not protect her. I agree, this should not be blind, we need to prosecute some of these child molesters.

  4. i was thinking soleil moon frye but I think she was too young when she started for this blind

  5. These parents are complete shitheads and I hope there is a special place in hell for people like them.

  6. Enty. You drove away Tempy Grape. Please more kittens!

    Someone threatened to blow up my building yesterday. Seriously need more kittens!

  7. Sure sounds like Drew Barrymore. Lord knows she had a rough time of it when she was younger, and coming from an acting family I can see her parents turning a blind eye to it.

  8. I thought Tracey Gold for some reason, too. That said, I'm ashamed that I'm even playing along.

    I concur with EmEye Kay. ENOUGH.

  9. Drew? She does a lot of producing now.

  10. I know I am way off but I want to say this is someone from the 80's like Kristy McNichols

    1. My first thought too. She's had alot of trouble w bipolar which is under control now I gather

  11. Janet Jackson? Just thinking about the other post about Paris and her Aunt Janet not wanting her to act until she is older.

  12. i thought of drew barrymore too @jason. But the last sentence doesn't make any sense.

  13. I'm with you, Em. If people are privy to this information and are doing nothing about, then they are complicit in the behavior. Just stating anonymously that you are appalled by the behavior but doing nothing to remedy the situations doesn't mean anything except you have something of a conscience. There is nothing heroic or helpful about posting these blinds.

    Have any of us heard of anyone actually taking a stand against any of this or actually calling someone out?

  14. YES! KITTENS please to temper the sadness.

  15. I know Lohan isn't on top, but she popped into my mind.

    I think I am going to ban myself from blinds for a while. most of them are just heartbreaking. :(

  16. Drew maybe? So much has already been exposed about her childhood, I wouldn't be surprised if that was just the tip of the iceberg. It would also explain the fatherly bond she has Spielberg considering her father approved of her molestation and rape!

  17. Jodie Foster? Though she is likely A list.

  18. "It all makes sense what she does now when you think of what happened to her back then."

    So that makes me think of someone who struggles with addiction, or disorder. OR someone who is primarily a sex abuse advocate or something along those lines.

  19. This made me think of Kim Richards, who appears to be incredibly emotionally scarred.

  20. It also sounds like it's from a long time ago.

  21. @ Amber I think he meant the latter, since he said she came out on top, someone who is an advocate now. Drew Barrymore used to be A list all the way, not a nice solid B lister as the blind says, don't think she fits.

  22. This sounds like Lindsay Lohan to me. Tragic.

  23. I think at this point it has been so long that it would have to be the abused that would need to go to authorities... HOWEVER when something like this is currently happening anyone could be a whistle blower.

    For the love of GAD grow a pair and alert someone! Even a person reporting a "blind item" should pass the info along to someone that can do something
    USA National Child Abuse Hotline, 1-800-422-4453 fo instance...

    I'm just sayin...

  24. Could the actor that was accused of raping his neighbors daughter be the Principal from Ferris Bueller's day off, Jeffrey Jones? If so we just have to find a child actress who work with him during his career.

  25. Mackenzie Phillips? I know she wrote a tell-all book about her life so this would probably have been mentioned so it's just another guess really

  26. I hate these blinds too, but gonna jump on that hypocrisy truck now and drive...

    I'm thinking someone from the 70's since Enty says "growing up in a time of actors on set where rules were not really followed and behavior could be abhorrent."

    I'm not going to name names. There, I'm off that truck now. ;)

    1. Nobody started really following rules until about 2000

  27. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Nicole Kidman
    Charlize Theron

    I don't know...These two popped up in my head because they are advocates for the cause to end violence against women...

  28. Kristy MacNichol is a good guess, but she doesn't act anymore. Also, she's bipolar, which is one of the reasons she withdrew from the public eye.

    My first thought was Justine Bateman, but she didn't start acting until she was about 16.

  29. Kim Richards would be a good guess but she doesn't act anymore does she?

  30. Dear jeebus, I know bad shit happens on sets. After 19 years, and back then being one of the few women in the business, you can't NOT see or know stuff. I once quit a job because the owner and CEO of a post house I worked at used a mentoring program to get little boys. Everyone knew, including his mom he lived with, but nobody did anything....until I called in an annoymOus tip. He died in jail.

    But shit like this to this extent doesn't go on without some serious cover up. People were still too highland drunk most of the 90's to be able to cover up anything that elaborate.

  31. Maybe if more of this was publicized, these actors who had to endure this type of torture could feel more empowered to take action against the douchebags who perpetuate this sick, twisted behavior.

    To me, it's a little like when homosexuals have to hide their relationships for fear that they will ruin their careers. If only a few of these victims could bring their stories out of the blinds and into the light, it might make it easier for others to come forward, too, and harder for the creeps to prey on their young costars.

  32. agree -- this should be reported.

    Wish we had more divalicious blinds rather than these blinds starring monsters.

  33. Pretty sick to be guessing the victim in all this. I'd rather just know the name of the abusers and leave the lady's name out of it.

  34. Kim Richards was in a movie in 2009. I think that's a really good guess.

  35. What about Linda Blair?

    She seems to have devoted her life to animal rescue.

  36. Susan Dey, someone from The Brady Bunch, Erin Morin from Happy Days?

  37. I don't know if she fits, but Jodie Foster was around 13 when she made Taxi Driver

  38. IF it is Drew. She was only on one TV show (besides afterschool specials): 2000 Malibu Road.
    None of the co-stars are recognizable to me, though.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I think these blinds are Enty's way of raising awareness. I had no idea this was going on until these blinds. Whomever this is probably very involved in a cause against the rape of children. Also a prominent child actress.

    Would have to be B list now...

  41. @Em Eye Kay - agreed. I am also tired of molestation blinds.

    Unlike a poster we had the other day, I don't think that molestation blinds are by their nature exploitative. To me, one of the uses of celebrity gossip is to let people know they are not alone in their human troubles. If reading about how another person was sexually exploited helps people take control of abuse their own pasts or present, I think that can be a positive thing.

    That said, I have long been skipping all of Enty's posts about Real Housewives, Lindsay Lohan, and the Kardashian family, and I will now begin skipping these as well. Enty, to paraphrase Christopher Hitchens, the only unforgivable sin is being boring.

  42. I like the Linda Blair/Kim Richards guesses. Kim Richards has hinted several times that her mother was not the best parent, also this would explain why she is so overprotective of her children.

  43. And I agree...I'd rather know who the molestors/rapists are than the actress. THOSE are the people that should be outed.

  44. @whocares - Good for you! We need more whistleblowers!

    These blinds do no good unless the start getting media attentions me CO$. Post them somewhere to make this behavior stop and shame the shameful instead.

    It only takes one person to do the right thing. Make the call. Thanks to Kristin for posting the number.

    1. What happened with my spell checker?

      Supposed to say - These blinds do no good until they start getting media attention like Co$.

  45. Lifeiscrazy -- I was thinking about Janet Jackson too. She was on Good Times as a 12-13 year old, then Different Strokes, Fame, and others later on. Papa Joe Jackson would've had no problem pimping her out, and it would explain "what she does now" speaking out against her mother letting Paris act.

  46. I agree that it sounds like someone from the 70s or 80s. Possibly very early 90s? Either way, if her male co-star of the same age threatened to get her fired, it makes me think that he was one of the leads and that she was replaceable (for example, Fred Savage might have been able to threaten Danica McKellar, but the guy who played his best friend Paul wouldn't have had any clout--but I 100% DO NOT think that this refers to Danica McKellar. She and Fred Savage are still good friends).

    I wonder if the one that she thought she was safe from was a much older man--like a grandpa.

    I'm betting that the guy who was arrested wasn't an actor (since it doesn't specify his job) and will probably be hard to dig up.

  47. so sad, enty. so sad

  48. someone different, shirley temple black. worked @ united nations. mickey rooney the drug pusher

  49. I have no idea, and there is no way I'm going to guess.
    This is way too nasty.

  50. OK, I have not read all 51 comments, but I'm sure they echo my feelings on this. This is heartbreaking in addition to being criminal behavior. I try to find some entertainment in blinds even if they are not in the best of taste. This really crosses the line. I would like to know who these assholes are so I could boycott every friggen thing they do.

  51. Hi, I've been reading this site for the last 4 years. I've posted a couple of times. These blinds really bother me.

    I recently read online that Enty is a fake. I really don't want to believe it. But it mentioned all of these molester vices as a way to get more readers. Someone please tell me Enty is real. Or not.

  52. I don't think it's Kim Richards or Linda Blair. Neither of them acts at all, and I didn't know who they were until I googled. Is that b-list? I also don't see that they are involved in any type of cause for children.


  54. @whocaresnow - BRAVA!!!!

  55. I agree with Discoflux. People can comfort themselves in thinking that these blinds bring to light the abuses in Hollywood but are they? Even after the Himmm/Nathalie Wood reveal, there was buzz and the site got talked about here and there but it all died down without anything happening. And that's also assuming all of these blinds are even true (or have true elements) and aren't just scandalous accusations generated to create hits.

    So if you know this to be true, call them out and do something about it rather than let people guess a rape victim.

    Also, hire a proofreader.

  56. This is terribly sad. Really wish we could be done with the molestation blinds unless something is going to be reported. I dont want to guess victims anymore, and I guess we cant figure out the pervs without the victim part. Whoever she might be, I hope she has peace in her life now.

  57. I meant Winona Rider.

  58. I thought Winona Ryder.

  59. I think this is Christina Ricci. She is involved with RAINN.

  60. i'm going with Winona Ryder - first movie she was 13 - costar either Charlie Sheen/Jeremey Piven,
    was in BeetleJuice with Jeffrey Jones -who as someone above noted was arrested for molesting a neighbours child

  61. I think sinnosence got it.

  62. I hope to god this isn't Brooke Shields, but she was sexualized on camera even before Pretty Baby, then there was The Blue Lagoon and Endless Love when she was a teen. But she did other movies at that time such as Wanda Nevada, Tilt and Just You and Me Kid with George Burns. Currently she is in the play The Exorcist.

  63. I thought Winona after I mention Jeffrey Jones but she has several productions coming up and she was in Black Swan with Natalie Portman. Also Winona was everywhere at one time, she was far from B-list. She was A all the way.

  64. Winona Ryder is a good guess. I forgot how outspoken she was when Polly Klaas was missing.

  65. Exactly, anita.

    This type of blind is taking the opposite stance of journalistic integrity to protect the victims. The victims are being called out here, not the disgusting meat sacks that are perpetrating these alleged acts. Why not start just giving us the clues on them instead? I know why, because no victim is going to stand up and own it. The criminals have free reign to continue terrorizing people's lives.

    Frankly, I don't care who the victims are. They are entitled to their anonymity. I want to know who the perpetrators are. They deserve to be publicly recognized.

  66. Someone from the Waltons?

  67. My only problem with outing the abusers, is that the victim would be outed by default.

    I wish to high heaven that this person (or any of the ones in previous blinds) would stand up and just start screaming about these atrocities.

  68. jeffrey jones was arrested for having erotic pics of young boys I believe. nothing to do with him.

  69. If you read about Brooke Shield's personal life on Wikipedia, it sounds like she was being pimped out as a teen.

  70. I like the Winona guess. She may have been A list, but I could see her being a solid B. She may have upcoming projects coming up, but maybe she's just making an appearance like on Black Swan.

  71. Brady Bunch girls? I'm having a hard time thinking of child stars that had more than one series.

  72. I don't get the idea that she has to be involved in a cause. "What she does now" could apply to a number of things. With the Kim Richards guess, to me, it involves showing the sad wreckage of her psyche on RHBH.

    As far as these molestation blinds go, I think Enty's doing Hollywood a favor. People idealize the whole idea of stardom, which is why so many stage parents--and even regular parents--flock to LA to "get their kid into showbiz." You really have to see it in action to see what a disaster the whole kids in showbiz thing can be. Anyway, I say more power to him. Yes, it would be better to expose the molesters but they're all seemingly indemnified by parents with stars in their eyes, kids who don't feel empowered to call for help, and an industry that will overlook anything if there's money to be made.

  73. I'd like to see a reverse blind on some of these items, like, "This Producer is known to abuse children horrifically and has never been caught."

    There's no satisfaction in knowing the answer to this blind, which is a major part of the appeal for me. When there's one about someone being a jerk or a sleaze and I find out who it was, I'm like, "I KNEW IT" and am happy to be confirmed.

    These ones, though...

    These ones you don't want to know the answer to.

    That being said, what I inferred from Enty's last sentence is that maybe the woman is now in some position of power (producer/director/whathaveyou) and thus in a position to (1) eliminate the "casting couch" experience by working female-to-female, or (2) halting bad behavior by being the highest on the totem pole and protecting the kids.

  74. Haven't we heard this one before?

  75. Anonymous11:15 AM

    WTF is wrong with these women and their families to think being treated like this is ok. I had one guy on one photo shoot when I was 15 tell me he had to see me naked and photograph me nude to tell what dresses to put me in for an dillards ad. I walked out and called my agency, dillards corporate office and the police as soon as I got home. Then I cried. And yes he told me I would be blacklisted in local modeling, would never work at a store fashion show etc because I would not get nude for him

  76. Was Winona Ryder ever in a TV show?

  77. Alyssa Milano? But the last part about "what she does now" doesn't make sense. And she still acts in a couple projects every year.

  78. Winona Ryder has virtually no TV credits and was 15 when she had her first credited role. Also, I'd say she was A list for a time.

  79. alyssa milano? (long time lurker)

  80. This is the kind of "blind" that is actually helpful and productive. People don't like to think about this happening so they don't. It was the same way in the Church. It was the same way at Penn State. It's necessary to condition people to understand that yes, this does go on in Hollywood. A lot. And it continues. I'm not sure the situation is all that better now than "back in the day."

  81. I don't have a guess about who this, I too find these blinds disturbing and can't imagine why nobody ever turns these people in. However, I just want say that the last sentence makes it sound like "what she does now" is some kind of pornography or prostitution or something. Like what happened to her led her down that path. How very sad if true.

  82. I hate these blinds as well, however, I also have had the sneaking feeling all of them are leading up to something akin to an expose of sorts. Ever since "the Day" we had the blind by Himmmm, these have become more rampant. I just feel like some heads are going to explode in a few months, or weeks etc. I do know one thing for sure, I have no intrest in placing my daughters in the industry. Should they decide to go for it later when they are adults, no problem. But not now.

  83. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I'm with the first post....tired of these blinds . The world sucks and people are fing evil. I get it Can we please get back to "entertaining" gossip. I think about and hear and read about horrible stuff everyday. This blog is supposed to help me escape and be part of, so to speak, a fantasy . Not so much lately

  84. I once saw Jeffrey Jones shopping at a 99 Cents Only Store. He got busted for kiddie porn, but I don't see anything about rape.

  85. Anonymous11:38 AM

    And PLEASE no one come back with "then don't read it" blah blahs

  86. Jeffrey Jones was (reportedly) into porn involving little boys, so I don't think he's involved here.

  87. I googled producer accused of molesting neighbor's child and came up with Iren Koster. Something about being used to getting his way on sets. He was a writer, director and producer . One of his credits is "Hugo Pool" 1997 which included Alyssa Milano.

  88. HATE this blind, but someone earlier mentioned Janet Jackson and how this could be why she is speaking out against Paris being a child actor. When she was 12 or 13, she was on a show with Rob Lowe. Given his history, I wouldn't put this past him...

  89. i caught a patty duke vibe from this one.

  90. @katie Enty made it sound as though the accused raper of the neighbor's kid was an actor too. It says that she gets upset by hearing his name or his character's name, which would indicate an actor, not a behind the scenes person.

  91. And I read it as Enty mentioning two individuals in the flawed grammatical style he's been using lately.

  92. Maybe Enty should start posting these blinds in bullet point format.

  93. I think these blinds serve a useful purpose in getting the word out about how rotten Hollywood is. I don't think a blog could name offenders without facing a defamation suit from people with more money than they know what to do with. Repeating these stories may, at some point, put pressure on legislators to restrict how children can work in film and television.

    I am old enough to recall how people said the same things about the Catholic Church, and how molestation was "isolated", and how these things should not be reported. The Church settled early cases with non disclosure agreements. Then, the lid blew open, and we've almost two decades of scandals.

  94. Not sure if any of these will help, but here are major celebrity supports of RAINN:

    Christina Ricci (National Spokesperson)
    Cameron Manheim
    Ellen Degeneres
    Jennifer Anniston
    Mariska Hargitay
    Rachel Bilson

    Though I have to admit I am liking the Kim Richards guess. Her last two movie credits were minor roles/cameos

  95. To everybody saying how the victim shouldn't be outed but the perpetrator should: I think Enty is doing the best he can. If he starts writing blinds accusing big time producers, directors, and studio honchos of raping and molesting minor children he's going to be sued and shut down. However, if Enty writes a blind about the girl it happened to with enough clues then we can figure out just exactly who the perpetrators are without the risk of lawsuits. Outing the perpetrator pretty much automatically outs the victims. I mean, is there anyone here that doesn't believe that Micheal Jackson molested Corey Feldman? Or any of the other young boys that visited Neverland Ranch?

  96. Jodie Sweetin

    "Full House" sweetheart Jodie Sweetin didn't grow up to resemble her goody-two-shoes character at all. At age 22, the star of the '80s and '90s sitcom developed a debilitating daily meth habit that she kept a secret from her then-husband, LAPD officer Shaun Holguin.

    In 2005, after a night of partying landed her in the hospital, Sweetin sought treatment. Once sober, she divorced Holguin and married Cody Herpin, the father of her daughter Zoie.

    But in November 2008, Sweetin split with Herpin. Last year, she came out with the book "unSweetined," in which she reveals she kept the meth, cocaine and ecstasy binges going while she claimed to be sober. In one passage, she talks about breaking into tears while addressing a crowd at Wisconsin's Marquette University about her "trials and tribulations."

    "I talked about growing up on television and about how great my life was now that I was sober, and then midspeech I started to cry," Sweetin writes. "The crowd probably thought that the memories of hitting rock bottom were too much for me to handle. Or maybe they thought the tears were just a way for an actor to send a message that drugs are bad. I don't know what they thought."

  97. The people molesting and raping these children and anyone who knows of it and keeps it quiet to protect their careers (except for the victims!) are disgusting, vile human beings. Just like Sandusky and those others at Penn State.

  98. What about Lori Louglin House?

    Based on other blinds, "Full House" was a drug-fueled cess pool.

  99. Could be Tara Reid.

  100. I think this is Patty Duke.

  101. I can certainly appreciate your feelings, but if you guys don't like what is written here then i encourage you all to rip up the contract you were forced to sign and move on.

    Reading the faux outrage from the same people everyday is a bit tiresome for the others who actually enjoy the blog.

  102. Cannot understand why people don't want to be made aware about criminals in H'wood. Come on guys, take of your rose tinted glasses. Thespians are no gods, they are humans and some of them are criminals.

  103. @Jax- you make an excellent point. my apologies

  104. Enty-- please start revealing the men doing these horrible things. Write the blinds about the men. Thank you

  105. well said @jax

    maybe creating your own act of kindness instead of reading about kindness.

    //end of rant

  106. Enty - Long time lurker, first time poster.

    Please stop posting these molestation blind items. They are exploitative. If you have information about historic rapes/child molestation then please call the police.

  107. Agree with Bad Secretary.

  108. Enty is writing these blinds for hits = $$, nothing more.

    Sure, he/she may hate the perpetrator, but if Enty really wanted to expose this behavior, there are are better, more efficient ways to do it than posting on a gossip blog?

    It's all about money, people.

  109. @jax -- compared to other blinds, I thought everyone was doing ok. Someone even mentioned about knowing they're 'not forced to read it'

    What i've loved most about cdan through the years are the commenters :) whether I agree with them or not.

  110. Brooke Shields might be a good guess. It's hard to say because this could be from the 1950s on.

    As someone who was groped by grown men at the age of 12-13, I have to say, there is a special place in hell. I have a 12 year old daughter who is highly developed and I would never let her out of my sight unless she's at school or dance. if she was working on a movie set she would not be out of my sight.

  111. If, and that's a huge IF, there is even an ounce of truth to these blinds, do something about it. Otherwise it's just made up bullshit. I'm pretty sure it's just made up bullshit to generate hits.

  112. I think Enty is older than many of you and his idea of "back in the day" is not the 1990's. I agree this sounds like Patty Duke, who has written about similar experiences. So it's not like he has to call the police and report events of the 1950s and '60s.

  113. I think it is good that these blinds are put out there for all to see! Some people are so naive to think this doesn't happen! I say skip the blind items if they upset you!

  114. Perverts never stop. Someone who knows Actors/Directors/Writers/Producers/Anyone Molesting Children should report them. Write a anon. Blog giving clues so we can out them. Then you Boycott them. Personally the only way you want a Pervert around is DEAD.

  115. @Roman, I'm not naive to think it doesn't happen but I do think it's naive to think these help.

  116. These blinds just make me so sad

  117. Unless these blinds happened within the last 5-10 years (I'm not sure what the statute of limitations is in CA), it is entirely possible that nothing can be done about it at this date; and likely, Enty knows about these blinds after the fact (after the statute has run). If the victim will not step forward, directly outing the perpetrator becomes a he said/she said and opens the accuser up to accusations of making defamatory remarks...on the other hand, blog writers are not libel for remarks (guesses) made by commenters.

    Make what you will of that.

    In other news...I agree with Jax.

  118. Not sure if they help but what if there is a rising star amoung us commenters and who knows this could make them more aware?? Wishful thinking on my part!

  119. Bookjacket makes a good point. When Himmmm posted about Natalie Wood, a number of people said that was old news. That Natalie had written about it in her autobiography.

    This could also be "old news" and Enty is just taking the memoir of Patty Duke (or whomever the victim is) and rewriting some of the more salacious stories to turn them into blind items.

    I'm a long time reader, but this blog is getting a stale. Ya, I know, Jax, I'll shut up now (for now). ;)

  120. From UPI RE: Jeffrey Jones:

    "He was ordered in 2003 to register as a sex offender and undergo counseling, and was placed on five years' probation after he pleaded no contest to persuading a 14-year-old boy to pose for nude photographs."

  121. @@Nutty_Flavor

    Christopher Hitchens, RIP !

    Purely by chance,I had several + drinks with him at the airport in DC. He was absolutely charming. He and my hubbie had a long, long conversation about presuppositions. Johnnie Walker Black was the bottle of choice that afternoon/evening (snow delay at airport).

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. Audrey, you make a good point about old news, and I was thinking the same thing. I'd already heard the Natalie Wood story a long time ago, so I wasn't sure why there was such outrage at it being new and shocking.

    In the same vein, Patty Duke has spoken at length about her molestation by her agent/caretakers/whatever they were, John and Ethel Ross. Anyway, it's no secret.

    Some of the guesses given here are of people who have never been child stars. Nicole Kidman? TV movie at 16, but not exactly a "child star." Charlize Theron? First film was an uncredited role when she was 20. So...???

    Alyssa Milano's parents are known for having watched her like a hawk. They even started a website to prevent child pornography, or keeping children from seeing porn online, or something. They're called Cyber-Tracker and Safesearching.

    Finally, I know I don't have to read anything here. I can still bitch about it if I want. *shrug*

  124. If we are looking way back, what about Sally Field? She played Gidget on tv when she was a teen.

  125. "Faux outrage" - oh, the smell of self righteousness and bitterness of the far left. Has the same stench as the far right. Interesting.

  126. OK Jax- what is your deal? Why are you always attacking other posters? "Faux outrage"? Over child molesters?
    You claim that all of the blinds are fake, that is until someone else says it first and then you say they don't have to read the site.

  127. I'm glad for these blinds. I'm sorry for the victim, but these kinds of blinds have totally opened my eyes to how very ugly Hollywood can be. I know the world can be a nasty place, but I think it's hard to reconcile that a place/people that bring such enjoyment and entertainment to so many, can have such festering evil in it. I remember when my niece was about 5 how precocious she was and I started looking to get her into commercials and modeling and that kind of thing. I didn't know about any of these happenings. I've never been so glad she showed little interest. These kind of blinds should be a frigging eye opener to anyone contemplating having their kid in the entertainment industry.

  128. ok, just throwing this out there....did some searching and an actor James Stacy was convicted of child molestation in 1995. Back in the 1960's he was on 19 episodes of Ozzie and Harriet...during that timeframe Linda Evans was also on the show seems to fit

  129. the costar could be one of the nelson boys, he would have the clout to get her fired since it's his parents show

  130. Hey Jax, where have you been? I thought you left cdan. By the way, where is Mooshki? and where is Rocket Queen?

  131. RubyinBoots
    Where did you read that Enty is fake? Can you share a link with us? Does that link include or refer to the story on April 1st in the NY Post? Enty implied that story was planted and some have theorized it was there to take some of the heat off of him after the whole Himmmmm/Hayden Pannetieri reveal.

    I am torn about the molestation blinds. If not for these blinds and this blog, I would not know about Dan Schneider (and yes, I believe he is molesting all of the young women on his shows). Do I believe everything written on this site? No I don't, but I believe in the possibility of many of the things written here and if you had asked me that say 5 years ago, I would have said no way. Yes, I was once one of the many people who had no idea contract marriages/dating even existed.

    Love it or hate it, there is some value in this site, as long as you have those grains of salt nearby.

  132. maybe instead of making a blind item about the helpless child victim, how about you start making us guess who these sick fucks are?! how about alerting somebody who can help! these are disgusting. everyone who is involved with child abuse directly or indirectly by not reporting it should be sterilized. obviously they are heartless monsters.

  133. Melissa Gilbert from Little House on the Prairie. The most notable thing she did in the last year or so was Dancing With The Stars. Before that she was SAG President for a few years.

  134. Unless this actress has written a book or has opened up about this publicly, I don't want to know who she is. The parents and the rapists/pedos are another thing altogether - these creeps need to be outed big time. The thing is - it's not just Hollywood. If you look into any organization where there are powerful men and lots of money, you will no doubt see this kind of thing going on. It's a sick, sick thing. What makes it even sicker is it takes a lot of people turning their heads away for this to be able to happen so often.

  135. how about a connection to the title of the blind "the nightmare" perhaps a show or movie title in their past?

  136. I'm actually tired of the comments from the new readers.

    There are loads of other gossip sites out there, if you don't mind the comments section filled with spam for dating sites and cheap apparel and handbags.

    Jax -- long time no see. You don't know me, but I remember when you had some get-together / meet and greet with other CDAN fans a few years ago. And then you disappeared.

    1. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize this was a website for certain people only. How rude of me.

  137. Tatum O'Neal?
    Older Actor- Walter Matthau?
    Same Age Actor- Jackie Earle Hailey?
    BAD Parents- Ryan O'Neal- worst parent EVER.

    Actor who raped neighbor's child- ?

    I was sexually abused in the 1970's and literally- NO ONE CARED. And I was just an 'ordinary' kid- non-actor, non- Californian. And when your parents don't give a shit, and everyone in authority that you tell blows you off, what were your options back then? Suck it up, or mask your pain behind drugs and alcohol.

    You can yell "prosecution" NOW...but where were you then?

  138. I don't care if the actress ever gets named, she was truly a victim. What I'd like to see is all the men who participated in this vile behavior named. Especially the one who raped a neighbors child, as that would at least have an arrest attached to and he couldn't sue. I'd love for them to be exposed for the prurient fouls things they are.

    That is all.

  139. It is plausible that these molestation BI's are being presented as they are because the CDAN staff is getting them directly from the victim, with a proviso that they be presented vaguely and not reported to law enforcement.

    Or they're just faked to draw eyeballs. I'm still willing to give the benefit of the doubt to the first explanation.

  140. Question: How do we know that these incidents haven't been reported to local authorities?

    Just b/c they show up here, how does that automatically mean Enty or others directly involved haven't reported them?

  141. Kristy McNichol? She turned into a basket case.

  142. Keep the blinds coming, Enty. As a molestation / rape victim, I say expose this shit however you can. We need to take the stigma away from victims and the naivete away from those that think H'wood is filled with gods and goddesses.

  143. ow is tis different from the penn state situation? if a couple of these child victims would come forward the rest would follow. i know its hard, but this is a tme when people are already ready to burn abusers at the stake. maybe they ae afraid of exposing their families? i don't know. i was thinking of sara gilbert.

  144. @FS, do you have a link to the Dan Schneider story? I did a search on his name & only came up with a bunch of Rob Scheider links. The only mention of Dan Schneider I've seen the last six months is when somebody mistakenly said he is the producer of "Shake it Up". His shows are on Nickelodeon. Most of the teen sex blinds seem to point to Disney tween stars. I hope you are wrong about Dan Schneider. iCarley is a brilliant comedy.

  145. Alyssa Milano? She also has that sports clothing line.

  146. lazyday, there have been rumors that Dan Schneider has been molesting the teen actresses on his shows and is the father of Jamie Spears' child. You can google his name and hers for other gossip sites. He reminds me of Sandusky creating a Charity to gain access to young boys; these predators go where their targets are and where the abusers can be in a position of power.

    While these Blinds are very disturbing, and can make us feel helpless to do anything for the affected victims now, it DOES shine a light on a very bad and very protected dark side of Hollywood that's been around for many decades. The abuse has to stop somehow, and exposing it is the first step.

    It certainly makes me glad my Mom didn't go on that casting-couch audition for a movie in the 60s with the scumbag director; she knew better and was so horrified he made a move on her that she gave up any thought of acting. I would never expose my children to that culture either, thanks to her sharing her experience and reading the Blinds here.

    People who DO KNOW about these abusers NEED to come forward. Corey Feldman, I'm looking at you. Don't hint around about what happened to you and then keep the names to yourself, for shame.

  147. And sorry for the tolstoy, this kind of blind really boils my bunny.

  148. Jax/jp, so you enjoy reading about kids who are raped and abused for your entertainment. What low standards you have. There’s nothing faux about these comments. Adult entertainment is one thing, stories of kids abused and scarred for life is not something that should be used on a blog for anyone’s entertainment. There’s no reason to make up these type of blinds when there are so many other stories to tell that don’t involve kids. Even a blind item can give a voice to a problem for those that can’t tell it themselves.

    People have a right to say when they are outraged to learn of the seedy underbelly of Hollywood and the parents who feed it. If readers get sick of reading these blinds, CDAN can watch its reader count drop, so telling people to move on isn’t your call to make. It’s not all about your needs. You sound exactly like the type of person who would turn a blind eye to this kind of behavior because there’s nothing in it for you and it's not worth your time.

    A blog can make a difference in bringing attention to a problem and stirring up public outrage. But only if it is doing so for the right reasons and the people involved are being reported to Child Services by the person or persons holding the answers.

    If you don't want to read my long rant, then don't tell me your rights are better than mine on a blog. If you don’t like reading the comments, that’s your problem not ours. I like knowing other people are as outraged as I am, which I would assume is the point of posting these blinds in the first place.

  149. I was thinking of Facts of Life. Nancy McKeon in particular.

  150. Can you imagine reading this and realizing this is about you? It must feel like being abused all over again. We need to stop feeding this sort of terrible gossip.

  151. Sounds like Kristy McNichol to me. Remember she started back in the 1970s. She was about the right age, doesn't act anymore, had a breakdown on Empty Nest, has come out as a lesbian too.

  152. @Jumpshot: I'm not Jax, however, I agreed with her...

    First, if you read what she said, it's not the people complaining that she is objecting to, per se; it is the SAME people day in and day out that express their outrage. At some point, if you are still, day after day, reading and complaining, either: a. you really aren't outraged (i.e. faux outrage); b. you enjoy torturing yourself by reading things that disgust you over and over; c. you enjoy the feeling of superiority you get from being "outraged"; or d. all of the above.

    Since you commented, I assume you also read this...does that mean that you too, "enjoy reading about kids who are raped and abused for your entertainment?"

    Since, again, I can only surmise that you read this blind, are you, "the type of person who would turn a blind eye to this kind of behavior because there’s nothing in it for you and it's not worth your time?"

    She is not expressing exacerbation because people are outraged at what get that, right? She is annoyed because of people complaining over and over about the TYPE of blinds written.

    Nonetheless, she did not directly attack an individual poster nor did she make any insinuations about what kind of people they were. (And before you say so, I didn't either...I merely pointed out that your words could certainly be construed, under your own argument to apply to you too.)

    You did.

    Not cool.

  153. Sarah Jessica Parker/RDJ?

  154. This comment has been removed by the author.

  155. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Please names of offenders not victims. Child rape is child rape whether it happens on the southwest coast or not. Justice goddamit.

  156. Anonymous7:14 PM

    I have no objection to the type of blinds. CDAN may have lost its fluff level but may be the only one willing to put this on the table rathet than ignore it. There needs to be a major change of culture in hollywood, im speaking as a female in the AF that is having its share of violence on women issues. Id love to see some men and some stage parents taken to task. My husbands grandfather was a child actor during the depression and it was no better. None of this is new but it CAN CHANGE

  157. Anonymous7:25 PM

    "all that is neccesary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing".

    The hopeful part of me thinks there is an endgame to these blinds. Off my soapbox

  158. I get that some people find these difficult to read, but I can see some benefit from this kind of information being out there.

    Like, if my kid wanted to be an actor, before I might not have accompanied them everywhere as I would now. So publishing them might not stop it but it might stop SOME.

    And while what the perpetrators are doing is awful and I think they should be shot, don't diminish the parents role in this. You need to keep an eye on your kids, and in this case THEY KNEW. That's revolting.

    Look after your kids people, and/or others (other people's kids and adults) if you see them being treated incorrectly. All religions (except Co$) say do unto others. That's because the answer to 90% of the worlds problems boils down to either that, or eating less processed food.

  159. Tatum O'Neill for the win~!

  160. Patty Duke,definitely. Read her book, "Call me Anna."

  161. @ Agent**It,

    I'm not sure I understand your comment. I know who Jax is. Although I just started commenting frequently, I've been around for several years.

  162. i am not sure if anyone mentioned the penn state tragedy and how the revered papa joe paterno (hated penn state my whole life but loved papa joe0 just trashed his legacy by keeping quiet. hopefully some of these lost souls can get the same type of attorneys to defend them and go after the creepers. if one of the most revered coaches of all time can turn into little more than a joke - what could happen to some of these famed directors and nut job actors?!?

  163. Jumpshot who the fuck are you calling out Jax. I may not agree with her most the time, but she comments regularly and with wit. You haven't been here 5 minutes and you are singling out and attacking people and comments that you missed the point of completely. Your silly and uninformed rant was bad enough but using the word our as if other CDaNers approve your comments is rude and presumptuous.

  164. Dan - the Amanda bynes show ?

  165. There are some crazy thing said about her uncobtrolable

  166. @Jax I tried to plus one your comment. Lol. Anyway I think Alyssa Milano

  167. @Jax I tried to plus one your comment. Lol. Anyway I think Alyssa Milano

  168. @Jax when I said most of the time I actually meant to only say sometimes because I genuinely smile often at your wry commentary.

  169. @astro @jax et al. - Jeez I don't post much because I b/c i have a store.. But I've been around since the zany kidz only message board in the beginning .. I' don't care about being around along time but it's weird with all of these 'new' peeps / since himmm/ calling out being 'royalty ' .. Whatever ha ha ha. they can try but the mooks/jax etc era was The best of this .. I miss ya !!

  170. Winona Ryder would be a pretty good fit. Her parents were real hippy types and not too law-abiding, so you can sort of imagine them saying "sex isn't bad" to their teenage daughter. Early costar who was nearly the same age: Corey Haim. Cast member with sex offender record regarding children was Jeffrey Jones. But it was not rape and it was with a boy and he's never been married, so he's probably gay.

  171. Everyone seems to forget something: there's a statute of limitations of child molestation charges. 10 years is the standard.

  172. Which is SO screwed up. If you're molested at six, are you going to be together enough by 16 to report the pervert?

  173. enty can't exactly do anything. what proof does he have? gossip? these people are too powerful to be prosecuted like "common" people. have you thought that by finding out the victim you can find out the sick bastards that have done this? yes, its not an entertaining blind but its putting out what happens in Hollywood for a wider group to know about it.

    no idea who it is though, think this happened before i was born!

  174. I would guess Kim Richards? And for the series where the co-star threatened to get her fired-James at 15(16).

  175. Jodie Sweetin from Full House. She has had a long history of trouble and meth use.

  176. I came up with James Stacy, as Mary did. He also worked with Stefanie Powers. I don't know if the ages line up well though. I gave up on research.

  177. I'm with Jax, but also wish these blinds didn't have a reason to be written.
    You can read them or not, and be offended by them or not, but knowledge is power, even if you don't agree. With no proof, you can't send a guy to jail, but you can inform people of the general danger so they can keep their kids away.

    1. I agree, and with Poor Justin; Not all attacks had to take place in CA but there is the SL everywhere (not to mention level of evidence-if a victim comes forward but other victims don't follow & the parent says it never happened-to save their own asses-there is a very good chance the DAs office wouldn't think they have enough to go forward with prosecution) Considering how much these people prize their Q Rating, the perps think about people finding out all the time, that may be the only punishment they get.

  178. Does anyone even read this Blinds before commenting.

    On TV Show at 12-13.
    Cute and Funny. Most likely Sitcom
    Probably during 80's
    Has done at some film work.
    Worked with accused rapist.

  179. cosign Jax 100%

    This is not at all different from the Penn State situation or even the Catholic Church situation. Institutional silence breeds horrible problems/a culture where anything goes and ethics/morality is an afterthought. It seems there is institutional silence in H'wood. I agree w Mr. Profane that yes this could be for eyeballs, but I'm willing to consider that these blinds are actually towards a larger goal of taking away the institutional shield around H'wood away. That would ensure the safety of countless young actors from similar heinous crimes in years to come.

    And for everyone insisting the police be immediately consulted... statute of limitations. Although there is traction to change these around these types of crimes because of what they do to the victims' psyche, being that they are kids, and because often victims almost entirely repress/deny these memories for a while. However they vary state by state in the US, I don't know what they are in CA.

    If transparency is brought (as it is currently being brought with guns blazing @ Penn St) then in the future these blinds won't need to be written. Sunshine is the best disinfectant.

    Agreed though there has to be a better way to craft them so the blind subject is not the victim.

    Don't care to guess these but am not offended to read them.

  180. Long time lurker, first time commenter. Love the site for the gossip and commenter humor and support. Hate it when the comments devolve into personal, preachy, snarky bombs (from both sides of whatever issue). I'm sure no one here approves of or enjoys child molestation. But, I for one would like to know who the abusers are so I can boycott their productions. With that said, back to the guessing!
