Thursday, July 19, 2012

Your Turn

What is the most you have ever had to drink and what happened?


  1. This week? month? year?

    There's no way I could answer this. It'd be easier to say what I can no longer drink as a result of one of those nights. Rye and Southern Comfort (two separate nights).

  2. You go first, Enty. :)

  3. 2 drinks. Alcoholism is in my family so I don't take chances.

  4. Alot
    Barfed up an entire VW Bug

  5. OK, fine. Tequila night during fraternity hazing (24 years ago). I think I was able to do 18 shots before I puked blood and blacked out. I was not able to smell, let alone drink, tequila for about two decades after that.

  6. I did 35 shots on my 27th birthday in 8 hours. Woke up in a pool of my own vomit in a bar, lost my black embroidered sandals from Thailand in the 6 feet it took to walk to the cab, and had a hangover for two days.

    Didn't touch shots for over a year after that.

  7. 7 (maybe 8??) glasses of wine at a wedding reception. Threw up when I got home and had a hangover the next day. First and last time that happend.

  8. Two bottles of wine in a 4-5 hour period? And I passed out and woke up still drunk so I took some ibuprofen and was fine.

    This is difficult to answer because the times when I've gotten wrecked I've either not really eaten anything (therefore not needing as much to get me gone) or mixed beer and liquor.

    Mostly I just pass out, though.

  9. St Pattys Day 2011. I severally sprained my ankle and have no memory of how, when or why. That was the most recent at least.

  10. Yikes. Half a handle of bourbon? With my adderall prescription too...thought I was going to have a heart attack the next day. Haven't touched adderall since. That shit is horrible for you.

  11. Drinking 50% screwdrivers in the middle of the day: whole bottle gone between four 16 years old girls.

    Pool skinnydipping in the city in broad daylight. Unfortunately she lived on a lake and we attracted the attention of some football players. Vomited everywhere. Blacked out for the rest. Woke up in my friend's boyfriend's house and he took us back home, where we found my friend's mom drunk and none the wiser.

    My head hurt so much the next day, I couldn't walk. Got an interesting reputation in high school after that. Thank Xenu this is before smartphones.

  12. I have major depressive disorder and used to self-medicate with alcohol. 6 years ago I was suicidal and planned out how to kill myself with alcohol and the half-month of Oxycodone I had remaining (yes, legally prescribed.) When my husband saw what I had done, he took me to the ER. My BAC was a .42 (and it has been over an hour and a half since my last drink that night) and I was fully coherent. A week in an in-patient treatment facility plus years of therapy and antidepressants, and I'm about as functional as I'll ever be.

  13. I drank a gallon of water along with some Golden Seal...I peed. A lot!

  14. @Vicki Cupper: I posted this earlier in the TC post, have you read this yet?

  15. @vicki - I remember a similar night. Though it was New Years Eve 1999. We started drinking early watching the world ring in 2000. I started drinking at noonish. My roommates gave me the mystery cup at some point. Woke up in fruit punch vomit. My little sis had to pick me up for New Years dinner at the folks bc i was so hung over. I didn't drink for all most a year after that.

  16. Yes, I did, luckylass. Thanks. :D The pictures alone are girlfap material for days.

    Xenu H Christ, dia!

  17. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I'm nearly a teetotaler. I rarely drink, one drink at the most, and I have not been drunk at any time.

    It's a boring existence, I realize.

  18. Way too much and waaaaaaayyyyy too much.

  19. Anonymous10:21 AM

    My friend invited me to her boyfriend's(also my friend) birthday party thing on a party bus.
    I had a full red solo cup of vodka with soda, a couple of shots of something I do not want to know what it was, and a sip of four loko.
    I almost had sex with this guy I had a crush on. I ended up saying no (stupid stupid stupid)because I am not particularly fond of sex. I bet he would have made me like it. But no, I had to be a good girl and say no and then say sorry the day after for how I acted.

  20. Ahahahaha Vicki, girlfap! Kudos, that's very funny.

  21. @ goheals83 that was hilarious!

    @ Mary Stewart-McGovern - super glad your still with us. Been there, done that.

    My bachelorette party, 1983. Drank white russians, black russians, nearly an entire bottle of champagne and after that no clue what I drank. Was sick in bed for the next two entire days. Have yet to drink vodka anything since.

  22. When I was 16 years old I went to a party - drank an entire bottle of Bacardi Límon, several shots, 2-3 beers in about an hour. Or so I was told by a friend.

    Proceeded to throw up everywhere, including all over the bed of the girl hosting the party - ended up in the hospital to get my stomach pumped. They didn't though, as they agreed that I had managed that so beautifully myself...

    Needless to say, it was not a fun day at HS the following monday - I didn't live in a very big town.

    My parents decided that my extremely public humiliation was punishment enough - and it really was. It took me well over a year to live it down.

  23. Layna. You need to come party with me, vicki, luckylass and disco!

    Wouldnt that be FUN!

  24. From 19-21 is a blur thanks to alcohol. 21-23 a blur because of pot.
    The most I ever drank was to celebrate my first real adult job. I thought it would be funny to drink a bunch of sex on the beaches. Sexes on the beach? But that came after lots of beer and whiskey and rum. Then on the way home ate way too much Burger King. It only took about an hour after that to start vomiting. Sex on the beach + Burger King... no bueno. I didn't eat BK for 2 years and still can't even smell a sex on the beach without gagging.

  25. It was St. Patty's Day 2001, waiting at the airport for a flight to Cancun for Spring Break. The plane was delayed for hours and the airport bar had a buy a shot get a free beer promo. I forgot about the Valium I'd taken that morning to ease my fear of flying and I had a few shots of crown with Corona chasers. I passed out at the bar and woke up in the drunk tank. Missed my flight and never made it to Cancun but my luggage did. Lost all my stuff and couldn't even get reimbursed by the airline. Years later, I had to explain my public intox arrest to the bar association when applying to take the bar exam. My husband still loves to tell the story of how I called him to pick me up from jail. We had only been dating a few months and he was so understanding about the whole thing. I spent the week with him and had a great Spring Break.

  26. To the stupidity of youth!

    I'm a happy drunk, so people like having me around. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing.

    Seriously though, don't drink like that anymore. Im old now. My liver says NO!

  27. Sex on the Beach is vile anyway. I <3 vanilla vodka with diet Coke, white Russians, vodka tonics, red wine, margaritas, pina coladas, etc.

    But not all at once; that'd be cray-cray.

  28. I have a low tolerance glass of wine does it for me. When I'm home and can't sleep I pour a shot of whiskey and sip it slowly...that's all it takes.

  29. As cliche as it is: my 21st birthday. Started at dinner at 7am with wine, and ended at 4am. I puked somewhere around 1am and felt better. I haven't had goldschlager or juegermiester since.

  30. Anonymous10:35 AM

    @dia: I'll be the designated driver, as long as traffic isn't too heavy. :-)

  31. Jaegermeister is the devil!

  32. 27 vodka tonics. I started drinking in Vienna and woke up in Budapest....paralytically hungover. No idea how or why.
    Barfed for two days.

  33. I drank about 27 beers over 12 hours and I threw up and continued drinking again. I was about 18. I never drink beer now.

  34. At 19, drank enough kamikazes and tequila shots to wake up sharing the drunk tank with two hookers. My dad bailed me out and promptly put me to work cleaning all the vomit out of my the heat...with the worst hangover of my life (to date). And that was only the beginning of my punishment. I'm 47 now and still heave if I smell tequila.

  35. Bushwackers and key lime shots on the beach. passed out next to my car in the parking lot and someone called 911. My dear friend convinced them to let her take me home. she bought me some chicken and a coke on the way to my house where I recovered. I was ashamed and never...ever... drank milk based cocktails again. they come up in pieces.

  36. I'd like to read about what happens to people after drinking Jaggermeister.

  37. Last week i went to the fair, took 2 cabs ($25) and walked around drinking 18 ounce beers for 5 hours (i spent $120 on beer at the fair)

    took a cab home, got changed and walked to a bar next door where i assume i drank 4 more beers...

    I staggered home and stopped at the liquor store for 3 40's of beer..

    I spent 2 days barfing and hungover

  38. Mily, it's like mentally swimming in molasses. I could feel my body struggling after only two shots. That shit is kryptonite.

  39. @Norte, if I had that story, I'd tell it all the time.

    1. I've got a million of them. Ten cent glasses of wine in was like a dare to not get drunk.

  40. Sad to say but the drunkest I have ever been in my 26 years of life had to be 3 weeks ago at my company crab feast. We all about 4 shots of mystery drinks one being southern comfort and free beers.I vaguely remember telling my co-workers to not judge me and calling my mother to tell her I loved her repeatedly. It was all a blur.

  41. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Party at my boyfriend's fraternity house in college, 1989. I was drinking straight tequila, but also eating grapes that had been filled with Everclear (without my knowledge). I got completely fitshaced, threw up (in the toilet, luckily), and passed out on my boyfriend's bed. He locked the room and let me sleep for a couple of hours, but when he couldn't wake me up he took me to the hospital. I had alcohol poisoning and had to have my stomach pumped. Not fun.

    I continued my binge drinking for another couple of years, but to this day I can't even look at tequila without getting sick.

    Now I just stick with a glass of wine or two with dinner or, if I'm out with friends, a couple of cocktails. I'm not a beer drinker.

  42. @dia papaya - I wish I could drink with such abandon now! Alcoholism in the family so I am sensitive. I pretty much limit myself to 1 drink/night now (much to my husbands chagrin).

    But back in my Miami days, it was awesome! Geez, the stories I could tell. Crap, obviously, the stories WE could tell!

  43. Ah! I was just reminiscing about this last weekend with my old roommate at a BBQ...

    Turned 21 when I was interning for the Nuclear Physics Group at U.C. Davis, all my roommates were in town interning for the summer, too. Just lost my virginity the week before, so it was a party for me!

    Had a bunch of 4 Horsemans, Blue Label, Black Label, Cazadores shots, then proceeded to drink 3 pitchers of Corona and then had 2 Cherry Bombs at G street pub. The bartender initially wouldn't sell it since it was a 'Under Counter' drink and one had a tendency of knocking people out. When he saw my size and that I was Punjabi, he agreed It's basically, a MindEraser, with a Long Island, with a little Adios MotherFucker, Olive Oil, Tobbassco, Salt Pepper, Cherry Juice and 151 on top. Drank two, woke up 3 days later on my side. Thank god my roommate was in residency. Took care of me the whole time. On the fourth day, my engineering roommate went into work for me and basically did all my work for another week. My professor never caught on. Took almost two weeks before I was fully functional, but I did lose about 5 pounds. Great times! =)

  44. I was in a summer kickball league a few years ago and we were sponsored by a couple of bars in D.C. so everyone would head over directly after our games. Pitchers galore for SUPER cheap and organized beer pong and flip cup. One night I drank so much beer that by the time that I left and took the Metro to where my car was parked at a mall, I was still hammered. Crawled into the backseat and slept for 3 hours (until 2:30am) and thought that I was locked in, wondering where I was going to use the bathroom which I needed desperately.

    Luckily, a guy was cleaning the parking lot and directed me to the one exit that was open (everything else was chained).

    Still made it to an early morning doctor's appointment where my doctor praised me on how healthy I was.

  45. @Trogdor - got some memories at the G Street Pub too! Not nearly as lasting as yours though!

  46. i have a joke among my friends that i was drunk the whole year after i turned 21. at my 21st bday party i had jungle juice, jim bean, and hot sake. why idk. but i was wasted and sore the next day. a few months after that, i hadn't eaten much after my shift at my old job. went to a club with my best friend and had a double shot of jose, and 2 big cups of blue motorcyles. i was carried out of the club, and i don't remember much from that night. i'm 24 now, and i definitely only stick to rum or certain types of mixed drinks. i usually just try to get tipsy and as soon as i feel drunk, i slow down or stop completely.

  47. Single "most" episode, my 35th birthday.
    I elected to drink Jack Daniels until I ran out, then went and got more.
    And proceeded to drink that one.
    I will spare the details, however I had to call in sick to work for 2 days afterwards.
    Haven't pitched a drunk since.

  48. Jesus, pick one from various stages of my life:

    Pre-legal (18) years: I was 16, at an 18th birthday in a bar when I got so drunk on Bud I had to be carried out to my sister's waiting car (who in turn had been at a club down the street) by the bouncer (who knew me) and I lost one of my Formal (you would call it prom in the US) shoes clean off my feet and have thus been called Cinderella since. As punishment I was forced to take my 2 yr old niece to the cinema the next morning. Cruel.

    The uni years: I was in a state over a guy I was seeing and out with some friends at a club. One asked me what I wanted, I said Southern Comfort and white lemonade - he came back with a double of Southern Comfort, lemonade and VODKA! As I was upset I didn't care, I believe I had two of them that night. At some point I blacked out and woke up on my mate's sofa the next morning, with a bucket of puke beside me while I was covered in towels to keep me warm and clean. Classy gal I am.

    The should-know-better-years aka last month: After work one Friday, a group of us were having a mini reunion on the North Coast. I'd had a rough day at work and take medication you arent really meant to drink with. So after spending two hours in a car, having a crappy meal, an aperitif of peach schnapps in our b&b, I thought it be great to have a couple of glasses of relaxing red wine at the wine bar. This then turned into a bottle of red. Combine all that with the sea air and again, blacked out only to wake up to flashbacks of me boking all over our ensuite. The poor girls I was staying with...

    So yeah, sorry for the long post but really, I couldn't just pick one, they were all as bad as each other!

  49. @luckylass - Yay! Davis!!! Story is way more epic, but I cut a lot of the stuff out for brevity. We used to rent a house off of South Poleline, right next to the cemetery. Did you live in D-town, too? I puked all over Cantina and got a lifetime ban, one roommate passed out on someone's grave with flowers he stole from the Ace Hardware, another stole 2 cases of beer from the Supermart (another lifetime ban) on the corner, told the owner to 'Put it on his tab' when he walked out and then puked up all over Dos Coyotes (Another lifetime ban) before he was arrested and thrown in the drunk tank and a third one threw up on a cop car and then stole two bikes and ended up sleeping in his boxers at the Amtrak station. God, I miss Davis...

  50. OMG I am such a drunk!!! I drink and get drunk and I know it is bad but I always loved to drink - I have slowed down the drinking since I am a little more mature now. But oh the stories - too many to mention:) and not all good!!!1 Alcohol should be illegal!!

  51. HS graduation. I don't remember much of the whole night. The law was 18 yrs. old, I was 16 and had fake ID was drunk at graduation. And continued to party all night long. Whiskey and Beer, missed my own party. Came home at 8 am. When, I had woken up that morning was laying on the beach. Drove around for 2 hours with the windows open to get the smell off me.

  52. I have not had a drink in years--I have a lot of food allergies and problems and any kind of alcoholic beverage makes me feel sooooo bad afterward it just isn't worth it to me.

  53. I'm taking my drunkest story to the grave. One word though...legendary.

  54. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Too much too many times . Alcohol is vet very bad. But boy oh boy do IOVe me a many glasses of Guinness

  55. @luckylass (and layna) - apologies from my 25 yo self. She's still wants to party. The current me just sighs....

  56. Large parts of the mid/late 80s are a bit of a blur.

    A few memorable ones...

    15 yrs old a party. Drank a fifth of cheap vodka. Had sex with a girl on the laundry room table. Then drank about 12-15 beers. Woke up on the front lawn of the neighbor's lawn when they were getting ready for work the next morning.

    19 yrs old, New years eve, drank 12 shots of tequilla in 38 seconds(I was timed). Then continued to drink beer.Probably 12 of them. Barfed all over the bar bathroom. Got in a fight with Chaldean drug dealers. The bar owner hid me in his office for the rest of the night. I slept on his couch til 6 am.

    30th Birthday. GF and friends threw a party for me at friends bar. Unlimited free Jack Daniels. Ended up on stage with the band playing AC/DC songs. Then drank a lot more. Blacked out, woke up at home at around 5pm the next day. GF and my brother somehow got me in the house.

    A few years after that, a wake. A good friend died of cancer. The wake was actually very festive. He would have been mad he missed it. Everyone got absurdly drunk. Somehow I drove home, and didn't remember it. Woke up the next day, still in my suit, missing one shoe that I never found.

  57. Hunch punch with the X in the mountains camping. No idea how much. Bee flew into his cup and died, he didn't see it and drank it. It stung on the way down, his throat swelled up, he thought he was going to die. Tried to start the car but battery was dead. I remember not being able to stand and laughing a lot. Woke up next morning in sleeping bag with all clothes and boots on. Needless to say I never drank that again. Sadly he lived.

  58. @trogdor - hahaha those are great stories. Yep I was there for grad school. Good drunk stories! My first party in town, I got completely lost walking home around the cemetery. Another time also got stopped by the cops for walking barefoot by the railroad tracks on Halloween dressed like a vampire hooker. It was hard to convince them to let me go home. Got in a fight with a football player in Woodstocks. Oh and sliding down that concrete slide drunk - not a good idea!!! Good memories!

  59. "sadly, he lived" Hahahah...

    Man, I wish we all lived near each other so we could all fuck off work and go get drink right now. Alcohol is a great equalizer, doesn't care about religion, race, caste, creed, socioeconomic standings, political affiliations...Everyone gets drunk the same way. And you guys have some seriously hilarious stories. This might be one of my all time fav posts.

    It's my birthday today and I plan on making another story In Santana Row later tonight. Come by if you can, everyone's invited! (Santana Row is full of pretentious Silicon Valley, pro-athlete assholes. Great place to get drunk and start every random conversation with...
    "Hey...hey, dooo you knowww whut yer problem is? I'll tell ya [burp]..."

  60. Vegas, a few days before my wedding.

    Three girls (one was one of my bridesmaids), lots of Jagermeister shots.

    Everything that happened that night was pieced together using security footage and photos which we had developed later.

    1. The bartender called for security because we were so drunk. They put Jane in a wheelchair and tried to get her name. She wouldn't answer, so they threw water on her. She promptly projectile vomited on the guards.

    2. My mate Vel and I were not in wheelchairs, so I rode on her back (she was probably 100 pounds soaking wet and I was about 140) to our floor. I went into her room, threw up all over her clothes and suitcase, and her bed. Vel ended up passed out in the hallway wearing only a g-string. Security came and traced who she was and put her into the room.

    I woke up the next day, completely unaware of where I was and whose room I was in.

    Gotta love Vegas. Haven't been able to touch Jager since. That was nearly 15 years ago.

  61. I don't remember how much it was, but I came to as I was getting booked (not for DUI).

  62. Happy Birthday Trogdor - and yes I would love to go and have a drink right now!!!!! Have fun:)

  63. When I was 19 I went to a New Years party and got into a drinking contest with a girl about a third my size. I lost. Tried to chug a bottle of rum and passed out about halfway. Friends did a heimlich on me to make me throw up, then drove me home. The next day I was so sick. My parents were not happy. My dad said to me, "How do you think your mother feels?" What could I do? I answered him honestly: "Not half as bad as I do right now."

    To this day the smell or taste of rum still makes me nauseous.

  64. @Vicki Cupper - Jagermeister is indeed the devil!

  65. @trogdor it's 8.20pm here,wine time in 40mins! I'll have a (responsible) drink for you!!

  66. @Andrew and Vicki- jaeger bombs are worse!!

  67. @trogdor - sadly, not on the West coast no more. Actually having a wine party tonight, so I'll have one in your honor tonight. Happy Birthday Burninator.

  68. I was with a friend, and have only the vaguest memory of (gulp) hitting on her. This is bizarre because I'm not a lesbian, not even bi, not at all. And if I were gay, I'd be out and proud, so it's not like I'm in denial. I just have no freaking idea what went on in my head that night.

    I spoke with her a little bit after that, enough to find out what I'd done and said (oh yeah, I puked all over too). It was horrific, because it was so not me. Worse, she'd been molested by a sister when she was a child, and had a sort of phobia of women, sexually, which I knew and which made her very angry with me.

    This was at the beginning of a period of depression, and I had started to drink a lot. Miraculously, a year or so later I thought "I'm drinking too much" and just stopped overdoing it without ever getting addicted. Fifteen years later, I drink a little but not much.

    Oh, and this ended my friendship. And we'd been friends for a long time. An awful, awful memory. I still cringe.

  69. I can't drink Kiwi and Lime 20/20 after getting so drunk on it my friend's dad had to carry me home. I was about 14 and it was the first night my sister's French exchange friend was staying with us. It's pretty rank so I'm not missing out on a lot.

  70. Good Xenu, I have too many to list.

    One was when I was 15 and my best friend and I played quarters with Seagrams Seven while our two male friends watched. It was a huge glass and she went first. I think I ended up taking 13 in a row. I had only just started drinking a little, so no tolerance at all.
    The friends literally stuck their finger down my throat so I'd throw up and then poured coffee down it and practically carried me home down the road. I was sick for 2 days straight. My parents were at work so they never found out. Can't even smell Seagrams now.
    Good times......

  71. Part A:I don't remember
    Part B:I don't remember

  72. A bottle of cheap rum in college. Needed the "courage" to talk to a guy I liked. I ended up in the hospital and almost died from alcohol poisoning. Fun times.

  73. @Vicki - Jaegermeister is Xenu ?

  74. When I was 16, my boyfriend and I did about 7 shots of some green drink (I can't remember what it was, but it was green). We were in the car and I had to throw up, so I leaned way out and thought I had managed to barf on the road. The car was white and it belonged to his father. In the morning, my boyfriend and his dad were going to play golf and that's when they noticed that I had thrown up all over the side of the car. Bright green puke had baked on the car. The best part: his dad was the US Secretary of State, and he was furious!!!

  75. When I was in university, I caught a terrible cold, and I lost my voice. My dad called, my room mate told him I was sick and lost my voice he suggested she make me a hot toddy, with rum, she didn't have rum so she used tequila and gave me three large shots in one small cup of tea and since I couldn't taste it she gave me a few more. I was so drunk, I fell backwards down the stairs and woke up in hospital with half of my face scraped off by the carpet when I rolled fell down the stairs. I broke my front tooth and had a concussion. To this day if anyone mentions tequila my stomach does a slow flip.

  76. sorry for all the mistakes in grammar, it's so hot I think my brain is melting...

  77. 2 drinks. Barfed. One New Year's I decided to see what it was like to be drunk, so I drank a couple of cokes with rum, probably too fast. My body said "Sorry, dear, 35 is too old to take up drinking." And that was that.

  78. Happy Birthday Trogdor, if I was near you I would sign up as group DD -

  79. First week of freshman year at college--went shot for shot with basketball players (i'm very petite), blacked out, next thing I remember is being in a MRI machine because I was dancing so hard while so drunk that I fell off a platform, face first. And then the vomiting started. Luckily my friends were responsible enough to call 911 instead of putting me on a couch to "sleep it off", which has led to more than one death from alcohol poisoning. Now I don't do shots. Or dance on platforms. I stick to very strong mixed drinks and couch dancing, obviously...

  80. I was 15 and went to a party with my best friend and her boyfriend who lived in another county so we figured we could get trashed cause nobody would know us. Within the first hour we each consumed 18 shots of southern comfort(we passed it around and around between 4 of us) then I proceeded to share Jim beam and coke with some guy. Had a few beer then topped it off by smoking pot for the first time. When I got home I figured everyone would be asleep. Nope my step mother was bawling her eyes out on the couch cause princess Diana got killed in a car crash. Luckily I had puked the whole way home in the guys car so I didn't have to do that So I passed out on the floor. And 2 years later I run into the Jim Beam guy at the mall and he recognized me. I guess I did t make that big of a fool out of myself cause we went on a few dates.

    Another time I was 17 and the car I was riding in broke down at 2:00 am. 3 of us had to walk down the interstate, climb up the side of an overpass and walk to a house to use the phone. After nearly getting eaten by 2 dobermans we got ahold of a mom and myself and the other guy had to walk back to tell the others help was coming. On the way I slid and fell down the side of overpass. By the time we got to the car a state trooper was there and said he would take me and the guy back to get the other girl. I had to sit in the back of a trooper car for 30 min and was scared shitless. Got to the house and my friend was gone. Her mom came and got her and left the rest of us. So I had to ride back in back of car while the trooper asked if we had been drinking. Luckily the guy with me was 21 and he said he had been but wasn't driving. Thank god the trooper didn't search the car that's all I'm gonna say.

  81. This is my most favorite Your Turn ever! Such great stories!

    The drunkest I ever got was at my company's Christmas party last year. I had only been at the company for about three weeks but decided to thoroughly enjoy myself on the boss's dime. I drank so much wine that I think my buzz lasted for the rest of the weekend. When the cab dropped me off in my parking garage I had to crawl to the elevator which took me up to my condo. Miraculously I did not throw up (seems I am in the minority here).

  82. It's my birthday too Trogdor, I will have a glass of wine tonight in our honor!
    I'm in LA or I'd meet you!

  83. grain alcohol, I forget how much, copious amounts though. Woke up a day and a half later and was minus my virginity. No memory of anything, it's a wonder I survived my teens and 20s, such a dumbass.

  84. On a few occasions I have woken up with no memory of tee previous night, so I guess those are the to
    Es I've been drunkest. I have only ever been sick once when drunk and it was in one of those occasions.

  85. Sorry about the typos...

  86. Jagermeister has always been my drink of choice, ever since my dad game me my first sip at 14 at a Mardi Gras parade (it was COLD!)

    I finally drank the old man under the table at age 19, whilst playing cards one night when my mom was gone. Finished about three quarters of the bottle myself.

    I did take a little detour later that year, into Ketel one land. I drank so many cran n Ketel One's several times that I blacked out and the guy I was dating said "I learned a lot about you last night". *gulp*

    My husband left me for my best friend in October of 2005, and I let him take our daughter for Christmas that year, for some insane reason. My first Christmas alone, I drank an entire.fifth.of.Jager. Alone. Ugh.

    I'm diabetic now and don't drink anymore but the taste of licorice makes me drool. I loved that stuff. Straight up, red headed sluts, Black President, Jagermonster, Jager bombs... yum.

    The only thing better is a big fat chocolate J.

  87. 1. My then-boyfriend, now-husband's 20th birthday- I was home from university for the weekend. I tried to 'keep up' with him and his friends- I'm about 100 pounds lighter than most of them (and him). I spent the night in my bathroom on the floor and threw up everything in my body that could actually be thrown up. We went to my aunt and uncle's house the next day (2 hours away) and my parents had to pull over for me to throw up a few times. I tried to read a magazine in the car and nearly barfed when I saw advertisements for ANY food.

    2. This past Hallowe'en- drank. so. much. Again, threw up everything in my body; I watched a movie on TV and threw up every time someone ate or mentioned food.

  88. This happened 3 years ago. I was visiting a very good girlfriend in Boise. The night I arrived we went out (the 2 of us & her husband) had dinner and proceeded to get wasted--super wasted. Martinis, shots and beer. At our 4th bar of the evening my best friend went to the restroom. Her husband began saying really degrading things about my friend (his wife!) AND hitting on me at the same time. I went off on him, we all walked home. Got to their house and he and I really got into it--yelling, yada yada. My friend (not understanding what had happened between the 2 of us and hysterically crying) went to the bathroom and locked the door. Hubby then kicked me out of their house. I got in my rental car, crying and trying to figure out where I was and how to get a taxi. Cop pulled up. The car wasn't on--keys still in my purse. I was arrested anyway. I refused a breathalyzer so they drew blood at the jail. I'm afraid of needles so the arresting officer held my hand (he'd been a dick till then). While he was squeezing my hand I noticed the name on his badge, M. Ruffalo. The celeb hound I am I asked if he was related to Mark Ruffalo. He was shocked but did admit Mark is his cousin. Blood test later revealed I had a blood alcohol level of .197--.3 points from getting a felony charge.

    Have never spoken to my best friend (of 15+ years) again. Heard that she and the asshole husband had a baby a year later.

  89. Lots of whiskey and I fell into the bushes.

  90. Great stories all! Happy birthday Trogdor! Toasting from Texas!!

  91. Had pancakes one morning at the telephone bar with friends, made the mistake of telling one of them that I like bourbon. he proceeded to line up every kind the bar had and I started doing shots...then I walked over to Kiehls and bought a bunch of makeup...the next thing I know it's 8 pm. I am in bed at a friends house in Brooklyn with my very own trashcan...which I had made good use of....
    I woke up, went downstairs and ate some chocolate....then drove home via the car wash to clean off the side of the car that I had used as a barf bag.

  92. I'm afraid I'm terribly boring--I have so little tolerance for liquor that I've never drunk enough to actually get sick, even during high school & college. As far as stories not involving puking go, though, here's a couple:

    (1) My friend Bonnie's 20th b-day party in college--20 was the drinking age in NH in 1981, so she went off to the state liquor store with a whole list of our requests; I was still in my cheap-ass wine phase, and wanted a bottle of Riunite Rosata (do they even sell that stuff any more?). Drank about half the bottle that evening, cut about 50/50 w/ginger ale, at the party in her dorm room that night, and then started feeling sleepy..."You can't pass out here!", so I somehow managed to get back to my room 2 floors up, with no memory afterward of whether I took the elevator or the stairs to get there. I have a very vague memory of trying to get my door open, and missing the lock every time I tried to jam the key in; finally one of my dorm neighbors took pity on me, opened the door, dragged me in, threw me on the bed, took my shoes off, and closed the door behind herself. Slept for about 2 hours, woke up, and was just fine, go figure.

    (2) My sister's 22nd b-day, when she was visiting me in Athens, GA--we went to The Grill (kinda retro burger joint) & had very greasy grilled chicken sammichs & fries, and then went in search of frozen margaritas, because that's what Heather wanted. Turned out none of the damn bars in downtown Athens sold such a thing, so we ended up at a local Mexican joint, Gus Garcia's (aka "Gus Gonorrhea's"), which did actually sell frozen margaritas, and served them in wine carafes. Heather decided she wanted a whole carafe, which I ordered, but we couldn't get it to pour, so I took it back to the bartender and explained our plight; he promptly slugged several more shots' worth of tequila into the carafe, chunked up the frozen mixture a bit, and handed it back to me. I had about half a drink's worth; she drank all the rest of it. She, of course, felt just fine, and promptly got on the phone w/one of her college friends when we got back to my place; whereas I spent the next couple of hours huddled up on the bed, feeling dreadfully sick, and thinking to myself "Please, God, just let me die right now, OK?" (Didn't actually puke, probably would have felt better if I had, but the Yankee Puritan in me refuses to throw up & waste that perfectly good booze I spent good money on...) Was fine the next day, but greasy food does NOT mix well w/frozen margaritas, even in small doses, and ever since I've always declared that tequila is NOT my friend!

  93. Work Done, Drinks waiting! Thanks for the Bday wishes!

    Great stories on this post!

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. Tequila, pot, double vision (yes for real), bad scene.

    Sorry for the sparse description, but that is literally as much as I can remember.

  96. Oh, and this was a good 30 years ago. I don't do that kind of shit anymore. Barely drink at all.

  97. Thought this was an insightful way to end all these booze stories. Who would have guessed that falling down drunk would lead to permanent brain damage. Who knew? ;)

  98. "This week? month? year?"
    ^This was my first reaction, as well.

    Hard to just pick one story (let alone name the actual number of drinks?!). I am aware of how that sounds. The hangovers hurt more than they used to, that's all I know. ;)

    Some of these comments made me have flashbacks! Four Horsemen? That was the beginning of the end of my 21st birthday bar hopping. Blue Motorcycles? The kiss of death for me and my (old) bowling team.

    Bullfrog and PJ are the most potent things I've ever had to drink, but I'm guessing that is just a SC thing?

  99. 7 double vodkas and a beer, not long after my grandfather died in '06. I was very ill and couldn't eat the next day without feeling sick.

  100. Like most sharing their stories (which are awesome & make me not feel so bad about mine lol), I can't pick just one incident. I'm late to the party as usual and probably no one will see this but I'll share anyway :).

    I was 16 and spending the night with a friend that I met working as a server at a retirement home. She was probably about 25, and lived with her 27 year old brother in an apartment. I had just started dating the brother (which in hindsight, was kind of creepy on his part), and I was "having a sleepover with my friend" so I could get drunk and flirt with the brother (he was a gentleman for the whole two weeks I dated him and we never got past first base lol). Friend's brother made sex on the beaches & rum and cokes in tall water glasses. I had four of each in about five hours. Shortly after my last drink, I starting puking and continued to do so for about 12 hours. My mother came to pick me up in the morning and it was all I could do not to throw up on the 10 minute drive home. I lay down in bed at home and I was so sick that I was scared something was really wrong with me. I called two girls that I worked with and went to school with and they came over to nurse me, even though we weren't that good of friends. Thank God for those two that day. I still only had a pediatrician, so my friends took me down to his office. The whole time I'm trying to hide that anything's wrong from my parents. The doctor informed that I was suffering from alcohol poisoning, and I needed to take one spoonful of Gatorade every 15 minutes. Not more, because my body couldn't handle it. If I could keep it down I had to keep doing that until I felt better. He told me if I couldn't keep it down, I would have to go to the hospital. I and my friends were desperate to hide my state from my parents, so they dutifully fed me one spoonful of lemon lime Gatorade every 15 minutes for about 4 hours. 24 hours later, I was still almost too sick to walk. I was still really sick four or five days later, and I didn't get completely better for almost two weeks.

  101. The most embarrassing drinking incident I had was when I was about 25 and had moved to TN for a job. One of the girls from the office was good friends with another girl that I worked with in the same company when we both lived in Gainesville. She had taken a job in the TN office, but was leaving the company and moving back to Florida as I was moving up to TN. She asked the girl, who was one of my new co-workers, to take me under her wing. She invited me to her "all girl" birthday party and I and most of the women from the office went. Her seven year old daughter was also there. My parents had been visiting me and I had dropped them off at the airport to go back home and I was feeling depressed. I bought a pint of Vodka, a gallon of orange juice and a gallon of cranberry juice. I made my drinks in the those tall water glasses - I'm not sure how many drinks I had, but I finished off that pint by myself :\ Soon after, I called this guy I had a crush on, who had been my co-worker in Gainesville. I kept him on the phone for 45 minutes while I sobbed and kept saying, "I want to come home" over and over in front of the whole party. I went outside to smoke a cigarette and could not figure out why it wouldn't light - it was raining really hard and I didn't even realize it. The birthday girl got me to come back into the house and gave me dry clothes. Instead of going into the bathroom to change, I stripped down and put on the dry clothes in the living room, in front of about 20 other girls, including the birthday girl's daughter. According to the birthday girl, the daughter went through a phase shortly after where she would leap naked out of the bathtub and run down the hall screaming "I'm dbfreak!" Shortly after these two incidents, I was put to bed in the daughter's room, on her bottom bunk bed. I called my hometown crush back and sobbed at him for at least 30 minutes and this time, I kept repeating over and over how much I missed him. Awful. When the other party guests left and birthday girl and daughter went to bed, I had to go throw up and stayed in the bathroom doing so for a couple of hours. The next morning, my throat was so dry that I got a glass of ice water and gulped it down in under a minute. That lead to more throwing up :(. On my way home, I got two quarts of Gatorade. I tried to sip it but still got sick when I got home. I felt much better only after I had smoked a joint. In the two years I worked at that job, I never lived that down with the other women at the party and birthday girl. My drunken antics were office legend and I was the butt of *many* jokes lol. I shredded my stomach so bad that I started getting sick to my stomach after one drink, and I quit drinking for 10 years a couple of months later. I picked it back up again about 3 years ago when I was going through my divorce. Got mad at my rebound boyfriend when we were at a fetish con in Ft Lauderdale and he would try to talk to me and instead I would send him to get me a drink because I was so livid (he had kissed another girl right in front of my face after he said that kind of thing wasn't going to go on - I had never been to a fetish con before and haven't been to one since). I must have had about 12 drinks - sex and beaches again. After we got back to the hotel, I puked all night. I couldn't smoke a cigarette, and smoking pot didn't even dent how bad I felt in the morning. I could barely eat food almost 24 hours later. You would think I would have learned by then, and maybe I have by now, as I limit myself to no more than three drinks when I go out ;).

  102. Dbfreak

    Holy s;(t! 2 WEEKS?!

    I've never heard of someone being sick for that long...amazing.

  103. @csproat (got to be wrong spelling sorry) - yes, two solid weeks of feeling like crap :(. But then again, my body HATES me - I had aseptic spinal meningitis five years ago and the last of the effects took a whole year to shake out along with some permanent, but minor, damage.

  104. got the spelling right!...and you'd be one of the few who did

    So you just take a long time to recover generally then?

    My grandfather had a cousin who had the DTs in the family parlor one weekend when he was trying to quit, but he died instead...

    So I guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger?

  105. A bottle of Jameson's and a bunch of beer. I don't know what happened. :C

    I'm better now, but I still struggle with alcoholism...

  106. I do it by drinking beer. lol

    Wisconsin... what do you do...
