Thursday, July 19, 2012

Tom Cruise & Suri Cruise Get Chased By Paps

Apparently Tom Cruise photos with Suri must be selling for big bucks. Either that or Tom had someone with him other than Suri that was worth big bucks. Yesterday, at least ten cars, motorcycles and a couple of eco-friendly paps on bicycles chased Tom & Suri through the streets of Manhattan. The chase ended after Tom got to his helicopter. None of the paps could afford one of those so went home and looked at their lenses. Tom's driver was traveling at well over double the speed limit. So, he was barreling through the streets of Manhattan at almost 45 m.p.h. Sounds kind of funny that 45 is double the speed limit.


  1. Let that poor child use her damn legs already! She has got to be at least 60 pounds, McGlib may be short but apparently he has mucho arm muscles.

  2. Yeah, why can't this kid walk? Harper 7,8,9 is walking, so why can't Suri?

  3. I don't care who they are, that is just wrong. Crazy paps.

  4. ITA w/ Reno. I don't give a fuck about McGlib, but a child's life is in danger. They need to step the fuck off. His people need to make a deal or something with TMZ or whoever the paps are. That is if he actually gives a damn about her welfare.

  5. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Just stop, let them take the pictures, then go on at a safe speed to wherever you were going. It appalls me that he would endanger his child.

  6. Xenu forbid if anything happens to her, but it does, they'll blame Katie.

  7. I am getting bored with seeing pictures of this family.

  8. We should nickname Suri as well as Tom. Something along the lines of "koala". That's the shot I see of her the most.

  9. i would expect to see a dramatic change once she begins school. on top of their normal school stuff, they learn things like proper posture, how to curtsy, etc, etc. if her parents keep carrying her and the other little girls find out, you know she will get teased.

  10. Agreed. Just slow the f down! They are intrusive and awful but they aren't zombies for the love of god. Endangering everyone on the street as well as your child just so you have control of the photos?!?

  11. I've got to pile on here re the carrying controversy.

    As many have already stated, as a mom, I would absolutely carry my six year old if we were being hounded by paparazzi.

    (Would have definitely been an unlikely event, as we lived in a sleepy border town and were quite ordinary when mine were six, but still :-)

    Even if you're Suri Cruise, that madness would be very scary. And us regular moms have panic attacks when our kids get away from us in a crowd. You'd have a very primal urge to protect your little one if the crowd surrounding your kid was taking photos and foaming at the mouth like rabid dogs!

    Also, when you're trying to get somewhere quickly, your first instinct is to scoop up the kid and go. Kids are notorious dawdlers.

    All that being said, those crazy papps need to step the hell off already!

  12. I don't know how any cab is speeding through the streets of new York at 45mph between the hours of 7am to 9pm

  13. I don't know how any cab is speeding through the streets of new York at 45mph between the hours of 7am to 9pm

  14. I respectfully disagree. While Tom might be dictionary definition DB, I feel for this little girl. Did you see the shot of them walking out of the hotel? She is clearly petrified and hiding/burying herself in his shoulder. No wonder she is being carried. I think the paps are to blame and should back the eff off. This is a child's life they are traumatizing her.. And if they sold/arranged shots to the high heavens (pardon the Xenu pun), I believe that they would still be hounded due to the nature of this divorce.

  15. I can't believe he's out with Suri. She's a suppressive person.

  16. Tom probably has Suri convinced that if she looks directly into a flash, an evil alien will take over her body and she'll never see mommy and daddy again

  17. Considering how scios feel about traumatic events 'n shit, I wonder what he was thinking clutching her like this and putting her through the most intense and painful shaming possible? I have no doubt that his publicist announced the timing of his arrival and this whole thing was staged. Note, when Katie (ah, Katie, sigh) is with the child, everything is calm and human. Human, earthly, as an earth creature would treat its progeny.

  18. I must add, after looking at this pic some more, that the 40 year old, cynical woman I am has to tell the 16 year old girl inside me that we don't find McG dreamy any more.

    If I was to listen to the 16 year old, I'd tell y'all how cute he looks in those Levi's and how great that haircut is. DAMNIT! I curse you, McG, because if you'd just kept your crazy under wraps, I could have gone through my life believing in the Hollywood dream version of you.

    McG crushed my childhood dreams. Oh wait, so me and Katie are kinda soul sisters, eh? Maybe I deserve part of that 35 mil for my pain and suffering :-).

  19. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Coupled with comforting Suri from the paps, Tom may carry her on the helicopter. She may need help with that.

    I think in this case, carrying Suri is normal and fine.

  20. Maybe Katie could just send me ten bucks and a nice card. That would work.

  21. Why are people bitching about him carrying her? In the past, it was ridiculous, but now with all the divorce hoopla, the paps are out tenfold. Don't blame her for wanting to be carried.

    I do blame his cray-cray ass for dragging her out all the time. Does the Greenwich Hotel not have underground parking or some kind of escape route for celebs? And if not, why doesn't he stay somewhere that does? Oh wait. He has to lug Suri out for the press. Fucking dickless prick.

  22. re Mr.Cruise
    L. Ron Cruise(LRC)
    L.Tom Hubbard (LTH)
    McGlib (McG)
    MiscAvenger (MA)
    Church Lady (CL)- Sunny, the synchronicity of your posting was hilarious:)
    McGlib (McG) * Winner
    All of the above are really good and since this isn't a dictatorship and the purpose was to get rid of Tammy Girl, take your pick and we'll know who you mean !

  23. Agreed Vicki. He needs to stop dragging her out. Keep her indoors and bond with her. He's wasting precious visitation time in transporting her. If she's like most normal 6 year olds (I know, debatable) she'd be just as happy sitting at the hotel playing board games, reading books, or doing art projects with her daddy. Or wait, find a hotel with a great pool or water slide and reserve it for a private party for two.

  24. I'm alright with carrying her. She is probably terrified. I am sure it's gotten worse since the divorce.
    It will be a sad day when my lo doesn't want me to carry him anymore. I love having him near me, hugging him close, being at eye level, and smelling that toddler smell of his hair. You can't give a child to much reassurance that they're safe and loved. I doubt being carried often is going to leave Suri damaged.

  25. There's trouble with calling Tom "McG". McG is a director. This is making sense to me now, I didn't understand why Frufra was dissing McG (who does a lot of fun movies and I didn't think he'd ever directed Tom before).

  26. I hate the hell out of those Charlie's Angels movies.

  27. My first thought upon reading this, is how irresponsible to be speeding through the streets of NYC. I get the reason why, but was it worth Suri's possible injury or that of another car/pedestrian on their route?
    Tom surely has enough security to have managed a decoy or to have arranged a more discreet exit to the helipad.

    Again PLEASE stop taking Suri out for photo ops BOTH of you!!

  28. Why does he need to take Suri in a helicopter I wouldn't let Tom out of my sight if he was with my kid...

  29. Em - I would never curse the real McG - point taken.

    I'm going with LRC. Thanks for the clarification.

  30. Where were the NYPD during this chase?

  31. Whether it's at a private helipad or the local McDonalds, the parental hand-off sucks for children of divorce. This picture brings back baaad memories for me. {{{shudder}}}

    And I'm among those givin the ok to carrying her. I don't think they do it all the time (you never see it in the through-the-windows shots) but when being mobbed by paps, hell yeah, I'd hold my kids. I also lol'd at the comment about kids taking forever to get from point A to point B & sometimes you just have to scoop them up - SO TRUE!!!

  32. Like Barton pointed out, things don't seem to be insane and scary when she's out with Katie (based ont he pictures we've seen over the last week and a half or whatever). Hopefully Tom isn't reacting dramatically to situations and making Suri more afraid than she would be. It wouldn't surprise me, though, if he wants to come off like some sort of hero.

    That being said, provided the situations are actually scary, I don't think it's a big deal to carry her out of protection. But stop putting her in those situations to begin with!

  33. @Vicki - never seen those. Agree they look awful.

    I like Chuck, though, and McG directed (?) or produced Chuck.

    It's weird, cause I thought he was involved in Ben 10, which is a cartoon series that my kids love, but I can't find that in imdb. I must have been mistaken on that.

  34. Nobody is taking her out for photo ops. That's just ridiculous. Also, if your 6 year old was being chased by paps all the time you too would carry that child. My daughter is almost 6 and I still carry her from time to time. Just because you see photos does mean you have a complete insight to that child's entire life.

    1. I beg to differ. They are bioth trotting her around like a show pony.

    2. That's ridiculous. They take their child out. The paps are staked outside the house and follow then everywhere. The only solution would be to leave Suri inside the house, and that's ridiculous.

  35. I guess the rules really ARE different for Mr. Cruise. Suri and Katie have 'left the church" and are considered Suppressive Persons. Since when do Scientologists get visiting rights with SPs in their families?

    Oh, that's right. The rules are for OTHER Scientologists. I hope people in CO$ start asking questions NOW.

  36. The speed limit in NY is 35. And yes, the driver was endangering Suri by going 45-plus, but what about the pedestrians? SOOOO dangerous to speed through NYC streets!!

  37. I've read that COS has not declared them SPs yet.

  38. My arms and back hurt just thinking about lugging a 6 year old around everywhere.

  39. Of course there's going to be a media frenzy with Tom in public with Suri. The paps aren't going as nuts when she's with Katie because it's been several weeks. But the real story is Tom and Suri because of the COS rules.

    And ffs, a father is allowed to carry his daughter. We've seen one picture of Harper walking and it was inside at what looked like a private event.

    I know it's wrong and everything but how badly do I want to be involved in a high speed chase that leads to me escaping in my private helicopter?

  40. @anita , I know it's wrong too but I'll be sitting right next to you:)

  41. anita...exactly
    and it was his first visit with her since the announcement.

  42. Law of supply and demand.

    As long as the paps get a ton of money for the pics, they will follow. Enty, stop buying new pics of them.

    We can live with old pics of GMD (sorry its my fav) wearing his lifts, while you tell us of the latest crap going down.

  43. continuing the option list (please add on)

    GMD (gay midget dwarf)
    TT (Tom Thumb or Thumbalina)

  44. @Agent Tombelina

  45. Didn't McG direct one of the Mission Impossibles-- the one where the knife practically goes into .. Umm, L Tom hubbards eye? ( so many nicknames, can't keep up, but enjoy snickering at all of them)

    Side note I just read a halarous review of 50 Shades of Crap and they referred to Chistian as Captain As* Chaps and that made me think of TC as well

  46. @Frufra, LRC is my favorite, too!

    Does anyone know who came up with L. Ron Cruise? I'd like to thank them for that one. Was it one of us?

  47. Gay Midget Dwarf is good, but kind of redundant with midget/dwarf. Has a nice ring to it though.

  48. Not sure if this was thrown out there as an option:
    Tinny Tammy

  49. Wait a minute....why is everyone jumping on Cruise for the blame? This is the first photo I've seen of him and Suri so to me it doesn't seem like he's dragging her out for a photo op. Secondly where's the blame for the paps obviously staking out his locale ready to pounce? Hello? Have we all forgotten what happened to Princess Diana because of paps? I'm convinced the COS is a bunch of BS also, but I don't think blaming a Father for protecting his Daughter is wrong. Xenu worshiper or not.

  50. yeah, the paps should back the f off. Its enough already! remember she is a child!

  51. Maybe I'm just cynical or overly critical of TC, but you'd think he could find a way to avoid all the paps, right? Unless he needed a photo op. My guess is the latter. Suri does not seem very happy if the way she's desperately clinging to him is any indication. She definitely seems a bit more relaxed w/her mom.

  52. I loathe McG the director. That's why I thought it was funny. But it will get confusing in the long run. I thought Church Lady was pretty funny too. If we mix it up the Co$ won't be able to figure it out ;)

    @frufra - LOL! I'm a soul sista too. I want in on that card too. Hugest CL crush in my youth. Top Gun - dayum. Now he's just a lunatic (hotness must be ignored).

    Lastly - We all remember what happened to Diana. Why would he risk all the drama? It's not right! I want to start a Save the Koala campaign.

  53. I don't remember the exact story, but his other kids were papped on their way to school (around the time Diana was killed). He was extremely vocal about how the car chases had to stop. He created this scenario with Suri. He wanted the photos out there. Hopefully these parents will start considering the best interest of their child. A third party could do the pickup/drop off, through the back door in a plain car with tinted windows. There are private underground garages.

  54. that poor girl. her life will never be normal.. And she is holding onto her dad like she is scared and when she holds katie she doesnt grasp that tightly..

    HOW does Tom get to see Suri if Suri is "catholic" that is what i really want answered... Scientology? WTF

  55. BreeB714 - the Co$ gods decide who is a Suppressive Person. It is totally at their whim. Apparently, Miscaviege is such a control freak, he is the one that often makes those decisions for his minions.

    Once a person is declared as Suppresive, scientologist cannot communicate with them AT ALL, or at a limited basis. If allowed to still talk, they cannot talk about Co$ and they have to debrief and divulge all their communications with the Co$.

  56. FSP, I said the same thing yesterday about his lifts. Though they are probably smaller than the ones that he wears behind closed doors in his teddy.

  57. He had to be papped. If there aren't pictures it didn't happen. This whole thing has been disastrous and the PR people are working night and day to minimize the hit. Can you imagine if there werent very public proof that he is spending time with Suri?

    Bonus, he got to wear those ridiculously huge boots with ridiculously high lifts in them.

    I call bs on driving 45 in Manhattan. Its not possible without roads being closed in advance.

    1. It's like someone claiming to have driven the speed limit on the 405s at the Sepulveda pass at 5pm on a Monday. Never happens, not even a holiday.

  58. Based on only this picture, she's clutching for dear life because they are under a helicopter. Those things are scary and loud.

    Are there hotels in Manhattan with helicopter pads on the roof? I would think there would be but after September 11th, I don't know what kind of no-fly zone there is over Manhattan.

    Sigh, why does he have to be crazy and probably gay? He's an incredibly good looking man, such a waste.

  59. He is so pathetic and delusional. He orchestrated this whole Mission Impossible scenario to show himself "rescuing" her.

  60. Taffy, I didn't think of that. That's fucking sick.

  61. Vicki Cupper: have you read this yet?

  62. I feel like Suri was making strides to act like a little girl instead of an infant while daddy was away working and now she is regressing with her blankie and being carried. I think maybe she needs the blankie to feel secure without mom and that's totally fine...but she just seems like she regressed. Of course a few pap pics don't tell the story. I do understand wanting to carry her to a helicopter so I guess I shouldn't judge. I did carry a 6 year old through Disneyland one time because she was exhausted...and it was no easy feat let me tell you.

    1. Eh, kids develop attachments to things like blankets and grow out of it by about 8. She's not doing anything out of the norm.

      Imagine being the parent of a child in the public eye and most of the scrutiny comes from childless people that don't know a damn thing about raising a child in or out of the public eye. It's bad enough as moms we are judged and criticized by other mothers. No parent needs it from people that have no clue what it's like to be a parent.

  63. He is obviously acting the loving father for the paps. Obviously. And I could be wrong but I think that the paps are especially rabid because they are wondering if THIS photo will be the one documenting his abduction of Suri.

    I like L. Ron Cruise. When I think of "glib" I think of that toad, Matt Lauer.

  64. I always call he and Miscavige 'Short Stack & the Tiny Fuhrer'

  65. Aren't you all forgetting that Suri is now a "Suppressive" and is to be shunned by Tom? I guess the rules are different for you.

    Patiently awaiting the revolt.....

  66. The way she's hanging onto him, and it's not just when they are under the helicopter, it's like he whispered something very very scary to her and told her to hang on or that scary thing would happen. Because she seems terrified, not just emotional that she's seeing her dad again. It bothers me a lot.

  67. What is the priority here? Dad visiting Suri or getting a photo opp of dad visiting Suri? Because he could have done that transfer in a parking garage with tinted windows and Suri would have been safe.

    This screams Diana and considering she is six years old, that is not okay.

    Katie, the world is with you, so insist future child transfers take place out of the sight of the paps so there is no need to speed through the streets of NYC.

    I know L. Ron Cruise wants to be seen visiting Suri in spite of her SP status, but this was a recipe for disaster.

  68. I don't really have a problem with her being carried. If I was constantly being chased by paps, I would treat my little one like a koala too. What I do have a problem with is what Turkish Taffy pointed out. It feels like he used her and their visit to play the hero.

    @CrazyCatLady - The reason people are jumping all over LRC is because, like you said, this is the first time we have seen them together since the divorce was announced and it turned into him acting out Mission Impossible: Manhattan and using Suri as his prop.

  69. Fucking paps are horrible. That would be a hard way to grow up.
    I vote for Tom Thumb.

  70. RE pap stakeouts versus calling the paps: The paps are outside Katie's new apartment 24/7. BUT, how did they know that Tom would be at a specific hotel instead of his (their?)apartment?

  71. I am upset :
    Jada Pinkett Smith Urges Action Against Human Trafficking,Testifies Before Senate

    1.Literally, yesterday's news. Multi PR reports, but NOBODY
    reports the hypocrisy.
    2.Remember the recent tweet sweet
    calculated pix of Will and the child by Jada from the plane ?
    3.Remember Jada is a CO$ and she and her "husband" own a school of Scientology ?
    4. Remember all the multi articles you/I have read re CO$ and human trafficking and Sea Org ?
    5.So my congress has this piece of shit testify in a huge PublicRelations MOVE for herself ?

    BTW, Jada is against human trafficking.
    Unless, of course we're talking SeaOrg.

  72. Wow Agent you are so right. How does Jada have any credibility whatsoever considering her position with CO$? Who invited her? That's ridiculous.

  73. Thanks, Elizabeth. It is just unbelievable to me that she can sit there before congress and manipulate it into a PR stunt with not one news organization questioning it.

  74. Didn't McG also have something to do with the O.C.?

    I can't blame Tom in this instance. I'm starting to feel kinda sorry for Suri.

  75. Has Jada actually been proved to be a practicing Scientologist? I'm sure that COS has been angling to get Jada and Will in their clutches through Tom, but I haven't seen any proof yet they're more than dabbling in it.

    Also, I think y'all are overreaching with the definition of an SP. IIRC, an SP is someone who actively denies the "faith" of Scientology. Scienos can have contact with family as long as they don't attack COS.

    Sooner or later Katie will do something that makes her a recognized SP, and thus Suri as well. Don't think we're there yet.

  76. Suri Cruise began attending The Smiths' New Village Academy in April 2009 which is a school of Co$.

    Of course, they deny that. But when their principal(who was not a CO$) suggested actually using other things in addition to Study Tech,
    she was fired and replaced with a Scientologist.

  77. I, of course, wouldn't let my kids anywhere near a school with even the slightest COS affiliation, but I think the Smith's school is still a gray area.

    Basically, Katie and Suri, from what I've read, were not so committed to Scientology that they have to be declared as having "blown" COS just yet. Maybe that's why Katie keeps kicking 'em in the balls by enrolling Suri in a Catholic school, etc., to force a declaration that she's an SP.

    BTW, for those of you speculating about Tom "disappearing" Suri while he has her for a visit, if Katie does have sole custody that would constitute felony kidnapping. Yes, COS has done that before but this would be the Lindbergh baby scandal all over again and Tom's not gonna do that.

  78. i didn't realize how many people were taking pictures of suri until this week. its freaky. it would scare most adults. and what will she think when it stops? will she be glad, or will she think she needs to do something to get the attention again?

  79. With the money these two parents of hers have they could give her a pap free life, they opt not to. attention whores.

  80. Actually, Katie is as yet probably not receiving any child support from Tom and is racking up big bills for legal counsel and security. She can't afford helicopters and private motorcades.

    Plus she and Suri are much safer in the public eye just now.

  81. Look at the Smith's tax returns , both personal, business and corporate. They are CO$.

  82. Even the Brange kids get to go to Maccas poor Suri has to suffer Tom's histrionics. It's not a movie, dude stop feaking out your daughter with your grand gestures.....

  83. Why is it ok for katie to expose suri to Paps, but when tom does it, its totally wrong? Really wondering.

  84. The difference is, when shes out with Katie she looks relaxed and happy. These photos came with a story of them racing thru Manhattan to get away from the paps.
    Its all BS. Tom wanted to make sure he was seen spending time with Suri (if he didnt, people would be bashing him for that) and it back fired.

  85. He carries her so people won't see she is nearly as tall as his humonculous self. What are the lifts in those boots? 6"? His shins are about half again as long as his thighs.
