Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tom Cruise Worships David Miscavige

This weekend The Village Voice ran a two part story about the life and times of John Brousseau. John escaped from Scientology back in 2010. In yesterday's part, John talked about working in the Katie Holmes/Tom Cruise household and Suri when she was a baby. John also used to be the personal driver for L. Ron Hubbard. The guy has lots to share. The Village Voice and Tony Ortega should be mandatory reading for everyone interested in the evil that is Scientology. In today's part, John discusses how Tom Cruise worships David Miscavige. You need to read these articles. They are long, but it is really good stuff. I have been negligent in my Village Voice reading lately so thank you Melissa for bugging me to keep it up.


  1. Gotta go see that, I agree Tony's reports on CoS is fascinating stuff.

  2. Heading to Village Voice now...I love Scientology stories!!

  3. Anonymous10:21 AM

    The further this goes the more I hope everyone realises there is no reason for them to be tax free, be a cult if you wish, but there's no reason for them to be tax free. According to one Village Voice article church of cash had been breaking in to and stealing documents from the I.R.S during their long court battle to try to incriminate/blackmail/extort someone who had the ability to make their problems go away with the I.R.S, what do you know, out of nowhere they're given a very illegal, very unusual, very suspect tax free status. Which they have used to support their ridiculous gaudy buildings, recruit and brainwash celebrities/closet cases, and blackmail/harass/murder their own ex parisioners/prisoners. Tearing families apart for money and control, brainwashing children against their parents for money and control, beating people, punching people, berating and belittling people, for money, power and control. Miscavige has fallen. Let it be done.

    1. Now, unless one becomes employed by the IRS and accesses documents that way (which is still hard because access to accounts is only granted as you move up in grade), then you can't just break into the IRS. My mother worked for the IRS for 40 years and nobody gets to go back and the files aren't kept in one central location.

  4. I think we have to remember that Tom Cruise is a man with very little education. He barely graduated high school, certainly didn't attend college, struggled with dyslexia.

    Scientology's claims might not have sounded as ridiculous to him in the late 1980s as it does to us now, when there is a lot more information available about what sort of organization it really is.

    This is not to excuse his participation now. But once you're inside, I'm guessing there's an "us against the world" sentiment that allows people within the group to dismiss a lot of negative but true information about Miscavige and the Scientology as a whole.

  5. The more I read about Co$ the more I respect and fear for Katie Holmes. What does she know that she was allowed to have her child and demand the kid not be exposed to them? Are they planning to do something to her and the kid?

  6. That was so interesting! I really hope that one day Cruise will open his eyes to this f*ckery.

  7. Interesting, too, that all these Scientology insiders - Marty Rathburn as well as John Brousseau - say that Cruise is straight and that his marriage to Katie Holmes was a real one.

  8. Thank you for posting this article. I read it yesterday and it was riveting! It is so interesting.

    I think one of the key points was how JB had no life goals or direction for himself. So when he found a group that put him to work and made him feel like he had a purpose. It is hard to leave something when it's all you have. Plus, JB wasn't involved in actual Scientology studying because one of Hubbards rules "if you working you can't study" or something along that line. Hubbard wanted his minions to be duped into going with the flow and not actually studying the religion until it was to late for them to leave.

  9. The film The Master is now opening Sept 14.

  10. Tommy girl loves cack.

  11. He looks too young to have been L-Ron's driver. He died in, what, 1982?

  12. I have a hunch that McGlib may end up as Tom Cruise. Too hopeful? Where's Shelly?

  13. 0_0 he died in 1986.

  14. I note the guy says Cruise/Kidman marriage as Holmes/Cruise marriage were real
    I note Miscavige is Damian in THE OMEN and Cruise looks totally insecure and behind golden boy's mask,Cruise is always a teen of tiny town with weak education

    it's fascinating to read and also scary

    1. I have a childhood friend who has a close family member who sporatically works with Tom. By all accounts Katie thought that relationship was real. By all accounts she wanted a quieter life with him. I'm thinking that may fall in line with what JB has mentioned about him always having to be doing something and always having his handlers around.

  15. Tom is a small person outside and in. He needed and found something or someone who tell him he could be big and powerful. Since it seemed to have worked for him he is of course their cheerleader.

    I guess he got the Jack Reacher role because he can levitate and thus appear to be 6'5".

    It is a cult, and I didn't think anyone could outfox the IRS.

  16. *would* missing word.

  17. Been reading VV and Ortega's articles on Scientology for years. This 2-part series is phenomenal reading. That Scientology is some crazy shit. I still cannot grasp how rational, educated people can fall for it.

    Yes, sure, I read Dianetics a long time ago and I will admit it helped me w/ one thing: to never disregard a word I didn't understand. Instead, stop reading, look up the definition and then continue on. Other than that...the cult and its practices are insanity at its finest.

    Anyway, these articles by Ortega regarding Scientology from an ex-scientologist's PoV are just riveting. It's hard to believe this shit really happens.

  18. @nora nader LOL! That's also the only sentence of Dianetics I thought made any sense!

  19. Is this really news though? Everyone pretty much knows TC LOVES Miscavige. Probably would have married him if he could have.

  20. Co$ seems lame, but hey I'm sure my spirituality seems odd to some as well. Most religions have deep closets full of skeletons.

    1. But it's not a religion it's a science fiction story that L Ron bet his friend he could turn into a religion. Even Mormons r based on a guy having visions from an angel or something.

    2. Actually, Joseph Smith was probably a pre-LRon. he was a snake oil con man who started his own religion in a time when roadside revivals were popular. He's the only witness to his "testament". He made it up as he went along. Just like every other religion/cult/etc.

  21. I always thought (in the past) it was the other way around, Miscavige kissed up to Cruise because he felt Cruise was the Church's "Golden Child." Sounds like from this article that Cruise is just another naive dupe being used by Miscavige for his own sociopathic games.

  22. @Nutty_Flavor: Agreed, it is interesting that JB totally accepted that the Cruise/Holmes marriage was genuine and they were gaga about each other at the start. That certainly startled me. Have we been wrong all along?!

    It is also interesting that JB finally became disillusioned after watching a CNN exposé on his iPhone and realizing that the Co$ reps were lying. I suspect the internet will be the downfall of Co$. It can keep its SeaOrg peons away from television and newspapers, but celebrities have full access to the information that's out there.

    As celebrities like LM Presley and Paul Haggis "blow", it will surely force some of the other celeb members to question their continued association with the sect.

    IMO, a lot of the prominent celeb figures got involved because it gave them an "in" w/Hollywood and they used it to advance their careers. As more dirt continues to come out, they have to ask themselves whether they really want to be seen as part of the org.

  23. @nora -- I disagree about "word clearing". I personally learn best when I can understand the word in context. This assumes, of course, that the person doing the writing is using the word correctly.

    Plus, don't the $cilons have a specific dictionary (probably written by LRH himself) that they have to use? With all of the acronyms they have to learn, perhaps they're brainwashed into thinking that the English words they learn aren't what they are supposed to think they mean.

    I have this minor fantasy of tying the GMD to a chair in the middle of a huge stadium, and then blaring words that he hasn't "cleared".

  24. I fully believe Co$ is the real religion but I can't afford to join. All I had was $19.99 for the book. FML I'm poor

  25. I fear for Katie and I fear for this guy also. Oh, nothing is going to happen anytime soon. It'll be later. They'll try something.

  26. @katsm0711
    So are Muslims! Remember Mohammed got the Koran from Archangel Gabriel.

  27. He was driving people around 30 yrs ago? I think scientology has discovered the Fountain of Youth.

  28. Well if you're going to invent a religion, it has to come from a vision, not from a book about aliens.

  29. What an interesting read!

    Re: the authenticity of Holmes and Cruise---they all say it was real in that they actually liked each other and spent time together. No one was in their bedroom or saw them getting busy. When JB calls them gaga they were spending their first Christmas with Suri at a beautiful home. I think part of being a good beard is getting along as friends. This doesn't change the picture in my head of their relationship at all.

    ALSO, did anyone catch the part in that that says they dig mines to bury Hubbard's text in so it can survive nuclear war? I imagined, a thousand years from now, people digging it up... "Look! An Ancient text! It must be true because it's old!"

    1. Is it possible that Katie thought it was real and due to his lavish gifting, isolating her from family, and Co$ brainwashing, she didn't see their agreement as the contract it was but maybe as a declaration of his looking out for her? Like a retarded version of a pre-nup maybe? IDK. I am just trying to make sense of this convoluted mess.

  30. I don't think I made my point clear. I mean that for even a brand spanking new religion invented just a few hundred years ago, even Joseph Smith knew he had to say it was told to him by angels. Everyone knows religions are told to humans by angels, not aliens.

  31. From what I am hearing the internet is hurting them. Rumor is that the CO$ overhead is more than the money they are raking in from the membership. People are leaving and new ones are not coming in at a high enough rate to replace them.

    Because the info on the web has shown what a crock this is and many are not going to trust celebs in health matters. So the celeb centers are not as effective as they once were.

    Expect to see Miscarriage start to act more and more crazy as the desperate sets in.


    Guys, remember to share the link above and sign the petition to find Shelly Miscaviage!!!

    I just came from reading the article, and I lurk and sometimes comment here, and after reading that piece, I felt compelled to post the link. Sharing it on Facebook too! These bastards need to be brought down.

  33. The Paul Haggis article, The Apostate, in the New Yorker led me to Village Voice. Massive CO$ coverage in VV the first two wks in July...all I kept saying was WOW, hope people are getting how FAKE this group really is. I commend others for wanting to help make this world a better place...but there are other ways... Peace Corps, non-profit charities, REAL churches, volunteer work.

    Ditto @CarmeliteLady. This should not be a tax-free org. Blows my mind.

    Wish comments had LIKE button...also LIKED NuttyFlavor, Smashbash, Nora Nader, djphob, Gary B. Now off to read the latest VV article.

  34. djphob-
    "No one was in their bedroom or saw them getting busy"

    WTF is wrong with you? Why would anyone be in a bedroom with a husband and wife watching what they were doing?

    There are a lot of weird people on this site. F-ing creepers.

  35. Well, I guess we got told.

  36. Fascinating reading! I also learned by following some of the links that people have been telling these tales for 20 years but no one has listened.

  37. Sorry Fink - didn't mean to offend you. Do you generally creep around in other people's bedrooms? I find that type of behavior awfully strange.

    No idea where you are from, but in my state, you'd be arrested.

  38. Hi, steppy. No, I don't usually creep around people's bedrooms? Do you usually talk to people like this? Mmmkay.

  39. Like what? Surprised that a person would condone illegal, immoral behavior?

    Sorry, when people act like that, it offends me. Based on your posts, it seems you find nothing offensive, so I am confused as to why you would even comment.

  40. You guys are all the crazy ones. I always peek in on any couple I know when they're supposed to be having sex just to make sure they aren't really gay! How else would you know they're not lying to you?

  41. @ Steppy
    Isn’t it past your bedtime? Step off!



    This latest comment of yours is the last straw for me. It seems like your mission on CDAN is to challenge/invalidate/disprove/contradict the most minuscule detail of every story. For a long time I thought you were a legitimate poster joining the spirited discussion and enthusiastic snark-fest, but now I think that you’re nothing but a freakin’ troll. Yup, I’m slow. It’s taken me this long to figure it out.

    That Operation Snow White story from the VV that you’re disputing was told 3rd or 4th hand from events that occurred like, 500 years ago. No one said that a 21st century black ops CO$ crew swopped in under the cover of night, broke into the IRS and stole files like some Mission Impossible sh*t. Have you not been paying attention to all of the standard CO$ tactics that have been exposed lately? Blackmail, threats, intimidation, shaming, disconnection, information gathering, surveillance, etc. There were a zillion ways for CO$ to get the documents they wanted from IRS employees without actually going into the building themselves.

    After all of the incredible behind-the-scenes information we’ve just read from both parts of Ortega’s article, this is what you chose to dispute? Hey, you certainly have the right to your opinion and to post comments wherever you like, but it’s obvious that your purpose here is to do nothing but to start sh*t. This is a GOSSIP SITE. Chill.

  42. Okay, back to the story…

    Wow. I just read both VV articles and I think JB was spineless for taking so long to “blow”. I understand that he was directionless and without money or family ties for years, but all of those tales of verbal abuse, punishment and imprisonment disgusted me. These people are like sheep! I really don’t understand cult culture, no matter how much I read about it. As for GMD with all of his toys and home improvements created with slave labor – Ugh. He was such an easy mark! Miss Cabbage has been stroking that ego for decades. GMD must’ve been wearing a “sucker” t-shirt when he walked in there the 1st time. I would love to see his meltdown when his liability outweighs his usefulness, Miss Cabbage dumps him and GMD realizes how bad he’s been duped by CO$.

    My light bulb moment: I think GMD needs to get his GED and get some higher education, and I don’t mean some home schooling CO$ horsesh*t. He needs to go to an accredited College or University and actually attend a graduation ceremony so he won’t be so easily swayed by bogus medals that don’t mean anything. I know that seems over simplified and out of left field right now, but I think that’s the main issue that’s driving his insanity.

    Alec Baldwin went back to NYU and got his degree years after he’d been in Hollywood (granted, he wasn’t as big of a star as GMD at the time and AB obviously still has unresolved anger issues), but I really think going to school would do a great deal to knock that chip off of GMD’s shoulder. He could pay for the degrees of some CO$ slaves to accompany him to night school and double as security. Ha!

    Yes, I know that educated folks have been sucked into CO$ for decades as well, but in GMD’s case it’s painfully obvious that his huge inferiority complex, his self-loathing, the not feeling smart enough or good enough, the dyslexia shame (things that us mere mortals deal with on a regular basis), are at the heart of his entitlement and self-righteousness and control freak issues.

    I’ve been re-watching a lot of Youtube clips of him and my mouth is hanging open. His conversation skills are non-existent! I have never seen GMD eek-out a complete sentence or string together comprehensive thoughts during his television interviews unless he’s proselytizing on a soapbox or promoting a movie. GMD has 2 speeds: Pissed-off, defensive and ready to blow, or buzzing around like a kid on a sugar high.

    He’s as dumb as a brick and he knows it and he hates himself. The fact that he has more money than I will ever see in my lifetime and that he’s probably sitting his boney ass in a truck that was built by slaves bugs the sh*t out of me and I hope his career to turns to dust.

  43. I'm surotisrd that they seemed really into each other,like katie was really in love. I assumed that beards knew EXACTLY what was going on. Good article!

  44. @Steppy - You missed the point. Go back and read the entire post again before you embarrass yourself further.

    @CDAN Reader - It takes a long time to get out of a cult. Unless you've been brainwashed, you can't know, but the good thing is, JB and others are finally outta that place. Even when you're out it takes years to fully deprogram. Hopefully TC will wake up and leave one day, too. Sounds like Miscavige is a paranoid megalomaniac hellbent on alienating those around him.

  45. @kat lmao

    @Steppy thanks for the laugh dude. I mean, I was in tears trying to read all that to my friends.

    @Barton I got told SO HARD.

  46. I think Kidman, Holmes, etc were Cruise's beards, but not for the usual reason. I think he has no interest in sex at all. He might be nominally straight, but that doesn't mean he actually shags women. Being asexual is more appalling to Hollywood than being gay or bi. And of course Co$ would do everything in their power to cover this up.

    1. That is basically how Morton summed him up in that unauthorized bio he wrote a few yrs back.

  47. After reading this latest by Ortega, I popped around to some of the other articles (like the 'Open Letter to TC') and something in that made me re-think the whole "Nic knows why..." comment TC made when they were getting divorced. Since even TC has been and is being spied on by CO$ and since NK didn't like CO$ nor Miscavige (she is a cold fish, but can you blame her on those two subjects?) it could stand to reason that she spouted dissent for one or both and it got reported back and the order came down for TC to divorce her. DM wouldn't stand for any of that from all that I have read and it would explain the sudden change of heart from renewing wedding vows after ten years of marriage (or a contract) and then suddenly, out of nowhere, it's over and why she was so bewildered when it happened. Plus, his cryptic comments about "Nic knows why..." afterwards. It seems totally plausible to me now, especially reading more and more at what a meglomaniac control freak DM is and how he needed to get TC under control. He wasn't going to do it while he was married to NK, especially from what was mentioned in several of those articles about TC and NK not being very active in the church while married.

    Just thinking outloud...

  48. wow - you guys have a lot of time on your hands.

  49. Okay, kids, stop splashing or you'll have to get out of the pool.

    Personally, I enjoy reading whocaresnow12, Steppy and Barton Fink's comments, even when I strongly disagree with them. Can we discuss the topic at hand instead of beating up on each other?

    Anyway, for me the "dumb, deceived, asexual and consumed by ambition" Cruise makes more sense than the Emperor of Evil image that's been tossed around since Katie filed for divorce.

  50. With respect to Tom Cruise playing the military policeman character Jack Reacher...When I read about this a couple of days ago I couldn't believe it! Talk about an unusual choice -- as Del Riser mentions, Jack Reacher is unusually tall, and has worked his whole life for the American military! He is an unusually independent thinker, and is usually in trouble with his superiors. He would never take something like the Church of Scientology, seriously.


    If Angelina Jolie actually gets to play Kay Scarpetta, I think I'm going to have to kill myself.

  51. I just read both articles. Wow. I do not understand why there are not police investigations into these places that hold these CO$ people hostage. I do not understand why, when these people realize CO$ will not be making them "successful", that they continue to allow themselves to be physically and mentally abused. And even if Tom Cruise is not very smart, which is no surprise, I do not understand how he can be so knowingly supportive of the abuse these people suffer.

  52. @TuxedoCat
    Totally OT, but I agree. Don't want to see Jolie play Dr. Kay. Here's a thought...why not have Patricia Cornwell play her. Can she act?

  53. I think I'm the only one who wouldn't mind her as Kay.

    Both Harris and this guy started questioning the faith after they saw spokespeople saying one thing in public and something else to the church. Interesting.

    How can what they do with the kids at Seaorg be legal?

  54. While it is wonderful that VV now has a gazillion more readers re CO$ due to the Cruise divorce, I do miss the old comment forum. Too many new readers are clogging up the threads with inane "LOL" type of remarks. There are some incredible writers within the forum and I hope you patiently wade through the comments to find them and follow their threads. Much additional insight will be gained. Huge supporter of Tony, for a long time..

  55. Great stuff. Well-written, enlightening. I read it over the weekend and devoured a ton of other articles by Ortega over at VV. wild stuff.

  56. I don't know why I feel this, but TC may just blow CO$. I know his ego is huge, but what a beating he has taken. Miscy will blame McGlib for all the bad PR. But if TC leaves,it hastens the demise of CO$. All wishful thinking on my part.

  57. Didn't Tom had a violent and crazy father. So now he has same kind of a man in his life. Like a father figure..

  58. Off-Topic, in reply to TSA: I'm not sure if Patricia Cornwell has acting experience or not....Some possibilities might be: Jane Lynch, Mariska Hargitay, Cate Blanchett, Diane Lane, Jodie Foster, Patricia Arquette, Tea Leoni, Michelle Williams...

  59. Hello all, long time lurker, first time poster, a bit of my two cents.

    Maybe the skeleton's in the Cruise closet that he is MOST ashamed of are not sexual at all, maybe they are intellectual or lack thereof, Cruise threatens to leave the CO$ then 'the cabbage' pulls out files of spelling mistakes, horrible grammar and low IQ scores. The can-do man of Hollywood is exposed as having an intellect Paris Hilton would kick sand on. Maybe there is video evidence of Cruise struggling with simple arithmetic/problem solving.

    Furthermore 'the cabbage' pulls out copious amount of files pointing towards Cruise not even having the intelligence to properly follow the steps of the CO$, I have read articles pointing out that he has been ‘kid gloved’ through the entire process, this will leaving him on the outer by members of the CO$ (naturally), ex-members (not one of us, hasn’t suffered they way we have), the 6 billion other ‘SP’s’ out there (not even intelligent enough to progress through a science fiction cult).

    The higher the 'blow' the bigger the attack will be. Cruise would be the biggest example set by ‘the cabbage’ in the way of don’t ever leave, and don’t ever think you can.
