Monday, August 20, 2012

Augusta National Admits Its First Female Members

For the first time in its 80 year history, the home of The Masters, Augusta National Golf Club has admitted its first female members. I remember a few years ago when the intensity and focus was really on the club to admit women and they would not back down or relent. For basically the last decade they have been through some form of constant protest or boycott, but until today, they never had a female member. For their first two members, they invited former Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice and a financier from South Carolina named Darla Moore. Both women have accepted.


  1. Wow. That photograph is beautiful. The course doesn't even look real.

  2. It's good to know that in 2012 there are still backward clubs...welcome to the future -____-

  3. It's a beginning...

  4. This is wonderful news! They'll have to admit IBM's new CEO, too, I'm sure. She was rejected earlier this year.

  5. Any takers on whether or not Hillary ever sees an invite?

  6. Hillary doesn't golf.

  7. Of course they had to invite a sistah so they could have their token, surprise Oprah or Gayle was not it.

  8. Anyone else feel like they did in 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down? HOORAH!!

  9. As a woman that is an avid golfer, I've been treated not so nicely by a lot of men on the gold course that assume I can't play simply because I'm a woman. I'm also a woman that will only use the "men's" tees and can drive a ball as far as my former Big Ten college golfing fiance. That usually shuts the good old boys club up pretty quickly ;)

  10. I read somewhere that they only starting accepting blacks in 1990. 1990!!!!!! Sad so see that there's still places with these backwards rules in our country. Shame on Augusta National. 1990 is too late. 2012 is also too late.

  11. Who wants to be in their stinky old club anyway??

  12. Wow. Why would any woman want to be a member? I would stay clear of something that is so ass backwards that they are now just allowing women to be members!! Ummm thanks but no thanks!

  13. So now they're inviting war criminals to be members? Good to know.

  14. You GO, Shauniebear!!

  15. shauniebear - I hope you've taken as much of their money as I have! Pigs!! Kept me from having to get a third job. And I made fun of them too!

  16. I'm sure they'll still be treated like crap by the good ole boys. Let's hope Shauniebear gets to play and make the boys cry while _-_= takes their money.

  17. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Oh, good lord Connie, get real. If she's a war criminal, than so is Obama.

  18. I'm sure if they are like all the other East Coast old money club's they also didn't allow Jews or Blacks to talk about a win/win....Idk anything about the other woman, but for Condi to be asked to join, as a black woman....huge strides my friends, HUGE.

  19. they kinda had to - they were getting a LOT of bad PR and then the new CEO/Chairperson (or whatever you call it) of IBM is *gasp* a woman! Augusta has ALWAYS automatically given a membership to the head of IBM, so they had to suck it up and give it some good spin. "We decided to let in the wemminz and lookee one of them is black too!"

    Yeah, I agree it's waaaayyyyyy too late.

  20. Gossip land. Where no one sees the irony of celebrating an (insignificant in the greater scheme of things) victory for womankind and turning right around and saying something bitchy/untrue/irrelevant about the first black female secretary of state. Because you've come a long way, baby. In what direction is not clear.

  21. Compared to Madeleine Albright, Condi is a relatively unhistoric Sec. of State. And her hands are very dirty with the illegal muck of War on Iraq.

  22. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Albright ignored repeated requests from our ambassador to Kenya to beef up security at the embassy, which was later bombed. She also met with Kim Jong-Il while on an official visit to North Korea and never pressed him on human rights or anything else. Instead she just went to one of their ridiculous mass spectaculars and talked about how wonderful it was. Yuck.

    I'm not a big Condi fan, but she isn't a "war criminal."

  23. i hope they show up and play in pink frilly fucking dresses, talk loudly about Day of our Lives and wear high heels on the green.


  24. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Fuck these moronic late comers. They'll still be racist and bigoted assholes.

    Texshan, you steadily show your colors.

    Ditto, Jessi!

  25. Anonymous3:01 PM

    And thanks, Enty for your political ads. What's next, religion? This is a gossip site and not a place to show ads for abortions or political campaigns. Plenty of ads in the marketing sea!

    Way to go.

  26. How did this get political? oh, that's right someone called Condi a war criminal.

    Not Obama, though, who has kept Gitmo open and increased drone strikes across the world including against Americans.

    War criminals are only Republicans. When Dems do it, they are evolved.

    Don't worry, Texshan, I like you still. I like your colors.

    When is someone going to call the other woman a "evil capitalist pig" and a "one percenter".

    The anti-war movement traded in their cards for Occupy. They realized they couldn't protest a president who has continued the foreign policy of Bush. So they had to find a new villain. RICH PEOPLE!

  27. Klondyke, why shouldn't she show her "colors". We are who we are. Free country, we all can have different viewpoints. Don't like that, move to North Korea and do what you are told.

    And Connie, get the hell over it. If she is a war criminal then so is President Obama. He called for the killing of an American citizen without due process. I'm not saying he is, but I wouldn't say Condi Rice is either.

  28. Yep, 1990. That little fact was mentioned quite a lot when Tiger was winning his first major there in 1997. Whatever can be said about him now, that was one of the most gratifying moments in sports for me.

  29. I think it's a little funny that conservatives would be so strident after a weekend during which the GOP stomped all over it's own dick.

  30. "Until now, there wasn't a woman worth admitting to the club."

    /not a member

  31. Well done, Augusta National. Welcome to the 1950's.

  32. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Klondyke, why shouldn't I "show my colors?" I'm not ashamed of my opinions or beliefs. I've never tried to hide them. And Brakewater (where the hell have you been?) and Nightowl, thanks for your support.

    B Profane, one Republican said something completely offensive and asinine, so every conservative in the country should silence themselves in shame? If that were the case, Democrats should NEVER say anything, considering Joe Biden seems to be on some kind of mission to prove he is insane. Nice try.

  33. Texshan, I shall not even bother to debate you. Instead, I invite you to harken thy ear to that thundering sound in the distance. Hear it? That's the sound of the Republican establishment running like hell away from the Tea Party. Trouble is, it's far too late to do that in this election cycle. They're doomed. Doooooomed...

    Sorry, but I have a right to be smug. I predicted two years ago that the Tea Party would take the GOP down in flames in 2012 and here's the trainwreck, right on schedule.

  34. So at this rate by 2050 they will "invite" someone from the LGTB community?

    2013 Masters sponsored by: The He-Man woman haters club, kkk, and Chic-Fil-a

  35. I'm sure the invited ladies are underwhelmed

  36. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Keep living that dream, B.

  37. @ Tuxedo Cat. Doubtful. Condi looooves being part of the good 'ol boys. Even if Hillary did golf, they wouldn't invite her because they know she would have just laughed at them.

    @strongerthancoffee - Probably.

    Look, I like golf. My husband is psychotic for it and subjects me to watching tournements on TV. Yay, watching grass grow is FUN, honey. However, as a woman I am repulsed by their inclusion of women and I'm not sure why. I think it's like making fun of the popular girls because they have more power than you do. So then, what is the compromise? Allow them to be chauves, still? Who knows. Blah.

  38. Why Darla Moore and why only two?
