Saturday, August 11, 2012

Blind Item #1

What A+ list star athlete was told by his biggest sponsor that if he divorced his wife or let his wife leave him that they would drop him and no other company would take him. The sponsor even negotiated the agreement with his wife and what she would receive for staying with the A+ lister. The athlete still makes it tough though for her.


  1. Baller whose wife was shopping in Europe and wearing those horrible red pants.

  2. Kobe Bryant and Vanessa

  3. Kobe

    The Beckhams literally have their own brands and products. They don't need an outside sponsor at this point.

  4. Not the Beckhams. The kids look really happy and well adjusted.

    Kids living in a warzone do not look that happy and secure.

    We all know Kobe is a dirtbag, would it shock anyone if they split?

    What A list athlete has this much to loose?

  5. ^ if you mean Lance Armstrong...I don't think he's married.

    Going with Kobe for this one. I think that's why they got back together - money.

    I hate golddiggers but damn she's a smart one.

  6. I think this is Kobe. But if it's like this for him, there must be a whole lotta other athletes/celebs that have similar ~agreements, right?

  7. Also, the Beckhams are perfect. Those kids would definitely be showing signs of stress if they were in the middle of a parental war. They look fine to me.

  8. Anyone know who Kobe's biggest sponsor is?

  9. Everybody knows Kobe is a cheat, so why would a sponsor care? Sounds fishy to me...

  10. Oh, and let's not forget the Colorado incident. Funny though, people HAVE forgotten... What does the sponsor think of that?

  11. Brady and Giselle?

  12. Can’t be Beckham. That man is a living legend. Just about all the women in UK were furious when he wasn’t picked for the Olympics footie team. The brand would only be damaged if he was found in bed with Mitt Romney!

  13. Why do you think Kobe backed off the divorce? Because it got better at home? Yeah right. And it has to be Nike.,pwp,c-1+100701/hf-10002+4294967081/t-Kobe_Bryant_Collection

  14. hothotheat - you're right! Wow! He sure is racking up the baby mommas. I thought he would have married one of them. Silly me.

  15. Kobe was pictured with some Australian swimmer he supposedly hooked up with at the 2008 Olympics. Kobe is in the Cheater for Life club.

  16. Kobe. Without his "stable married life" as part of his PR junket, that would leave the Denver rape as the sole thing non-Laker fans would associate with the man. No question it's him.

  17. But why does Nike (presuming it's Kobe for the win) even care whether or not he gets divorced? I could very well be wrong, but I don't think most sports fans are convinced that Kobe & Vanessa are living in blissful domesticity; most people probably don't give a rat's ass what they're doing or if they're happy or not, as long as he plays reasonably well. So why would like Nike care so deeply?

  18. @Robin - my guess is they don't want to go through another Tiger-type situation. I imagine Kobe's "friends" would be lining up to tell (sell) their stories.

    Did you read the Vanity Fair article interviewing Tiger's ladies? Extremely damning stuff.

  19. on the Kobe and Vanessa ride with this one.

  20. @Robin - I think Nike kept Tiger on. They probably only have room on their roster for one crazy cheater :-).

  21. Kobe for sure. There's a reason Jordan didn't get divorced until after he retired even though Juanita filed.

    I agree that sports fans could care less if the guy is married or divorced. Half the married people in the world get divorced.

  22. I mean US, not world.

  23. Doesn't he already have enough money for 3 lifetimes? Life is short, why be miserable and what is she now on the payroll as well? Get outta here!

  24. i think it's kobe as well...could someone please explain the 'rapey' athlete thing? kobe was the one who anally raped the young hotel staffer, right? if i have a rapey rooster he gets jettisoned from the hen yard, yet these famous athletes pay off whoever and behind closed doors receive hi-fives. don't. understand.

  25. If it is Kobe, it is scandalous that sponsors would dump him if he divorced but raping a woman is no big deal. So, if this is Kobe, I'd like to know the sponsors so I can boycott their products.

  26. His original sneaker company, Adidas I believe, dropped him after the rape deal. Nike picked him up after he "cleaned up" his rep. Still don't understand how he did that other than staying on the Lakers and winning titles.

  27. why does the US allow a rapist on its olympic team. really bothers me. and some other olympic was tweeting about rice and kobe hooking up this week. think i read that on dlisted.

  28. I think he should have been kicked out of the NBA at the time. I blame David Stern for bowing to the mighty Lakers and for caring only about the bottom line of the NBA. Oh, and I blame Lakers & Kobe fans for taking him right back and cheering his raping self on like nothing ever happened.

  29. Despite the fact that Kobe is a known cheater (and possible rapist), kids here in LA continue to revere and look up to him (including my adult and teenaged nephews). He's a terrible personal life role model, but because he's a great athlete kids still love him. They'll buy Nike products with his image and/or name. So Nike wants to minimize his personal life foibles, and I have no doubt they brokered Kobe's "reconciliation" with his wife. Disgusting.

  30. Kobe = Rapist in my book.

  31. Sheesh! Gross male athlete day. This is why I don't like sports. Between this and the Sandusky post I just want to hide in my woo woo unicorn fairy world today.

  32. No doubt this is Kobe. Not even arguable.

  33. Anonymous1:46 PM

    This isn't even a blind...

  34. I still don't understand how it would damage Kobe's brand to be divorced. It makes more sense to me that it would damage the Beckham brand if THEY got divorced. As it is now, if you pay for David or Posh, you get them both. It's a two for one deal. If they were to get divorced, the brand's value would split in half. Don't you think?

  35. Although I don't agree with the fact that he wouldn't have another sponsor, and I don't fully understand why a sponsor would make this ultimatum, it has to Tom Terrific (Brady). As much as he's a great QB, he's known for being married to Giselle, and probably gets females to support his sponsor due to this fact (and the fact that he's so hunky!).

  36. While I don't like Kobe either I would believe it would be the Beckhams because of their brand. I also wouldn't call him a rapist since he was found not guilty.

  37. I can't see why Nike would threaten to drop Kobe, since they did indeed keep Tiger on. But I do agree this seems to be about him, and Vanessa is one smart cookie.

  38. Lance is gay.

    The Beckhams are currently content, she saved their marriage when he cheated publicly in Spain.

    This is Kobe for sure.

  39. Kobe was NOT PROSECUTED because the victm didn't cooperate, but she did get a "settlement" that is confidential. I refuse to buy Nike because of their sponsorship of him and I tend to view any current Lakers fan as suspect.

    Penn. state, Kobe, Tiger, etc, are all part of a sickness in professional sports. Hollywood doesnt look quite so bad, more like birds of a feather. The powerful get to wantonly abuse the less powerful.

  40. Exactly, Bowser. The Colorado victim was outed very early and received death threats, IIRC.

    No Nike for me, and I am going to write them.

  41. Kobe came to mind right away. I was just talking about him the other night while watching the Olympics. Haitian long jumper Samyr Laine attended Harvard (and was Mark Zuckerberg's roommate!) and passed the bar WHILE training for the Olympics. And I said to my hubs -- now that man is a role model and inspiration, for everyone, but especially young black men. WHY isn't someone like that famous and a role model, instead of the sleazebags like Kobe. (Yes, I's that the sport he competes in is not "flashy", but you know what I mean.) I would love to see public opinion turn on glorifying these jackasses and instead support atheletes like Samyr. /rant

  42. FYI: Kobe/ Colorado situation is not what you all are thinking. The girl said yes to regular sex. But she did say no to something, but not to sex like you are thinking. Nope. Kobe wanted to do an Agustus Gloop on her (have her fall into a chocolate river - so to speak) and she said no. He did it anyway. Court case was over if doing an Agustus Gloop is a sexual act. That's why everyone was so nervous. Its gross and would scare off fans and future business deals. Thats why when people said "Kobe got himself in some serious sh*t".... Try weren't kidding.
    Not saying it isn't violating someone, but I don't thinking pooping on someone when they say no is rape.

  43. @Gypsytrill, David Beckham has cheated on Posh multiple times, including multiple times in Spain, before Spain, and after Spain. The most recent rumor is that he carried on an affair with that Australian opera singer while she was in LA for Dancing With The Stars. Just because there are cute pictures of the kids with their dad doesn't mean all is well between David and Posh.

  44. Garbage blind - Virtually every single A+ athlete has sponsors and virtually every single one of them has morality clauses written into their sponsorships. And most of them cheat.

    Let's see - Jon "Bones" Jones, Kobe Bryant, Tom Brady, David Beckham, Ronaldo, Ronaldino, pretty much any nascar driver, Michael Vick, Roy Halliday.

    You could make this blind apply to almost any star athlete across virtually any sport you can name.

  45. Oh, and Big Ben Roethlisberger - A+ quarterback with some sexual assaults in his past.

  46. Whoa, hold up. I live in Philadelphia & have heard about affairs, etc from several Phillies, but Roy Halladay is not among them. Let's not be so quick to group him with Vick, Woods & Bryant.

  47. I can hear Nike saying "an anal rape accusation and a divorced father of 3 kids under 8 is not exactly how we wanna portray the spokeperson for shoes that are $120 a pair--- jus sayin.
