Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Blind Item #2

This C list actress with much higher name recognition was in labor not too long ago. Within the past six months. Her baby daddy's phone rang. He had stepped out so she answered. Turns out it was his girlfriend that he had kept hidden for the past year. Needless to say it has been an interesting time since that happened.


AKM said...

Not Jessica. *sigh*

AKM said...

Wait, she's not REALLY an actress. Never mind.

Cryscee said...

Hillary Duff? But she sings too..

Karen said...

Hillary Duff's baby daddy is her husband. Doesn't mean that it's not them, but I'd think this refers to an unmarried couple.

MaryMQC said...

Duffster is my guess.

Violet B. said...

Molly Sims?

timebob said...

baby daddy normally means not married. Maybe it's Jessica Simpson could be the reason she isn't marrying him but keeps him around for apperances of a happy family to keep her brand going.

LadyLagerfeld said...

Sienna Miller? She is engaged and gave birth in July.

ladida said...

Sienna Miller?

Cryscee said...

I see Jessica Simpson as a singer over an actress. I don't think it's her.

smash said...

Just looked at Hollywood babies 2012. There are a lot. I totally have no clue who is C list, there seem to be a lot.

ladida said...

I think Sienna or Uma Thurman..but I don't know if Uma is a C list actress.. she might be higher?

whocaresnow12 said...

Go with Uma.

Kelli said...

could be Uma, Sienna, Elsa Pataky? Maggie Gyllenhall?

Or Natasha Gregson? Jessica Capshaw? Molly Sims?

too many to name.

Kelli said...

Scrap Natasha and Elsa. they really don't have high name recognition.

Tru Leigh said...

What about Beyonce? It's only been 7 months.

Bogey said...

Beyonce is A+ List Singer so it cant be her - so many options to choose from though!

Cryscee said...

I could see it being Sienna. I know her name, but when I think about it I really don't know what movies she's been in.

cyberisis said...

Kate Hudson?

MISCH said...

or any of the above........but Jessica's baby daddy is a real douche so maybe.

crila16 said...

Baby Daddy would lead me to believe the couple isn't married.

AuntJess said...

I'm going with Jess or Uma.

MaryMQC said...

Sienna isn't C-list, I really believe she's considered B-list, especially with things like covering Vogue's September issue. Can't be Uma, she's an Oscar nominee. I don't think just because it says 'Baby daddy' it has to mean they aren't married. That could just be thrown in to confuse. What about Kourtney Kardashian, lol? Maybe Enty considers that abomination of a show so unrealistic at this point that he's referring to them as actors and actresses?

B said...

I really don't think Uma is C list. I'll go w/ Sienna.

crila16 said...

What about Alyssa Milano. Is she married? I can't remember. She's a C list with a much higher name recognition.

Kate Hudson is still a B list, not a C.

crila16 said...

Sienna's man is gay, so I highly doubt that a woman would be calling him.

yodelay said...

Kare Hudaon. She said in an interview she likes to call thee Muse dude Baby Daddy.

yodelay said...

*Kate Hudson. Damn touch screen!

skimpymist said...

Elizabeth berkely

olliebolliesnollie said...

Selma Blair? Or maybe Kim Stewart??

Awesome Slut said...

i think this could very well be beyonce - she may be an A+ singer but she's a C list actress at best (goldmember). it's been rumored forever that jay z and rihanna had a thing in the past so it wouldn't be a shock if he has other ladies in the woodwork.

Munch said...

Is it bad of me to hope that it IS Sienna? Karma and all that....

junecartercash said...

I find it hard to believe that a guy is going to step out of the room and leave his phone behind. Who does that? Would any of you - say you were visiting someone in the hospital - step out of the room and leave your phone behind? Unlikely. Particularly a guy who is having an affair. Sounds very fishy to me.

MayB said...

Was Beyonce ever in labor?

Coriander Shea said...

But why would you cheat on Uma Thurman, it's not like you can really get any better than that. The woman is a goddess.

hunter said...

Ha! I was just going to say that MayB - Awesome Slut (great name), I doubt Beyonce was ever actually in labor.

Sienna is a good guess (what? gay baby daddy??) or I was also going to suggest Jessica.

discoflux said...

Coriander - Cheaters cheat regardless of how amazing their partner is. It's not about the partner, it's about them.

Moonmaid said...

Ethan Hawke cheated on Uma with the nanny, remember? Hugh Grant is the ultimate cheating down story. Some just like the thrill of it.

Jenolen2161 said...

I know it says "baby daddy," but what about Bryce Dallas Howard? She's C-list with much higher name recognition (i.e. everyone knows who she is, but not exactly in good blockbusters...)

lyz said...

Beyonce was never in labor.

Coriander Shea said...

True that. One of my exes left me for his step-sister! Of all people lol. *rolls eyes*

Uma is still a goddess. Maybe those dudes did her a favor.

@moonmaid I was probably a kid when that happened. I remember vaguely hearing about it.

g.strathmore said...

Uma is very funny looking. But I like her. Definitely not goddess material, though.

Dishtlk said...

Torn between Kate and Sienna. Kate is more c list then Sienna but I would also argue that Sienna has dropped in recent years. GI Joe bombed but her relationship with Jude Law and that married Getty guy def got her name recognition. And if Kate was a Hawn rather than a Hudson I would be more inclined to think the name recognition hint was about her. So I guess I'm leaning toward Sienna...

Dishtlk said...

@Liz I thought about her too! Couldn't remember when her baby was born and I'm too lazy to google. Def c list with name rec.

Sherry said...

Except that Beyonce never really went through labor. I'm going with Chestica because she was in several movies and I would consider her a C list 'actress".

CharRicho said...

Sienna Miller. Only Enty fudged the details and it was is boyfriend RPatz calling, not his girlfriend.

Groovy said...

Tori Spelling

Sylvia said...

I think it's Jessica..

C. Diva said...

Rebecca Gayheart.

Bubbles said...

Whether Beyonce went through labor or not, I don't know or care. Wasn't there. But she is across the board A list. In other words, if her name is attached to a movie, it's going to make more headline news than if Megan Fox or Tara Reid are cast in something. Not saying her acting talent warrants her being A list, but she's not C list in this lifetime.

And I kind of think it might be Jessica also, although it could really by any of these unmarried girls. Jessica as a brand came before the unemployed do nothing boyfriend, so I don't see how keeping him around would benefit her business. If anything he's ccosting her money. She has to support him.

PS said...

Noxsema Girl / Eric Dane. Doesn't say first child, nor unmarried.

Turkish Taffy said...

Uma IS a goddess, and she is no way C-list.

cd said...

If the baby was born in the last 6 months, then its mama can't be Kate Hudson. Her son was born in July 2011. And she and baby daddy Matt seem to be going strong.

Sienna Miller seems like a more likely, if not ironic, guess.

astrogirl said...

Not much of a cheater if he leaves the phone around. I find it an interesting thing socially to see which friends leave their phones around and who guards theirs.

jenjen said...

Kourtney Kardashian.
High name recognition, just had a baby girl.
And you can totally see Scott doing that to her!

La Tanguerita said...

I think it's Maggie Gyllenhall.


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