Saturday, August 11, 2012

Blind Item #2

Want to know why this A list rapper has been taking shots at this other A lister about his choice of girlfriends? Because the A list rapper already sampled the other's girlfriend and dumped her after she kept asking for money and gifts. I wonder if the woman will tell her current boyfriend about her past. Probably not, because the current guy doesn't really care. It's not like he is actually having sex with her.


  1. Damn, agent**it! You beat me to it!

  2. It's actually in today's Daily Mail, and not as a blind. They're reporting that 50 said "one man's trash is another man's treasure". Kartrashian. So apt.

  3. too easy 50 cent, kanye & kim

  4. Boy, you guys are quick!

  5. LOL. You guys are all over this BI like flies on chit. Good job!

  6. lol MissCrop ....

    but i am highly disappointed in 50 Cent. the fact that he put it in Kim Kuntrashian makes me lose any respect i had for him. well wait, i felt that too when he was with Chelsea Handler.

  7. I thought fifty cent was gay? Maybe he's bi.

  8. Wow like a doorknob, everybody gets a turn? OUCH

  9. I'm starting to almost feel something that resembles respect for Fiddy.

  10. Wow, Handler and a Kardashian. Fiddy must watch a lot of E! Who's next, Joan Rivers?

    1. Well, they did do a commercial together ...

  11. i think what kanye and kim have is the perfect business deal, really. He needs to appear straight and she needs to appear... human? Still it's sad to me he won't come out though, I think the hip hop community would really benefit from someone of his stature admitting they were gay. Thank god for Frank Ocean, though.

  12. saw this in the daily mail. hope the story makes the rounds here. all 3 of these people are trashy. water finds its own level.

  13. Did you know there is an online show called Keeping up with the KarTRASHians? I learn something every day from Google.

  14. Ha! One man's trash is another man's treasure!

  15. @allthesun You mean, one man's trash is another man's perfect bitch? ;)

  16. @djphob she does flirt with him in that energy drink commercial. Maybe he's on his way to the E! trifecta.

  17. You really have to stop with the kanye being gay thing. We have mutual friends and I've hung around him ALOT. I promise you he is not gay. A man whore? Sure. Gay? Not a chance. and he and Kim have been sneaking around for the last 4 years. This is not a new relationship. she used to sneak in and out of his loft and soho through the back entrance so there would be no pictures. he's definitely sleeping with her. Trust me.

  18. Hahahaha! That is all.

  19. @Hollywood Dime: I kept hearing about Kim and Kanye during the Reggie years, so when they finally debuted as a couple, there was no shock for some of us. As for Kanye being gay, the rumors only started because of the group photo in Paris with the dude in the animal print jeggings; many male celebs have been tagged bi/gay due to false perceptions and fucks with their personal relationships in a major way.

    Oddly, the ones in hip-hop with the DL histories are the least likely to be questioned. There are a couple that anytime I hear their names, I just laugh and get images in my head of when they were less guarded.

  20. I know Kanye is a douche... But I kinda don't care and he is totally living his player Dreams with Kimmy cakes. I really think he honestly likes to fuck women. You can tell a lot about a person from lyrics. A beautiful fantasy or whatever it was called wasn't that bad and the music video was actually visually beautiful. I say go on wit yur bad self Kanye.

    I feel as though girls like Francesca Eastwood is trying to do what Kim did but she is failing. Doing heroin is not cool and neither is burning a fake or real 100k purse. The worst Kim did was get peed on. Atleast that washes off. Haha. She was young and probably thought by getting to Brandy through Ray J she could get famous. And she is.

  21. When did Kim K date 50 Cent?

  22. I got sucked into a Kardashian marathon on E! today, but I really only watched to see the very few clips that had Kanye. He seemed so meek, and his personality seemed so dull...not quite what I was expecting, given his stage persona.

    I wondered if he actually enjoyed being filmed for the show, or if it's just part of his contract with Kimmy K. I just can't wrap my head around why someone like Kanye would want to be featured on a show like that, even if he is "dating" Kim.

  23. I'm going to say Drake and Chris Brown because I can't see Kim asking for money and gifts - she makes an ample amount of money. However, Chris Brown's girlfriend is a miscellaneous "commoner". Hopefully this will be revealed.

  24. M, you've got to be kidding me. Kim was taught well by her mother - there will never be enough money for them. Look at how greedy she was with the wedding gifts, and trying to cheat Kris out of his half of what they were worth.

  25. I also think its drake and fist brown.

  26. I also think this is Chris Brown and Drake. The "it's not like he's actually having sex with her" line, while at first alludes to the rapper being gay, can also refer to that other blind where CB keeps his woman happy with money and gifts and forces her to stand by while he has sex with other women.

    Interesting tidbit that links Karreuche and Drake:

  27. This is clearly Kanye and Wiz. Woman being Amber Rose. This one was easy, Enty.

  28. There was a Ted C blind about kim and Kane a while ago. I agree, they've been screwing for awhile. I don't think he's gay

  29. The word "sampling" is just gross. It makes me imagine the gentleman using finger and thumb in a dainty way, while a coterie of onlookers all make knowing faces.

  30. @Barton Fink, that is absolutely hilarious!!!

  31. dumped her after she kept asking for money and gifts...

    If this is about Kim K (and I think it is), she really IS despicable. She's worth MILLIONS and she's still begging? Ugh. The Kardashian greed knows no bounds.

  32. 50 cents/Kanye West/Kim Kardashian.

    What is more surprising is that K&K are not having sex. Is that because he's really gay?

    Is this the perfect relationship for both of them? He gets a hot beard and she gets attention--and probably--money?

  33. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Kanye.....amber rose.....wiz kalifah...
