Thursday, August 23, 2012

Blind Item #2

This actor is on his way to A list. All he does is movies. Oh and a celebrity. Anyway, on his latest movie, his co-star is not impressed with him at all. She is a a movie actress. Probably B-, but headed to B+ list and has definitely been in the news a lot lately. Anyway, our actress was overheard yesterday telling someone that the actor and his girlfriend were made for each other because she had met boxes of rocks that were smarter than this guy. She was trying to engage him in any kind of small talk while they were waiting for a scene to be shot and the only thing he had any knowledge about were video games and the best hair gels for windy weather. She asked him who he would vote for in the Presidential election if he could vote and he said he didn't even know that was happening this year.


  1. Liam Hemsworth and Amber Heard

  2. I like the Liam and Amber guess.

  3. Liam Hemsworth. Amber Heard looked at him like she was "disappointed" in the latest Daily Mail picture of them.

  4. Yup, Liam. Why are the pretty one dumb so often?

  5. Another vote for Amber and Liam

  6. Oh sorry, it wasn't "disappointed" Amber was "less than impressed".

  7. oh Liam! hahaha Can you imagine the converstations him and Miley have? With that god awful voice of hers? haha

  8. Can Liam not vote yet? Or is he foreign?
    TLTG--for myself AND others, hhahaha!

  9. it could be that she's a tad pretentious and he was blowing her off. if it is the duo guessed above, how smart is she for asking an australian who he is going to vote for to be the american president?

  10. just read that and left out a comma...sorry about that.

  11. It says she did say IF he could vote, which I took to mean she knows he can't and therefore it is likely he isn't a U.S. citizen so yeah, I am voting for Liam, too.

  12. @dizzyeggs, it says she asked him who he'd vote for "IF he could vote," which to me makes it sound even more like he's not American.

    and the comment about "he and his girlfriend were made for each other" also supports this being Liam Hemsworth, as Miley is not exactly in line for employment at NASA.

  13. For sure Liam, but maybe he just didn't want to talk to Amanda after he watched her treat everyone around her poorly. She had ego for days in bit parts on tiny hasn't improved.

  14. Maybe he was being polite. Bc if it was me I would have asked questions about Johnny D. She is he as drunk as they say? Is he as smelly as they say? Don't you feel bad for wrecking his non-marriage to that hot French chick?

    Instead, he said he liked video games. I mean who doesn't? He's a boy. That's what they do.

  15. I am more surprised that Liam is considered on his way to A list.

  16. lol @ figgy---NASA!

  17. @gossipmonger1 - nail on the head. +1.

  18. @ figgy...i read that again and saw the 'if he could vote', but i still think anyone who would point out a coworkers, ahem, deficient mental acumen, is not a nice person and really doesn't need my sympathy.

  19. What does Enty mean by He's an actor A list and Oh...a celebrity?

  20. Yeah, sounds like the actor was blowing her off and she didn't get the hint. If it is Amber Heard, can't say that I blame him.

  21. no, no, no, Miley said she and Liam are "deeper" than most people so it can't be them *eyeroll*

  22. I'm so tired of stupid people.

  23. I thought Liam reading it too! LOL -just look purty Liam, don't talk.

  24. No wonder he is with Miley LOLOL. Two dummies LOLOL

  25. Chris is so much better than Liam, here's hoping he has a brain....

  26. Look I'm no Liam fan but he's freaking AUSTRALIAN! What would most of us say if someone asked us who we would vote for in the Australian presidential election?

  27. Anonymous9:50 AM

    It probably is Amber Heard talking about Liam Hemsworth. But I think it's mean and unprofessional when costars say anything bad like that. It's so unnecessary. Guess she had some great "conversations" with Johnny Depp. :)

  28. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Lol, I always wondered how Miley and Liam connected, and now I see the "connection", their both socially inept, or what I like to call socially unaware. It's not like Amber went and yelled out, "Both Liam and Miley are stupid!" She obviously was having her own side conversation with someone, and someone was being nosey and listening. Anyhow now, I would like to know how Justin and Selena get along, I can't see them having intellectual conversations, at least not on Justin's part.

  29. Could it be that he is under 18 and that is why he can't vote?

    That's all I got!

  30. I've seen a couple interviews of Chris and he doesn't come off as being too smart. I guess it wouldn't surprise me if Liam was also not the sharpest tool in the shed. (They're both Australian so they can't vote in the American election.) That said, I don't care how many brain cells Chris has so long as he keeps flexing his beautiful arms.

  31. My first thought was Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart but now I'm on the Liam/Miley train.

  32. My first thought was Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart but now I'm on the Liam/Miley train.

  33. Totally Liam Hemsworth. Earlier this year he was on the cover of Details magazine and one of the details revealed was that he's a high school dropout who laid carpet while sleeping on his brother's cough. He didn't come off particularly bright in that interview.

    I kinda give him a pass for not being interested in the US election season. Foreigners must hate always hearing about our obnoxious politicians; they must have enough of their own.

  34. Crilla16 - He means he does movies...and a celebrity. Meaning he's "doing" miley.

  35. I think attractive ppl are dumb b/c of sociology, not physiology. George Costanza - "Good-looking women...they get away with murder. You never see them lift more than 5 pounds." Their lives are easier. They never have to do any heavy lifting. Same with children of priveledge and good athletes.

  36. I realize that anyone who spends significant time in a country should be knowledgeable of that countries politics/government, but it annoys me how ethnocentric we are, expecting everyone to know everything about our government, while the majority of Americans know little to nothing about the governments of other countries. If you were to walk down the street and ask random people who the "president" of Canada is, how many of them do you think would correct you by saying that Canada has a prime minister, let alone know their name?

    1. Lol, actually a canadian comedian named rick mercer did just that, and the result was hilarious! I believe it's called talking to Americans, and every American should watch it ;)

  37. I give him a pass on the election thing. If the rest of him is that dim though, I can finally see why he is with Miley.

  38. Well that explains what he's doing with Miley and to be fair, he is Australian but still.

  39. Figgy, that was excellent..Not in line for employment at NASA.

  40. Dummy or not - I will pay to go see his pretty face in movies. He doesn't need to be a genius to do that. He is just soo attractive to me. It explains my Miley dislike, I'm jealous..

  41. Just wanted to write that we have a Prime Minister in Australia. We are still part of the Commonwealth and technically the Queen is our Head of State.

  42. EVERYONE in the world should know who the POTUS is and who is currently running for POTUS. This is the leader of the free world. Nothing against our Canadian friends, but the PM of Canada is not nearly the importance and prominence of the POTUS. I don't think that's indignant of us to expect everyone to know this information, in that it actually does have a profound impact on the entire world!

    But he probably doesn't even know who the PM of Australia is either. LOL!

    That said-call me McKayla Maroney on both of these "actors."

  43. Somehow I think him saying he was unaware of the election was his way of mocking her condescension. Good on him.

  44. @Ice Angel - I can virtually guarantee you that I know more about American politics than almost anyone and I hate to break it to you - POTUS hasn't been the leader of the free world in 30 years and hasn't been the most powerful man in the world in 40 or more.

    If you honestly think that American politics has an impact on the rest of the world, then answer me this - What has changed so far in America after switching from Bush to Obama?

    Take a minute and write down REAL things that actually changed - I think you'd be surprised by how short the list is.

    So, yeah, to most of the rest of the world, they really don't care who sits in the chair in the Oval Office anymore than you could tell me the political situation in Italy.

  45. Lol maybe cause ur campaigns run for so long? Most aussies aren't into politics like Americans are, though having such a shitty p.m has fired up a lot of people, I was thinking Liam too as I was reading it and yeah I think he blowing her off too.

  46. Thanks Mr Wolf, my sentiments exactly

  47. Man, you guys are good- I had no idea but Liam/Amber fits perfectly.

  48. Could be he's trying to stick with safe conversation topics and doesn't want to torpedo his on-the-way-to-A-list status by indicating his political positions in any form. And if so that's not stupid at all, probably a lot smarter than the actress believes.

  49. Wow Ice Angel, just wow. I don't give a shit about the American election because there's nothing I can do about it. I hate SNL during election years. Yes, the US plays a major role in everything but why should non-Americans give a shit about the "POTUS" or the election of the almighty POTUS? And why the acronym? So ridiculous.

    I do feel sorry for you Americans. The election process takes forever. You only get three years of governing and a year of campaigning.

    And discussing politics is not cool in "the office."

  50. "What has changed so far in America after switching from Bush to Obama?"

    Are you kidding? Gays out in the military and Medicare reforms and the bailout of the economy? Obama saved the American car manufacturers? Believe me, they're aware of it in Detroit. They love Obama there.

  51. I have one foot in the @lollydarling door insofar as Obama doing some tangible shit to make at least some change happen. He also reversed that ridiculously ignorant Bush ban on steam cell research within 6 months of entering the Office.

    But I also think many of you are right about the USA's prez not bearing the power of that position in many a decade. Nonetheless, the USA IS a powerhouse. The country is among those select who vote on key issues that affect the whole world. Also, there is some merit in knowing the leader of the country YOU LIVE IN. I think some people commenting are forgetting that yes, while I personally dont know the name of every PM and prez in every country I certainly DO know and expect from my fellow neighbors for them to know who the leader is in the country they reside in. DUH.

    And Liam does sound stupid here. And I also think Costanza got it right regarding the rich not needing to think so hard to make it in the world. NOT genetic, rather sociolgocial (thanks to whomever first pointed that out!)

  52. *er, meant GORGEOUS, not rich (although them too now that I think about it;0

  53. Don't care, don't care! I heart Liam and there is nothing wrong with laying carpet - the world needs ditch diggers too . . . Am now refraining from indulging in obvious jokes about laying carpet.

    Liam and Chris Evans get my ass in the theater or at least buying it to watch at home. Yum.

  54. There's a difference in knowing the name of a country's leader and caring about a democratic election. If he couldn't name the American president (I just can't with "POTUS"), then he's an idiot. But not knowing about an election in which he can't vote, whatever. If it were his own country, then that would be bad.

    But talking about an election with coworkers is not cool. It's not small talk.

  55. I am sure this is Liam. As a yank living in Australia, I can tell you he is very typical for an Aussie. Many things I love about Oz, but they are dumb dumb dumb. It is really painful at times. I get along well because I just talk to them like I talk to a twelve year old. I have found for my job here it is not so much that I have to connect the dots for people as hold the pencil in their hands and draw the lines.

  56. Wow, this post and comment section make Americans look like arrogant assholes. Good job!

  57. So we Australians are dumb? thanks for enlightening me... I didn't realise that my IQ of 142 was not recognised in the US. Nice generalisation and probably more indicative of your intelligence than ours.
    I am well aware of the US political environment (i love politics) but find it laughable that some here think that the US is the centre of the universe and that we should all be well versed in your politics, history, culture etc when my experience of some Americans is that they are parochial and uninformed about other countries and cultures.

    God bless America :p

  58. The Hemsworths are Aussies. Miley made a fool of herself (again) recently bragging about how they had such respect for women, and that Australian men are so much better than American because of that. Um, Aussies are NOT known for their respect for women, Miley!!!!

  59. This is very obviously Liam Hemsworth. And being Austrilian is not an excuse for not knowing who is running for President. I am a Canadian who was living in Australia during the 2008 election and it was all I or anyone else there could talk about. And Liam lives in the US.

    But it doesn't suprise me that he's an idiot. He proposed to MILEY CYRUS.

  60. Upside Downunder Maybe they talk like that for YOUR benefit.

    FYI Aussies lead the world in scientific (and most other research) on a per capita basis.

  61. Co-sign the Liam guess. He must be dumb to put up with Miley and her goat voice.

  62. He's from Australia. And I think she should make more of an effort. Filiming is maybe 3 months then you do 30-45 days of premiers. Would it kill you, Amber, to be gracious and learn and get to know people you work with? Ugh, it's the southerner in me that thinks you should just dig in and find the good in the situation. That is all.

  63. @Ice Angel
    "This is the leader of the free world."
    are you smoking crack??
    do yourself a favour, get a passport and travel a bit

  64. Everyone, Upside Downunder is right. All Australians are mute and terrible at connect the dot puzzles.

  65. Oh, forgot to mention, Aussies tend to be a little defensive and arrogant. They are smarter than kiwis though, I think it is the crossbreeding with sheep that hurts the kiwis.

  66. Lmao tell me ur an aussie pulling my leg....otherwise ur actually quite sad lol
