Saturday, August 04, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

July 2, 2012

Talk about crash and burn. This singer was A list. Sold out concerts all over the world. Had the entire world at her feet and then lost pretty much all of it. Our singer has always had diva in her. She needed to be the center of attention and when she hit it big that attention was multiplied and she loved it. With that attention came lots of people saying yes. Saying yes has led to lots of alcohol problems for her. That was the start of the decline. She was binge drinking and pretty much never said no to any male or female. At the height of her fame was also the height of her issues. She was sleeping 18 hours a day and barely functioning. She decided to get her life straight and be faithful to one person and she did. Things began to improve. She quit drinking for a long time and started working out. She had another hit album. Then came the tour that nearly destroyed her. Away from her significant other she started getting into bad habits and drinking and sleeping around and this time she was not going to be deterred from being a diva. Her demands became crazier. She would wake up people in the middle of the night just to have them bring her coffee and then go back out for tea and then our diva wouldn't drink any of it. She expected people to be there all the time for her. She loved the power. She was invincible and then it all came crashing down. She refused to listen to producers or her label for her next album and it died. She refused to support it and yelled at everyone and would shoulder none of the blame. With sales declining and no touring, our diva's antics were not as tolerated. People started telling her no. She binged and binged until her significant other dumped her after getting tired of the cheating which she was not even bothering to disguise anymore. Her life is still out of control, but she manages to cope. She goes through periods of sobriety followed by binge drinking. She found someone who lets her be with whoever she wants to be as long as he is well taken care of by her.

Christina Aguilera


  1. I feel bad for her son. Get it together, girl!

  2. When Enty says "well taken care of" does he mean with finances or with blow jobs?

  3. sad, she's so talented and it's a shame to waste that.

  4. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I thought today was Friday. for real.

  5. Jedward. Calling Jedward. Intervention, stat!

    1. :) I am glad that is catching on!

    2. I don't know Smash. It may just be you and me. Haha!

    3. Explain?

      Enquiring minds .. :o)

  6. I don't really think it's sad. I can't stand people who achieve some fame and feel that gives them the right to treat others like garbage. Demanding people bring her things at all hours and not use them just to make them do it? F YOU! It is possible to be famous and still be a decent and kind person.

  7. I like seeing people who behave like assholes get taken down...there's no reason to be so mean and nasty.

  8. Wow. How could such a beautiful voice belong to such an ugly person. She needs Jesus.

  9. JESUS!!! Jesus can you help us out over here?

  10. Jesus Take The Wheel!!!!!!!

  11. She was the most popular guess. Some people should just not be trusted with millions of dollars.

  12. Co-sign jane3113. Its sad that some people can only feel good making by making others feel cruddy too.

  13. the winners (?)

    Amber said...

    10:11 AM
    spacecowboy78 said...

    10:11 AM

  14. So... The tour that almost destroyed her was the back to basics tour that she was pregnant on and Jordan accompanied her with? Not buying it. Not saying she couldn't have a drinking problem but of all the thing I've heard about her, I've never heard she's a bad mother.
    Funny how Enty's views on her changed. Want she a very smart business woman in your eyes once?

  15. So... The tour that almost destroyed her was the back to basics tour that she was pregnant on and Jordan accompanied her with? Not buying it. Not saying she couldn't have a drinking problem but of all the thing I've heard about her, I've never heard she's a bad mother.
    Funny how Enty's views on her changed. Want she a very smart business woman in your eyes once?

  16. Co-sign @jane3113
    I have empathy and compassion for almost everybody, but I have zero tolerance for people who are intentionally rude and degrade others just because they think they can get away with it. I seriously want to flick them in the forehead

  17. I like her voice and I love some of her old songs I just wish she never fell down bc I'm guessing the drinking ruins your voice?

  18. Knew this was her, as did pretty much everybody. Would have loved to see the look on her face when people started telling her "No".

    As for the boyfriend who's taken care of, I doubt it means sexually. More like he has all the $$$$ he wants as long as he doesn't split, just like Jessica Simpson's man. All these guys are pathetic (as are girls who do the same thing).

  19. Apparently I just co-signed @Aunt Jess' co-sign. Hee hee

  20. SUNNY!!!! U were right. U picked up on me having second thoughts about the overseas guy and more bad things happened. He's supposed to be here in 2 weeks and I'm panicking bc I do not want to be with him. Your story stuck in my head and I appreciate you sharing!

  21. Oh Lordy - I hope I didn't jinx anything. I have ignored my true feelings countless times because I didn't want to hurt the person I was involved with, but naturally that never ends well. If you are certain (I know I was, but I was in love with the idea of "movie love") then you should probably stop him before he comes over. He was coming here to move, correct? If it's just a visit, then perhaps a face to face would be better. I didn't back out because my ex sold his home and quit his job as a junior art director for a huge international ad agency. He was miserable here without his friends, family and career, and I was miserable because I knew he wasn't the right guy for me. He was possessive and unbending.
    Best of luck lady. Go with your gut

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I still think back to the Behind the Music episode that showed her face when she won the Grammy, and she stared into the camera and incredulously mouthed, "Mommy!" to her mom who was home sick. It's sad to think that the joy turned into this.

  24. @katsm0711 and @Sunny,
    i think ive been reading your comments in several posts that you guys have or have had intercontinental relationships ?
    I was just wondering, because its also my case, and im trying to get my guy (canadian) to come over to europe, to france.
    distance is a bitch *sigh*

  25. @Beta
    I HAD an intercontinental relationship, and it was tough :) We met on vacation in Bali (I'm American and he's Danish). We did e-mails, phone calls and meeting up in London and then later Denmark to meet his family. I was supposed to move there but could not pick up the language. He took the leap and moved here. I'm not sure how your immigration laws are, but my lawyer told us to get him a visa he'd have to go home for up to a year while we waited. Then he told us to go to Vegas and get married. I still have the handmark on my forehead from doing this because it was obviously impulsive. Our marriage lasted 6 months before we decided neither of us was happy.
    Debbie Downer whomp whomp whomp!!!

  26. I began the breakup proceedings this morning. We never met in person, we're seriously commuted since January, he's supposed to visit me in 2 weeks. I was in love with our faerie tale but realized you can't know a person over the computer, no matter how technology advanced I am. I was saying that I believed we r the first of many bc the Internet is bringing people all over the world closer. I was going to move from USA to England. I was ignoring some things which was easy since our lives didn't interact and I could control what my people knew about him. If you are hiding anything, know that that's not a good sign and maybe you should seriously reconsider. I am the serious one, he's the dreamer. I was ok with that bc I never had to see what that actually meant about me having to basically baby him until recently. He had to buy a used car. Oh and I believe you CAN get to know someone internationally if you have enough money that travel does not mean pinching every penny and savings just for the initial meeting, as he is. I had told him to wait until I get a job but he was too eager, giving me so much stress bc even if I'm in love, I don't have $$ for anything right now. But he couldn't wait. So, he goes to buy a used car. Is rightfully skeeved out by sleazy used car salesmen. I don't know how many lots he went to but decided to save the stress and put £100 down on a car online that would be delivered to his door. Never showed. I don't know if he got his money back. Then he goes to a lot and wow they run the cars through 114 point inspection and this car passed! He buys it cash with a 7 day satisfaction guarantee. It breaks down on the highway an hour from home with his kids. The garage he had it towed to found all kinds of expensive problems. He posted on FB a sneaky bit of advice "friends, always have your used car checked out by a reputable dealer" as if that was brilliant advice. He can't believe they lied! It's a scam! So they won't give his money back, making him drive the junker around a week until they deliver his new car in a very ugly and feminine color that he doesn't want. He said he wished he took pics bc he could have sued for "millionS". SO my point is, when u only know him online, u miss out on these experiences that let you see the real personality, not just them being charming on Skype. Good luck! if u actually read all this sorry!

  27. I love Christina so much. I really hope that she'll get it together.
