Monday, August 13, 2012

California Special Ed Teacher Arrested For Having Sex With Her Student

I have yet to set up a Google alert on the topic, but it would not shock me to learn that somewhere in just the United States everyday that a teacher is arrested for having sex with a student. It seems to happen constantly. What makes this one different is that it does not usually involve a special education teacher and a student. 34 year old Kelly McKenzy Watson was arrested for having sex with a former student who was 17 at the time they had sex. He is 18 now. Kelly was a special education teacher at a residential school for teens with emotional and behavioral issues. She taught at New Haven school in Vista, which is north of San Diego. After leaving the school, she started teaching in Oceanside, CA and started having a relationship with the former student. Police were tipped off and a few days later arrested the teacher.


  1. I want to go back to school.

  2. this is wrong on so many levels, but happens so often that I wonder if there is something we don't see that propels teachers to do this. I really dont understand how you don't know this is wrong, wrong, wrong.

  3. California
    The age of consent is 18, with a misdemeanor if the minor has 3 or fewer years of difference with the major, and potentially a felony if the major is more than 3 years older.

    At least it was reported. Shudder to think how many other kids with "emotional and and behavioral issues" have been abused with no consequences.

  4. Who says it actually happened? Did she admit it or is an emotionally & behaviorally "issued" person making claims?

    @FSP... LOL

  5. It isn't hard to find someone to have sex with these days. I don't get why this is happening so often. The golden rule is that you NEVER shit where you eat...EVER. Never ever. Never ever ever.

  6. Yes this is wrong and skeevy, but isn't 17 over the age of consent?

  7. Oh, this is just one of those things that have to be guarded against. Human beings in close proximity lose their moral bearing quite often, and the authority of being a teacher or a preacher or a police officer can slowly give someone a sense of power. Also, she got away with it, and that is often half of what the sociopathic personality type is aiming at anyway.

  8. But he was so mature for his age! ...says the statutory rapist teacher of the emotionally disturbed child.

  9. My question is - something that I invariably know everyone, or at least every straight guy, who reads these stories thinks - why are the majority of these teachers that we see busted for this reasonably attractive? Sure there's a couple here and there who've been NG (NG=not good) but the majority seem to fit a profile, young, petite, blonde(ish) and somewhat newly married.

    @ Redheat - Age of consent with minors usually applies only when the other partner is within a certain age of the minor partner (eg. a 20 yr old and 17 yr old is ok, a 47 yr old is not).

  10. @spacecowboy78 - good question

  11. Back in the day, this happened at schools and everyone ignored it. At my high school, the head PE/driver's ed teacher divorced his wife and MARRIED a former student right after she graduated--he kept his job. He had been known even before that scandal as 'Chester the Molester', because he would put his hands on girls' thighs when they were learning to drive. The girls all warned each other not to be alone with him. He never came close to losing his job.

    Teachers flirted with me in HS all the time. Well, five of them 'only'. FLIRTED hard. I had a great body, but NO self-esteem and a terrible home life. THIS is why I was so attractive to that type of skeeze, because I was vulnerable and it showed. Thankfully I was very uptight about actual sex in HS, because I could have easily fallen prey to one of them.

  12. I meant to add that FEMALE stat rapists are what's bringing all the attention, because the men have been doing this forever.

    Spacecowboy--I think this 'type' of female teacher is NEEDY and desperate to stay hot and retain their youth. You notice these female offenders look stuck in HS, as far as their hair & clothing choices.

  13. FSP. WTF is that.

  14. I think the fact a lot of these female teachers are younger has something to do with it as well. When I was in school, all the female teachers were older and not that attractive.

    @Amber - Naked mole rat

  15. Again:

    The age of consent is 18, with a misdemeanor if the minor has 3 or fewer years of difference with the major, and potentially a felony if the major is more than 3 years older.

  16. FSP - nightmare fuel.

  17. @ Libby - you are en fuego today - spot on! 100% concur with all your statements, lady.

    I have a fb "friend" who is sooooo suspect in my eyes - HS teacher who is constantly posting pics of herself and her students. Nothing overtly salacious, but she is super-proud of the bolt-ons and is very into impressing her students. And she's on hubby #3, whom she apparently liberated from an unfulfilling marriage. And I know here because we went to the same church when we were kids! ( oh the irony.) I should defriend her, but the evil side of me loves watching the trainwreck.

  18. Frufra--You're so sweet to me all the time! Thank you, I feel so anxious and sad most days.
    Today, I don't feel 'en fuego', I'm peri-menopausal and I'm having my first cycle in 3 months! TERRIBLE cramps! Maybe they're firing me up, haha.

    Sorry, TMI.
    But I know there have to be a few of you who KWIM...

    1. Libby my darling. I'm there with you. I get acupuncture for this and take Chinese herbs. I also like seeing a naturopath for hormonal testing. Great things can happen with progesterone creams. Good luck girl!

    2. @Libby
      You're one of those people I want to move into my house and take care of. I'm so sorry for all the things you've been through. From reading your posts, I know you had a rough upbringing and have struggled for quite some time. I know nothing about clinical depression, but I agree with Dia about the progesterone cream and getting your blood tested by a naturopath to at least get your hormones balanced. It will help with the other stuff. Also, Smashbash just recommended something that I am going to try. I will cut and paste below. Please just be hopeful about your struggles. We all think you're awesome, even when we don't agree on a subject. You're so bright, and you inspire me to not just laugh at poop jokes. As much :)

      Whole foods does sell it. I got my at a store called the Vitamin shoppe. The have them all over. Most vitamin stores have some sort of 5HTP. Make sure to get the natural kind not synthetic. I am taking source naturals and I love it. The difference is actual Griffonia Simplicifolia.

    3. As I was reading libby's post I was thinking of my recommendation to you sunny :)
      The key is to take it everyday at the same time. It makes me sleepy so I take it 30-40 minutes before bed.

  19. I think first of all, we need to remember that she was accused. Some of these are accusations. I had a friend of mine who was accused and suffered greatly. ALL of the evidence showed she never did anything aside from calling his parents to tell them about his behavior in class, etc. yet almost two years was devoted to this and speculation was rampant while she was reassigned to a desk job. Even though she was cleared, the damage was done. She still lives with this above her head forever.
    Also, on the flip side, I know of 2 co-workers that have issues with kids that I find suspect. One of them, a boy has become the obsession of another one. We (a group of us) warned administration, but they refuse to do anything unless the boy wants to come in. Nothing has happened, but she calls him, texts him and seems to always be around. He is 18 and refuses to say anything. He just graduated, so nothing is going to happen now. The other one was a teen mom and is in her mid-30's now. She refuses to grow up and brings in pictures of herself in a bikini, at the beach, etc. She took her underage, teenage daughter & best friends to a bar and bought them drinks. Oh, yeah, she took pictures too. For her prom, she rented a house, for the afterparty. There was a lot of liquor and house damage. Both of these women are stuck in the high school mentality and act as if they are in high school.

  20. @ FSP - I don't know how old you are, I'm 33, but I agree. When I was in school, teachers did not look like this and were older. It's a generational shift. Teaching is often a career one remains in for the duration - when I was in school probably 85% of my teachers were within 10 years of retirement. They were probably 70% male too. As time has gone on, I think education has become a female dominated profession by and large, at least for primary and secondary schools, while university still seems male dominant. So the combination of the turn over and the newly minted teachers being largely female has lead to the phenomena occurring with more frequency. Or at least more reported frequency. I think Libby is right too about the neediness. A third factor is society becoming more youth and looks obsessed. Add it all up, and attractive teachers are banging their students.

  21. Not sure why they bother, the only thing that happens to the female teacher is a slap on the wrist. None of them ever seem to go to prison.

  22. Didn't that Mary Kay Letourneau go to prison?

    During my junior year in HS, my biology teacher retired like a month in and this hot 26 year-old former college volleyball player who was a total smartass took over our class. Was I flirty, and did I ask for extra help? YUP. A year later, I ran into him at a Halloween party and he was hitting on me but I could tell he didn't recognize me from class (plus I was in costume). It was kinda cool :P

  23. @libby - peri-menopausal? I KNEW I could relate to you!!

    Men - avert your eyes, if you're sensitive - I had a whole rant on Facebook yesterday about extreme sweating (so cruel, Mother Nature) and my new part-time job, removing excess facial hair. Being a 40-something gal is not for wimps!

    Ok, I try to limit my unsolicited advice (really, I do), but my life has improved dramatically from daily Zoloft. Well, actually just switched to Prozac, because Zoloft makes me pork out over time. Anyway, only 50 mg of Zoloft or 20 mg of Prozac daily is a life changer for me. I have a lifelong anxiety disorder anyway, but hormones were making it such that I could no longer manage my symptoms effectively on my own (without meds).

    Anywhoo, that's my deal, and it works for me. I refuse to turn into a crazy lady (side eye to Mom) if I can at all avoid it! Hang in there, libby! Cramps are a bear :-(.

    1. Oh no! Not you too Frufra. Early 40's is the worst for ladies. Hormones all crazy! It's not fair at all. Glad you found something that works for you!

      Sunny, carebear and I had a crazy long talk about anxiety the other night. Can't remember which thread, but Sunny posted some stuff that really helped her. Hugs to you :)

  24. Ladies, is it so bad out there that you have to date HS boys? Or is it just forbidden fruit that makes it do juicy....

  25. I've tried all the drugs, Frufra. ALL of them. They won't give me anything stronger than Klonopin now, because as B. Profane said, 'the only way you can die from Klonopin is by choking on the cap.'

    I'm not trying to be grim or TMI, but I have an anxiety disorder that feeds my various GI problems, and with Depression on top of that means 'giving up' would be a convenient way to end all this. My doctors know and won't give me any GOOD anxiety meds. Damn them and their years of training & wisdom, lol!

  26. Thanks for the kindness, dia. I'm hanging on, sometimes against my will, but I see at least one doc every week for the last two years.

    This peri-M thing JUST hit me too, so I'll look into what you suggest, dia. Thanks so much.

  27. @libby - I'm so sorry. I wish I knew a secret I could pass on to you, but I don't. But, I will say that I so enjoy chatting with you here; you're one of the most intelligent posters we've got. PLEASE keep on keepin' on, lady.

    Klonopin is my go-to when I have acute panic attacks. It is my savior in those situations. I hope you can find the strength to keep looking for solutions. Many hugs and kind thoughts to you today, libs.

  28. spacecowboy78 said...

    Age of consent with minors usually applies only when the other partner is within a certain age of the minor partner (eg. a 20 yr old and 17 yr old is ok, a 47 yr old is not).

    This is untrue. The age of consent is the age of consent. Once a person reaches that age, they are legally entitled to consent to sex.

    Many states' "Statutory Rape" laws -- in quotes because that's almost never the actual legal term -- are written such that the severity of the offense is considered less if both parties are relatively close in age -- So a 17-year-old having sex with a 16-year-old partner doesn't receive as stiff a sentence as a 50-year-old who manipulates the same 16-year-old into the sack.

    But once someone has reached the age of consent -- 18 in California, so this doesn't apply to this particular case -- they can legally have sex with anyone of any age.

  29. San dawg. Republican family values. Smh

  30. Well, Libby, that explains volumes to me! Good luck and research Magnolia Bark, B12 shots, fish oil and blue therapy light as additional alternative treatments.

  31. Libby, I'll send you some distance reiki too (if that's ok with you). You feel like an electric storm. Remember to breathe deep belly breaths.

    Whenever I feel really unhinged I like to take a long walk and sit with a giant tree. I let all my yucky stuff drain back into the ground and tree energy gives me strength.

    I have to do this kinda stuff bc I'm so sensitive. Like if you have a headache and sit next to me, I will feel your headache. But also your depression or anger or stomach pain, etc.I have a theory that anxiety and intuitive gifts are connected. You feel anxious all the time bc you FEEL everything all the time. I had to learn how to turn it off so I could function. It's also why I'm ridiculously silly. Laughing just feels light and happy :D

    1. Dia-i am the same way, always hv been! I used to "yell" at my friend- why did u tell me u hv a headache? Niw im getting one! Same thing with queasy or anxious. I never looked at it as being empathic. Interesting.

  32. there was this teacher at my high school who taught seniors & he taught them because you know that's when most are turning 18 & every year he chose one student to you know be his favorite girl. i don't think he chose anyone from my class though b/c the school was finally catching onto him and watching him so he had to behave. well i wish i knew the full scoop of what exactly happened for his termination but all i know is he stopped working there about 2 years after i graduated. but all the girls before my class were all 18 so i'm pretty sure he's not in jail, the school i'm sure wanted to avoid a scandal b/c this went on for at least a decade it started with a girl from my cousins class.

  33. Onceagain here is the CA Law:

    She will be facing a felony, if true. 17 vs 34.

    The age of consent is 18, with a misdemeanor if the minor has 3 or fewer years of difference with the major, and potentially a felony if the major is more than 3 years older.

  34. A teacher at the public HS back home did this same thing...she was actually caught by the principle while in the act. She was hiding in a storage closet in the chem lab, and she was servicing a male student who was mentally disabled. She was fired; it went to trial, she was given some community service and banned from teaching in Palm Beach County. No jail time.

    What does she do now? Teaches at a private school in St. Lucie County (about two hours from where she was teaching).

    Again: Florida's legal system SUCKS.

  35. Agent, volumes of what? Just curious. I can often spot regulars here with 'problems', and I tend to take their being annoying with a grain of salt. I hope I'm not too annoying!

    I USED to come here only evenings, when it was published evenings. I hope my many many comments here in the mornings now don't annoy too much. My sleep is FUBAR, and now I wake up HOURS before my BF I need a quiet time-waster in the mornings.

  36. ON TOPIC---I think Letourneau was more firmly prosecuted because that bitch would NOT give up/stay away, and kept getting pregnant by the kid. Now they're married, but I don't know if that young man ever had a chance at a normal relationship, because of how he was abused by her.

  37. @Frufra and others with menopausal sweats - I took soy capules which helped tremendously. Stopped taking them a few years later and the problem had gone away. Sorry I don't remember what brand - I think I got them at a vitamin store.

  38. I agree with @Libby -- this was happening when I was in Junior High/High School over 30 (gasp!) years ago. We had a married health teacher who got a young student pregnant and ended up leaving his wife and marrying her. This is after sleeping with a number of students over the years.

  39. Thank you, Sunny. You picked the right name!

  40. @Libby
    Ha thanks! Sunny is my nickname, which I'm glad that one stuck because my older crazy stoner friend used to call me Glowy. One day she ran into my parents and loudly proclaimed Oh YEAH! Mr and Mrs Glowy!!

  41. @libby, all I meant was that I did not know you had these issues, take care:)

  42. On that note, thanks for all the kindnesses and good advice ladies. I'm headed to the doctor now, so I won't be back here til maybe this evening or tomorrow AM. I always miss discussing the blinds, dammit!

    Thank you all so much for making this a 'safe place' on the internet. It's why I love it here, and I love the feeling of family we have.
    Thanks again! Hugs to all.

  43. Something I have noticed with a lot of teachers is many lack maturity themselves. Maybe the teacher is on the mental level of an 18 year old?

    I went to college for education originally, but changed majors. Plenty of my fellow classmates were extremely immature.

    I also come from a family of teachers. I have a 36 year old cousin with the maturity of someone 16. She is dating someone who could have easily been a student of hers a few years ago.

    Teaching seems to attract those who can't get past their school years and just want to relive it.

  44. Something I have noticed with a lot of teachers is many lack maturity themselves. Maybe the teacher is on the mental level of an 18 year old?

    I went to college for education originally, but changed majors. Plenty of my fellow classmates were extremely immature.

    I also come from a family of teachers. I have a 36 year old cousin with the maturity of someone 16. She is dating someone who could have easily been a student of hers a few years ago.

    Teaching seems to attract those who can't get past their school years and just want to relive it.

  45. The reason for old male teachers:

    If you were going to school for teaching in the 60s you avoided the draft.

  46. KPeony, the GRE test tells you what the average score was on the General test for people going into different departments. Physics, high in math and good with verbal. English, great verbal, low math, and so on. Education ... low in everything. Average like 450 or something. I love to tease my Education peers about that. (The reason is probably because hundreds of thousands of people take the GRE and mark "education" as an interest but then don't go on to become teachers, but still. It's good to tease Ed majors.)

  47. @ barton:

    Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach!

    My major was mathematics. The ed students were always the ones with the lowest grades. Always. Then they'd try endless grade appeals. It was always a fun day when we got our tests back.

  48. Count me as another one experiencing the joys of peri-menopause. I was going the natural route with herbs but the hot flashes got so bad(every 20 minutes, sweat streaming down my face-NOT good during business meetings). I broke down and got hormones.I am weaning myself off them and so far so good. Trying to live a drug free life!!

    Libby my heart goes out to you. Sounds like you're working to bring yourself some peace and I'm sending you a hug from here. God knows I enjoy your contribution!

    And WTF with these teachers. Even though she is no longer teaching him this is a total abuse of power. If you want to go for a younger guy to relive your youth at least choose someone a)legal and b)not a former student.

    An actress everyone knows father was a teacher who taught his mother. I believe they married the year after she graduated.

  49. @Sherry - with me, it's back/leg sweat. I wore this cute linen skirt to a luncheon this spring, and was standing outside afterward chatting with a new colleague. It was nice out - maybe 80, tops. About 15 minutes in, I had sweat running down my legs, to the point that I was sure she could see it. Not good.

    I got these new Jockey skimmie shorts, which are like boxer briefs for ladies, to wear under skirts, and so far, so good! They are made of some ultra-mod, wicking material. Good God, the challenges of aging gracefully!

  50. Jumping in on the "natural" supplements conversation. After being blindsided by a divorce from a midlife crisis spouse, I started some 5-HTP on the recommendation of a physician friend (Numedica brand was advised because of their purity).
    Pharmacist did say that it could actual worsen anxiety symptons, though.
    Another avenue to investigate is "adrenal fatigue". I am feeling much more human after taking 5,000 units of Vitamin D and a supplement called Cognitive Balance. :)

    1. @ck76
      Sorry for what you went through with your divorce, and thank you for bringing up the topic of adrenal fatigue and your use of Vitamin D3. My D was low even though I am in the sun all the time, and it is critical for mood and immunity.

  51. @dia @sunny- you should start a health blog:)

  52. Thanks Agent! Actually feel a bit bad that we've hijacked so many posts with lady troubles. Hopefully it will help someone!!!

    My BF has been telling me this for years. "dia, why aren't you writing all this information in a blog. Stop telling me and write it down!" or something like that.

    @sunny, wanna give it a go? It could be like The View but blog style and less pretentious. But we need people like you (Agent) and Frufra to balance it out. Frankly everyone here. Love it that people from all over the US (and world) coming together to help _______ (fill in the blank).

    1. Would enjoy and love to be part of it!!! I went thru menopause very young, about 38 or so, but since i was so young, no one pegged it. I had migrainez, panic attacks, sweats, oh the sweats!!!!, thought i was going insane!! Ond day my poor hubby sat on edge of bed to put on shies. He was opposite a sliding glass door. I thought," I could push him right thru that glass door.". He didnt do anything!! Anyway, later, picking glass from his face- kidding, didnt do anything but hugely upset i even had that thought. You feel like your brain is exploding! And I lost weight going thru menopause!! Well, when its over, its a pleasure! No monthly cramps, no sore breasts, and u r not a hostage to hormone induced mood swings. I never understand why any woman thinks it means anything ofher than what it is- a physical change of your body. I eventually got help, took hirmones for a few years, then was done.

    2. @aunt liddy
      oh my gosh - you are hilarious. You made me laugh really loud at the library and I got stink-eye from the Cranky librarian

    3. @agent and @ dia
      Ok. I am too lazy to do a blog, but I think someone needs to officially ask Enty to do an open post every day for our tangents. Who's going to do it :)

  53. @KPeony - fuck you and your trite comments. Do you seriously believe that all teachers are fucking morons that can't do anything well?
    Now as an undergraduate education major, I was frustrated with many of my stupid and immature classmates. Let me assure you that just because they majored in it, doesn't mean that they were actually able to sustain a career in it.
    Teaching is ridiculously hard and requires talent (in addition to knowledge) to do it well. The ones that do a good, yet underpaid, job do not deserve to be lumped into such a trite statement and in a thread with a child molester.

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      @luckylass - AMEN! I am a college teacher and resent those far-reaching, oversimplified explanations of sexual abuse and educators. As a mid-career changer,having worked in corporate environments for over 15 years previously, I have seen my share of immature, sexual deviants or predators in those places too. Unfortunately moral depravity happens in all walks of life - just reading the blinds like todays makes one weary of some of humanity.

    2. Anonymous1:58 PM

      @luckylass - AMEN! I am a college teacher and resent those far-reaching, oversimplified explanations of sexual abuse and educators. As a mid-career changer,having worked in corporate environments for over 15 years previously, I have seen my share of immature, sexual deviants or predators in those places too. Unfortunately moral depravity happens in all walks of life - just reading the blinds like todays makes one weary of some of humanity.

    3. Anonymous1:58 PM

      @luckylass - AMEN! I am a college teacher and resent those far-reaching, oversimplified explanations of sexual abuse and educators. As a mid-career changer,having worked in corporate environments for over 15 years previously, I have seen my share of immature, sexual deviants or predators in those places too. Unfortunately moral depravity happens in all walks of life - just reading the blinds like todays makes one weary of some of humanity.

    4. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Oops! Sorry for the bazillion duplicate posts. Not going postal; some type of glitch :)

  54. @Agent - PS: I have a deep seated need to stay somewhat hidden bc I'm convinced I'll be burned at the stake or something else horrible. Although my need to help others often overrides this ridiculous anxiety to hide in my woo woo closet.

  55. ^^^^^^^^^
    The reason for "old male teachers" is due to tenure, not to "avoiding the draft in the 60's".

  56. @dia, I really enjoy the info! And yes, I can understand the need to want to be secure on the internet.

    I swear by acupressure massage !!

  57. Hi all you ladies also suffering from anxiety disorders, lady problems, et al! Didn't realize this message board was such a hotbed of like-minded women!

    Aaaanyway - my two cents is to get onto some bioidentical progesterone (most over 40's are estrogen dominant) and take it sublingually (under the tongue) as per naturopath's (or doc's) instructions.

    This was a life-changer (saver ) for me. No more PMS or 43 day cycles. Now I'm every 28 days and don't feel like a crazy person most of the month. My doc didn't have a lot of luck with the hormone creams because they can build up in the fatty tissue and you can easily start having a build-up in the system, so he recommends the sublingual tiny tablets. It's easy-peasy and makes a huge difference!

    Now the only time I really sweat is when I'm super nervous - like the last time I went to the clinic, and was seen by a really hot, young doctor. I know, I know, totally pathetic, but men make me nervous like that, especially now that I'm single. SO embarrassing as the sweat dripped down my face, fogged up my glasses, my hair stuck to my neck, and wet spots started coming through the front of my t-shirt above my chest. Should have told him I was having a hot flash, but instead made up some stupid excuse about just playing with my kids outside! Just mortifying.

    1. @chachi
      Thanks for bringing that up about the cream. The doc I went to didn't address that, or tell me how long to stay on it. I am not on it for the peri-m.
      Oh and ha ha. I refuse to see a hot doc. The guy that did my root canal was a fox, and I did not enjoy the dynamic while i had all that crap in my mouth. I think I'm pretty but there's no overcoming a purple latex shield stretched across your face :)

  58. I'm going to admit, I know people (women) like this. Ones who are having the relationships (well I knew the one, but she dumped her kid "bf", but her aunt, yes AUNT is still dating her's and he was even a middle school student of hers.....but even though I am related by blood, I've never met her). And I should add, their family CONDONES the behavior. Yet, when they told me of these escapes, bragging certainly, it was right when my little one came forward with what ha happened to her, and get this.....they brushed it off, like it wasn't a big deal. You know why?? here's my take, b/c they excuse pedophilia behaviors. They had them happen to them (the one said it happened to her too, like then it was, "ok", as she brushed off my kid's revelations) and thus they are able to tell themselves that their behavior is justified. Not to mention, the kid's they are having and or had relations with ARE ILLEGALS. So in their heads, they, just like the rich men in the Penn State scandal, are showing them the "good life." Suffice to say, that these "relatives" of mine (birth mom's family) do not speak to me anymore, and this is just one of the reasons. You see, they saw me explode on one of my kids who was being a punk ass, and in their universe, yelling at a kid, telling them if they don't shape up they will NOT have a future is far more damaging than having sexual relations with one of your students, or getting them so drunk they had alcohol poisoning.

    ANd no joke, they look down on Me, like I'm the f'ed up one. Welcome to America baby, land of the semi-free, home of the mainstream, insane.

  59. Why is it male pedophiles tend to look like ugly creeps but female ones seem to be these hottie teachers that I would love to have spent a night with when I was a teen?

  60. I teach college, and I can understand what KPeony is saying. I know in academia there is a lot of immaturity. My husband has experienced it too with fellow academics.

    I know of a few profs who get upset about their standings. One prof contacted to have a former professor's ratings removed!

    I never taught high school or elementary school, so I can't speak for that.

  61. @ Sunny - My tablets are called 'ProgonB ' by Bezwecken (get them at good health store). Supposed to take 2 morning and night from day 7-21, then 3 morning and night up until period starts. Now, I only get mildly irritable the day or two before my period (like today, actually), and start on day 28 like clockwork. Seriously, a godsend.

    I know so many women who are getting hysterectomies for their heavy bleeding in their early forties - I think this hormone thing could help so many!

    Good luck.... and always see a homely doc! :)
