Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Chad Johnson Has Already Moved On

A 41 day marriage punctuated by cheating and a head butt to his wife followed by getting dropped from your football team and your show dumped before it could air would give most people pause. Maybe they would reflect about trying to change their life. Of course you are not the guy who changed his last name to Ochocinco either. Chad Johnson has already moved on. Even though he released a statement filled with an apology, Chad didn't even bother to pretend he was ever going to get his wife back so he found someone else. Well, he actually found two someone elses. What in the world would possess someone to want to be with a guy with no job who will cheat on you and if you confront him about it, cause you to go to the hospital? Where is the attraction in that? It is not even like he had to try very hard to find the two someone elses. He had multiple offers.


  1. Yeah. I don't know what the$e women $ee in him.

    Just because he's fired doesn't mean he won't get picked up by another team, get another show, erc.

    Money and lifestyle mean a lot to some.

  2. I think most of us make a few bad sexual decisions in our twenties, but come ON girls. You have to do better!

  3. But... but he's a "bad boy"!

  4. We do owe this couple some gratitude, for pete's sake. They knocked the fake Kardashian-Humphries into a distant second place for fakest, most pathetic celeb union ever. (Liza's still in the running for that trophy somewhere, though.)

  5. Another member of the Douchebags for Life Assoc. Their numbers are growing faster than LiLo's boobs...

  6. chris brown anyone???

  7. He's a non stop cheater and constantly holds up with girls on twitter, didn't understand the marriage to begin with but this incident really made me write him off

  8. Some women pick terribly. All the time. Either star f**kers or "fixers".

  9. Has-been. No1curr. Move on. Nothing to see here.

  10. Watching his get dropped on hard knocks last night was glorious!

  11. I also applaud them for out doing a Kuntrashian marriage. I did love how he told the Dolphins he had never been in trouble before.

  12. What an idiot. His wife...or ex wife is absolutely gorgeous. Stunning. What a fool.

    He kinda looks like Jamie Fox. She's way hotter than him.

  13. Maybe these women are the ones he was cheating on his wife with?

    Given the abundance of these stories, I think we can stop pretending women are more mature than men now.

  14. But letting gays marry would "ruin the sanctity of marriage". o_O

  15. It's already obvious some women just don't care if the men have a little notoriety. If it can make them the girlfriend of someone famous they'll do it anyway. Didn't Ted Bundy get married while he was in prison?

  16. Does anyone else try to come with NY Post headlines when stories like this come out? Mine is "Ochocinco Ocho-Seis'ed from Marriage; Team"

  17. Didn't Chad and Evelyn originally hook up on Twitter and the other girls laughed at her for sexing for handbags? I hope her roommate's still available.

  18. @marisa - hahahaha good one!!!

  19. I will rank this couple second behind kim and kris's sham of a marriage because ochocinco's are divorcing because of domestic violence unlike kim's ploy folr ratings and attention. I totally kris was deceived into marrying troll

    1. Darn I should've used spell check. What I meant to say was I believe kris was deceived into the marriage. She probably was like "yeah ill move far and have a bunch of babies with no paparazzi following me".

  20. Societal Stockholm Syndrome.

  21. At least she got some handbags out of it? What a joke.
