Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Courtney Stodden Finally Gets A Reality Show

It took her two years, but the upcoming birthday for Courtney Stodden which will see he turn 18 is upon us and so is a new reality show. I'm guessing that because it is filming for the next three weeks that it has something to do with her birthday and probably since it has to do with her 18th birthday I would not be surprised if it involves her getting naked. Even if it doesn't involve her getting naked, I'm sure she will get naked to promote the show, but only if the photo shoot is in good taste and is artistic and s**t. Considering they could have a had a reality show long before this, I can't help but think it might be some type of Playboy thing or maybe some adult video thing where she is going to try and get it on with her husband who will plead being tired and head off to watch some John Travolta movies before heading to bed leaving Courtney to open up a drawer and find an Octomom tape. Full circle. It all comes full circle ion the reality world. That is why Surreal Life is reality gold.


  1. She looks like she is going to a sturgess bikers prom.

  2. for the love of God NOOOOOOOOOO

  3. the apocalypse is nigh

  4. She has accomplished all of this through sheer willpower. Horrifying as she is, that's awesome.

  5. Feeling dumber and dumber every day. Looking at her sucks away my intelligence like by osmosis or God, I can't remember anything. Boobs! Blonde! Easy!

  6. Please tell me why some females lift one of their legs like a flamingo when they take pictures? I know a girl who does this with ALL of her pictures and it is irritating as f*ck.

    1. Same reason the cross their legs and do the peepee dance. It makes them feel maaaavalously skiiiney

    2. Maybe she thinks she's channeling her inner-Marilyn. I have never posed like that, but kudos to anyone who can do an impression of a flamingo in shoes like that. My face would've eaten the floor.

  7. Yuck! Looks diseased!

  8. Am I the only one here who feels really, really sorry for this girl? I don't know who's worse, the jerkoff exploiting a teenager, or the parents who sold her off to him.

  9. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! Will this fuckery never end!

    Which channel will it be on so I can boycott that shit.

  10. Topper, I used to feel sorry for her, and quite uncomfortable at the sight of her because she is so obviously drugged and controlled But I have sort of gone past the point of caring. I think she is a Beta Kitten programming experiment gone horribly wrong.
    I am only half joking.

  11. She's disgusting, her husband's disgusting and her parents are disgusting but it looks like their plan worked, she got what she wanted.

  12. She's disgusting, her husband's disgusting and her parents are disgusting but it looks like their plan worked, she got what she wanted.

  13. She's disgusting, her husband's disgusting and her parents are disgusting but it looks like their plan worked, she got what she wanted.

  14. We got rid of Heidi and Spencer, we can get rid of these trolls, too. It's simple. DON'T WATCH THEIR SHOW!

    1. After looking at these fools Heidi and Spencie would be a fucking treat!

  15. Who's that homeless guy she's haunching all over?

  16. They actually look almost the same age. Less creepy if you think about them that way.

  17. What would be the target market for this audience ? Help me understand who would be that bored.......

  18. Hey, it's worth a shot--baby needs new shoes.

    No, seriously, she needs new shoes--she's been wearing those clear platforms for two years now. Maybe with a payday, she can afford some.

  19. Why is she at the mall dressed like that?! it's an outdoor mall...but it's still a mall! where are her parents?

  20. Yay!!! YAAAYYYY! I will watch the first two-three episodes and then I will be cured of my morbid fascination with her tardive diskynesia.

  21. @smashbash if I try to cross my legs like they do in red carpet pictures I fall over. #balancefail

  22. ...and the peepee dance really works!....or is that lingo for some other odd pose that flew over my head leading me to inadvertently embarrass myself? #itsagirlthing

  23. @Maja: You are my Conspiracy Queen! :)

  24. Anybody else hear four horses?

  25. Just like their marriage, this has all kinds of "Hell No" written all over it. I sure as fuck wont be watching/supporting this shit.

  26. I remember when strippers were just anonymous coke fiends and junkies. Now they get to be on TV. Idiocracy step by step is coming true.

  27. Why can't these people just go away?

  28. Monarch mind-controlled sex slave? Hmm.

  29. I might have to glance this mess for juuuuussst a wee second.

  30. SO watching this!

    From a sociological stand point and from a horrible person stand point (I represent both) I think things like this are facinating. I love watching those clips of her and her "husband" because it's like watching an iguana speak out loud or something. Just weird and awesome.

  31. was courtney stodden born male?

  32. @Robert; you know it!

  33. What's the show going to be called? "Pepaw and The Tramp?"

  34. Would like to know date and time so I can make sure I block that channel LOLOL

  35. I've googled (albeit not very strenuously) and cannot find out what channel is airing this train wreck. Curiouser and curiouser.

  36. We'll be seeing her do ATM in no time. Just make sure the video was shot after her 18th birthday....

  37. Which fucktard channel was stupid enough to buy this trick? Hope someone finds out so I can avoid the channel.

    what fuckery.

  38. This is going to be awesome.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Technically, she didn't do this through sheer willpower. She has a stage mother who pushed her, and she latched onto the first washed-up celebrity she could find (I say this with great sadness, as Tooms was my all-time favourite monster of the week and I am still a total X-Phile).

    I think he's smitten and Courtney is the one who wants this, and he'd do anything she wanted. Who could blame him?
    He's over twice her age and she could have gone for any D-list reality show moron but chose him, she's 'hot' in his eyes (and her own), and now she's cashed her V-card you can be certain she puts out like a Mayfly on mating day.

    I will record it and watch on either mute or fast forward. I can't actually stand the sound of her voice....

    Speaking of which, I'm willing to bet she either has her single 'Reality' as the theme show, or she 'sings'/writes the theme song herself if the show has one

  41. Sorry, what straight man stands with his legs and feet pressed close together like this?

  42. I cannot believe I'm older than her!!

  43. I have to admit, I think this "show," (assuming it's happening in reality and not only in Courtney's imagination) has the potential to be unintentionally hilarious.

    I just watched a YouTube of her talking about her "vegetable shopping" and her "sexy vegetables," which in this clip were BERMUDA ONIONS, which she then earnestly attempted to display as suggestively as possible.

    I'm thinking two things: One, that "Sexy Vegetable" would be THE PERFECT NAME FOR HER SHOW!

    And two, that the shitty neighborhood those two seem to barely afford to live in really needs a store with a better produce apartment. Where'd she go, Aldi? Maybe during one of her episodes, she can put on some pleather that her mom bedazzled and hobble on over to the farmer's market.
