Friday, August 03, 2012

Cuba Gooding Must Have Written A Really Big Check

And just like that, the bartender who was shoved twice in New Orleans by Cuba Gooding Jr. has decided not to press charges. The bartender did not talk to the media, but her bosses did and said they wanted to put the whole matter behind them and that their employee had decided not to press charges. Hmm. So maybe it was a check from Cuba and her bosses. The owners love celebrities coming to their bar so they need to make them feel welcome. It is easy to find a new employee. Hard to find a celebrity. It just seems magical that one day there were going to be charges and the next there aren't. I wonder how much it cost. I bet it did not cost as much as we think. $25K maybe. We are not talking millions here because Cuba is not a million dollar actor. He is a guy who had one memorable role and has tried to make a living off it since.


  1. I guess he showed her the money.

  2. FSP you beat me to it!

  3. Ahaha. You win.

    Seriously though. This is what I saw coming. My mom worked at a nightclub for 2 years, she was a young mom and still looks smookin, she told me it was not an uncommon thing to get shoved. He probably was not trying to hit the woman out of anger or anything, not trying to make excuses and it was sooo not cool or nice
    Of him. But shit happens. Not as bad as Matthew Fox beating up the bus driver.

  4. The headline has my exact thought.

  5. One memorable role? I beg to differ, Enty. Have you forgotten Boys in the Hood?

  6. Ah, to be rich and famous. What a life.

  7. AND a dick when he's drunk.

  8. What is the point of pushing a bartender? How do you even get over the bar to push them in the first place?? The bartender is usually too far away to be pushing, a waitress is much easier to push. IJS

  9. charges over a shove? sheesh, the guy and the boss should write a check if he didn't do her an actual injury. I don't see taking up police and court time over shoving.

  10. Cuba is currently working on a movie with Oprah in New Orleans, hence the reason for the speedy and quiet settlement.

  11. I caught him on an episode of Graham Norton (with Snoop Dogg no less!) and he was surprisingly charming. Snoop let on that Cuba used to break dance and Cuba was persuaded to bust a move. I came away liking the man.

  12. I think it's ridiculous that he doesn't get more recognition for 'Snow Dogs' or 'Boat Trip'.

  13. I think it's ridiculous that he doesn't get more recognition for 'Snow Dogs' or 'Boat Trip'.

  14. I agree she totally got paid off, but with his history of beating his wife, I bet he paid her more than just $25k. She and her coworkers were johnny-on-the-spot about calling 911 while he was still there in the club right when it happened which makes me think she would have been fairly eager to file charges. The initial descriptions sounded more than a simple shove, it sounded like he totally lost it and was violent.

    I hope she's enjoying a whole lotta mo' money.

  15. Ah yes, Boat Trip was a classic. Best. Acting. Ever.

  16. Enty that last line sounds bitter, what did Cuba do to you enty?

  17. He is the male equivalent of Sharon The Screamer Stone in my experience.

  18. Actually, in the French Quarters, there's typically a ton of security. There's never a need for a bartender to step from behind a bar to remove a patron and if she did, she was probably doing something wrong.
