Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Daycare Workers Arrested For Encouraging Toddlers To Fight

Three daycare workers in Delaware have been arrested after a cell phone video was shown to police. The video, shows two 3 year olds who are being encourage to fight by the workers. One of the kids is crying and does not want to fight the other one but is forced back in the middle. Another child can be heard complaining that someone is pinching him and a worker can be heard saying, "no pinching, only punching." This is awful. I wonder how often this happened? The only reason anything is even happening is because there is a cell phone incident of the video. Otherwise, it probably would have gone on longer or nothing would have happened to the workers.


  1. This is disgusting and unforgivable. Let the lawsuits begin! I am not a litigious person by nature, but this is a case where I believe it's completely justified.

  2. God, i dont even know what to say, except i come here for fun and gossip and this is neither. I can get this on reg news. Pls dont put it here.

  3. The first rule of Fight Club is YOU DON'T TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB!!!

  4. My money is on the black toddler.

  5. My stepfather used to make his boys fight. It is a perverse abuse.

  6. Dammit, @hunter beat me to it.

  7. Ahh!! Im orIginally from Delaware. This has to be in slower lower Delaware. That's freaking horrible!

  8. I was right. Slower Lower. They're not normal. And northern Delaware is way different. We are civilized. Jon Stewart did a great bit on it.

  9. LOL@hunter

    I think there was a similar incident on Law & Order once.

  10. Good Lord people, screen your daycare providers. It makes me shudder to think about who's providing care to many of our country's children.

  11. Thin the gene pool!!

  12. YOU!!! Out of the gene pool, NOW!!!

    WTF is wrong with people? Why would you make kids fight? God knows, they can get into it enough on their own; usually parents/caretakes are trying to get the kids not to fight!

  13. Disgusting. They probably think it's okay to fight dogs, too. I hope they have to do time.

  14. Wow, "Blink & You Miss It" Delaware has an upper & lower??? Well color me learned.

  15. When I am The Queen of the World, child care will be a well-paid, respected profession, supervised and structured by degreed Early Childhood educators.

    I will never understand why, as a society, we don't place more value on the care and education of the next generation. Our children are our most precious commodity, and should be treated as such.

    Vote Frufra for The Queen of the World - I approve this message :-).

  16. FRufra, ITA--same as teachers. Make the BEST compete for those jobs, by making them high-paid/status. Funny how traditionally female-dominated fields pay so poorly, idn't it?

  17. Yup, libby, it's no accident. I wish people, specifically women, would educate themselves about the ways in which women have been systematically kept down by society. We aren't that far-removed historically from women being denied the right to vote or own property, for Christsakes!

    Hell, my DAD had to sign a consent form for my mother to get a tubal ligation in 1979! 1979, not 1879!!!! And the bastard didn't want to sign it, even though my mom had just completed a third, rough, unwanted pregnancy (although my sister is an awesome person and I love her, them's the facts).

    libby, if you can't tell already, this is one of most passionate ranting subjects :-). I could go on forever!

  18. This is why I hate people.

  19. ::headdesk::

    I don't even know if I can muster up a WTF?! for this. Seriously, when I think people cannot be more stoopid, someone rises to that challenge to prove me wrong.

    Who keeps bogging down the collective gene pool?? And how do we remove them?

  20. Frufra, I understand your passion--and I could go on all day too.
    We need more women in government, people!

  21. Frufra - You have my vote. These people should never be around children or animals.

  22. I hope they never work with children again. Anyone that harms an innocent child in any way needs to rot.

  23. At least they weren't dogs. People would have been setting shit on fire, throwing bottles into store windows and turning cars on their sides.

  24. @ hunter, yes lol I know most people don't believe it. It's different geographically and culturally. Jon Stewart covered it when they had that crazy lady Christine O'Donnell (the witch) in the news a year or two back. Anything south of the C&D canal we call slower lower. It's all farmland and just a different lifestyle. This kind of thing wouldn't happen in northern de, but....fight club was based in Wilmington de which is the north lol.

  25. Anonymous9:24 AM

    HOW did we as a culture get to this place? Preschooler fighting? Not just roosters and pit bulls, but preschoolers? WTF?! I would sue the living s#$% out of this preschool for this. Someone is pinching me? How bored, passive aggressive, aggressive, petty, childish, obnoxious, destructive and maniacal are these women? Let's make the kids fight? WTF!+???????????!!I pray and hope this is just a strange isolated incident of some fucked up people that really needed some outside intervention to look at themselves, their lives, their histories and how the hell they got to this place in their lives.

  26. You have my vote too QueenFrufra!

    Frufra and Libby - ITA. Teaching our next generation should be a priority. We are failing behind. And it doesn't help that some of our elected officials (ahem Akin) think SKY-ence is just a silly word.

    I have an aunt and uncle in education and they are VERY passionate about this. My uncle was telling me how differently they do things in Europe. Maybe Sweden (I think) recruits top end people and pays them a salary equivalent to what they would make in high level industry.

    We kinda have it backwards here.

  27. Got the country wrong. I was thinking Germany.

    Here's a nice chart with the US ranking near the bottom. The leader is Korea! Teacher Salaries by Country

  28. This is truly awful and disgusting, I hope the book is thrown at the workers and they are heavily charged and spend some real time in jail or prison. I feel bad for the kids and their parents, those poor kids.. I hope they do not remember it as they grow older.

  29. The truly wonderful thing is that SO MANY idiots have decided that it is a good idea to FILM themselves doing stupid/illegal things, and it's easier to build cases now. If this had happened in 1975 (and something like it probably did), no one would know.

  30. Good old slower lower Delaware! I am current in the northern part of the state myself (waves @SilverOnyx). And yes - there is a distinction. Northern is like a suburb of Philly an the rest is like...special. Goes back to the border state days when the top & bottom half couldn't even agree on whether we liked slavery or not... /TMI

    That Daily Show thing was pretty classic.

    THIS is disgusting.

  31. WTF?? Oh Delaware...hangs head. SiverOnyx - i always thought Slower Lower was Sussex county only - and Dover is in Kent... but then I just moved to the beach last year so I am a full time SLower Lower person now regardless. Coming from West Chester PA it is quite the culture shock - The resort area is a little different but woohoo take a drive thru Millsboro (where there is a store called Slower Lower btw LOL) Google Sussex County Pediatricians and take a gander at the 2 worst dr.s in the world too. Ahhh so tho I am now a delawarian in SLD I will always be a philly girl at heart. Oh and PS to Enty - I love that you cover this stuff too - not just the gossip so please don't stop!

  32. @Stacey Charter: The beaches really ARE an exception, though!

  33. Here's the video from the Daily Show that I think @SilverOnyx was referencing - It's pretty damn funny - the deleware stuff starts at the 3:30 mark


  34. OMG I meant DelAware... sorry for the misspell - LOL

  35. ok my Dad made my brothers fight in the front yard until they couldn't stand anymore....as punishment for fighting. worked. *shrug*

    of course they were 13 and 16.

  36. Is the daycare run by George Bluth? Boy Fights!

  37. WTF is wrong with people?

  38. Young smart teachers are not being paid well because of the tenure system and the unions. Most of the teachers going in have Masters but have to "compete" with an archaic system, and we are losing them. We need the young teachers . 40k per year for school for Suri. That about says it all.

  39. Not sure where you are getting your info, @Agent**It, but not every place has a tenure system. In my state, our union implemented the system in which teachers are paid based on their level of education. The trad public schools pay better than the public charters, and both pay better than the parochials and privates.

    If I could change anything, it would be that no one could teach without a masters/pro-degree, just like doctors and lawyers. I have been dismayed by the proliferation of teachers who only have bachelors degrees - even if they are coming from top schools, they need REAL professional training and certification. Lowering that bar is not going to fix anything.

  40. well maybe they can get their fights recorded on CCTV (or what ever those camera are called in prisons) now.

  41. #WUWT? -you sure are right.

    And the best part is the probably posted it on their Facebook.

    //and I'm a "sociopath" for not having a fb. Ok.

  42. ugh, people are sick.

    If you think this is disgusting though, I urge you to watch the BBC's 2007 documentary "The Abandoned Children of Bulgaria". It is beyond disturbing; it's much like the orphanages of Romania...


    The most gut-wrenching thing is that it's still like that so many places right at this moment. I don't understand how abusive humans can be.

  43. Why couldn't I and my husband have children? Why do these things get to be around children? Throw the book at them & investigate every other centre. Speechless with rage & sorrow. Hope they offer free counseling to all children & their parents, let's break the cycle.

    1. Hi @feraltart! Don't have any amazing words for you. I know this stuff sucks for you. Here's a big hug from the States!

  44. @selock , not sure this is the best sight :


  45. I wouldn't rely on it too much, because I know for a fact we don't have tenure in my state, and that states that we do...

  46. RAH RAH REE! Kick 'em in the knee!
    RAH RAH RUM! Kick 'em in the other knee!

    Hey, I had six siblings.

  47. Thank you Dia, you're beautiful. Big hugs back.

  48. Queen Frufra has my vote!

    If she isn't, I'm leaving this planet. Come with?

  49. @lambkin: I haven't heard that chant since my grandfather was alive, but his second line was, "Rah rah rass, kick 'em in the other knee!"
