Monday, August 20, 2012

Happy Anniversary Kim Kardashian & Kris Humphries

One year ago today, Kim Kardashian cashed in big on the wedding to the love of her life Kris Humphries. Reggie Bush who? Kanye West who? Miles Austin what? Ray-J huh? On that day, all of the other 25 people she had dated in the previous year or two for television were all gone. No, Kim truly had found the love of her life and I'm sure that this first year of wedded bliss is just one of many the couple will share as they grow older together and love each other until the day they day. To celebrate the love they obviously have for each other, lets go back in time and look at the quotes of love they had for each other.

"I think probably within a month of meeting her I knew she was 'The One,'" - Kris Humphries

"I really fell in love with him as a person – he's such a good person with a good heart," - Kim Kardashian

"He's so funny. He has such a great sense of humor. If I've had a long day, I'm working really hard or I'm stressed, I just can't wait to come home to him. The time that we've spent together, we have so much fun together and he always, no matter what, puts me in a good mood." - Kim Kardashian

"I can honestly say they are madly in love." Brittny Gastineau

"OMGGGGGGG!!!!!!!! It's true! I couldn't be happier!" - Kim Kardashian on her engagement.

"My sister is engaged!!! I'm squealing with excitement! The princess has found her prince." - Kourtney Kardashian

So, obviously this is something that will last way longer than anyone anticipates. Right?


  1. Can we get that No Kuntrashians ban reinstated?

    1. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


  2. Apparently her depo is scheduled for today, per TMZ. She's just sweet as pie, ain't she?

  3. I honestly have to say that if I never heard the name Kardashian again, I'd be a happy girl. I'm over these talentless turds.

  4. LOL. shaunie - I don't think you know how much I love the word "turd". It's so gross, but it's such a dumb/funny word. :)

  5. @Amber - true story! Me too! I use it as often as possible :) My super snobby co-workers love!

  6. I wld love to get hold of Kim and wash all that makeup off, power down the hair so its natural, deflate various body parts- i bet she wld be cute. She needs a make- under for sure!! And shes tried everything, how about she tries college? Stop living thru men, learn something useful. Ahh, just a dream.

  7. Keep dreaming, liddy, you crazy lady :-). Thinking she should improve herself and do some good in the world, maybe - nuts!

    P.S. - Shaunie - keep poking your uptight co-workers for me - I love it!

  8. Aww, I still have hope for these two lovebirds!

    Liddy, ALL of H-wood needs a makeUNDER! Jeez, ladies! Let those pores breathe. And, don't get me started on the plastic surgery. Ugh.

  9. Lay with dogs... Get fleas.

  10. So will she get married for a third time you think?

  11. I thought Kris H. was her first marriage. Who was she married to before?

  12. crila - Damon Thomas for 4 years. She snuck off and did it when she was 19.

  13. No more TTK (Talentless Turd Kuntrasians)!

    Please Enty! No more!!! I like @auntliddy's advice - stop living thru men and get an education. You make us all look bad.

  14. Thanks Shauniebear for the TT comment. Perfect!!!!

  15. If these two destined great love can't make it, who can?

  16. Well, I thought I had posted this earlier, but I guess not. Grrr.

    Let's petition Congress to declare Aug 20 "Official Sanctity of Marriage Day" in honor of Kim K.

  17. haha @Seachica, I second this motion!

    Indeed, Kim's having gotten married makes my own marriage seem so special...but if my aunt and her lesbian partner of 35 years could get married, it would just ruin the sanctity and buh blah blah blah...

  18. Saw this on this morning:

    Basically talks about KK and Miley being attention addicts (or in reality, attention whores)

  19. Kris seems a little dim, but he can be beautiful when he needs to be. I have a feeling that living in NYC and making millions will atone for the stain of the Kardashians that makes him look so bad now. In a few years, maybe he'll be just another high-profile New York athlete with a string of failed marriages, and we'll be able to think of him without thinking of ... of her.

  20. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Kim Kardashian is the reason the guys in my town only go for girls with big butts. Oh, and skinny girls, although Kimmy isn't skinny, but I can blame that on someone else.

    Why can't we have a skank with big boobs so I can have a chance?

  21. I really hope Kris wins this annulment and brings down this trash. In the Paris Hilton blind, I guess E! did a ban on her, which forced her to go away, but that def won't happen with the Kuntrashians! ughhhhh

  22. I hope Kris exposes all the dirt on her and makes her tumble off her plastic mountain.

    1. I dont think he's any prize either.

  23. And I remember when her wedding shit was coming out, on all the magazines, invitations, etc, it was all Kim's Fairytale Wedding! No mention of Kris. shocking

  24. Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

  25. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I'm still trying to wrap my head around Kim saying, "If I've had a long day, I'm working really hard ..."


  26. Bwahahahahaha with all of it!

  27. The traditional First Anniversary gift is Paper. Do "Divorce Papers" count for that?

    Here's my favorite of the quotes: "My sister is engaged!!! I'm squealing with excitement! The princess has found her prince." Yes, but sometimes the Prince is just a frog after all, and sometimes the Princess is a witch in disguise. Usually it's not both, but apparently it CAN be.
