Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Jason "Mayhem" Miller Arrested In A Church - Naked

What do former UFC fighters do when they have been fired? They go on a bender, get naked and spray a fire extinguisher, all while in a church. You know, because everyone can vandalize a church on a bender, but it takes that little extra something to get naked while you are doing it. Jason Miller did just that. Miller had recently been fired by Dana White from UFC because of something crazy that had happened backstage. Hmmm. Did it involve Jason getting naked? Jason recently told Dana to kill himself. Obviously there is something wrong with Jason and I wonder if getting beat in the head so bad for a few years has done something to his brain. Miller has been charged with burglary.


  1. I'd arrest him for the haircut alone.

    (No idea who this is)

  2. Sads. I loved Bully Beatdown, even tho I learned it was staged, and Mayhem is so funny & personable! I guess I have a little crush on him... Hmmm.

  3. What is up with people getting F'd up and getting naked? I've had some pretty crazy nights (a portion of which are a bit fuzzy), and I've never randomly taken my clothes off.

  4. When i drank, i was known to get nekkid and run around. Alcohol lowered my inhibitions so i felt comfortable being naked. Now that I don't drink, i don't feel its necessary to go streaking in the middle of the night anymore.

  5. It isn't unheard of for intakes in psychiatric facilities to be done on naked people. And in prisons, people with "issues" sometimes are naked in their cells.It's an urge that overcomes people, and if the impulse control is low, the urge is followed.

  6. Can I say how much it pisses me off that this cockknocker has the same name as one of my favorite playwrite/actors? No championship season for you sir!

  7. I have always had a little crush on Mayhem. He always seemed down to earth with a side of eccentricity. After he lost that match on the Ultimate Fighter, I don't think ever fully got his dignity back. I think everyone has a breaking point. When your whole life is MMA and you start to become just a memory of what was... some people are not sure how to deal with that sort of thing. Jason is getting older and he has ti face that, but is using substances to cope apparently. i think that is a shame, especially for someone who is role model to a alot of young men

  8. Steroidal behavior?

  9. EmEye, if you go to YouTube, look for Bully Beatdown, they may have some episodes there.

  10. He's always been a little out there. Check out his entrances. Dana White is known to be a dick, but a pretty fair dick. He has given lots of fighters multiple chances for things ranging from Rampage running from the cops to that kid Diaz I think who literally snuck out of a house so he didn't have to fight.

  11. My seven year old likes to get naked and to the best of my knowledge he isn't boozing it up. Some people just like being naked.

    That being said Mayhem needs to lay of the sauce .. Alcohol is a hellava drug.

  12. Funny start to my day thanks to EmEyeKay and Alicia!

  13. I loooove bully beatdown, and I love mayhem, this makes me sad. Umm for the reader that said that bully beatdown is staged, how did you find that out? Ill be so sad to know its staged I love that show.

  14. Jason Miller? The priest From The Exorcist?


  15. I grew up with Jason. And I can tell you that his brain has been warped from the start. Always the troublemaker, always looking for attention. The teachers never knew what to do with him. He was a weird dude with no direction. I thought he had improved himself with the UFC, but apparently not. An incident like this is just typical for him, and doesn't surprise me one bit.

  16. @bobbi_1025 diaz didn't run to avoid the fight, just the press conference

  17. LOL, I also know Mayhem (distantly) and this is pretty much Mayhem to a T.

    He can come off as a super nice guy (and he is) but he's an absolute nightmare to interview because he's been known to go off on profanity laden tangents and rants, as well as occassional spill inside details on other fighter's indiscretions.

    To be a professional fighter, you have to be a little crazy. And you also have to have a bit of a dark side to give you your edge. Not unlike comedians (which Mayhem also is, when you think about it).

    Most of the guys have it pretty well under control most of the time, because martial arts focuses on discipline and self control. But for alot of guys when they suffer a personal disappointment or major career set back, it can come out in bizarre ways. Rampage Jackson and Andrei Arlovski being two of the best examples.

  18. @vhw- he missed 3 flights, his own manager called while Dana was on the podium to apologize and say he didn't know where he was. Diaz himself admitted that he snuck out Gracie's back door. Not even his brother knew where he was. And now I think he's suspended until February 2013 by the athletic commission due to failed drug test. And they are taking 20 or 30% of his winnings from UFC 143 due to that.

  19. Old joke:
    A naked guy was streaking through a church, and the congregation didn't know what to do. He ran down the aisle, around the pulpit, through the pews. Finally the choir director caught him by the organ.

    (I will erase this if no one comes back to see it.)
