Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Jenelle Evans Wants Custody Of Her Son

I think Jenelle Evans might be smoking something stronger than pot if she ever thinks she is going to get custody of her son from Jenelle's mother. Apparently the oft arrested, nude photo taking aficionado is upset because her mother, who has custody of the toddler failed to tell Jenelle that Jace was having surgery and also has been restricting the amount of time that Jenelle can spend with Jace. You know what? I would to. Jenelle is a mess and as bad as her mom is, and she is pretty bad, at least she stepped up and took care of the child. Can you imagine if Jenelle had custody of the child? He would end up in foster care quicker than Lindsay Lohan can take off her clothes for free Chanel bags. Jenelle says that she is just waiting until she can get her record expunged and then will fight for custody. meanwhile she will probably be arrested several more times.


  1. Yeah, good luck with that.

  2. How is this bitch a different height in each of her mugshots?

  3. sadly i think that kid is doomed to be a fuck up like his mother and the grandmother is no angel either

  4. Blogger needs an "ignore" function, so I can avoid all stories about this heifer.

  5. Right yawn? Bad posture is the least of her issues

  6. Stupid is as stupid does...

  7. I think her mom appears bad bc we're watching her at the height of fed up state with Janelle. It seems she has been giving her mom trouble for quite a while and the mom just can't deal with her anymore....

  8. Who is this that she deserves mention anywhere?

  9. Ugh...just ugh. These Teen Mom train wrecks make me sick. I feel so badly for their littles. I'd suggest each of these girls get a tubal ligation STAT.

  10. get her record expunged???? this girl can't give up POT for her son. she's not getting him back. her mom is a mess but that's largely because she has this girl for a daughter. i feel very, very sorry for her mother.

  11. She doesn't really want custody of her son, she's just pissed off at her mom.

  12. She's looking more and more like her mother every day...

  13. It's so sad bc there's million more like this, Jenelle is just their mascot.

  14. Is it possible to have your childrens' tubes tied/vasectomy temporarily when they hit puberty until they're old enough to make a conscious, responsible decision to have a baby and can provide and care for that baby? That would be awesome.

  15. How is she going to get her record expunged? Don't you have to be like, not still getting arrested to do that?

  16. From the pictures above she can't even be trusted with custody of her own hair. Forget about a kid.

  17. maybe Jenelle is the way she is because her mom sucked?? And we're supposed to think she'd do much better with a kid she didn't birth or plan on? ok.

  18. I think Jenelle does what Jenelle wants to do. End of discussion.

    And you can't blame anyone else for that.

  19. If Jace's bio dad was Einstein he'd still be doomed because he is being raised by these two.

    Poor kid. Can you imagine your only reliable person in your life being that grandmother and your second choice is Janelle?

  20. Yah that poor kid has no chance. Those two are both psychotic.

  21. Just shared a momennt with an associate who just buried a grandchild- fullterm still birth...and then folks like this have these little gifts and don't take care of them. Effed up!

  22. What a wreck. I'd give that child up for adoption to some rich swedish couple asap to make sure the little bitch never got her hands on him and so he'd at least have fighting chance of growing up normal.
