Monday, August 13, 2012

Jennifer Aniston Picks Interesting Week To Get Engaged

Well, I'm not sure what tabloid had a Jennifer Aniston getting engaged headline this week, but they will probably claim they knew it all along despite probably having already said the same thing 338 times previously. Next week, they are going to have photos of wedding dresses that Jennifer has picked out and baby names she is having trouble deciding between. So, why did this announcement come from Jennifer's publicist? Because Justin didn't really ask? No, because Justin doesn't have one, and Jen's likes to go ahead and make these decisions. Supposedly Jen was asked on Friday. You know, because Justin wanted to spend his birthday night asking Jen to marry him instead of just enjoying his birthday. Apparently he also happened to pick the day before Angelina Jolie was going to get married to Brad Pitt. Look for that one to happen next weekend so also next weekend, Jennifer will adopt 7 babies, one from each of the poorest people she can find from each continent. Also interesting to note, is that John Mayer had a pretty active week in the news leading up to Jen's announcement. John started dating one of the biggest stars on the planet, so Jen knew she had to go out and get herself a ring immediately and tell Justin he asked her and to be prepared to get married the second there is any other kind of announcement.


  1. Replies
    1. agreed. she has a nice body, but average face and acting skills.

  2. The one headline I saw stated 'unlucky in love jennifer aniston engaged..' I feel she did this for the attention. It seems too timely of an annoucement otherwise.

  3. ITA, rejectedc.b. If she wasn't planning to glom onto Brange headlines, why now? This very weekend?
    There are too many coincidences with her.
    God bless them, I hope they actually marry and all.....But doesn't marrying him just create a 'job opening' for a new mistress? Isn't that the old saying?

    I wonder how Heidi feels about 14 years of her youth wasted with this man? I would feel a little burned if he marries a bigger star so comparatively quickly.

  4. I think any time she picked for the engagement would have been called "Attention-seeking". Don't you think she's really over Brangelina by now? And John Mayer?! Please.

  5. When I read this I can't help but marvel at how long the list of John Mayer's ex-girlfriends is....what is his appeal?

  6. Oh! And I should have mentioned that (true or not) there were ALL sorts of folks thinking they were breaking up, or had broken...then lo and behold they're engaged the day everyone also thought the Brange were marrying.
    If she wanted the triangle to be finished, she has a funny way of showing it. That's all.

  7. No more interesting than Brad & Angie's engagement...

  8. And they announced it to Kneepads, they of 'Lindsay had a quiet night NOT yelling at people in bars...' fame

  9. Jennifer seems damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. The public and media love to make her a victim, and then bash her for being a victim! It's crazy.

    Now, I'm not saying she doesn't use it, or that she can be a bit clingy, but it really isn't fair to keep bashing the woman for something the media has made up.

  10. I know lots of you think this guy is hawt, and that's well within your rights as an American. However, he strikes me as so smarmy, that it tells me all I need to know about Anniston.

    And, yeah, libby, what about that long-term girlfriend whom he dumped for Anniston? Doesn't that give her (JA) pause? Hmmm - these people live a very different life than the rest of us, obviously.

    But, there's a part of me that wonders what's up with 14 years with someone and no marriage. It's like that line from When Harry Met Sally: " it's not that he didn't want to get married, it's that he didn't want to marry ME." (paraphrased). That's a real kick in the nads, huh?

  11. Well, I for one wish them happiness. Maybe they are each other's lobster.

  12. I've never understood the animosity people have for her. She seems harmless.

    He proposed on his birthday. Unless she went back in time and arranged his birth around the time Brangelina were supposed to get married, I don't think the timing can be blamed on her.

  13. I'm with you, Trey, on the timing aspect.

    My hubs proposed to me on my birthday, so I get this strategy - pretty good Bday gift!

  14. 2 thoughts
    - marriage is not the 'goal' of a relationship imo
    - theroux and bivens were as well as married minus signing the papers

  15. Very convenient there were Angie/Brad marriage rumors this weekend and John Mayer just stepped out with Katy Perry. Or I am just paranoid xD

  16. Just chiming in to say that I agree with BitterBlondin and Redheat - I really believe she is so over Brad, and has been for a long time. It's a juicy triangle that the media won't let go of.

    And RenoBlondee - that was funny (an old bf once told me I was his lobster, lol).

  17. IDK I'm not mad that it was announced. I'd announce it in hopes that people will STFU about her love triangle that really probably isn't a love triangle.

  18. Also, Brad and Angelina have been rumored to be having a secret wedding in New Orleans or France every 2 weeks or so for the entire time they've been together. When is Jennifer's news NOT going to be aligned with that story?

  19. I am happy fit Jen and agree with those saying she is over Brad etc, think people are just reading into it too much - Justin didn't choose his birthday.

  20. Awww Enty, Why the hate for JA?

  21. @Beta - I respectfully disagree. If marriage isn't his goal, why did he propose to JA? I have been married forever, and never lived with my spouse pre-marriage, so I don't have personal experience here.

    My sister, on the other hand, had the more typical modern experience, living with several boyfriends (not all at the same time!) prior to getting married several years ago. Even Ms. Thoroughly Modern Millie has now admitted that marriage IS more than a piece of paper, and that it does change the dynamic of a relationship.

    When you stand up in front of God and everybody and pledge to be true to this person until death, you'd better hope you're "taking it to the next level"! I don't know how a thinking person couldn't be impacted by the gravity of marriage vows.

    Of course, this is just one woman's opinion, and as I always say, I truly don't care what consenting adults choose to do. But don't say this dude (Justin T.) is not the marrying type when he just proposed to someone!!

    1. ITA, Frufra. I am Miss Modern, and I agree that marriage totally changes things, at least it did for us. We lived together for 3 years, before the plunge, and I can't really put it into words *how* it's different, it just is.

  22. Oh I hope this means the end of all the Poor Jen crap!! Bit suss on the announcement timing but as others have said, when is Brangie NOT getting married!!

  23. I don't see any chemistry between the two of them, and I do think he's smarmy and a jerk for doing what he did to Heidi.

    I think JA is over Brad, but I also think that there may be some truth to what Enty is saying. Hollywood is ALL ABOUT BUZZ, and I wouldn't put it past someone like JA to take advantage of the timing of it all.

    If they're the real deal, good for them.

  24. ITA w/Redheat. They seem harmless to me and I think she is over Brad, it's been 7 years. As for his previous long term relationship, there was obviously a reason they didnt get married. Sometimes people stay together out of habit even though they have become more friends/roomates than a couple.

  25. I agree that there is something so smarmy about this guy. As for Jen, she got very little bad press for doing exactly what was supposedly done to her: go after a man who was with another woman. Sup with that? (I never bought into that "poor Jen" crap over Brad.)

  26. Hollywood. Never anything spontaneous and real, always calculated. Poor Justin is marrying a woman he probably doesn't even love...and she doesn't love him.

  27. Lol at the person that said "she bores me" was literally the VERY FIRST COMMENT on a JENNIFER ANISTON thread. She doesnt "bore" you, she fucking owns you.

  28. lets all leave the poor girl alone. and I saw alot of chemistry between ja and jt in the wanderlust movie. it kind of jumped off the screen.

    she didn't steal another woman's husband. jt's relationship may well have been over, or close to over and jen walked in.

  29. Yeah, Enty, why the hate for JA? I like her- she seems very nice, and puts up with constant jabbering about brad, angie and her love life as dignified as she can. I dont think the timing has to do with anything brad is doing. Why cant people accept she has moved on,and prob paps are the only ones still trying to tie her to brad. I wish her well, but I think this guy is sketchy.
    And many people date for years and then break up. My husband aunt dated a guy for 10 years, they got married, and divorced 6 months later!! So on that count, you never know.

  30. @Frufra
    thanks for your thoughts!
    I wasnt really addressing Theroux/Aniston when saying that marriage is not the goal, because who knows, I dont really know them :P
    I believe marriage is important, especially from a legal point of view (that's why I think its important to fight for gay marriage). I can understand that if you follow a certain faith its also important to say your vows in a ceremony.
    Have you guys followed Sex And The City? Charlotte LIVES to get married, its her ultimate goal. The dress, the ceremony, etc Thats what I dot get. Carrie is pretty much like that too :P
    For me its more about finding a life partner.

  31. The guy can't help the fact that his birthday is a week before the other 2 get married . Wish you had the skills to give us a good conspiracy theory, Entwood!

  32. I wasn't saying she's NOT 'over Brad', I just think the PR aspect of everything she does---she seems to somehow always have a big announcement right when they do. Too many coincidences in grabbing headlines over the years.

    Y'all have to admit, re: the weekend's Brange marriage....EVERYONE was reporting for the last two weeks that Brad's parents were flying to France, various friends were supposedly flying there, etc....this was only the second time a Brange marriage was being treated as potentially serious by most sites/rags all at once. Both times Jen also had a big announcement.

    Don't ask me the date or the details of the last time most every gossip outlet had 'confirmation' at the same time that Brange were marrying, because I just woke up. But I'm sure B. Profane will be here soon with all the answers.
    I'm teasing, B. You know I love you. My memory sucks is all. These 'coincidences' always pique my interest though.

  33. Oh, crila, tell us more! You always seem to have good inside scoop!

    Beta - I totally agree - women who obsess over the wedding itself are definitely missing the big picture. If I could go back in time, I'd have a much smaller, simpler wedding myself. We caved to family pressure, and it became much more about the event than the union of two souls. And, I also agree that it's important legally, and YES! to gay marriage. Anytime two adults want to pledge their love and support for each other, I am all for it, and I am all for everyone being afforded the legal protection that marriage brings. Woohoo love!

  34. I'm excited for them. I like JA and I looooove Justin (Charlie's Angels, hot hot hot hot hot; Parks & Rec, funny funny funny funny; how can you miss when you're hot and funny?). I didn't know his father was Paul Theroux. The more I learn about Justin, the more interesting he gets.

    OT: has anyone seen the E! redesign? I was just there, wow, it's so much better, and it doesn't make your computer hang up like it used to. A million times better.

  35. Here's a link:

  36. Good Morning! Hmmmmm. Seems fishy too me. Not the timing, but the the whole relationship. I'm on board with @crila. These two don't seem to be in love. I also didn't know about his first GF. That's just dirty. To be with someone that long, essentially married, then walk away for a big star. I believe Frufra used "smarmy". JA and JT come from different worlds. Can see it clear as day in the pics.

    @frufra - I've been with my BF for 12 years. We are essentially married. Although, only now that I'm older do I feel that something is missing. Does the fact we never got married mean it's not a good pairing or that we're both damaged in some way? Not sure. Though I may be the Sobby Sue on here soon enough, when he leaves me for some hot young thing after all these years of non-commitment.

    1. Well, if it aint broke, dont fix it! Mb revisit the topic with him- mb he wld lkie to get married!! And if u sobby sue, we love ya still!!!!!

  37. Geez, can't we just be happy for her? It's not she who hasn't moved on, it's everyone else!

  38. Funny - When Jen bought the house and she and JT started living together, suddenly Smelly/Leg announced their engagement. They sucked all the oxygen and Jen/JT gave it to them and went dark. JT was with this Heidi for 14 years but never married her. That's more of a relationship than an actual marriage? I'm just finding the contradictions interesting. I don't know any of these people but when I see Jen in interviews, I find her a lot more likeable. She's friends with actors and comedians I like. If I were in that world, I would choose that crowd. I don't know how serious JT is but as a writer he probably brings a creative aspect to her world that's interesting. So I'll just say good for them and if it doesn't work out, at least her last relationship won't be Smelly or Mayer.

  39. Wow, reading this I guess Enty is a card-carrying member of the Brangaloons. Hasn't there been a story in at least one tabloid probably every month for at least a year that Brad was getting married? When exactly would be the proper time to time an engagement so it doesn't happen when the other couple is in the news? I can't even imagine having to deal with that.
    The whole thing is just absurd. Remember the engagement ring Angie was wearing a while back, then the stories that it was all for publicity because shortly after the ring disappeared and Brad made a comment that they really had no definite plans for the wedding?
    Just stop the stupidity.

  40. Jenn could class it up a bit by not having her publicist announce everything to get headlines. I would love to see her just show up married sometime without all the headlines (see Anna Torv, Daniel Craig, Stanley Tucci). You know, outclass Brangelina by not manipulating the press like they do.

    To me, she wants the attention to stay relevant and get more movie roles. So she's engaged...big deal. I wonder what the odds are that they'll really get married.

  41. 1) justin's rep did confirm it & so did jen's 2) did it ever occur to anyone that maybe brangelina got wind that he was planning to propose so they put out rumors that they were getting married this weekend to make her look pathetic? justin can't help that his birthday is august 10th god what a bastard he is shame on him for being born on that day. 3) ya know justin was spotted having dinner with courtney cox & laura dern like early last week maybe he was telling them he was going to propose & courtney blabbed to brad to warn him so he wouldn't find out from the media. 4) i highly doubt she cares about john mayer, honestly who besides katy perry does?

    see i can be a conspiracy theorist too enty ; )

  42. Good morning, dia! Please, never think I'm being judgy re your life choices. I am all about doing what works for you. I can only tell my story, and the stories of those I know and love.

    Maybe, if you feel something is missing, you should propose to the man!! Is that crazy? Am I too bossy here? Just an idea. I just know, in my life, making that commitment was the best thing I ever did. But I'm in no way saying that you aren't committed. Ok, I'll just shut up and quit being nosy now. Carry on with YOUR life :-).

    Happy Monday!

    1. Love you Momma Frufra. Did not feel like you were judging at all. I appreciate everything you said. I think it kinda hit home bc me and the man have been struggling. It's more me thinking out loud then anything substantial. I just gotta figure stuff out. That's why I may be Sad Suzie on here soon.

      Although, BF did bring me flowers on Friday. 12 red roses for love and 6 white roses for hope. He added the white ones bc I've been so hopeless lately about the relationship. He's a good guy and my best friend. Sweet man!

      What gives with truth serum Monday? Sheesh!

  43. @ jenniferhansen - excellent !! You're my kind of "conspiracy theorist":)

  44. I hope she has success and happiness and much, much love. I adore Aniston and find her so beautiful and sweet. But you couldn't pay me to watch her in a film! Ach, never. Okay, Marley was good, and there were a few scenes where her face lit up the screen and she was incandescent -- but those moments are rare in her career. I want her to marry and focus on herself and her happiness and be a beautiful and radiant woman, and move on. Go Jen!

  45. Why don't more women propose?

    I find it somewhat off putting that we are supposed to wait for someone to ask us, meanwhile most of our partners are pretty sure if they ask, we will say yes.

    I proposed to my bf when we were in our 20's.. It was cute and romantic. Ne'er made it down the isle but that's a whole different story!

  46. I wish them the best. I wouldn't mind having her life.

  47. Meh. I don't think it's that weird, since he proposed on his bday. I'm not buying her as needy and desperate anymore. Not everything is all about Brad & Angie, and I really don't think she gives a shit about John Mayer anymore.

  48. I don't like cheaters, but Justin was not married. I think after 14 years, if he had wanted to arry Heidi he would have. That's wht you call a painful lesson.
    Now, whether or not he didn't want to marry her in case someting better came along is another story, he seems like a social climber to me. I think he's willing to marry Jen for millions of reasons, most of them sitting in the bank, or better, spent on him. He also stands to receive a substantial boost in his career, and his first directing job was just announced. I can't recall the film, but it sounds like a good gig.

  49. I keep hearing that Jen is 'over 'the whole Brange Triangle, but then shit like this happens...announcing an engagement on the weekend her ex from what, 6 years ago was supposedly getting married? That doesn't sound like anyone is over anything. Its all a competition, isn't it? Why didn't they announce this two weeks from now? Or two weeks previous? Right, cause its all spontaneous and romantic. Right...

  50. This is a great post, Enty! I love it and it all makes sense.

  51. Justin did a photo spread a few months back; I want to say GQ or Vogue, but not certain. Anyway, he posed as Pacino in Serpico.

    The boy was H-O-T in that spread. I don't care how smarmy he seems to be, I could stare at him in those corduroy pants for an unreasonable length of time.

  52. US Weekly's break-up story was that Jen gave Justin an ultimatum to marry her OR ELSE. Maybe the story was BS but they are in a perfect position to claim their story was dead on and JT relented. Aniston is charming but her career has taken several hits and her only relevancy is the status of her love life why else wait until AFTER the Olympics are over but before tab close if she didn't want the maximum exposure for this news.

  53. Woah Enty! I always figured the 3 ex wives thing was just part of your cover but between the way you just reacted to JAs engagement, and your oh so loving feelings for Ashton I'm beginning to wonder about the Samsonite you're draggin.

  54. I have a hard time believing that either Jen or Angelina sit around with their respective publicists conspiring about what they'll announce next and when & how they'll do it as if they're engaged in some version of "wait until Ang/Jen is happy and than -- BAM! -- sic this story on the press to steal that bitch's thunder!" And I happen to think plenty of actors are fundamentally bat$hit crazy and super needy when it comes to validation/approval from the public. I just don't buy it with these two.

  55. Yes, I am sure JT went to the supermarket and saw all the speculation about the supposed wedding of the Brange and he ran home and told JA and said let's get married and rain on their parade! If it's right it's right - I don't understand all the conspiracy theories? I think they should have a double wedding and that would be the end of this stupid triangle that the tabloids and fans keep trying to keep alive!!!

  56. You would expect that they would wait a few seconds before sending PEOPLE a statement. He proposed just the other day. Why do we all have to know about it immediately? It doesn't help that this was the weekend B/A were allegedly getting hitched. And everyone knew that. If JA really was over this whole mess, releasing a statement straight after the proposal and on the weekend her ex was supposedly getting married is not the way to show it.

  57. Sorta OT but has anyone seen, "Wanderlust?" That was the first I'd ever seen of Justin Theroux and I thought he was hysterical. Not to spoil anything, but his rants about Pul Rudd's character getting too attached to "technology" were a hoot. On the subject of engagement - don't care. *yawn* Good luck to you both. You'll need it.

  58. Who ultimately knows but Jennifer, Justin and a small inner circle, but when I first heard about it, nothing struck me as odd as to the timing.

    Brange has had marriage rumors before and by the time the news broke about Jen, hadn't it been pretty much disproved that the Brange marriage wasn't - again - happening? In fact, think about it this way, why would Jen want her engagement overshadowed by a Brange wedding?

    And to think Jen wants to upstage John Mayer? Really? Seriously? I just can't buy that.

  59. Anonymous10:49 AM

    @jenniferhanson - YES! I was going to say an opposite conspiracy like yours! Enty always protrays Angelina as a media controlling gal, so why not? Maybe one of her peeps saw Justin scoping out/buying a ring, figured his bday is coming up, and put 2 and 2 together....TADA!

  60. Actually, the article on People (and they were the first to report this) states that they were given the exlusive by Justin's people. Then the article was updated a few hours later to say it was confirmed by Jen's publicist.

  61. My husband proposed to me on his birthday - true story! What's so weird about that? It was in Santa Barbara on the pier and we pub crawled state street in celebration. It was awesome

  62. I'm with Amber on this one. Every time I go to the grocery store, at least one of the tabloids has both Angelina and Jen "getting married" so how is she supposed to avoid this?

    I don't get the attraction to this guy at all, but hopefully she's happy.

  63. I just hope she's happy but I still have my suspicions about JT. The whole Heidi deal still makes me wonder if he's not just hitching his wagon to her star.
    What Amber said on the timing. I don't believe either had one thing to do with the other and if anyone is insecure in this situation it feels like it's AJ.

  64. When will this sad woman go away? Can she marry her publicist already? (yes, I know he's gay. But still - a match made in heaven.)

  65. @Donner: Have you ever wondered that maybe her world doesn't revolve around Brangelina like yours?
    Brad and Angie are supposed to marry every other weekend if you read the tabloids... so pray tell, WHEN exactly would've been a good time for them to get engaged?
    Also, many people are missing the point that Justin proposed on HIS BIRTHDAY!!!
    The dude can't change his DOB just so you conspiracy theorists can give this thing a rest!
    Jeez..... It's been 7 YEARS !!!!

  66. That proposal was all about him. His birthday. His girlfriend.. His. His. His. Oh yeah. T/his relationship is going far.

  67. The real love story is the one between the PR teams and the tabloids.

  68. @jenniferhansen, I think you're more correct than Enty.

  69. No way does she care about publicity or John Mayer and I'm pretty sure HIS rep announced it, not hers. I believe nearly everything on this site but I just do not get this vibe from her.

  70. Yeah, he can't help his birthday, but why announce it? Just get engaged then married and shut-up.

  71. I find it very disturbing that this guy dyes his eyebrows. If he was some freaky rock star like Marilyn Manson, that would be one thing. But he does come across as some aging hipster doofus who doesn't want to grow old gracefully.

  72. She's papped daily. If she's papped with the ring, the story is broken. I don't think she's a super talent or am team Jen or any of that but I think after 7 years,the media has kept this triangle stuff up to sell papers and sadly it continues. We will now get story after story about the wedding plans.

  73. I'm sorry I don't think JA is innocent about the triangle now square romantic thing with Pitt/Jolie. All three, now four, of them are milking it for publicity.

  74. Congratulations to the newly engaged... We wish them happiness and a long lasting relationship...and there's website with Jen's family tree ... hopefully this family tree will get bigger soon :P
