Sunday, August 12, 2012

Katy Perry Gets Her Lawyers To Tell Russell Brand To Shut Up

Good luck to Katy Perry. She is trying to get her lawyers to get Russell Brand to stop talking about their failed marriage. That is not going to happen. Russell Brand will talk about anything at anytime and he doesn't care what you do. I thought when he said that Katy enjoyed pretending she was in a wheelchair when they had sex was a bit much, but maybe she does. I bet he does. Even though Russell usually says nice things, Katy wants to move on and have the world notice how much better her current boyfriend, John Mayer is. She loves how he is so banal and boring and would never talk about or discuss their relationship.


  1. Aye, John Mayer is such a gentleman! She’s got terrible taste in men and for as long as she dates/marries douchebags she will always have her dirty laundry aired. Her men are all cut from the same cloth! It is almost like she’s invading her own privacy?!?

  2. Katy Perry is officially an idiot!

  3. Why should he stop talking about her? He asked her to cut him from her movie and she refused and I am quite sure she's written at least one song about him. Turnabout is fair play, I say.

  4. It's official - tat girl don't have the sense God give a lemon. Yeah, right - the wheelchair thing sounds totally made up, and if not, utterly stupid and bereft of imagination. No one will care. No one DOES care.

    She deserves John Mayer. Bleh.

  5. John obviously didn't learn his lesson from Taylor. Katy likes to write about her ex-bfs too.

  6. I hope Russell Brandt keeps talking about her more!

  7. From the frying pan into the shit.

  8. @Del Riser- literally!

  9. @Del, ugh, that's a groaner... took me a sec to remember that blind/rumor.

  10. john m must be the best sex ever for so many women to go after his douchey ass.

    1. He looks like he stinks too. He is just eww.

    2. He looks like he stinks too. He is just eww.

  11. Something tells me John Mayer didn't have sex with Taylor -- he hasn't written any songs, he hasn't talked about what a great or awful lay she is, no one knew they were even a couple til that song. And I think he even said something expressing utter bafflement by it all (which would be explained if they never had sex).

    I know this is a tangent but now I'm thinking about how creepy Taylor Swift is chasing that junior in high school whose mom just committed suicide, and he's the second choice after his cousin. Someone needs to keep an eye on her. I think that's going into bizarro-psycho territory, isn't she even buying a house next to his? I mean it's behavior everyone sees clearly in hindsight after the person does something nutso.

  12. I can't believe she's with John "poop" Mayer. Yikes. He must totally dickmatize!

    @Amy Totally agree about Taylor being a weirdo about men. And I like the girl, but she's def got maturity problems.

  13. @Amy - she's dating a junior in high school and wanted to date his cousin? Could you please explain further, I must have missed this development. Very strange. Her interview on 60 min is about all I know of T-Swifty. I really liked that she acknowledged she's a role model for her fans, but the whole acting so shocked every damn time the crowd applauded for her was a bit hard to swallow. Baloney!

  14. The wheelchair sex thing is just so wonderfully random, it makes me laugh and I hope its true.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Fuck Katy Perry. I never understood why she hit it so big while somebody like Karen O. has a much, much better voice.

  17. @Del Riser
    What did I miss about the frying pan?

    Am I the only one that got a kick out of the word "banal" while describing John M? I seriously need to go back and start taking some classes or something . . .

    1. @Sunny OT, but I made Blue Fancies last night and they were a hit. Thank you so much. :)

    2. @IDoTheRobot
      I'm so glad you liked them! My old boss always had the perfect signature drink for every party, but these were definitely my favorite of his crazy concoctions

  18. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Prepare for one of my usual long winded rants: Ahem. Katy Perry is an airhead. I believe that she shot to superstardom because of Russell Brand, that and a few number one hits. Not that I'm belittling her hits. I think that Russell Brand gave her a bit of "coolness" and the self deprecating honesty/sarcasm that is his wit/tone I think kept her more real, down to earth and honest as well. At least in the public mind/consciousness. Without his caustic wit, which may very well have been too harsh for her, but without him around she seems to be sinking in to the cotton candy clouds and drugs, self delusion, fame vacuum etc. without him around. Saying she can't stand her fame. Now that he's out of her life she seems much more shallow, one dimensional, uninteresting, boring and her shtick is old. Okay, okay you have rotating ice cream scoops on your boobs, we get it, your cutesy and associate yourself with dessert items... Unless she grows seriously as an "artist", I hate it when they use that term, and she writes something deep/meaningful, interesting, thought provoking, empowering, then she will fade in to obscurity. She's pretty, she can sing, and......? And.....I got nuthin'. He made her interesting and edgy, without him shes..... and?....

  19. It's her fault for having such shitty taste in men. She should date Sean Penn next.

  20. I don't know @Carmelite
    Her song "Wide Awake" brings me to tears. It's beautiful.

  21. I like you Katy but you have lousy taste in men.

  22. How could Katy Perry give up that guitar/base player from Alice and the Machine for John Mayer? This shows she is a completely stupid broad. Brandt was bad, but Mayer is worse. I guess she likes to play in poo too.

    1. It's Florence and the Machine...and I agree with you. He was a cutie. Also, Florence has more talent in her toe jam than KP has in her entire body on her best day.

  23. I'm still trying to get my head around the wheelchair thing. Showing my age but back in my day a little light bondage - the silk scarves kind - was eyebrow raising.

    THIS however is the post of the day.

    "From the frying pan into the shit."

  24. The thing about Russell Brand is he doesn't have a self-edit mechanism - he just says whatever comes to mind. He has spoken about every random / seedy / strange / funny / cruel / whimsical thing that has ever happened to him, and is completely honest about his own failings - if he isn't saying anything untrue she should just own it and and get on with her life. Nobody cares.

  25. The sh*t must not have hit the fan or her-literally-in the bedroom yet. Maybe it has, and she likes it. Ick.

  26. I don't think Taylor wanted the Schwarzenegger boy. I think he wanted her, but she just used him for an introduction to the Kennedy boy. It's the name she wants, "America's country sweetheart" wants to be an "American princess"

  27. Katy Perry is awful. I hate how she tries to do "sexy" and "cute innocent little girl" at the same time. Gross. Pick one; those things should not mix.

    Besides, it seems she's the one who's been flaunting the divorce and doing the Jennifer Aniston "I got divorced, so now everybody has to feel sorry for me no matter what I say or do" thing a lot more than Russell has anyway.

  28. About Taylor Swift:

  29. @Del Riser
    Disregard my question about the frying pan - I googled it. Prior to using the google, I was imagining dirty stuff about frying pans. I didn't come up with a whole lot

  30. Katy Perry could get one of those potty wheelchairs and kill two birds with one stone!

  31. I find the wheelchair sex comment to be so wonderfully random, doubt it is true

  32. Mayer never discuss about his relation with women in the media ???? LOL

    as Mayer is a talented musician as now he's more famous for his ex-girlfriends than for his music

  33. Enty, I think you accidentally hit the "b" key when you typed "banal".

  34. I hear more about their relationship in the media from Katy.

  35. Oh good Lord.

    The wheelchair thing is to get Russell to do all the work. He is probably pretty demanding in bed, and that little trick gives her a breather. Literally. Is this just a bunch of bois on this site? You really don't know women.

    Stating the obvious, she has the world's worst taste in men. It happens sometimes when one is raised a fundie. The kids are just told no instead of being taught life skills.

  36. Oh good Lord.

    The wheelchair thing is to get Russell to do all the work. He is probably pretty demanding in bed, and that little trick gives her a breather. Literally. Is this just a bunch of bois on this site? You really don't know women.

    Stating the obvious, she has the world's worst taste in men. It happens sometimes when one is raised a fundie. The kids are just told no instead of being taught life skills.

  37. @Amy, I totally agree. Tay bordering on creeper status. Isn't she the blind about the one who texts her boyfriends hundreds of times a day til she drives them nuts?

  38. Katy, you've got at least a year til John Boy refers to you as "sexual napalm round 2". Til then, knock yourself out.

  39. Russell has his flaws but I like him. I don't like Mayer at all. None. In fact, Mayer is so repellant he makes Russell look like JFK Jr.

  40. My oldest kiddo really likes Katy Perry. I am really trying hard to like her, but her choices in men turns my stomach. Makes the sugary sweet stuff she's spewing even tougher to swallow. Speaking of sugary sweet...Taylor Swift...sigh. I have always really liked her and have kept trying to get my oldest to like her because she HAS been a good role model. BUT she, too is making some asinine choices.

  41. Uhhh, who would brag about being with John PooponmeJess Mayer? First, he's revealed a desperate, weirdo side of him. Second, he looks like Edward Scissorhands.

  42. Ok, here's my line of thinking on the wheelchair thing...if you're in a wheelchair and you can't move your legs, in bed you would be (immobile I mean)also. So, if she's not moving her legs, um, last time I checked just laying there wasn't usually going to get you a high grade in bedroom gymnastics ratings. I have no idea when he said the wheelchair thing but was this his way of saying she was a little lazy in bed? Help me out here

  43. She certainly has a type. John Mayer is a downgrade though. He may have dated more high profile people but it doesn't mean he's anything by association. He's an asshole. At least Russell was intelligent and funny.

  44. Yes, I actually prefer Russell than the couple Katy or John, both boring and dull, except from their looks on stage. I mean, Russell is as Margaux said intelligent and funny.

  45. I'm a little confused about her choices for mates. Didn't John Mayer talk smack about his lovers sometime last year? I'd be more surprised if she dated someone who shared her similar Christian beliefs. This only proves to me that good girls like the bad boys. Maybe she's a masochist. It only takes one bad boyfriend to realize that you deserve so much more.

  46. @Welldunn: During the relationship there were rumors Russell likes to watch wheelchair-porn, as in someone in a wheelchair getting 'serviced'. Think that's why he turned the story around as a joke and made it sounds like Katy was actually the one suggesting to role-play it and watching that kind of porn. Think he was joking, because till this day I have no idea where the wheelchairporn rumor came from in the first place. That's what I make of it xD

    Katy just needs to stfu, she is annoying. All the whining while she did a movie that was basically milking the divorce (most people watched to see the RB-bits, not the music) and her changing her lyrics last minute before a performance after the divorce,so it sounds like it's about Russell. And of course the video in which she smashes the groom in the face and the video of her in the army with the man cheating on her. All too suggestive to be just coincedence. From what I've seen Russell adressed the relationship in a decent mature way, even when Howard Stern forced him to listen to Katy songs he remained calm, when usually he was verbal diarrhea and can't stop responding to stuff.

  47. I wonder why she always picks men that are hard to handle; Russell with his past with substance abuse problems, sexual addiction, offending people (I like the guy, but can't imagine living with him) and now Mayer who is douchebag number one. Her boyfriend before them was high all the time/addict from what I've heard.. Why does she have issues with men? Florence Nightingale syndrome?

  48. Katie's got horrible taste in men. She really needs heavy duty therapy.

  49. When your best friend is Rihanna, expect more bad judgment to follow.

  50. She picks the LEAST TRUSTWORTHY men, then trusts them. I foresee bad things...

  51. @CarmeliteLady - Katy Perry isn't famous for her hits. She's famous for her tits. It's a common enough error, the two words sound alike at first. And her eyes. But mainly her chest.

  52. Katy Perry has "phony" written all over her, IMO. I have felt this way since her 1st song. SHe started out as a gospel/Christian pop singer, but found out that didn't pay the rent so she went all-out top 40 pop. She dates guys who would totally shock her very religious parents and tries to be as shocking as possible to prove that she's 'cool'. Much like the preacher's kid was always the most delinquent, she's trying to go that route. Barf! Barf! Barf!

    PS, Zooey called. She wants you to stop copying her look, Katy.

  53. Wait, so Katy's nailed Rob Pattison, Russell Brand, and John Mayer?

    Who does she need to bat the Hollywood Douchebag cycle?

    Ashton? Wilmer?

  54. @Sunny, sorry I didn't get back here yesterday.
    A common saying for going from one bad thing to another is: From the frying pan into the fire".

    Multiple sayings for having something bad happen involve the word shit....Up shit creek...In deep shit...The shit hitting the fan etc.

    John Mayer is known to like to spice up his love life with human feces.

    I just took the first half of one saying and added the last of another to indicate that Katie is
    going from one bad thing..a hot frying another...shit.

  55. If the Mayer rumor is true, who the hell goes along with it? She needs to be quiet and be grateful that he didn't take any of the $ that he was entitled to with the divorce. That said, he either had class or just wanted to get away from her as quickly as possible.
    Sounds like very bitter grapes!
