Thursday, August 30, 2012

Kris Humphries Sued By Woman Who Gave Him Herpes

Back in August 2010, Kris Humphries met a woman named Kayla Goldberg while he was eating lunch. By that night they had met at a club and had sex multiple times, several of which did not involve using a condom. Yeah, and Kris was shocked when that one women he was having sex with not too long ago thought she might be pregnant. How do you meet someone at noon and by midnight you are ready to have a by with them? Oh, and who has unprotected sex with an NBA player they just met? Anyway, within a week the woman claims she had herpes and the only person it could be was Kris. She waited right until the end of the two year window of the statute of limitations to file the suit which means her attorney had probably been trying to negotiate something with Kris' people and the offer was not high enough so they sued. She claims he knew he had herpes and didn't care that she got it and didn't tell her that she had it. How many people do you think he decides not to tell about his herpes but still has unprotected sex with them?


  1. So did he have a gun to her head and force her to have sex without a condom?

    Also, this headline is wrong.

  2. If she was that quick to jump into bed with this guy, she was probably as quick to jump into bed with other guys. Can she prove she got it from him?

  3. Enty is telling us in the headline that he doesn't believe her.?

  4. Hmm, maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't think that admitting in your court filing that you had unprotected sex with a guy you just met would help your credibility when trying to blame someone (who happens to be a rich pro athlete) for your herpes...

  5. "Oh, and who has unprotected sex with an NBA player they just met?"

    History has shown us that the answer is ALL OF THEM. Unclutch the pearls.

  6. Enty you sure about that headline?

  7. Very difficult for her to prove her case, mainly because Herpes can be dormant for a long time & show up out of the blue. She had unprotected sex, not saying Kris is not entirely to blame but if she had unprotected sex with him, who else has she had unprotected sex with?

  8. and condoms don't really protect against herpes... so there's that.

    1. I CAN'T BEGIN TO TELL YOU HOW OFTEN I REPEAT THSI TO MY HOEBAG FRIENDS! My co-workers (mkstly the men) that are hoebags continue to make baby after baby with multiple partners who mean nothing to them and I keep telling them, "You better be thankful all you cauggt was a baby. At least babies grow up and eventually move out."

  9. Ha @ headline.
    Exactly, how can she prove who gave it to whom?
    And if Kris has the herps does KK have them too?

  10. They said on the radio this morning that Chris stated he 100% did not and does not have herpes.

  11. Hopefully Kim is one of those people...

  12. No one forced her, we all have to take responsibility for our own safety. And a condom doesn't always protect you from The Herp it's a contact std.

  13. Does everyone have herpes now? I remember back when it was kind of stigmatizing to have it. I remember i guy told me he had it way back in the 90s, and I dropped him fast.

  14. This is another planted story by the KockROACH family. They are soulless and shameless.

  15. @Henriette

    the last time I looked it was 1 in 4..........and it spreads because of several reasons, People aren't honest, you get drunk or stoned (think Lohan) and have no idea what you're doing.
    And the classic there's no breakout so it's's not.
    And I sure I missed a few,

  16. Rhino - with genital herpes you generally show symptoms 8-20 after being infected with it. HPV is an STD that can lie dormant for years, but herpes... it does NOT go softly into that good night. When I worked as a pregnancy and STD counselor for planned parenthood I would see women and girls with symptoms ranging from mild with just one to two lesions to... well, let's just say "awful." When the herpes virus attacks your system, and it does attack because the virus settles on nerve bundles, you experience severe flu-like symptoms including fever and severe body aches. So, when you get it, you know.

    Once the initial infection stage subsides, with the proper precautions, you can go years without an outbreak, but the first time is a doooooozie.

  17. I read the document yesterday on TMZ, and from what I remember, she's suing Kris and and John Does 1-4. So does that mean she slept with Kris plus four other guys? If it was only Kris, why and who are John Does 1-4?

    Anyone know?

    1. Adding Does to a law suit is standard practice, doesn't necessarily mean there is anyone else to sue. Just in case it's discovered later there could be another party the suit can be amended. Not having Does could lead to a malpractice suit.

  18. I wonder how many celebrities/pro athletes secretly have HIV...They all seem to be sleeping with the same skanks or are the skank that everyone is boning. If one gets it EVERYBODY gets it, maybe that's why everyone is high on coke, having anxiety issues, drunk all the time.

  19. Getting herpes would be bad enough. Reading about you passing it to someone in the tabloids would be mortifying!!!

    You gotta have tough skin to be in the spotlight. I wonder if Kris knew this rainstorm was coming....

  20. @ liteNOTSObrite , yes, but then we're stuck paying for those babies for 18 years. Do what I did at work, when the baby showers were held, I'd wrap up a pack of condoms and say 'here you go'! Eventually, all baby showers were eliminated because there were too many and it became quite a scam. Ah, the workplace, fond memories:)

  21. My first thought was that this was Pimp Mama Kris doing her job, and very well!

    If Kris H. really doesn't have it, a blood test will tell, but by then his name has already been dragged through the mud.

  22. Pretty much everyone in Hollywood has herpes. It's so gross. Those US Weekly "Who dated who" charts look like CDC outbreak charts following the spread of herpes.

  23. Looks like the Kardashians are getting nervous Kris isn't settling! They are the most disgusting people

  24. I wonder if Humphries notoriety from his relationship with KK is ultimately costing him more money than he ever had or will make.

  25. this, thankfully, is a world I am totally unfamiliar with. holy shit.

  26. @Lolaluvs. Fortunately the strain(s) of HIV in the US is more difficult to transmit via Female to male (as compared to the strain(s) prevalent in Africa). Additionally, the uterine lining does present some resistance to transmission, its easier to transmit the other way due to absorbtion.

    So while it's still probably occurring, it likely isnt as rampant as herpes. Plus, as someone else said, herpes can be transmitted even with protection!

    That's no excuse, everyone should still be protected (or abstaining!)!

    Sorry for the TMI! But education is important!

    1. So basically a female would need to have sex with a gay male in order to contract the disease. If the female to male transmission is difficult, how does the female get it in the first place? I never understood this logic.

  27. Sorry should clarify, easier to transmit through the poop shoot than the uterine walls due to the respective tissues in those areas.

  28. "Oh, and who has unprotected sex with an NBA player they just met?"

    Women trying to get pregnant and on the NBA money train.

  29. Dosen't this pretty much say that Kim Kardashian has Herpes?..I mean they were together for a while and he appears to not like condoms and we know from the rayj sex tape Kim is fine with that...

  30. How is she planning to prove this? Anyone who has ever had a cold sore (like 80% of the population) will test positive for herpes. Which does not mean that you have genital herpes. Unless they're going to ask him to drop his pants in court (and he just happens to have an outbreak at that time) he can say he doesn't have it.
    And just because she got an outbreak of herpes at that time, doesn't mean she didn't originally catch it weeks or months before that. Pretty tough case to prove imo.

  31. There was a Celebrity STD list on line and it's a pip
    Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston, Angelia Jolie, Robin Williams (common knowledge), Derek Jeter and most of his women, Jessica Alba, Kate Hudson , David Beckham, Paris Hilton, Lohan, Nicole Richie, Brit Brit, Janet Jackson, Katie Holmes, Ryan Reynolds, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Biel, Colin Farrell, Orlando Bloom, Justin Timberlake...
    so you get it most of them

  32. oh and unprotected sex or not - if you do not disclose you have a disease you can be sued - talk to the man in jail for not telling his partner he had HIV - even though his sex partner did not get infected! Poor guy is in jail..

  33. Yes Kimmy got it from RayRay.....

  34. Herpes isn't in the sperm or fluids it's a contact STD so a condom is no guarantee ...
    Google it there are sites that explain everything ...and who has it..

  35. @MyMama's: No. Male to Female and Female to Male (2 different things) via vaginal intercourse transmissions are possible, but it is not as easy as via anal due to the tissues involved.

    Your pooper is designed for absorbtion (to get nutrients out of er... substances). The vaginal/uterine wall is designed to accept er... certain parts of substances but also to assist in prevention of infection.

    The tissues/ enzymes whose job it is to keep us healthy play their natural roles in both areas. As a secondary effect they also either make the transmission of the virus easier or more difficult depending on the area involved.

    I didnt say it was IMPOSSIBLE to contract via the M>F or F>M methods, just more difficult. And no matter what transmission route, its certainly more difficult to transmit than Herpes.

    As for the transmission of an STD, it depends on the laws of the state in which you live as to whether or not you can be charged with a crime -- and, regardless, very rarely are those enforced. Also, while there are some successful civil cases for recovery of damages due to the transmission, most are overturned on appeal.

  36. And again, different strains of the virus act differently. So the above applies to the strain most prevalent in the US.

  37. Anonymous9:13 AM

    ...If she got into bed with him that quick without knowing many others were there hours before or hours after she was with him?

    If I were her, not that I would get into bed with someone hours after meeting them, I wouldn't even say anything. It just makes you look like a slut.

  38. Maybe she gave it to Ray j...

  39. Major grody. I am happy to be in a relationship. Even we use condoms! Every fucking time! Every time. Not even once.

    I used to take birthcontrol and we wouldn't use condoms but as soon as I got of it we stopped. I don't want a baby yet, he doesn't want a baby yet, we love eachother dearly. But the risk is to high.

    The hollywood STD list wants to make me throwup.

    1. Got off of it* iPhones are terrible!!!

  40. Why do you think she wouldn't wear a condom - she wanted to get knocked up so she'd have a meal ticket for 18 years. This is very common with women who seek out "ballers."

  41. Since when can you sue someone for contracting an STD from voluntarily having unprotected sex? I know this is a thing now, but does anyone actually WIN? Is their case based on the fact that the infected person did not disclose that they have an STD? Same with HIV. Or do they do this to famous people so they can get hush money? I'm so confused.

  42. Well, if Kris didn't have it then we know he sure has it now, ever since playing in Kim's lady garden.

  43. Jolene Jolene, it is the not disclosing an infectious disease that gets them in trouble. You have to give informed consent to have sex with an infected individual.

  44. Let's stop spreading misinformation about herpes: condoms WILL NOT protect against them because they are not usually directly on the genitalia. And she could have had it for YEARS without showing any symptoms. If she didn't have a blood test (not a swab, which usually produces a false negative) immediately prior to sex with Kris, she will have an impossible time proving that he gave it to her.

    Still, gross to have unprotected sex with someone you don't know.

  45. I bet if you did a quick lunchtime poll (and people were honest) you'd find a lot of people you know have herpes.

    It isn't dirty. It isn't disgusting. You can get from just one person - it's not something god gives you because you sleep around.

    Luckily with anti-viral medication, one can make sure one doesn't have an outbreak and pass it on. because condoms are no guarantee. not at all.

    some of you just sound like ignorant bigots when you post, as do you Enty. your contempt for anyone with herpes is palpable.

  46. I'm confused as to why she'd even want to admit sleeping with the guy.

  47. Sorry ya'll. if you are aware you have an STD and don't alert the other party..I fully believe a crime has been committed.
    You have infected someone with zero knowledge of what was going on in your nether regions.
    Sure they were stupid to not get a full document of your medical history but at what point does personal responsibility become an afterthought?

  48. There was a course taught at UCSB called Human Sexuality 152A taught by the Baldwins (man & wife). When I took this class I was a virgin and it scared the living daylights out of me because they showed pictures on a movie screen of what these diseases looked like on the genitalia. AWFUL! It really helped to keep my genitals out of trouble. Those images were BURNED into my brain...I still have that textbook. Thank you Baldwins!

    If one has the will, you can heal herpes permanently...I mean eradicate it from your blood stream. I know doctors say you can't for pharmaceutical reasons, but you can. Diet, acupuncture and energy healing (theta). Please google for those of you interested in permanent healing. One preliminary thing to do is cut chocolate/caffeine out of your diet completely.

    From the Anti-Aging Manual (revised 3rd Edition) by Joseph B. are some recommendations..

    10-20,000mg Vit C, 500mg Vit B-12, Lysine 3x a day, 400mg Acidophilus 3x a day, Vit E 3x a day, 30-60mg of Indium (mineral), 1000mg of Zinc Sulfate, 300 mg Lithium reduced blisters and pain flare-up 2/3, lessened infected days from 8 to 2m Thymus glandular , Olive leaf extract, lemon balm, beta-glucan or Oralmat/Ryvital formula, Lomatia root. He adds many more vitamins, minerals and whatnot, however, you can google the book and get more information - it is on pg. 910. Please believe because it is possible to rid yourself of it completely. But it takes copious amounts of will power and discipline along with acupuncture, total change in diet and some energy healing to assist your immune system on a spiritual/emotional level.

    Granted, I am not a doctor and please continue to seek treatment with your doctor & use this information at your discretion. Make sure you listen to your body and understand that this advice does not take the place of your certified medical practitioner but can assist you if you are open.

    I am doing this as public service because I do not want this to spread anymore than it has and my heart goes out to those suffering. maybe these hollywood types will take the time to heal this shit and stop spreading it around.

  49. @ camembert - laughing at "unclutch the pearls"

    @ goes in circles - KK IS herpes

    as for Herpes in general, by time we get to 23 or so (well back in the OLDEN days) 50% of us have been exposed to the herpes virus
