Friday, August 31, 2012

LeAnn Rimes Sues Woman Who Recorded Conversation Of LeAnn Being Nasty

LeAnn Rimes is hiding out in a treatment facility but still seems to have plenty of time to communicate with all of her people and find the time to call this site and Celebitchy "hate" sites. Umm, you cheated on your husband with another married man with kids. You go on vacation 24/7 and do nothing at all except post photos of yourself in bikinis and cling to your husband desperately hoping he won't cheat on you like he did his ex. Where is the hate? I am all about the love. I sing that Coke commercial from the 70's in my sleep. Kumbaya is my ring tone. Anyway, LeAnn is suing the school teacher who recorded a phone conversation which I posted here last week. In that call, LeAnn said some really nasty things and she would have denied everything if it had not been recorded. The teacher is being sued along with her daughter and LeAnn wants the police involved. Although it is a crime in California to record a phone conversation without both parties being aware of it, LeAnn was in a restaurant when she made the call and was surrounded by people at a table, all of whom who could also have recorded the call if it was on speaker and for sure LeAnn's portion of it so her expectation of privacy was none, so I think LeAnn is going to be out of luck. LeAnn says the recording of the call basically put her in treatment. Huh? How is some school teacher in Northern California who posts comments about you on her Twitter causing you stress and anxiety? Here is what LeAnn should do. Spend 30 days in treatment and then get off Twitter and the world would soon forget her. There would be no more bikini snaps posted for millions. No more showing off the cheating couple and people would go on with their lives.


  1. Celebitchy always has brandy glanvilles friends posting on it, defending her and trashing leann. I don't really like Leann, but those loons are legit cray cray.

    1. I've posted there under "Roma" for years at CB. I actually wrote them a letter last night. I don't like LeAnn but there is full on bullying and hating that would be shocking if it was towards a teenage girl who stole someone's bf. And everytime I try to be rational, I get called a troll. How can they not see that stalling LeAnn is talking too?

  2. I read LeAnn posts there, and they're all about LeAnn. The woman is troubled, for real.

    And ITA w/ Enty...
    1. NO expectation of privacy when in public & on speaker phone.

    2. LeAnn put LeAnn into treatment, not this random lady who got bullied over the phone.

  3. ok i know people will get irritated but "this " Enty is not a lawyer. Perhaps you all could stick to writing about things within your areas of expertise. I aint no LeAnn fan but honestly your legal reasoning here is frightening.

    Not to mention as we saw last week .. what she actually said was completely misconstrued and actually made more so by the recorded conversion.

    and the continued beating of a dead horse is getting old. She aint the first person to mess with a married man nor is she the first married woman to mess with a married man. I am not sure if the LeAnn obsession or the Aniston obsession is worse. Both are becoming borderline unhinged behavior.

    Go back to being spiller of gossip and leave the stalking and picking at every movement to others. Get back to basic if you will. read back a few years and see your evolution. go back to what drew us all here. Yo are now doing what political blogs do and grab any detail you can and distort and magnify.

    /end of rant

  4. Is the teacher she called one of the boys teachers?

  5. Wow..if she had to go into treatment for "stress and anxiety" caused by Twitter, she'd really be a raging lunatic if she had to deal with the REAL WORLD like the rest of us. Ugh. Just ugh. I wish some of these pampered little stars had a clue what shit was really like..

  6. @Maggie, correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Brandi has also commented on that site and given interviews. I think all parties are horrible but celebitchy is extremely one-sided.

    I like what my phone auto-corrects celeb itchy to. Heehee. Celebs with fleas.

    1. :-) Auto-correct knows the world better than we do.

  7. LeAnn has a number to call enty? i'm hurt :(

  8. Libby it does not say she was in speaker phone it, and in any case the lawsuit is not about a third party who recorded a conversation between the two of them. The law prohibits one party of a conversation from recording the conversation without consent of the other party.

  9. She is just awful. Also, if you had any kind of self esteem at all why would you bother CALLING people who are cyber harassing you? I can't think of any successful celebrities - who are mentally sound - who would go to such lengths. I dont think people will feel sorry for her for going to rehab because it is so OBVIOUS that she's doing it for just that - a sympathy ploy. We see this time and again, a person who grew up in the spotlight who has absolutely no grips on rationality in the real world.

  10. LeAnn is extremely immature and lacking in self esteem. All she does is post pictures in bikinis on a regular basis, and like Enty said, cling to her husband. Her obssession with Brandi is beyond unhealthy. The way she would show up at the kids' soccer games, sit near Brandi and then post those pictures, just screams STALKING.

    Radar reported that Eddie not only wanted her to get off Twitter, but she is already worried that he is cheating. I take what Radar says with a grain of salt, but if there is any truth to it, I think this girl needs serious help.

  11. Enty isn't saying she called him on the telephone - she called him a "hate site".

    Took me several times reading it to understand it.

  12. @ ClearlyDisturbed

    why are you so invested in LeAnn? are you a friend?

  13. @lovelylunacy - from what I understand, LeAnn called this woman because the woman had stopped following LeAnn on Twitter, but I think was a fan of Brandi's. LeAnn was trying to get this woman back (to following her), so to speak. How off the rails do you have to be to care about what someone you don't know thinks about you, let alone call them and plead your case.

    This woman (teacher) should be upset with her friend who called her and passed the phone to LeAnn.

  14. CD--I saw pictures of her making the call, phone on the table, yelling into it, surrounded by a bunch of twitter friends licking their chops. LeAnn was grinning and licking hers too.

    Actually, the law is much more nuanced. Just as it's legal to sell photos of a girl flashing her boobs on a public street-- WITHOUT her having to sign a release (how GGW got their start), this kind of PUBLIC phone call display has no expectation of privacy.

    You realize LeAnn is the problem, right? You can argue with me all day, but if you can't see LeAnn makes her own drama, your vision is skewed.

    1. Amen, sister! Totaly agree.

    2. Libby- preach girl! I am so sick of this skinny horse.

    3. ITA Libby!

      Good one smash. LOL, Skinny horse!

  15. Did she initiate this lawsuit before going into treatment? I'm not a doctor, but if she wants to remove the stress and anxiety from her life, how about dropping the lawsuit and MOVING ON?

  16. Anonymous6:42 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Libby...exactly...Leanne is the very reason why Leanne is in treatment. She seems to have forgotten boundaries in that situation, which gives the impression that if she forgot them there, she's forgetting them a lot of other places.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Agent! I love Joaquin! I love love love him!!!!

      Thanks for the info :)

  19. I agree, she is not right in the head.

  20. Regardless of who was sitting at the table with her, this woman is the one hat recorded the conversation illegally and then proceeded to post sound bytes of her choosing along with disparaging remarks. I'm sure both parties behaved poorly, but the law is on LeAnn's side in this instance. It's pretty cut and dry.

  21. In case anyone doesn't know, the way to LeAnn's heart is through insulting Brandi on twitter. LeAnn makes 'friends' this way, throws them a RT bone here and there, and thanks them for defending her. Her fans get star-struck and go off the rails defending her everywhere on the internet to get LeAnn's attention. The 'best' Brandi insulters/LeAnn defenders get to meet or hang out with LeAnn.

    I know most everyone knows this, but I am compelled to remind y'all of this at this moment in time.

  22. OMG you saw all that from a picture thats precious.

    not a friend and not invested. I just have serious issues when anyone advocates that some of us dont deserve the same protections under the law. either for being gay like me or for being a self involved celebrity.

    I just dont see her behavior all that different from anyone else. I swear I dont understand some of you. I have seen plenty of mixed family situations show up at kids functions before. Some are friendly most are uncomfortable and some are crazy. tis life.

    no need to get so defensive I didn't defend her phone call at all merely pointed out what the law was and I see where you are going with nuances but in this case you are not correct.

  23. Thanks surfer, you answered my question too! The story is too out-there for me to follow without assistance.

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  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I can't stand LeAnn but she really needs to get over this. I mean, people sit on twitter all day writing stupid crap about celebrities. Why does she care so much about what people think of her? She comes off as troubled and insecure. She needs a psychiatrist.

    Celebitchy is a stupid site. The writers are so judgmental and will block anyone who doesn't agree with them. You don't have to insult them or anyone else, just disagree w/Kaiser as well as her mostly one sided opinions and you will be blocked. The writers and the commentators really live up to the name of that site.

  27. and I think this thread is evolving into something that I mentioned just like political sites. we are taking sides and fighting amongst ourselves. Over trivial shit regarding two people that would be long forgotten if not for their on going feud; LOL

    Long gone are the days of a community united .. hunting down timmy shimmy clues or figuring out secret love children who end up dating their mothers lol

  28. Yes, I am correct. If she knew she was on speakerphone, which she surely did with the noise of the restaurant & the snickering of 5 or so of LeAnn's 'BFFs' in the background, the woman was completely in her rights the moment she pushed record.

    And I don't know about you, but If I were called by a bully, I'd record it too. Telephonic threats & stalking are very serious crimes. Any sane person would have recorded that call, for their own safety.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. where exactly does this exception to law exist. nowhere does it say that if you are on a speaker phone in the company of 5 friends licking your chops the party of the first part may record said conversation without disclosing said conversation will be recorded edited and distributed publicly out of context.

    I am sorry. There is just no legal basis for what you are arguing.

  31. It doesn't say shevwason speakerphone. From what I've read on TMZ she called, all on her own, seemingly NOT on speakerphone. Apparently, this woman and LeAnn have a friend in common and that's how she got her phone number. She called her up, identified herself and told this woman she had 5 minutes to say whatever she wanted.

  32. Libby is 100% right. And FWIW, CD, you sound like you have a huge chip on your shoulder.

    Any way you slice it, this girl needs help. Hopefully one of the first things she'll learn is not to worry about what strangers think of her.

    You're welcome mikey!

  33. ClearlyDisturbed---You're the one who got all worked up and ranting about a situation, and got disagreed with. No one is making you stay & read yourself being corrected or disagreed with.
    LeAnn's behavior is not debatably in bounds for most people. Sorry that bothers you.

  34. Surfer I dont have any chip. what is your fight here? I am discussing the law not emotion or fandom.. can you please show me where this exception exist.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. How do you record a phone call? I'm genuinely asking because I have no idea how to do it.

    Issaissi, I completely agree about Celebitchy. I had enough after Kaiser wrote a post about her crush on Julian Assange and defended Wikileaks. I disagreed because I think what he did was wrong and she deleted my posts. She was defending someone releasing information and she was essentially censoring me. Idiot.

  37. Gosh CD, you're blowing me away with your lawyer-talk! lol

    There are photos of the incident. A judge can decide if there was an expectation of privacy. That's why they call them judges, btw, not to get TOO technical on you.

  38. oh brother.. the old if I dont like it I cant leave argument.. you wonder why so many have left here. Been here for years. No need to leave over this.

    Throw that batsignal now so all the hausfraus can come and pile on.

  39. Just being herself...

  40. Does anyone know if its true that LeAnn put this womans private info on twitter, her home and work address I think? From what I have read the womans twitter was set to private and she and Leann have a mutual twitter friend who s passing info back and forth.

    Fwiw all these people need to get the hell off twitter

    1. This teacher's work address and the name of her children's school was published online by Leann's minions prior to this call. Also, attempts are being made by people to get her fired. Additionally, she was assured by Rob Shuter in the Huffington Post blog that her full name would not be used. It was published anyway and her name is being published at sites like Celebuzz that Leann pays. This wss before the lawsuit.

  41. Did LeAnn disclose that she was in a public space on speaker phone?

  42. Hahaha - Libby - did you know that we are "hausfraus?" That is the funniest thing.

    And CD, your moniker is quite, um, descriptive.

  43. Readers need to look this up. Lots of misinformation in the comments. It's on TMZ, as well as the lawsuit that mentions CDAN, which I read last night. The entire phone call is online.

    It's completely stupid, but look it up. Too hard to rewrite exactly what happened when all you need to do is go back and read the old articles, and the one on Celebitchy.

  44. I think the woman Leann called should file a counter suit for harassment and let them hash it out in court. Also she did give the woman 5 minutes after calling her a B*itch.

    1. No, Leann started the call by saying "Hey bitch, you have 5 minutes to say whatever you want to me". That didn't get recorded but the call went on for at least 20 minutes.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Leann needs help - that's for sure.

    Celebitchy, especially Kaiser, are hypocrites. Whilst I don't necessarily disagree with their opinion of Leann, it seems some what hypocritical to tell people to "stop trolling" when encourage their readers to post negative comments. If they were serious about trolling then they would remove the negative comments, some of which are quite nasty. But the only time they remove comments or ban you, is if as Issaissi says, you disagree with Kaiser.

    I've come to the conclusion that Celebitchy enjoy hate campaigns, and Leann is one of their targets (although she doesn't really help her case much), as is Kate (Dutchess of Cambridge) and Jennifer Aniston. However, they seem to handle the hate a lot better than Leann.

    Unfortunately even though I'm banned, I still can't seem to stop myself from looking at Celebitchy. I know - it's pathetic.

  47. Leann is losing this battle like she's losing at life. She's basically suing this poor lady and calling her a bully all over the internet for showing Leann's true colors. She is assuming most people don't see her for the batshit crazy person she is, and if she can only have people see how wrong it is for her to be seen as such, everyone will believe how perfect she is, but she is wrong. This trick needs to Sit Down and learn how to be a decent person instead of a psycho.

  48. ClearlyDisturbed have so much wrong on this it's hysterical. As for taking sides you started this shit storm you have now found yourself in, so quit trying to back peddle and play nice because you clearly don't play nice. It doesn't help that you don't understand basic law in regards to your defense of LeAnn. You're both mental midgets that need to learn to shut up because when either of you open your ignorant traps all you do is dig that hole deeper.

  49. Remember Oksana??? Mel gave GREAT phone!

  50. @CD - Pump your brakes, kid...HAUSFRAUS? Really?!

  51. EEK will do but my initial post was regarding this post.. then got side tracked arguing.

    Well done surfer; a name insult. I expected, I don't know, a little more effort.

  52. urg8 did LeAnn disclose that she was in a public place on speaker phone?

  53. I just want to make it clear that the only reason I read CB is that they cover certain things that are interesting in their train-wreckedness. They follow up stories a lot....One of them being LeAnn.

    Also--I do not and never will watch any Real Housewives. Brandi included.

  54. Celebitchy blows chunks hehehee!

    I was also banned so were all in good company:)

  55. CD--She didn't HAVE TO...The woman could hear it & tell she was. That will be her contention with a judge, and a judge will decide. That's how court works. haha

  56. I wonder who the 50 Jane Does listed in the papers are? I never did figure that out after reading them. Or I don't remember.

  57. OK we
    will agree to disagree as it is clear that a judge and or jury gets to diced. Hopefully we don't share that trial or it will be deadlocked.

    I did not intend to devolve into a persona spat with anyone. like i said my initial post was directed at enty's post and he use of IF of course as fucked up as his/her grammar can be I should have possibly just let it go.

  58. EmEyeKay- I miss your cat in the hat.

  59. umm fucking autocorrect decide not diced

  60. One more thing - the main woman in the lawsuit commented on a Celebitchy article about the recording, so did her daughter, who was also there. So if you have questions, go read the comments. Her name is something like "smiley".

    FWIW: I don't comment at CB, and I'm really surprised so many of you have been banned!

    1. 8smileys is the gal who was called. Hopefully her comments are still there. Some of her comments on the Huffpost "article" were removed and that article was edited after the fact by Naughty and Nice Rob to make Leann look better .

  61. Let me say that these loony fans also need rehab. What is wrong with these people?

  62. last post on the phone thing .. people need to be aware of local laws. In California there are special carve out regarding the use of cell phones, including cell to cell, and landline to cell. Due to the portable nature of these devices there is typically a stronger burden and recommendation to obtain unanimous consent to record as well to immediately stop recording if that consent is rescinded.

    Hopefully FFF will be fun and we can bond over that post. except for Surfer who is now my mortal enemy and mimeses for life.

  63. @clearlydemented

    Hi. Did you used to have a different blogger name on CDAN? Your current profile only shows you as a member since June. I was wondering how you would remember the Timmy Shimmy days. Thanks! mscool

  64. CD--nice google, but there's TONS of precedent about public places, witnesses, speaker phones, AND preemptively recording a potentially threatening/bullying phone call. Recording a bully without his knowledge is placed BELOW the illegal act of MAKING the call, as it should be.

  65. Clearly, clearly you have no room to pick at anyone else's spelling or grammar.

    Has it really been a week since last week's FFF?

  66. Clearly Disturbed - thank you - I am honored. I said your moniker was interesting - that's an observation, not an insult. But again, thanks. I've never been known to be a shit disturber, here or anywhere else.

  67. Why the hell is everyone jumping all over CD's ass? For giving her opinion? Now suddenly she's a Leeann apologist?

    Jesus Christ...God forbid that you have a different OPINION than the mob. Quelle horreur!

  68. Back to the Celebitchy topic, they've censored my comments a couple of times - VERY frustrating! I actually have a comment now "waiting moderation" because I answered someone that asked if that blog censors comments. My questionable comment? "This is a moderated blog, so yes, some comments are censored". Let's see if that bans me too! :)

  69. Yep, my comment about the blog being moderated was censored. How ironic!

  70. Libby? now calm down was it not you just a few minutes ago telling me it was up to a judge to decide?

    yeah, goes in circles.. if I have a public blog I will type more slowly and not on a small keyboard. Til then you'll have to deal with typos and auto corrects or skim past them quickly.

    surfer please design a costume I think this could be more fun if we are masked and wearing tights.

  71. OMG you guys are breaking CB lol careful what you wish for. they may come here

    1. Is that a threat ? Bring on the Lele trolls!

  72. Wow you guys are hilarious. This is 100% my favorite online community.

    Could be worse, we could still be on that rice fiasco.

  73. CD is now concern-trolling me to save face. Trite.

  74. Leanne is a joke and I really don't care what the homewrecker does. She's unattractive and can get as skinny as she wants. She's still just not attractive, personality or physically.

  75. BTW, "public place" 2 party consent exceptions are for face to face conversations. Phone calls fall under electronic communication and are subject to wiretapping law which requires express consent from both parties in CA. IF she was on a speaker phone, Leanne may lose in a civil trial but criminally, the other woman likely has a problem.

    Please see:

  76. All this is about is LeAnn trying to save face. She thought she would be ohhhh sooo clever confronting a "hater" on the phone. She thought she could out wit her and the caller slammed her and out played her by recording it and blasting on the internet. And really, you can't unring the bell once it is out there.

    So LeAnn does what she only knows what to do. Sick her lawyers on the woman. No matter how dopey LeAnn is her pockets run much deeper than the woman who recorded it. The lawyers will try to bury her in legal bills. It's an old trick. If I can't beat you, I'll bankrupt you.

    To the poster above, I assume she recorded it with a recording app. It is how Mel Gibson was recorded by Oksana.

    1. Always the voice of reason @timebob.


  77. I co-sign Crila16 ! Im so sick of this trick.

  78. timebob, ITA, THAT'S the shame in this. It's just some random woman, LeAnn's latest target. Easy to bully, easy to intimidate.

  79. @ Audrey and Anita:
    That's hilarious that you both got banned in relation to freedom of info and censorship issues - too funny!

  80. @ Timebob: Yep, you've called it exactly.

  81. We are private investigators and record conversations all the time. Florida, like California, is what's known as a two party state. You cannot record ANY type of conversation, whether face to face or on the phone, without the consent of both parties (unless you have a warrant, of course). That includes overheard conversations in restaurants. The woman who recorded this could have heard about a plot to blow up city hall and the recording would not be admissible. Really surprised this woman hasn't been charged criminally.

    @anita_mark - we have a tape recorder that you can plug into a land line phone. When we record a conversation or interview, we ask permission at the beginning of the tape to record, and then ask at the end of the tape if they agreed to be recorded. Basically CYA.

    The only exception to a recorded conversation of course is if you leave a message on voice mail - you are reasonably expected to know you are being recorded.

  82. I can't imagine being a celeb and calling some random individual -- just some regular person who has no real power to hurt me -- and doing what LeAnn did. LeAnn has issues FAR beyond this incident, although this is totally indicative of how unbalanced she is. I don't know if she's someone who annoys me or someone I should pity, really.

  83. CD: I am curious and not in a bitchy way. I understand you're taking the legal side of it an applying it to someone I think most of here find a bit sad and pathetic (and a holy host of other feelings) so have you had to deal with this before? Are you in the legal arena. My thoughts are that given the complexities of how Leanne went about it the case would be much less clear cut and quite murky. Didn't Leann post her side only to have the other post their conversation? If I were on a jury I'd really question as to whether she was concerned about a private conversation when it began on line. Now with new technolgy the laws as originally written take on a new complexity. Would you agree?

  84. So glad to hear that others are as turned off by Celebitchy as I am, although I used to enjoy the site and haven't been banned yet. Their Tom Cruise coverage was beyond belief - furious because he took his daughter to Disneyland, livid because he left her a generous trust fund.

    Reading the comments on one of their pet hate topics reminds me of the "Two Minutes Hate" scene in the novel 1984. Everyone sits in a room and watches Goldstein, Big Brother's enemy, on a giant TV screen and yells and jeers and chants "Hate, Hate, Hate." In the Celebitchy world, it could be Rimes, Cruise, Aniston, Alex Pettifer - whomever today's target is. If you disagree, they will shout you down.

    In general, I try to avoid hate and gravitate towards love. I also sign out of topics on this blog when they get too hateful - like yesterday's are-all-Republicans-racists? debate.

  85. Susan B
    I love it!

    Not that anyone gives a frack (hee hee), but do you guys feel its been an over-the-top hostile environment around here lately? Instead of getting happy quick fixes throughout the day, I feel stressed after I read. I hate this feeling. It's Friday folks - hell yeah!

  86. God forbid I speak up for Leanne in any of this (because let's face it...she needs to get a grip) but I read that this woman stalked her on facebook and created numerous fake accounts in order to attack and harrass Leanne. Further, I heard on the radio today a different part of the recording where Leanne was trying to reason with her and just wanted to know why she disliked her so much.

    I guess now I will be bashed as a Leanne lover. Oh, well.

    1. Bullshit! This woman has had herTwitter account private since 2010 and by her own admission she rarely mentioned Leann. Those private Tweets were somehow supplied to Leann. Her "crime" was being a Brandy supporter.

  87. Sunny- I agree. We had so much fun June, June and most of August. Shizz went downhill fast. :(

  88. I am compelled to check Celebitchy for sightings of my crush, Michael Fassbender, as Kaiser is equally, if not more, enamored. Next to my crush on David Cassidy, circa 1972, my Fassy crush at the age of 50, is my midlife crisis. (Hubby doesn't mind, as his crush is Penelope Cruz).
    The comments on the other site are very "mean girl", so I am not comfortable commenting there... I feel more comfy here, and even when commenters disagree, they should remember this is a drop in the ocean in the "big scheme of things". We are united in our inappropriate level of nosiness in things that don't concern us!!! (It's better than some other addictions, eh?)

  89. Attn Friends of CDaN:

    Can we PLEASE try to reset the tone of comments here at my guilty pleasure? I know we all have different backgrounds, interests and political leanings, but we can express them in a respectful manner.

    Kumbaya, Damn it :)

  90. Sunny, I'm totally with you. Sometimes when I check in and see that there are over 70 comments, I think, Oh God, do I really have to read through all of them (no!). There are so many new people here, which I think stems from all the attention Hmmmm brought to this site.

  91. Leanne isn't in treatment because she feels she needs treatment, she's only in "treatment" as a strategy to help strengthen this stupid idiotic case against the teacher, & to perpetuate her "victim" personna. I see right through this.

  92. @Sunny - I agree that it's been a little hostile lately. I'm usually a pretty laid back girl, but I admit I was a little salty at CD's "hausfraus" comment. To quote Michelle Tanner from Full House..HOW RUDE! Okay, I whipped my hair back and forth and I'm ending my rant. I'm off to do some retail shoe therapy :)

  93. @Surfer

    OT alert:
    Ok, that eye cream I bought is a piece of shiz. BUT, i just bought this new natural line of skincare called Andalou and I absolutely LOVE it!!!
    I also bought the Nerium AD serum and it's en route. That's only for nighttime, and my beautiful sis-in-law who has been using it looks 5 years younger :)

  94. As someone who personally knows the woman who Leann is going after. i can tell you the only thing she ever did wrong was have a negative opinion of Leann-not TO Leann, just in general. Like you see someone post a story on her on twitter and comment on it in general. Once that happened Leann's fanatics went after her like a pack of rabid dogs, harassing her & posting her private info on twitter-they have done that to a lot of people. So she went private and locked her account. They STILL tried to mess with her-all the while Leann buying them gifts and flying them to private concerts for being so "loyal."
    Kim didn't make fake accounts -but I've seen people do that-I've seen people do that to all celebs.
    Then she gets a random phone call from Leann so she can hear her side of the story-not sure what story she is referring to and....for why does she feel the need to make this girl understand whatever she didn't agree with??? Its crazy-I mean batsh!t insane. She needs to stop obsessing about what people think about her.

  95. Unknown, I heard she entered treatment because one of the celebrity sites have photos of Eddie cheating on her and she didn't want to have to face the inevitable questions.

  96. Anonymous8:39 AM

    The hate on this website is very clear. Much of it was directed at me a few days ago.

    I think I'll drop a note to Ms. Rimes about this and maybe she'll adopt my cause. Worst she can do is say no.

    Come to think of it Ibet a lot of celebrities might be interested to see that even normal people get bullied around here.

    Never hurts to try.

  97. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Wow another person called crazy here.

    We got a lot of internet psychologists around here.

    To think, this time it wasn't even me.

    Maybe I cna get that boycott going after all.

  98. @Overit Every side has a story and frankly, everyone's shit stinks in this. They should have both stayed away from each other on twitter, Leanne shouldn't have called and Kim should have just hung up and not recorded. Unfortunately for Kim, she appears to be the only one that actually broke the law.

    On a side note...Leanne...please frickin' stop with the bikini posts.

  99. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I'm glad that one of these internet bullies is getting sued.

    Funny how the people who dared me to sue them aren't so quick to say "bring it on" when a celebrity brings it on.

    I hope Rimes wins every dime this woman has.

  100. What about the teacher's right to privacy to not have her side of the call put on speaker for a table of people and an entire restaurant to hear? I guess only Leanne fes she's the only one entitled to "privacy"?...Despite living her life out publicly on Twitter.

    1. Typo, that should say: "I guess Leanne *feels* she's the only one entitled to 'privacy'?"

  101. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Wow Enty,

    You just admitted to ENCOURAGING this type of behavior?

    Good luck with your Section 230 immunity when I haul your fat ass into court for what you allowed to happen to me here.

    You got some pretty wealthy and powerful enemies, it seeems. That old saying about the enemy of my enemy being my friend may come to life one day!

    If you really want to prove you aren't a hate site, I'll give you 24 hours to remove every defamatory posting about me on this site and I won't take legal action against you (though I reserve the right to go after the original posters).

    Put up or shut up, fatass.

  102. Anonymous8:49 AM


    After what happened to me two days ago on this site, LeAnn is my HERO now. It's about time someone put the fear of the justice sys4tem into your pathetic creeps who think you're above the llaw.

    "Just ignore it" doesn't work until everyone stops Googling.

    I think I'll contact every celebrity who's ever been disparaged on this site and see if I can find any allies for my cause. LeAnn and I suddenly have a great deal in common.

    Oh and people who do this shit anonymously are the biggest cowards on earth.

    1. @BetterOffSingle,

      What happened to you here? I'm not being sarcastic, I really don't know because I don't get a chance to come here everyday. What happened?

  103. Sunny, you kill me, lol! I guess someone has to try all these creams.

    And I agree that's it's been getting downright testy here at times. Yesterday, I had to cut off the e-mail notifications after Vicki's comment set off a torrent of responses. It was insane.

  104. @Sunny - I too am tired of the negative way people are treating each other here and feeling that I have to defend myself. I don't mind at all people trashing celebrities - after all, that's what we're here for! But to trash each other, not nice. I disagree with quite a few people here politically, I just ask they treat me with the same respect I try (although I sometimes fail) to treat them.

  105. Anonymous8:51 AM


    The same thing happened to me here. "Everyone" doesn't like me, but I'm not the one who crossed the legal lines.

    The no-one-likes-them-so-they-deserved-it defense is not a very good one.

    I hope LeAnn takes every cent this woman has, or maybe this site can agree to lay off her, if she agrees to forgive and forget.

    it's time someone stood up to the creeps here who do this to people, and the sites who enable it.

  106. @lola: I totally agree with you but I can certainly see why Kim would record the conversation.
    Leann sitting at a table of people who have harassed her for a year, Kim has been private-but Leann admited that she had someone get copies of her tweets so Leann could read them, then a few weeks later she calls her out of the blue and calls her a bitch. These people also know where she lives and have posted the information online.
    If I was Kim-I'd have protected myself too. There is no rational reasoning behind what Leann was doing and why she was behaving that way.
    Whatever Kim said to anger her online-I get but you can go after every person who thinks you act inappropriate when you insist on posting stories of yourself every day.

  107. I think we should make a pact to just ignore the people we disagree with and don't particularly care for their comments.

    B started some trouble but I still miss him. I never have been jumped on here and I hope I have never jumped on anyone's back here.

    I really appreciate having somewhere to come and join the conversation. I have no female friends and it is nice to feel like part of a group sometimes.

    Dia, agent, goes in circles, sunny, shaunie, Lola,
    Surfer, Vicki, Libby, timebob, I am forgetting so many of you! You are all fabulous! Have a wonderful beautiful weekend.

  108. @surfer, now I'm going to have to check yesterday... *sigh* Sometimes I think I leave the site wayyyy too early in the day.

    Or - should I not check? Tell me now, please.

  109. @surfer
    Ha! I'm insane! I refuse to do botox or anything like that, so I gotta find products that will keep this money-maker in check ;)
    Anyway, I try to use natural products, so when I find some that actually work I'm a big blabbermouth about them.
    Regarding the post yesterday, I was subscribed to it initially but was in panic mode trying to get myself out of it. I didn't want all that negativity in my inbox
    Have a good day!

  110. @smashbash, BP does that with regularity. He'll be back, don't worry :)

  111. Em- don't do it! It's just political nonsense.

  112. Unknown, as far as I can tell, it's only the "interception" of the call that is illegal.

    Apparently, Kim also violated the law against disclosing the contents of an intercepted recording.

  113. @smashbash - okay, I won't. Thank you!

  114. this is so weird. i really don't understand why the one that used to sing when she was young is defended so vehemently. is it the bikinis? the constant inebriation? it's heathers on twitter. no wynona=no fun

  115. Em! I totally forgot you in my favorite people thread! Especially with that AVI.

    Good to know he will be back to cause more drama eventually ;)

  116. I once (tried) to do this book self-help course thing that was meant to help me release creative locks and kinks in my head that were keeping me from creating art and such. One of the exercises instructed you to sit down and write 3 pages of whatever was floating around in your head at the time, stream of consciousness style. No editing, no formatting, just type it all out. You were to do this first thing in the morning before doing anything else.

    I think doing this might help LeAnn. I've got major anxiety too and I'm pretty much a hermit bc I cant deal with society (wow, anyone who follows my posts would totally be surprised by that revelation lol *sarcastic face*)

    Anyway, it helped me a lot when I stuck to it. Maybe it'll help her too.

  117. Hi Lola, I haven't heard that, but it's interesting. However, I read that she leaves "treatment" on weekends.

  118. @smashbash - thank you, and right back at you :)

    @coriander - if you're a hermit it's probably because you're much too in tune with other people, a la Sookie Stackhouse. 'Cuz you're CRAZY on the money! Good morning!

  119. Coriander- that is awesome to do! I have crazy dreams and think that might help me. Society is hard for me sometimes, the go go go all the time, traffic, people being rude. It's all just to much sometimes. I unplug and go to a secluded Island a few hours from my house. I love it but coming home is a bitch! You really realize how overpopulated we are.

    Hugs to you and hugs to Lola!

  120. This site is too much for me. So much hate towards other posters, I feel like i can't comment lest I offend the wrong person and get threatened. This place was fun and I made some nice friends but this is no longer a friendly place to visit.

  121. Em - stay away. It was insane - well over 400 responses.

    Thanks Smash!

    Oh and Sunny, about a year ago I bought a product called Nuvectin by Dermaglow. Basically, it's an instant wrinkle eraser. It works, but it's not cheap.

  122. Can't we all just get along? *in best old hippie stoner voice*

  123. Sunny - I am going to try that line. Thank you! :)

  124. LeAnne is one of many in a long line of attention mongering has-beens. It sounds harsh I know, but she needs to face it. If she was at all secure in herself she would not be reacting so fervently to criticism made by "civilians". She clings onto Eddie for dear life as deep down she knows that when you steal a man from someone else, another woman is viable to steal him from you too. Karma is ugly and she lives in every neighborhood. It is unfortunate as LeAnne is actually a talented singer but has gotten caught up in all of this vapid and petty crappola. Obviously she is an adult and is responsible for all of her actions, but chooses to act like a 16 year old girl. She needs to get back to her roots and away from all the drama she seems to be causing. Oh, and dump Eddie because he is a shallow, sad excuse for a man who is secretly afraid of getting old me thinks.

  125. Rejectedcarebear- you are also one of my favorites. Don't take what some posters say personally. If I don't like a thread I walk away. Yesterday in that politico thread I said I am so happy I stayed away from that fucking thrainwreck. Which I shouldnt have even said. I should have just stayed away!

  126. @Lola LOVE your avatar.Huge bug fan.
    @Smash..I'm trying to undertand you. Does that mean than all of others not listed will be ignored. I feel like I try very hard to be kind. I don't call people names or bait people and my question posed to CD above was of a curious nature. Obviously I am not like Groucho, unwilling to belong to any group that would have me as a member. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt but have to say, it really felt like you're setting up an exclusive top posters club, no others need apply.

    As someone has mentioned before this site can be a wonderful community and I'm with Sunny (hey grrrl!!better today) that we should all be civil as though we were talking face to face.

    However, I have one minor complaint. To only have a conversation with those we deem appropriate it becomes quite cliquey.(sp?). While no one wants or should be bullied, being ignored falls into that realm as well.

    Lately it has seemed like the popular girls are carrying on a convo without anyone else entering into it.Now while I understand ignoring trolls is important, just remember being kind isn't to just a few. It's to everyone. That is all.

    1. Sherry! You are such a sweetie and always post with tact and humor! Hugs to you!!!

      Have a great weekend :)

    2. You also sherry are a fabulous commentor! It is so hard to remember all your names. ;)

  127. tracynator, unfortunately that is not an excuse for apparently breaking 2 laws. She likely would have gotten away with the unlawful recording if she hadn't sought attention for her actions by disseminating it for public consumption. And she DID seek attention...I read some of her posts in the comments at CB right after this story broke (after Kim released the recordings).

    Karleep...between the three of them there is enough attention mongering to go around...and around...and around. Not a single person in this fiasco has taken anything remotely close to the high road.

    1. So did I. And I respectfully don't agree. Kim was attacked and is continuing to be attacked. Defending yourself imho is not attention seeking. I avoid Celebitchy as a rule. But I guess CD upthread threatened to send Celebitchy stans to CDaN because they don't like Enty posting negative Leann Rimes stories. It's not following along with her PR campaign. I love that Enty can't be bought and I will continue to read CDaN. I'm no legal expert so won't comment about something I know nothing about.

  128. Just to add- I too can't stand Celebitchy and have been moderated and censored to hell on that site, which I applaud Enty for NOT doing. When it comes to several topics, that place is nothing but chicken squaking and NOT enjoyable, and I'd hate to see this devolve into the same.

    *****so can we please all agree to keep the digs aimed at celebrities and not at each other?

  129. I really can't stand this broad...and if she doesn't have a publicist she should get one and if she does have one she needs to fire him/her. Every move she has made since she got with her husband has been wrong and she just keeps making it worse and worse. It's bad what she did, breaking up a family, but what's done is done and she should spend some time reflecting on how that might make other people not like her. A good publicist could have helped with all this.

  130. Sherry, I think he looks like a little furry superhero.

    Also, smashbash said she was forgetting people, I'm sure she didn't mean to exclude anyone in particular, she's very kind. And I don't think that I'm part of a top posters club...I annoy the crap out of a lot of people (probably more than not).

  131. I fraking love you Sunny! I agree, let's keep it nice, puppies, kittens, puppies, kittens! Happy Friday!

    1. Lisa B! You are also one of the many many great people here!

  132. @ Lola yeah you are right, everyone involved seems to have handled it all wrong, but LeAnne could have walked away from this whole mess, preventing this mess. She likes the attention though as she struggles to stay relevant. It is sort of painful to watch

  133. tracy, I don't know what a lele troll is. But I assume you aren't talking to me so I guess I don't care.

    Karleep, yes, she absolutely should have. Brandy should have too.

  134. @Sherry,
    You are just too lovely - I think I'll always have a soft spot for you and Califblondi as you guys were the first ones to make me feel welcome on this site after years of lurking.

    And yeah, I get what you mean about the popular clique - it can feel very high school on here sometimes.

    As for being kind to all; sh-t, you're going to end up influencing me to be a better person and that's really not something I'm keen on. : )

    1. Roxxx your also an amazing poster!

  135. @dia - OT - I just re-read the original posting about the recordings on CDAN and saw your note. Yes, I did survive the heat! We're not used to being landlocked like that - and it's hilarious to think of PDX as being landlocked, but we live on the Sound now, so we're used to a constant breeze. We floated down the Willamette one day, it was awesome!

  136. I just want to add this and then go about my shoe shopping...I love CDAN's smart, witty, funny fellow posters. I honestly enjoy reading everyone's comments. It's kind of sad that a few whackadoodles can bring things down so quickly. And to someone on here threatening legal action, I guess all I have to say is pump your brakes and relax! You're making yourself look beyond silly, bro bro...carry on :)

  137. @Em - so glad you survived that heat. I almost didn't! Also glad you brought back your Roar THOR face. My fabulous Friday can begin!!!!

    Big hug :)

  138. I haven't had much time to post in the last week, but I've been following along for the most part. It's been disappointing to see how nasty people are getting with each other. Having a strong opinion about the topics at hand and expressing them is one thing. Resorting to name-calling, insults, and foul language in response to someone who has an opinion that differs from yours is out of line. Yesterday's political disaster was deplorable.

    In the words of Dalton from Road House: "BE NICE."

    1. Amber! Love your comments! You are a long time poster that I enjoy reading from!

    2. Amber! Well said. Missed you too :)

  139. I find it odd that the call was recorded. With the exception of private investigators, no one has a tape recorder anymore, let alone one nearby with a recordable tape at hand. So why have a call recording app? And even if she did, did she record the call from start to finish? Because when I see my niece doing something cute and I want a picture, she's done by the time the camera app opens on my stupid phone.

    So if she recorded the whole thing, did she know it was Leanne calling? What number came up (assuming Leanne's name isnt in the call display)? Based on this, and my extreme lack of knowledge of everything I'm talking about, I feel there was prior history between the two.

    As for celebitchy, I don't know if I was banned since my last comment said I was leaving (and it was censored). The endless dong comments and Kaiser copying and pasting long articles was too much. And she has reall bad taste in fashion. The dresses she always likes are hideous.

    1. Anita! I hope I didn't forget you! Your hilarious girl!

  140. Sherry, I should add that my little mothman is only about 1 1/2 big which makes him extra cute.

  141. Like my grandmother used to say"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one". That's why there are discussion boards.

  142. @Anita:
    "Based on this, and my extreme lack of knowledge of everything I'm talking about... "
    Brilliant! Funniest comment I've read today....

    Your grandmother's comment comes 2nd.

  143. @anita, I was just about to post the link to the recording, but it's been removed.

    Before I left last night, I checked TMZ and read about the lawsuit. So while I was getting ready, I listened to almost the entire 20 minute recording. It didn't start at the beginning of the conversation.

  144. To all my CDaN friends:

    I purposely took a break bc of all the fighting. I need more happy happy in my life. Not this angry cut throat back and forth.

    So I wholeheartedly agree with Sunny. I'm on that Kumbaya bus!

  145. Dia! Your amazing and have such a bright warmth about you! The thread feels empty without your funny, upbeat and helpful comments!

    I can't wait to come to Portland!

  146. *passes the joint*
    in the words of my sister, chillax.
    yes, i love the weeds.

  147. So where can I see this video?

  148. //I was banned from Celebitchy for not complying with their left leaning views back pre-2008 primaries.

    Though I should ad that now, I see many saying exactly what I said, just I guess I was four years too early for their tastes.

    //same at Jezebel, although I wasn't banned there, I just got tired of the nasty remarks from 20yr old female know it all's. Who also seem to concur now what I was saying then. Although I must really be on a HUGE work avoider to grace that site.

    Lastly, I never commented but have read the comments over at celeb baby blog, and let's just say, the way women are towards each other, I am seriously shocked. Nasty, nasty know it all (who know nothing) bitches.

    FINALLY -even though I hope to NEVER be married again (unless he's hold's a title, maybe I can be swayed then), BUT, I just cannot with any woman or man who breaks up a marriage. And I don't care of it was in the shitter to begin with or not. It's just not acceptable behavior.

    pk. I'm done.

  149. @SusanB , are you legally allowed to use the international "beep" tone without verbal disclosure?

  150. for the commenting spell check nazi's YES I've some mistakes, such as ADD. my eyes just reread and stopped there and I am far from perfect, so as my punk ass teen would say, Deal with it.

    bless :)

    1. Omama! You are another fab poster!

  151. Thank you Dia Smash and Roxx-you flatter me.

    Lola, I have some AMAZING moth pics from the ones that land at our house in the warm summer. Just sit right on your hands. It's awesome! And they are quite large.Spectacular.

    On a sad note we had a gorgeous 10 lined June Beetle buzzing around. My husband held it for a moment and it flew onto me then took off and when I looked to see where it went I had stepped on it! It landed right at my foot and I moved forward and snuffed out it's life. I cried for 10 minutes. It was so beautiful.

    Yes I am a weird bug person.

    1. Sherry- we have stunning dragon flies here. Te smaller ones near bodies of water land on your feet at dusk. This summer I had 5 on me at once. :)

  152. I didn't read all the comments, so maybe someone already posted this - but I don't think the "expectation of privacy" analysis applies to this situation of recordings. I think all that's really relevant is consent. And if the call happened in California, their case law on this issue has been more protective than that of other states.

  153. @Agent*it - don't know, will ask Mr. B when he gets back to office. Best to CYA and say that you're recording.

  154. Anonymous11:09 AM

    All this over LEANN RIMES???? (sp?) SERIOUSLY PEOPLE.
    Totally a full moon.

  155. Oh God not this subject again!

  156. @BettorOffSingle

  157. Thanks @smash, you're such a sweetie. :)

    @hmmm gtizzshe, pass that this way!

    @Sunny, you refer to your face as your "money maker" do you actually make money off your face
    my sis used to be a beauty model...which is neck-up. she is quite stunning. she is 41 now and swears she'll never inject anything or remove or alter any part of her face.

  158. @ BettorOffSingle - What happened to you the other day? What did I miss?

    If LeAnn is calling people with private twitter accounts about their tweets she's nuttier than a Christmas fruitcake. And if she seriously tries to bury this woman in legal fees, even though the woman in question did break the law everyone should speak up and shame LeAnn into dropping her lawsuit. She is ridiculous and a bully.

  159. @EmEm Thank you! I hope I helped. :) thank you for humoring me with the picture too.

    I asked my dude about the Sookie ref and he said he knew it since the 2nd or 3rd episode of True Blood. Color me oblivious lol. ;)

  160. Sorry @Coriander - I assume, because I'm obsessed with True Blood, that everyone is... Sookie can read minds :) I hope you got that.

    I'm avoiding my email because of difficulties with K. He's blowing up my FB with rude stuff, so is his mom. Are we in high school? I still have questions and comments for you.

    Have a great day - xoxo

  161. @EmEm That's the funny part. I love Sookie & TB- I just never put two-and-two together. I really am oblivious sometimes.

    I'm sorry K's putting you through that. FB drama is the worst. The fantasy faery artist birds I know on FB get themselves into huge drama shitstorms every 6 mos. or so. Im one of the mods on a group they congregate to, so I find myself in the middle of it more than I'd like. Some people just need to turn their lives into soap operas, it's just distasteful when bystanders get pulled in. ;/

  162. This comment has been removed by the author.

  163. Dia! I wondered where you were! I had to take a break a few weeks back myself, and I can definitely see why anyone would want to take one now. Glad you're back, and hopefully this crap will blow over ASAP. There are a LOT of people I love to hear from on this site -- can't even name 'em all, b/c I'd inevitably leave someone off the list -- and when it's fun and happy here, it's a great place to be.

  164. @AKM and Smashie and others:

    As I alluded to (not so secretly) before, I have a touch of the Sookie Stackhouse myself - very intuitive and very sensitive. And when people are all screaming and cursing it feels like pins and needles and knifes and blades.

    So I just hop on the Sunny Kumbaya bus until it blows over. Maybe it's a bad thing to be away so long. Let's the evil meanies take root.

    Glad to be back! I'm ready to start that Conga Line @corriander shea!

  165. @coriander - Are we psychic friend's together? Girl I have some crazy anxiety too. I blame it on the woo woo stuff. I learned how to buffer the outside crazy, but when the "force field" gets week the anxiety creeps back in.

    Hugs to you!

    Glad to be back everyone :D

  166. @dia I don't like to talk about mine publicly more than I have to. People make the connection all the time though, lol. Must be the Faery thing.... ~>} ^~^ {<~

    But yeah. Us psychos (psychics) have to learn a completely different way of relating to and surviving in the world. I totally feel like I'm living a double life sometimes.

  167. @coriander - ME TOO!

    We are the modern day super heroes! Sorry for calling you out. You can go back into hiding. Your secret is safe with me!!!

    My therapist told me I have to come out of the psychic closet. LOL!

  168. AKM & dia - glad to have both of you back! We're somewhere in Nevada right now on our looooooong trek back to Mpls. I've got the queasies today, so this hasn't been fun :(
