Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lindsay Lohan The Klepto Is Back

If you are dumb enough to ask Lindsay Lohan to spend the night at your house, then you are probably dumb enough to not lock up your valuables. On Sunday night Lindsay and her assistant spent the night at some person's house. When the owner of the home woke up Monday morning, lots of valuable jewelry was missing. Huh. Who do you think could have taken it? How about the 20 something year old who looks 50 wearing no bra and the badly applied fake tan? Police certainly wasted no time questioning Lindsay. Lindsay, who has been blowing through her movie checks on crazy shopping sprees, despite the rich guy telling her he does not want to see her anymore is probably in desperate need of some cash. You know how she gets when she sees things that are worth a lot and don't belong to her. "What? How did those end up there? The fur coat? It (photo above)must have jumped up and landed in my purse. The bracelet? Oh, I was going to bring that back. I took a phone call and forgot all about it? The jewelry from the photo shoot? I had it, but I don't know where it went. How about I look real hard for it and in the mean time, I agree to never pose for your magazine again and you don't call the police."


  1. Hard to feel bad for someone who willingly let Lindsay sleep in their home.

  2. omg this is so shocking!!

  3. She is so far gone from help.

  4. I hope she has it. Her best chance at straightening out is to get thrown in jail for a couple years.

  5. I hope that homeowner files an insurance claim---insurance investigators LIVE for this shit. The cops are too busy looking the other way.

    I agree with Amber--Crackie NEEDS prison time, and a felony (which this jewelry's value would surely warrant) is EXACTLY what she needs to finally learn a lesson!

    I think we should have a new 'pool' on when Crackie tries to fence these goods. You know she's dumb enough to try!

  6. Anonymous6:30 AM

    ATTENTION ALL MOMS! Have you always wanted to be famouse but lacked the talent, looks, connections, or sexual powers to be famous? Are you tired of paying for your Meth addiction the old fashioned way of prostitution and waiting tables at the Waffle House? Are you tired of that Trailer? I have a job for you. Bring your children down to audtion for the new ABC/Disney reality TV Show PIMP MY CHILD. On this show your child will learn skills and complete in sections including best wearing of whore wear, prostutute or starlet, driving 101, best sex tape, best public intoxication drama, and how to met and sleep with rich and famous people. The winner will get a Playboy shoot, unlimted pap coverage and a trip to rehab. Past winners include DISNEY DARLINGS Britney Spears and Demi Hoe-vato, and the last five year champion LINDSEY LOHAN. Honorable mentions go to AMANDA BYNES in Driving 101, and Kim Kunt-trashian for Best Sex Tape using Pee and Poop.

  7. @Kimberly - jajaja

  8. LOL ^^

    Poor Lindsay. Her pimp no longer wants her? When did THIS happen?

  9. LOL Kimberly. So true. Those damn radio commercials are killing me. They name drop Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez no less than 10 times in a 30 second spot.

  10. With her track record, it's hard to believe anyone would be that naive to let her stay the night. She probably got them so wasted, they barely made it to bed alive.

  11. ITA with Amber. I hope she gets caught and goes to jail.

  12. I agree with what has been said above. Nothing is going to rehabilitate this hemorrhoid except jail. And by jail, I mean more than 20 minutes worth of jail before being released due to "overcrowding"...

  13. zombiecrush---Linds was tired of working (her pimp Vikram's d!ck) for her money.

  14. The bottom line is people rarely change, there are sometimes exceptions but this bimbo isn't one of them.
    And I agree LOCK HER UP

  15. LOL @ Kimbery and amber, ITA! Lock this trick up for a few years so we can get a break from her saggy boobs and fake tan.

  16. @Kimberly HAHAHAHAHA!!!

  17. That's what Ho's do. A Pimp teaches his Ho's to catch a "John" slipin' and steal everything he's got. Pimpin' 101.

  18. Wow she is just absolutely terrible. And now so hideous. And such an entitled asshole. I'm shocked she's still allowed to do anything.

  19. And in other news, water is wet.

  20. I wonder if the police got her to squat and cough?

  21. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Every time I see or hear Klepto I'm reminded of "A klep ho mania" from White Chicks.

  22. Guys, I saw the best (meaning worst) Lilo pic yesterday - backless shirt, no bra, sideboob shot of her standing outside a store smoking. Maybe Daily Mail? Anyway, it was the worst of the worst of the worst! That boob is at least 20 years older than the rest of her. Fingers crossed that it shows up in the Randoms today.

  23. @libby - you're so right! A good insurance investigator would just love to bring this bitch down.

  24. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Kimberly for the win. Funny yet true.

  25. SusanB---I can't wait for that claim to be filed. The cops certainly won't lay a finger on her (gloved or not, haha).

  26. Kimberly, that's SO funny and SO true. She comes from such bad genetics that there is no hope.

    Bobbi - I was thinking the same. I now wonder just how much jewelry I could fit in my snach.

    And if her billionaire doesn't want to see her any more we are going to see serious scrambling from White Oprah. I bet Ali comes out of rehab in 3...2....

  27. Frufra, MK posted that pic on Dlisted a few days ago...she is so disgusting.

    Of COURSE she stole. She is a thief! I so wish someone would throw this fucking asshole in prison.

  28. Oh, thanks, paris. The image was seared into my brain! I may hop over to Dlisted and look again just for shits and giggles!

  29. I saw that pic too Frufra. I once took my grandma to the doctor and she changed into her hospital gown with her back to me ... it looked exactly like that photo.

    P.S. My grandmother is 87.

  30. @chopchop, hahaha!

    Actually, when my grandmother (rest her soul) died at 93, she had the perky tatas of a 25 year old. This is how it is for a-cup women. (Tragically, I inherited the DD-cups from my grandfather's side.) Which always makes me wonder, WHY oh WHY would any small-breasted woman get implants that'll be saggy in a few years...??

  31. If this were Westeros, the Lohans would be the Greyjoys.

  32. What kind of all night party was this? The circumstances surrounding this are the most interesting; she stayed at the house until noon the next day. Coke binge, anyone?

  33. Lie down with dogs, you're gonna get up with fleas. Simple as that :p

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  36. Kimberly - absolute brillance! High five!!!

    It's time for LiHo to go to jail. I think it's the only place that will save her life. I don't even want to compare her to my beloved RDJ, bc she is no where near as talented as that shining star of brillance and humor and compassion (too much ass kissing?). Anyway. Let her go to jail and dry out. Get smacked around by the real people and wake up to reality.

    Although I would love to see her and Amanda Bynes together in the same prison. Season Two of Prison Musical after JLo gets out.

  37. I have an ex who suffered from this same condition. Bitch was always stealing things she could not afford.

  38. Anonymous10:27 AM

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  39. Just when her "career" was being resurrected (and God knows how!) she turns around and screws up her chances again. This trick will never learn. She is a true member of the 27 club. Just watch. Too bad.

  40. Oh good. TMZ is now reporting that Lohan brought 2 random dudes to the party and the owner of the house thinks those guys stole stuff. It's so shocking that anyone would think Lindsay hangs out with criminals!

  41. the other day there was a blurb of, " LL heading into Will I Am's show." Next, "Will I AM's car stolen."

    The first thing I thought was -the real "sticky fingaz" was there. Check her.

    Guess she struck again.

  42. Oh goody, a LiHo thread! Did anybody see this?

    Syphilis scare halts porn industry filming in LA as health officials investigate

    Um, wasn't she just "hanging out" with James Deen? CODE RED!

  43. @Kimberly, tell then to contact Dan Schneider's private line.

  44. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Side question: why do we call Dina Lohan "White Oprah"? Maybe I'm being particularly dense, but I've tried for a couple of weeks now and can't figure out the connection. Would anyone be so kind as to explain this to me? =)

  45. @Dagny
    I'm on it!
    In some random interview, Dina was bragging about what a great Mom she was and how all Lindsay's friends come to her with their problems and she said "I'm like the White Oprah". It took off from there, and some people even jokingly refer to her as Orange Orprah :)

  46. @Dagny - We call her White Oprah because she said in an interview years ago (to justify why she should have her own talk show) that all of her & her children's friends always came to her for advice. She claimed that LiHo's friends called her "the white Oprah" because she gave such good advice.

    Here's a link: http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/8116992.html

  47. Oops, sorry, Sunny just beat me to the punch! :P

  48. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Li ho has freinds???

  49. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Li ho has freinds???

  50. Maybe she did in 2006?

  51. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Thank you so much, @Colleen and @Sunny! I thought it might be a strange reference to how Oprah always gave things away on her show. I tried to picture Dina saying, "You get a new car! And YOU get a new car, too! EVERYONE gets a new car!!" As in, she was giving things away that her daughter had stolen. For some strange reason, it made me chuckle.

    I can sleep better now.

  52. She lost her 2 million a year sex job? Sheesh...the stealing accusations- no surprise there.

  53. LiLo probably told the two guys they could come along if they gave her a cut of the loot.
