Tuesday, August 21, 2012

More Trampoline Fails

You just can't go wrong with trampoline fails. It makes your whole day better.


  1. Okay, the part with the golden retriever at the end was pretty cute.

  2. Favorites[/SPOILERS]: Dude who got pantsed, the dog who humped the person(and got punched!) and the fellow at 1:20 who failed to make the dunk. Nothing doing pal! Hilarious.

  3. Love the Trool dog! LOL

  4. I always feel badly about laughing at these, but why would anyone want to jump off a roof onto a trampoline? Idiots.

  5. It's ironic that this follows the Tony Scott item. I guess we don't have any issues laughing at people being maimed...

  6. I was just commenting to friends the other day that trampolines are no longer as dangerous as they used to be. The trampolines of yesteryear had no protection from the springs, no net to keep you from flying off, and no cover of the areas between the springs where a foot was likely to land causing cringe-inducing pain to the groin region. Kids today have no idea......

  7. LOL Enty! Thanks. The dog at the end was the best!

    Whenever I watch stuff like this I think "Who thought that was a good idea?" And just how drunk were you....

    I guess this is why my mom wouldn't let me do gymnastics :-(

  8. Audrey, I'm guessing you didn't watch the video? I hate "fail" videos where people are seriously injured, but in this one, no one falls more than a few feet, and it doesn't look like anyone hurt themselves badly.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I didn't watch the videos and usually don't watch these. Perhaps they were not hurt, or did not show pain immediately, but you never know if someone broke a leg, tore a tendon, or whatever.

    I don't want to get all high and mighty about this, but I did think it was ironic and the word "hypocritical" definitely crossed my mind.

  11. Audrey. I totally see your point. I think these are all clips taken off YouTube. So the peeps must be OK with us laughing at their lunacy. It's kinda like watching hockey. You know there will be a fight at some point. And maybe that's the only reason you came in the first place.

  12. So many of these videos are cringeworthy. I watched this one, but most of them I have to watch with my eyes squinted shut, in case people end up totally maimed from their own idiocy.

    I feel bad for victims of honest trampoline malfunction or gymnastic miscalculation. But seriously, what kind of stupid dumbtard do you have to be to jump off a roof at an angle and expect NOT to completely eat shit on the rebound? People are so stupid. And they own trampolines. This is why lawn darts are illegal.
