Friday, August 24, 2012

Mother Falls On To Subway Train Tracks With 4 Year Old

Watch this video and see how so many people rush to the aid of the woman with a 4 year old who apparently was not watching where she was going and fell down on to the subway tracks. She is so lucky she did not hit the third rail and did she not see the big six foot drop coming?


  1. Being on those tracks can be dizzying, don't be mean. Just be thankful there were people there to help her out. If this really is a new Enty, I don't like you very much.

  2. I stay way back from the yellow line. You never know when a crazy will be on a pushing spree.

  3. That woman looked like she was in a trance, staring straight ahead. Bravo to those that jumped down and helped!

  4. Well thank God there is still some goodness left in this world. I was half expecting people just standing there staring and doing nothing.

  5. It is wise to always be aware when you are waiting/getting on or off the subway.

  6. I saw this on the news last night. Apparently the woman saw the train on the next track and thought it was going in the direction of the side she was on, so she was trying to board it. Still seemed a little odd though.

  7. She thought she could board the train on the other side of the tracks, which is why she kept walking past the yellow guard line. This happened in Boston - I ride the T every day. To be fair, there are places where you can cross the track, although they are few and far between. Apparently she never takes the subway and was confused.

    But still - watch where you're walking. There was a woman in front me on the stairs heading above ground this morning and she was trying to read her email on her phone while she was climbing the stairs. It twice as long to leave the station this morning, not to mention she could have injured herself and others if she fell.

  8. She did seem a little off. Maybe she's stressed but my local news showed this 8 times this morning, yes I counted. 8 times in an hour and we had huge news yesterday (baby snatching) and they still talked about this more.

  9. She should have been paying more attention

  10. I have to just add that it's possible she didn't see the yellow line or the drop.

    I have stepped on many a foreign objects in my house (the cat, toys, books or slipped off the second to last step at the bottom of the stairs) while carrying my child. The problem is that you can't really see whats on the ground directly in front of you because the child in your arms blocks the view.

  11. Who knows what else is going on in her life to distract or preoccupy her? I'm glad she and the child are safe.

  12. Most people are sleep deprived. I can't imagine how sleep deprived mothers get. They say that is as bad as drunk driving. I've done way stupid stuff after working long hours. I can totally see how this happened. Good to see people helping her.

  13. Yay! Humanity! It makes me really happy to see everyone trying to help. Hope for us all!!!

  14. oh my god. was she or the kid hurt??

  15. @nichole, hey, I grew up taking the T and the Trolleys! I was a middle clinger at the T station. I could not stand near the rail due to vision problems.How lucky she is !

  16. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Is the third rail a real thing? Having a young child has made many a mother trip and fall and just be super distracted in general. My friend's kid is a year and half old and has slept through the night maybe four times. It's a stressful for the parents when they're not sleeping, especially mothers who are primary caregivers.

  17. @Diana: Yes, it is; there's a fellow around here (Boston area) who ended up getting a face transplant after somehow ending up w/his face horribly burned when he fell on the third rail. (Sorry I don't recall the whole story, but I do know he looks much better now.) That was on the train line I take every day to work, and it was probably a combination of things (being punchy from sleep deprivation, not being familiar w/the trains, etc.) that led her to take a tumble. (I do hope it wasn't intentional...)

  18. Anonymous10:16 AM

    @Robin I thought it had been debunked on Myth Busters or some similar show.

  19. It made me happy so many people acted quickly to help her.

    I really hope the little girl is ok. It looks like he took the brunt of the fall.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Remember the 2-3 year old little chinese girl last year that got ran over by a truck and cars and people just walked by her screaming broken body. it made me vomit. she died. but i am so happy that so many people rushed to spaced out mom and child her aid. USA!

  22. Yourfaceisamess, I thought the same thing before I clicked on this video. That was horrifying.

  23. And again I stand by my belief that people are generally good. But wow she just kept on walking. Hope they are both ok!

  24. This is a lovely story. Yeah to those good Samaritans.

  25. Yes moms are very distracted people specially when you are carrying a child in your arms is hard to see in front of you. I'm just so glad people helped out, it's so sad to see those videos of people dying in the middle of the sidewalk and people just walk by and by the way a lot of those videos are from this country.

  26. For Diana,

    Here is a video of a man killed via 3rd rail electrocution. Approximatly 9:40pm July 1st 2012. Unknown why man fell. Police and FDNY on scene and removed body. Uptown local F train was stopped just as it was entering the station.
