Friday, August 24, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Any day now for Melissa Joan Hart and her new baby.
It was pretty nice of McKayla Maroney to let Alyson Hannigan to play with the gold medal while she took the silver.
Meanwhile, in New York, Gabby Douglas threw out the first pitch at the Mets game.
Ellen and Portia de Rossi show off their Mileys.
Paul McCartney sells lemonade to earn a few extra bucks.
Four pitbulls attacked this car to get a kitten. The kitten was fine.
Snooki is joining the Melissa Joan Hart school of almost ready to give birth.
Sharon Stone naked in another movie. Shocker.
Tom Cruise in London after checking out Connor's first DJ appearance there. Scientology mixer probably.


  1. Alyson Hannigan looks impressed. I love Melissa Joan Hart. Drive Me Crazy is one of my favorite teen romance movies.

    1. Ahh Drive Me Crazy, back when Adrien Grenier bathed and wasn't a douchebag. I had a major crush on him in that movie.

  2. I can't stand Melissa Joan Hart, she's always bugged me for some reason and I think she's a bad actress. But her butt. OMG I am obssessed with it. That thing is the perfect white girl booty.

    Sorry for being a creeper, bye!

  3. I hate that Pitbulls get such negative publicity .. My blue brindle Shadow could nanny my infant children and I would trust her 100% to care for an protect them.

    Dare I say Snooki looks cute preggo?

    Sharon Stone is my hero- besides all the nutty racist comments and nanny torture that is!

    I like the Miley.. I'm a bleachie blonde.. I could rock it .. Sigh.. Who am I kidding? I like it on Portia but I pretty much like anything on Portia!

  4. Snooki's dress is so short I can see that baby crowning.

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      So funny, we thought the same thing

    2. Great minds, Michelle!

  5. Anonymous12:12 PM

    With Snooki's dress, we can even see the baby when it crowns.

  6. Anonymous12:13 PM

    With Snooki's dress, we can even see the baby when it crowns.

  7. The pitbull story is here. (Hope I did that right.) Poor kitty!

  8. I was curious if Gabby Douglas could find jeans because of her tiny waist and muscular legs. I guess that question has been answered for me.

  9. Alicia, I understand you love your dog but no matter how much you know a dog, or any animal, there is no way to predict behaviour. I get that pitbulls get a bad reputation, but I wouldn't leave any infant alone with an animal. You can't predict human behaviour as a human, you certainly can't know how an animal will act. Ever.

  10. Whew for the kittles!

  11. Remember when Melissa Joan Hart got all pissed off because Farrah Fawcett died and stole her People magazine cover? Ha.

  12. MJH has always rubbed me the wrong way, too.

  13. Ick to Melissa Joan Hart! Wasn't there a blind about her being a nasty human being?

  14. My parents bred red nosed pits up until I was 7. They were the best large breed dogs besides boxers which I raised. They really do get alot of bad publicity. My daughter got bit by my moms Akita in the face. While at the hospital talking to the plastic surgeon he asked what type of dog did it. When I told him, he said well at least we don't have to worry about reporters since it wasn't a pitbull.

  15. @ Von - you're totally right.. I was exaggerating to make a point. My kids are 18 and 7 so I'm out of the infant ballpark ( thankfully ) and leaving a baby alone with any animal is irresponsible, of course!

    Let me just say I fucking heart Pitbulls :) that is all..

  16. Snooki looks great pregnant.

    See, a vertically challenged woman can carry a baby without looking like she swallowed a football field.

    And speaking of, isn't Jessica supposed to have met the terms of her WW contract this month? No convenient pap photos of her lately.

  17. Unfortuately some dog breeds are more aggressive . Pitbulls (and the Akitas mentioned) are in this group.
    Personally I am not comfortable around large dogs. I get that the people who say Pitbulls are great may have had great ones. But let me tell you I'd rather meet up on the street with an unleashed Lab any day of my life than a Pitbull.I tend to think that while they also maybe great w/their owners family,that god help the outside person that comes in the house and makes a move (not on purpose) that the dog doesnt like. Again, will take my chances with a Lab. A Pitbull? Sorry probably not coming in your home. I know i'll get grief for this but hey I am only a semi regular poster who typically gets ignored :-)

    1. Ironically my dad had a yellow lab and she had to be put down cause she was so aggressive. She would charge the neighbors and trap them in the car. Apparently yellow labs, especially females, have some kind of trait that can cause extreme aggression. Especially if they are not fixed. They tried that route but it didn't help. It was sad cause my little sisters loved her even though they were scared of her. She was their first dog.

    2. Heya Lulu - also an occassional poster here. Greetings - CDAN is a great read, and the commentors fantastic, eh :)

      I'm a bit of a kitty person and know that dog's temperament is a lot to do with their owners. But I agree that 'nurture Vs nature' is really well indicated in pups - there is a reason some breeds are considered more aggressive and despite the best training and intentions, sometimes it sadly comes through. So sad when you read in the paper about a dog that's bitten a kid - I saw one recently where the owner was all about how fantastic this dog was (and it was a pitt bull), been with them 14 years, then all of a sudden bit their granddaughter's face so badly .. like bits of the girl's face were taken clean off. Nice looking family-type people - imagine the girl, imagine how the grandparents felt/feel. Horrific. Like posters said above, we need to be really careful with dogs around kids - and grownups. I was *bitten* by a Shar Pei - aka 'chinese fighting dog' known for its territorialism and defensive nature. I know the family reasonably well (my parent's neighbours) and they have 4 kids, never harmed by the dog, and my young son was play over there by agreement (the kids go to the same school - I live near my parents). I went to pick him up and was let in by the babysitter, so you can't say I was trespassing. As I came in the gate, the dog lunged out and bit me on the knee! Obviously it ruined my trousers, and hurt like hell! Blood running down my leg, scars to this day (2 yrs ago), etc. I never let my son play over there after that - too scary. The dog is old and blind in one eye so it apparently gets feisty but geeze - 4 kids, other kids and people about - so not okay.

      And here's the other thing - those neighbours never contacted me to apologise. They spoke to my parents and vaguely apologised to them, but nothing to me. I think in that situation they should have called me, apologised, offered to pay for my pants (which I would have refused, but still) and any medical expenses (which were minor and I also would have refused). Then they tried to avoid us for ages - both my parents and avoiding my husband and I at school pickup times.

      I've segued off topic with my anecdote (sorry for boring everyone!) but that's my little example of why we should recognise that some breeds are inherently more aggressive puppies than others. And how some neighbours can be really nice people but still suck.

      A nice weekend to all :)

  18. Maybe Melissa Joan Hart gives off some vibe hostile to women. I showed my sister "Drive Me Crazy" years ago & she kept complaining about what a b***h her character was. I hadn't noticed.

  19. I had the Miley before she did - I changed it after a very young co-worker said I had copied Kris K's hairstyle I was so offended I got buzz cut

  20. i have no doubt the kitten would have been shredded if those dogs had gotten to it :(
    My corgi mix is very protective of his family but he can go Cujo with strangers. I would not want to see a dog with such strong jaws as a pit bull pissed off.

  21. The problem with pitbulls is pitbull owners.

    On the other hand, that kitten looks too innocent in that photo. He was probably mouthing off to the pitbulls before the incident.

  22. Amen mrwolf and lolz

  23. Not only did the kitten escape the 4 pitbulls, hr also survived a car drive from Banning to Palm Springs. He's a scrappy thing! Now he just needs to find a home.

  24. Cheers to both Alicia and MrWolf.

    My Pitty "Tater" might lick you to death.. She is the biggest wuss dog I've met. She wont even go out when it is raining because she doesn't want to get her feet wet.
    I totally agree that it is the OWNERS responsibility to ensure their dogs get the proper attention they deserve.

  25. Wow! So many I like all in a row!
    Always liked MJH. So cute!
    Snooki looks good there.
    Everyone wants Portia but I'd rather do Ellen.(don't tell my man)Lol!
    So glad to see our gold medalists doing great things and going great places and meeting great people!

  26. This is why I never believe media reports about pitbulls.

    People will point to any bully breed and say it's a pit. 6 or 7 years ago, my boxer escaped her harness and ran off. She was jumping on people trying to kiss them, but not being aggressive at all. Four different people called animal control because "a crazed rabid pitbull" was terrorizing the neighborhood.

  27. I have met MJH a few times when she volunteered her time at a homeless mission. She was a complete b*tch, but hey at least she was volunteering her time. This was around 2003-2004. Looked like she had just had a fight with her then boyfriend. At least her mom and sister were nice.

  28. @seaward- I totally feel your pain. My boys pulled off a Great Muppet Caper a couple of years ago when they figured out if they pushed against the gate, the latch would give. My dane/pitty mix (Elliott Smith) and cockapoo (Buddy Holly) went on a grand adventure kissing every person that they came in to contact with. I was right behind them with leashes trying to get them, which they thought was a great game. One of the neighbors was helping me and got the big one. As I went for the little guy, a man exited his garage and went after him with a baseball bat.

    I was hysterical! He informed me that he was going to call animal control because I "let" my animals go on the attack. With their tongues flapping in the wind, huge grins on their faces and tails wagging how could anyone look at them and think that they were vicious? Animal control indeed came, I explained the situation and showed them the repairs to the fence as well as the dog's vaccination records and all was well in their eyes.

    Luckily, Buddy only got some bruising and sore ribs from his beating. :(

  29. I'm all for the bully breeds too! I had an English Mastiff that was the
    sweetest 180 lbs. you'll ever meet.

    Owners are responsible for their pets being good canine citizens.

    As for T.C I sincerely hope he chooses one of his own, take that any way you want. I just want him to leave non CO$ people off his dating list.

  30. Amen MrWolf! Its how any dog is raised, regardless of breed. If you teach a dog to be nasty, it will be! I adopted a 3 year old pit bull last year and he is beyond sweet. He was abused and neglected in his old home but has flourished here and has 3 cats to hang out with.

  31. @Jessi
    I cant believe your neighbor went after and hit your dog with a baseball bat when you were right there!!

    I hate animal cruelty so much. There is a story today on the DailyMail about a dog in Dallas being used as bait for fighting. He had a glass jar on his head and a hold was drilled into his paw making him bleed. I couldn't read the whole story because the pictures were so horrible.

  32. *a hole was drilled

  33. Oh Jessi your poor babe!! I'm glad everything turned out well. I'm adopting a Cane Corso soon which is an Italian mastiff .. People think Pitbulls look scary wait til they see my dog! His name is Lucifer and if he's anything like his daddy he's going to be 170lb of licky, lovey goodness.

    In all honesty Mr Wolfs point about dogs being product of their owners is the best said. I was bitten randomly walking down the street by a yellow lab who's owners seriously just laughed it off and I got three stitches out of the whole affair. And I still don't blame the lab!

    And yah, that kitten is cute as hell.

  34. We used to have a boxer when I was little, and one day me and my dad were walking him on a leash around the neighborhood. Well, out of nowhere comes a pitbull and jumps on our dog's back and grabs the back of his next. Absolutely no way of defending himself. My dad had to beat the dog off of him with a break and a tree branch.

    I don't care how precious and gentle some people's pits are. Do the crime, do the time. These dogs should not be let out of their yards, ever, off a leash. I don't care how good they are. I don't believe in banning a certain breed, but I do believe in rules and regulations. And this breed of dog (and some others, like cane corso, for one) is one that needs to have to abide by that.

    I know most dogs are "made", not born, but just like human, any of them are capable of snapping withoutprovocation or reason. Just like people want disturbed people to take meds/see a psych, I think it's fair for some of us to want any breed that has shown signs it will attack to wear a leash or even a muzzle if it goes out in public.


  35. Lostahome - I respectfully disagree .. Muzzles? Really? No.. Just no. Cane Corsos are not aggressive dogs at all.. They're herding dogs .. They just look really scary! I'm sorry about your boxer though.. That's really sad.

  36. * there are a few people I'd like to muzzle however.. My ex hubby comes to mind ;)

  37. I agree with several of you. I am terrified of pitts and there IS a reason for that. It's the only breed that I've ever had a bad situation with. It's in their blood. I agree it does have somewhat something to do with the owners, but certain breeds are just prone to being aggressive in situations. Period. Don't pretend like yours is different given a chance.
    Oof, I can feel the heat coming. *ducking*

  38. I think I see a baby's foot dangling out the bottom of Snooki's dress.

  39. My mom was a vet and growing up we had all kinds of dogs. We had a Pitt in the mid 80's before they got such a bad rap. I played with that dog all of the time. Me and my cousins used to play in the dog house with the dog. Dog never growled not even once. One day a guy was ridding a bike about 100 yards away on the main street and I saw the dog break and run. That dog ran 100 yards like it was nothing and jumped a chain length fence. We ran after screaming for her to stop. It didn't work, we only caught up when she ripped the guy off of the bike by his calve. It was the most horrifying thing I have ever seen even to this day. The dog just snapped. Never before did she show any sign of aggression. She had been with the large group of us kids ridding bikes several times before and always just followed us everywhere we went. She was the only dog we ever owned who bit anyone.

    I will avoid pittbulls no matter what. Damn sure won't let my kids around them.-NEVER

  40. My sister was badly bitten by a friend's brother's wolf-shepherd hybrid when we were young. None of us witnessed the incident, and she was too traumatized to talk about it. My parents accused her of "teasing" the dog, but they weren't there either when it happened and it's in their nature (my parents' nature) to blame us whenever bad things happen to us. My sister became phobic of dogs, even ones that posed no threat, because of being so traumatized by the mauling, so my parents did what in the 1970s seemed like a reasonable thing to do. They adopted an adorable spaniel mix puppy and put my sister in charge of training it. It worked for her. Anyway, that hybrid wolf was a GORGEOUS dog, but not stable enough to be a family pet with kids coming and going. To a large extent the owners are the problem, but to some degree I believe some breeds and hybrids are more susceptible to violence. (Although in the wrong circumstances, any animal can be.)

  41. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I dont understand platforms on pregnant women.

  42. What is UP with MJH's face?!!

  43. Gabby Douglas is infinitely better than Kerri Strug.

  44. Tommy, Where's Shelly?

  45. No heat renoblondie! :) I've owned and have been around several pits with no traumatizing experiences but I %100 respect people's fears and stories. It's a gossip blog.. I keep it breezy!

  46. Haha Jeneral. Gross and funny. Well-played.

    I'm calling girl for MJHart, boy for Snooks (wait - she announced that already, didn't she? Damn, I'm good.)

  47. My dobermans have been attacked, both on separate occasions, by pitbulls. Once when my girl was 7 months old and just not to long ago my 2 year old man also was attacked. I will never blame the dog.

    The first time was an idiot letting the dog outside while we walked by it's house, it's territory. I had to kick it in order to get it off. She walked away will a tiny nick on her shoulder.

    The male was attacked at a dog park by an obviously aggressive dog with a fucking muzzle on it's mouth. I have never seen a dog use it's arm so much to pin another dog down. The dog walker blammed me and my dog. It took all my strength not to beat the shit out of the lady.

    Two months later I had animal control called on me for My male dog barking, not running and touching anyone, just barking.

    The female was set to be a therapy dog and is the most gentle dog I have ever met. The male is her brother who was a show dog but was too SHY to win. In order to be a good show dog they want the dog to look it's best and stand strong, he is a big sissy.

    My dobermans live in a house with 3 cats ranging from 8-1 year old. They sleep in the same room as the cats, they play with our friends small dogs and they are both very gentle when people pet them or give them treats.

    Yet someone still called the cops. What a waste of tax payers money! They came to the house saw the dogs were sweet, took pictures of them and left with no warning. The police woman told me the guy exaggerated and after meeting my dog realized there was no threat.

    In Seattle if you get 3 aggressive tickets you can't have your dog within city limits. Again, I did not call animal control on the two dogs that actually physically attacked my animals yet some fuck who walks by my house gets barked at and calls.

    I am much more aggressive then my dogs and would risk my life for these two dobermans.

  48. Mr. Cruise looks great.

    1. Steppy! We have missed you. Mr Cruise is lookin fine! Tell him to call me. ;)

  49. I was bitten in the face by a german sheppard/collie mix (aka: mutt) at the age of 4 in 1974. I was under 3 feet tall, 35lbs and this dog towered over me. A top plastic surgeon was in the hospital and operated on me for over 3 hours with out anesthesia (due to my body weight and age). I received over 144 stitches, still have a large scar on my right cheek. I never tormented this animal, I asked permission to pet it and later we discovered it had a history of attacks. This was a "mixed breed" dog.

    To prevent me from becoming fearful of large dogs my mother researched all different breeds and found the history of the akitas to be perfect for our family. Helen Keller had two akitas given to her from Japan. If a blind and deaf woman could own such dogs, she felt that this animal would help me overcome my fear of large dogs after this experience. We ended up with a 150lb bear who was extremely gentle and loving. Since he started out as a pup, he grew and I never viewed him as a "large dog".

    Today, I have a "change of life" akita. I have had the distinct pleasure of granting a stable home environment to over 4 akitas, until their end of days. All of the akitas were gentle and sweet, and purebreeds. What I have seen with the aggression issues with akitas today are due to poor breeding and/or poor home life. Underlining tension and stress creates a dog with anxiety issues. Throw in the alpha complex, and you have a possible dangerous animal, no matter the breed or size.

    By the by, I owned a wolf-dog for over 14yrs (old age stole him from me...still have heartbreak from his passing). He was the biggest mush one could ever meet in a beast with 4 legs. The only true danger he posed was in his later years when arthritis attacked his body and he would stomp instead of walk. If you had your foot in his path, well, he stomped it, all 155lbs. My father still utters profanity over his experience.

    Sorry this is so long, but it isn't the breed of canine that can be aggressive. It is either genetic issues, unstable home life/abuse and/or illness that can turn any pet (including hamsters) into a dangerous animals.
