Friday, August 03, 2012

Tameka Foster Says Usher Was Faking Sympathy For His Dying Stepson

You would think the death of someone that Tameka Foster and usher cared about would bring them closer together. Not like getting back together again, but at least civil to each other. Nope. Tameka says that Usher only visited Kile in the hospital once during the two weeks he was on life support. She also says the only reason Usher wanted their custody hearing continued is that Usher was afraid he was going to lose because no judge would rile against a mother who lost her child so tragically. Tameka says that Usher did not do it to be nice. These two really hate each other. I'm still not sure what they ever saw in each other. I think Tameka let usher explore some things he wanted and needed to explore and did so with a non-judgmental eye and kept quiet about it. No matter the hatred, none of those taboo subjects have come up yet although it would be really fun if they did.


  1. Hey Tameka, your son just died. Shut the fuck up and mourn privately like a normal human being.

    I don't even know who this woman is, but this story really pisses me off.

  2. Zip it Tameka...
    As for what you saw in Usher that easy MONEY...
    What he saw in you is another matter...

  3. Classy - loudly complaining that the guy who wasn't the father of your child isn't acting like the father of your child. She sounds more like she just want a payoff from someone, and he's the one with the money. If I had just been bereaved in such a horrible way I'm not sure this would be how I would cope with it. We all react differently, but this just seems a bit opportunistic.

  4. ^What you guys said.

  5. Ooooh...what is Enty alluding to re: exploration of taboo things. Which famous dude did he hook up with? :)

  6. @ Munch, I think she's been opportunistic from the start. Pretty sure I remember Usher's mom HATED her.

  7. No comprende why this needs to be published.

  8. People express grief in many different ways. Usher could've been too torn up inside to see him. You just never know what is going on in someone's head.

    I'm getting tired of the public feuds.

  9. Grief is hard and unpredictable.

  10. So he did hook up with the Biebs?

  11. Well she was probably the man Usher needed her to be. However, that's not his child. She wanted him to pay the medical bills to keep him on life support but she didn't even have custody of him. The money is the only reason she's fighting Usher so hard to get custody. Her first two children lived with their father who she left to get with Usher.

  12. I didn't know anything about them before so maybe I'm being a sucker in thinking she could be absolutely completely hysterical in total grief unable to think clearly and is spitting out hate at the world for taking her son. I wonder if she's mad at Usher for not paying for his life support? It happened in front of how many family members and he had brothers right? They were right with him watching on the boat? I can't even begin to imagine. And then she had to, well she was pretty much forced to take him off life support but I think only one poster on here knows what that feels like and I would just ignore anything out of line Tameka says right now.

  13. I think Usher's mom was right all along.

  14. Yeah, I have to say publishing a woman's comments who tragically just lost her young son is pretty heartless. Let the woman alone. Same with Usher. This is a sad time for all.

  15. How...maternal. Something tells me this one has the instincts of an alley cat.

  16. @Topper Madison
    You are spot on. The thought of losing a child under any circumstance is life-shattering, but the extra turmoil of having to finally take them off life support would be enough to drive anyone over the edge. Even if doctors are telling you there's no hope, you never want to give up on your child.
    I don't know anything about the character of Tameka or Usher, but I'm sure not going to attempt to figure it out now.
    RIP Kile

  17. Maybe he didn't visit more because it was too hard to see the boy knowing he was brain dead and Tameka had not yet realized he won't recover and would need to be taken off support. Plus, in spite of the fact that he chartered a plane for her, since she was once again traveling around the world and not with her children, I'm sure she wasn't exactly nice to Usher when he came. They have been divorced for 3 years and with the legal battles going on many men wouldn't have come at all.

  18. And he asked to delay the upcoming hearing out of respect for the boy's death and Tameka said to move toward with the Aug 13 hearing and not use the death as a ploy, which is where her comments originated. She also criticized him for not asking for prayers on Twitter.

  19. I am ashamed of myself for wondering more about what the implied blind is than about the supposed topic of this post.

  20. Hey, rejectedcarebear- I’ve been tormenting the Bieber fans on youtube for months that he’s Usher’s bitch. They go fukkin crayzeeeeeeee hahahahaha. Yes God, I am truly evil when I’m low on cough medicine!

  21. I agree with everyone! (That's usually true, though.)

  22. ahaha @billybob that is hilarious! i'm glad you are trying to teach them all at a young age that experimentation is totally normal and nothing to get all fussy about!

  23. I loathe the mother, but I'm with her in that Usher could have asked for prayers for kid - what is the harm in that. Apparently, his next tweet was about the breakfast he'd just eaten. Perhaps he was trying to hide bebind 'normal', but the optics of this suck. And the fact he didn't attend the funeral. Who knows what drama was going on there in that maybe he was told he couldn't attend, but, again, it looks bad.

  24. I am sorry she lost her son, however badmouthing the former stepfather is a bit tacky.

  25. She's grieving and is probably going through the anger stage right now.

    1. She has been angry for years unfortunately.

  26. I heard he let her use his private jet(despite their animosity) to get to the hospital to be with her son following the accident. Sounds like a good person to me.

  27. Mourning is such a personal experience. It brings some people together, and tears others apart. I don't think you can ever predict how people will react to a traumatic death of a close family member. But she spewed vitriol about him before, so it isn't off that she would do it now.

  28. Perhaps knowing her animosity towards him, he stayed out of the picture so he didn't make her grief any worse.

  29. Hey rejectedcarebear, my work is not yet over. Must get to every little tyke that’s clicked the like button for the little bugger on youtube. I might not be around for some time!

  30. they're both assholes and need to get over themselves, as bad as this may sound.... Usher isn't obligated to care and shame on her for even thinking she could rely on his ass, I hope they settle matters privately though I doubt it since she's already using the death of her child to publicly attack someone, smh

  31. Usher's mom is the bitch, her little baby/moneytrain grew up and moved on! And yes, sometimes with another "mommy figure"...happens all the time.

    She has lost her child and she is right in what she said, oh and mourning comes in all different shapes and styles and is awful all around.

  32. I still think Usher did the right thing by getting her to her sons side as quickly as possible. She just doesn't seem like a very nice person from her public portrait. And she likes to be quoted in public a lot. Still horribly tragic that she lost her son and for that I will pray for her to heal.

  33. This woman is so hateful and spiteful, i dont even know where to start. To turn her son's horrific death into fodder for court- i am at a loss for words.

  34. Sometimes grief manifests itself as anger. Unfortunately, this just makes her look very bad. I'm not a fan of hers, but I do feel very bad for her and think that she should get a pass on this one.

  35. as far as i know usher has always been gay! i was shocked when he married her and figured she was his beard.

  36. agree w/ katsm0711 and the others about this being grief that's speaking.

    so sad. a friend of one of my children was in an accident last summer and has been in a vegatitive state since then. the family is just "happy he's still with us". very, very difficut for a parent to let go.

  37. like MadLyb said...
    She is probably not a nice person but she must devastated right now in a way nobody should ever experience.
    Let s not pay attention/judge her antics for the time being.

  38. Wait, he's getting shit because he didn't ask for prayers? News flash: Not all of us believe in prayer. I try hard to respect people who do, and I expect the same respect from those people. For Usher to be raked over the coals because he didn't think it was necessary or whatever reason? That's ridiculous, insulting, and quite possibly bigoted.

  39. The fact that Usher is the star seems to make an automatic bias against Tameka. It’s obvious she was the kids’ primary caregiver, yet Usher is the one who received custody. He also admitted that he had an affair with one of her best friends and bridesmaids. Tameka has really been given an unfair rep. I'm very interested in hearing her interview with ET in which she finally has a chance to tell her side of the story and counter all the allegations that have swirling these past few months.
