Thursday, August 02, 2012

Tatum O'Neal Is back In Rehab

A couple of months ago I tweeted Tatum O'Neal and asked her if she was still using coke because I had heard she was. She said no. Well, Tatum is back in rehab for coke for the second time this year. What is sad about this story is not the relapse because at least she is fighting and trying. I know she is. She tries everyday and is willing to start the process over again each time which can seem daunting when you have to start at day 1 after you might have a 30 day chip or 1 year chip or whatever. What is said is that she was doing this in private but her dad decided he just had to let someone know because he needed a few bucks and figured someone would pay for the story. Radar bought the story from him. Ryan O'Neal has been visiting his daughter at rehab. Probably to try and sneak some photos to get more money. The guy is an a-hole.


  1. Glad she's in rehab. Haven't heard anything lately about RFO's health...

  2. Ryan O'neal should be in jail for a variety of reasons. His kids never stood a chance. I wish Tatum well. She has dealt with a lot of crap in her life.

  3. RFO is such a horrible person. I hope rehab works out for Tatum.

  4. I think I'm going to start tweeting celebrities and ask if they're doing coke because I heard they were and see what kind of responses I get.

  5. Isn't RON ill with Cancer or some illness?

  6. She needs to make peace with the things he's done to her, forgive, and cut him out of her life. It's not even worth the effort to go off on what a POS he is.

  7. @Montana Marriott, he's got a giant case of the Fuckheads that's incurable.

    And cancer.

  8. Ryan F**king O'Neal!

    Bad parents make me angry.

  9. You know, maybe it's too late for her, but maybe she can be the link in the chain that changes these destructive patterns for her own kids. Sometimes I think saving our kids from the demons we've had to face is the best we can hope for.

    I do wish her the very best, though. She deserves peace and happiness, as we all do.

  10. @Amber
    You are absolutely right. I believe in making amends, but this idiot is just hopeless

    Just was perfection

    Best of luck to Tatum. I am always pulling for that girl, and hope she can finally get the monkey off her back. That monkey is a bitch

  11. Oh Maggie Gavin I'm still pulling for you sweetie. I blame Ryan for ALL of his children's issues. Man, if there is one person that deserves the cancer they have, its him. That is Horrible to say, I know, go a head, judge me. Glad Tatum has the sense to keep seeking help. Conquer this girl!

  12. Hey, Sun! Can't wait for your eye cream report - us Gen Xers gotta work together to stay fab!

    Have a terrific Thursday :-).

  13. I feel so bad for Tatum. I fell a little in love with her after I read her book. Get well and stay strong Tatum!

  14. I hope she makes it. She's trying. Good for her

  15. I think it's ironic that Enty tweeted her publicly about coke addiction, given this article. Yes, her dad is a miserable SOB, but tweeting a celebrity something like that? What a set.

  16. @Frufa
    You have a great Thursday too!! I will let you know about the eye cream. I am such a product junkie. Right now I am using the Rodan and Fields high end skincare (my neighbor sells it). Unfortunately I have to worry about wrinkles and the occasional blemish. (Why yes, I am almost 40. Someone tell that to my skin) Anyway, my sis-in-law owns an AWESOME day spa in Little Italy (San Diego) and she is SWEARING by this anti-wrinkle plant-based skincare line called Nerium. I may have to investigate further. Sunny is on the case!

  17. she really has struggled..

  18. "Maggie Gavin"....sigh, I miss that show so much. Tatum was awesome as Tommy's sister.

    I grew up with a Mother who would cut your ass out of the family in a heartbeat if you crossed her. I used to think that was cold-hearted, but in the case of RFO, all of his kids should disown him completely and forever. Sometimes I wonder if Tatum will ever get sober?

    Sunny, let me know about the Nerium, I can easily make a trip to Little Italy. I'm heading back to South Mission Beach today. Beach weather has been awesome.

  19. @califblondy
    Another S.D girl? Awesome! I'm in North County so I usually go to Cardiff. My sis-in-law and her best friend own Spa Velia in LIttle Italy (across from the W). They have been using the Nerium stuff for about a month or 2 and say it's a miracle. The best friend used to botox and stopped! Anyway, call them and ask about it. I have no idea of the cost, but I love that it's plant-based because I do not like lots of chemicals. Stacy is usually the receptionist there, but once a week my Sissy (Dana) and Jody work the desk. My name is Shelby (a lot of my friends call me Sunny but not them)

  20. Honestly dont think rehab works at all, maybe she should move to tibet and live with the monks for a year cut off from everything

    1. Maybe not, but right now its all we have.

  21. @califblondy
    Let me know when you got the info I posted. I may delete my comment for privacy :)

  22. Sorry for the hijack, Readers! I will stop now :)

  23. For having such an asshole of a father no wonder all of them are in rehab.

  24. Poor Tatum - why is it that all the people around RFO are screwed up, but he keeps chugging along? Not saying he isn't screwed up, but he's got money, isn't in rehab, isn't in jail, isn't dead, like all the others who swirl around him.

    I wish Tatum well...

  25. Yes, RFO is an asshole and Tatum is screwed up because of it.

    But, remember, Tatum is an adult and has made her own decisions. I really like her and I wish her well, but she's responsible for the situation she is in now.

    And, ya, Enty - what's up with tweeting that question? You really think she was going to say yes?

  26. I'll give it to her, no matter how many times she falls, she always seems to try to get up and get sober.

    She's had a hard life, and I know addiction is hard to beat. I think that is admirable.

    1. " I get knocked down, but I get up again...". Good thoughts coming your way tatum. Ryan, u are IN the way.

  27. @RenoBlondee - I too loved her after reading her book. I read that puppy in one day - couldn't put it down. After rehab, she should relocate to a place where she has no clue how to score coke. I'm routing for her.

  28. Ryan Fucking O'Neal... Man, if ever a human being deserved cancer, this sack of meat does. She needs to cut him from her life completely and continue therapy even while out of rehab if she's gonna heal and stay sober.

    I have to hand it to her, she's had a heck of a raw deal and she keeps trying and trying and trying. She may keep stumbling and stumbling, but she keeps getting up and trying again. She's just gotta learn to cut daddy out of her life and that she's got give up that dream of having the Normal Family.

  29. off topic but yay for all of the san diego love today. best city in america!

  30. Best of luck to her.

    And fuck Ryan O'Neal.

  31. Lots of San Diego people! I'm in Blossom Valley.

  32. I feel for her. Coke is the devil. More so than RF'nO.

  33. AuntJess: Love your kittles picture. That is one sweet looking kitty.
    @Nolachickee: Speaking as an addict she will find it even if she moves to a mountain top. She needs self control and that's the hardest part. I KNOW!

  34. Sherry, Thank you! Kevin is my baby. Just turned 11 and still wants to be held constantly. Just loves people and other cats so much, biggest attention whore you'll meet.

  35. First time poster...short'ish time reader..had to chime in with all the San Diego Used to live in Los hubby and I tell people that we are displaced San Diegan's...the comments are always interesting and intelligent to read...

  36. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I haaaaate RFON. Hate him. I know
    I've told the story about his son and my granny before, so I won't repeat it. I just hope the devil is preparing an extra-special place in hell for him. Yes, I know that makes me a bad Christian. When it comes to him, I don't care.

    Tatum needs to do her rehab and then, once she's done, get the eff out of NY/LA. She keeps going right back to the environment that enables her to do drugs. Just chuck it all and go live in some nice little town (hopefully without a meth lab) and live your life, Tatum.

  37. What a shame, I'm always rooting for her.

  38. Texshan Storytime please! I havent heard it before and would love to. Also-that does NOT make you a bad christian. Hell I said he deserves his cancer.

  39. @FSP - I think I'll do that, too. You better post a list of the people you're tweeting so I don't contact the same ones.

    Re: San Diego - I used to live in Loma Portal. Moved to L.A. in 1980. It might be different now, but San Diego used to be such a boring place. I really hated it there.

  40. Wow, I'm really surprised she didn't admit to a coke habit on Twitter. Really. Shocked.

  41. Yeah, TexShan, I don't remember the story, either. Tell us, if you'd like.

    I just love Tatum, especially after reading both of her books and watching her show with Fuckhead. Man, I was rooting so hard for her; I think I shed a few tears along with her.

    She really should do what Amber said, though: forgive him, find some peace, move on, and cut him loose. He will NEVER change. People with Cluster Bs never do.

    She should move to STL and I will be her friend. We will party it up clean and sober. (That means brats at the stadium and Fitz's Cream Soda.) :-)

  42. Don't put everyone in a cluster b category, some people work very hard at changing that in themselves, including going to treatment for it. It's a tough road to go down, I've seen it, but not everyone with cluster b traits is awful and doesn't change. That said, RON is a complete and total asshole, it has to say something about his parenting when his kids struggle with these types of things each and every day.

  43. Back in 1997 I had my first trip to America. One of the places I went to was San Diego. Loved it. Walked through one of those buildings for Halloween where people are dressed as zombies etc, went to the zoo. Beautiful town.

  44. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Aunt Jess, my grandmother was a teacher at a fancy private school in LA in the 1960's-70's. She taught many children of celebrities, but her favorite was Griffin O'Neal. She said he was the sweetest, most loving little boy she had ever met. She also said he was affection-starved and terrified of his father. He usually lived with his grandparents, even though Ryan had custody (because Griffin and Tatum's mom was addicted to pills and an alcoholic). But RFON couldn't be bothered to deal with his children, so he dumped them on his elderly parents. Well, whenever Griffin knew that his dad would be picking him up from school to spend time with him (usually for some photo op), Griffin would be very emotional all day and cry. Sometimes he would even wet his pants from fear and nerves. This was on top of being very clingy with my gran on a daily basis, hugging her all of the time, telling her he loved her, and regularly asking if he could go home with her. It broke my gran's heart. Well, once when RFON came to the school to get Griffin, the little boy (he was about 7) burst into tears and ran away from him. Ryan grabbed him and slapped him across the face. My grandmother called the principal and told him she was going to call the cops. The principal told her if she did he would fire her, and it wouldn't do any good, anyway, because other people had tried it and Ryan would just smooth-talk and buy his way out of it. Not long after that, RFON took Griffin out of that school.

    When Griffin started having substance abuse issues later, my grandmother was very emotional about it and blamed it all on Ryan. Can't say I disagree with her.

    So that's why I hate RFON and hope he gets an extra-shitty spot in hell.

    To offset that, here's a funny celeb kid story: my gran also taught Johnny Carson's youngest son. One day he got in trouble for using profanity in the classroom. When Carson came to the parent-teacher conference and gran told him what had happened, he turned to his kid and said, "Where the hell have you been hearing language like that?"

  45. I didn't say that Cluster B people were awful. I said that they never change. Yes, that's a generalization, but it's not far off the mark, and research backs up my claim. For one thing, many with PDs don't even WANT treatment. Many of them feel that their issues aren't bothering them, after all; it's the people around them who suffer the most, usually.

    I'm sorry if you have a Cluster B PD and I offended you. That was not my intent; I am very sensitive to psych disorders, as I have two myself. But the fact is that most Cluster Bs do not seek treatment unless mandated, and many play the system through manipulation and noncompliance even if they DO go to treatment. That is also backed up with clinical research.

    And I WILL put RFO in a Cluster B category. He's as NPD or ASPD as anyone I've ever met or studied. *shrug*

  46. Thanks, TexShan. That story, sadly, does not surprise me in the least. SAD. Just absolutely tragic.

    And *snort* at the Carson story. ;-)

  47. Aww, I love St. Louis!

    And I've never been to San Diego, but it's on the to-do list.

  48. Tex, thanks for the story. Very insightful. Anyone who's ever worked with kids has known one like that, and it's heartbreaking. Horrible.

    The Carson story is ten shades of awesome. Man, was I ever a huge Carson fan!

  49. Texshan Thank you for sharing that. My heart breaks for lil kid griffin. I can relate to being the attention starved child. And I have to say WOW! Your gram sounds like one kick-butt lady! She did her best to right a wrong. That A-ok in my book. Cheers!

  50. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Thanks, everyone. My grandmother really loved Griffin, and she always regretted backing down and not calling the cops in spite of what her boss said. I think she also blamed herself for his later problems, at least in part, for not pressing the issue. She quit teaching not long after the whole episode. It's because of stories like this that I've always had a soft spot for the O'Neal kids. They've had tough lives.

    Carson was a real character, apparently. Not a bad dad, just kind of oblivious.

  51. I think I've heard that about Carson in general...all that charisma on his show, but not so much in real life. Not a bad guy, mind you, but just kind of off in his own world. I clearly never met him, but that's what I've heard.

  52. RE San Diego
    @feral tart
    I have done that Haunted Hotel downtown. That was back when I used to do a little puffity puff (I can't stand that now) and I was scared shizzless. I have been to the East Coast of Australia a couple of times, but I heard Perth is a lot like S.D. Sister Cities! Auckland NZ reminded me of home too :)

    @random life
    I have lived in S.D my whole life minus a 6 month stint in Santa Monica and 3 months in Colorado Springs. I love it here so much. Best weather and super nice folks

    @I heart jack sparrow
    I think San Diego was a snooze back in the 80's. Sleepy town for sure. You HAVE to check out the Gaslamp now. They did a complete overhaul on it, and it got even better once they added the ballpark. So cool down there. HOWEVER, my ex from Copenhagen couldn't STAND it here. He thought it was like perma-vacation, and prefers a more cosmopolitan/urban setting. I get that. I swore I was going to move to the Chicago at one point but chickened out

    Lady, if you ever visit here we have a DATE!!!!

    Hope I didn't miss anybody!

  53. @that kim girl
    Welcome! This site is so addictive - you've been warned :)

  54. @Sunny - SD is one place I've never been but really, really want to visit. I love the sun and the beach! But I live due north in the land of rain (Pac NW). I may be down there in Oct for some motorcycle thing. I hope so cuz I will be needing some sun again.

    And yes, this site has become my crack. I spend waaaayyy to much time here.

  55. I liked their O show. Although she's a "soft talker", like Octo & Michelle Duggar, and one of my co-workers. You cannot tell when they are mad. Drives me nuts.

  56. @Texshan thanks for sharing that.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. @Sunny - When I lived there, what is now the Gaslamp district was nothing but hookers and tattoo artists. Walking Lower Broadway scared the heck out of me, even in broad daylight. Back then the city catered to the Naval base and the ships docking at the port. I know I wouldn't recognize the place now.

  59. Texshan, your story broke my heart, and though I am a Nor Cal girl, San Diego is one of my favorite places, we camp at San Elijo all the time!
