Thursday, August 16, 2012

Texas Jury Watches Sex Video Of Teacher And Her Students

Apparently prosecutors in Texas were unsure whether they could prove their case without it, so they decided to show a video to a jury of Brittni Colleps having sex with four of her students. At once. Now, in case you were wondering if it is child porn, it isn't because all of the students the married mom with three children had sex with were over 18 at the time. The thing is it is illegal in Texas for a teacher to engage in sex acts with a student. Does that apply to any teacher/student relationship? If you are in your 20's and are taking a college class is it against the law to have sex with your teacher? That seems strange. Brittni's husband is in the military and says he fully supports his wife and is standing beside her throughout the entire process. Umm, she cheated on you with four guys at once and let the guys film it. Plus, it happened at least five times with all four guys. Plus, I'm guessing this was not the first time. I don't know what your kids look like either, but you are in the military and probably gone a lot and your wife seems like she enjoys sex. Just saying.


  1. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Wow, just wow. I hope they warned them before the gangbang video. Also, anyone else starting to want to homeschool more and more as these freakshow teacher scandals are happening?

  2. Sick bitch. Stupid name.

  3. I wonder if Quad City DJ's was playing in the background?

  4. Grody to the max. How do these people not think they're going to get caught? Especially if it's on tape! I'm sending my kids to school with rape whistles.

  5. Wow...ok. I guess this isn't 1/2 as bad as some of the articles that have appeared on this site. I'm just glad she didn't eat their faces off or something.

  6. Ummmm wow!!!!! That's all I can say... WOW!

  7. FSP, it can't be any worse than your hairless mole rat :P

  8. Gawker had a better picture of this broad. Meth face to the extreme.

  9. I'm remembering a story of a guy friend. He told me about a girl in his town that was universally known as the town slut. He and three of his friends participated in a four-way with her. Young and naive, I was like "How does that physically work?" Without going into specifics here (bc it's early) he explained that at any given time there were three guys on and one would take a break. They all got chlamydia from that night of "passion". I felt bad for that poor girl who probably had been sexually abused and didn't know anything different.

  10. Amber, leave my naked mole rat out of this!

  11. Her name is Brittni with an "i". What do you expect??

  12. Enty, most universities have policies that either prohibit or severely frown up instructor-student relations. It would be more of a job loss/reprimand situation than a legal one.

    Maybe the woman's husband is standing by her because he's into too.

  13. @ Amber - Grody to the max? I guess this behavior is not totally tubular in your opinion.

  14. @ bobbi - That's funny, I'm surprised no one else commented on your comment!

    1. agreed, I almost lost my coffee when I saw that :)

  15. @Amber, spacecowboy - I'm gagging with a spoon over here! So not radical. Or tubular. I'm going to go scrunch my perm and peg my jean legs now.

  16. These stories should be publicized, but it's not a national epidemic of teachers having inappropriate relations w/ students. The Internet just makes it easier to find out about them. I taught high school for 8 years before burning out. The influx of people who've lost jobs in their previous sectors and go back to school for teaching because that's where the guaranteed jobs are, those are the ones not in it for the right reasons. Those people, who never got into education with a true passion, are the bad apples.

  17. What gets me, though, is how local news is a total freak show parade these days. I mention that because this pic is obviously a tv still shot. Good heavens, it's like they find the most repulsive shit that occurs every day and gleefully report it all. There are actual, pertinent events happening in the world that are worthy news topics. Instead, we get "homeless woman walks by local elementary school clad only in panties (two nights ago)". Team Frufra is officially done with local news broadcasts. Uugggghhh!

  18. @ Frufra & space - I only wore one pair of scrunch socks instead of two today ;(

  19. Just once, I'd like for one of these teacher's to be named something like Edith or Mildred (no offense to the Ediths or Mildreds out there).

  20. @yawnathon - ITA. Good teachers teach because education is their passion. Definitely not a career for those looking for glamour and high pay - although when I'm the Queen of the World, it will be!

  21. I defer to goheels83, the spelling of Brittni with an I should have been the first sign of trouble.

  22. Teaching should be a high-status/HIGH PAY job, to attract the best, and to foster competition for those jobs!

    There's already a huge shortage of math & science teachers, because anyone good in those fields, go into engineering or biochem fields to make more money.

    I was an education major in college (didn't graduate-ran out of money), because I really wanted to teach & help kids. I met SO MANY people who said 'yeah, I wanted to teach, until I found out how much they make'.

    A teacher shouldn't have to graduate college with more debt than their teaching job pays in a year.

  23. Libby, I agree with you about teaching needing to be a higher paying career. Education (and the desire to be educated) in this country is in such decline. I have to look at resumes as part of my job and kids today can not spell or use text shorthand.

  24. Teacher student relations in college are frowned upon. So is having a hot plate.

  25. It's sad, isn't it Astrid?

    (Btw, Astrid would totally be my stripper name [meant as a compliment]. One of my favorites! Remember that hot blonde Astrid who sang "Obsession" in the 80's? I think they were a duo, but she had curly blonde hair and was SO cool!)

  26. @jane3113
    Nice one :)

  27. Ugh grimey. OT but this chick looks totally like my nephews new gf. We call her Fishy cause I think she looks like one.

  28. omg, Vicki, my first thought when I saw this story was "stupid name" -- Thank you for saying that.

  29. She should lose her job based on the laws but these are ridiculously horny 18 year old adult males in a consenting gangbang. I hardly think she had to do too much to convince them. This isn't the same as a lech preying on 11 year olds.

  30. Suddenly I'm reminded of a Nikki Minaj song, "You a stupid ho, you a stupid ho".

  31. " at anytime , 3 guys on and one takes a break". Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Just plain ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

  32. Well, it looks as if the public education system in America is simply a way for perverts to meet new victims.

    I look forward to the media hysteria over this, much as there was regarding the Catholic Church.

    PS, what kind of person stands by their wife after this?

  33. Jay, someone who's into the same kink.

  34. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Um...3 guys and 1 takes a break? So many questions that I should already know the answer to due to my age, but I would rather not know.

    1. Spoiler; the three orifices that can be penetrated. At the same time is pretty disgusting tho

  35. Okay, let me get this straight:

    Five competent adults got together and did stuff voluntarily, of their own free will, with nobody coerced, nobody assaulted, nobody unable to give consent.... And the state of Texas is wasting time, manpower, money, and law-enforcement resources on this?

    I mean, I get, it's not what most of us here would do for fun -- I'm not up for it -- but, so what? What do I, you, or anybody else care? It's not to your taste? I don't like Gespacho, but I don't think people should be prosecuted for eating it.

    All I'm saying is, if I lived in that part of Texas, and I'd been robbed, raped, assaulted, mugged, threatened, blackmailed, or otherwise been the victim of a real crime, I'd be pretty damned pissed off that time, money, man-hours, and law-enforcement resources were being wasted punishing adults for having mutual fun that didn't hurt anybody.

  36. meh. who cares all of age. wake me when a teacher has sex with a 11yo.

    so tired of puritan witch hunts.

  37. I don't think it should be illegal for teachers to sex their students if everyone is of age, but it should be classed as unprofessional behaviour and warrant being fired.

  38. How come when I am on a jury I never get a juicy case like this:(

  39. Oh Leviathan..How sad but true. But she should be fired and her husband deserves her. He's an idiot!

  40. If all are consenting adults, with no pride, self control or morals...what's the trial for? If the school has a morals clause, she probably broke it, fire her ass and save the state some money.

  41. Sheesh I went to the wrong schools. Not seeing a problem here. All involved are consenting adults and I guarantee no male egos or sanity where hurt in the making of that gangbang. If anything, she probably helped create another set of overconfident jerks that usually get way more action then their behavior deserves.

  42. 4 at once? how does that work? my mind can't come up w/ enough orifices.

  43. nevermind. forgot about her hands. idle hands and all....

  44. @me - explained it in one of the earlier posts (7am)

    @auntliddy - it's a tag team sexathon! I was totally grossed out when he told me that story. I think he mentioned something about 3 orifices but i didn't want to include that at 7am. The possibilities are endless really...

  45. Ok, um...

    Trying to put an "outraged feminist" spin on this:

    Typical! A woman is given the work of THREE men (literally) and it's a MAN who gets to take a break!

    No, seriously: Ew.
