Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Tom Cruise Still Talking To Katie - COS People Saying WTF

Apparently Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are still talking. These talks are related to Suri and is probably the same things all soon to be divorced couples with kids discuss. Unless of course you are a Scientologist and your partner has left Scientology. Then you are not allowed to talk to them for any reason at all. None. Zip. Nada. Unless of course you are Tom Cruise and seem to be making your own special rules as you go and nothing is being done. Meanwhile, thousands of families who split while in Scientology are not allowed to talk to their kids or their ex-spouses or grandparents or any other relatives that were in the church and left. Why does Tom Cruise get special rules? At what point is there a revolution inside the church? Do these people not read what is happening with their most notable member? Don't they wonder wtf is going on? Where are all those COS members who invade the comments when I write about COS? What is their excuse? Did Tom get a special dispensation from Xenu?


  1. Who would of thought Joey freaking Potter would be the straw that broke the Xenu fearing camels back!!

  2. Also..way to call out the trolls. Where's SHELLY?!?!

  3. Haha right, rej? This is what happens when you give one person in an organization preferential treatment.

  4. Think for themselves? Perish the thought. They won't think anything because the only time they see anything negative is when they're ordered to flood comment sections.

    The Church of Scientology...It's always worse than you think.

  5. Shout-out to Steppy - she/he will be here shortly. Good call Enty!

  6. @rcb...Don't you know, she's not "missing", she's happily toiling away for greater church private...where not a soul sees her. But she's not "missing", her loving husband knows exactly where she is. Silly.

  7. The celebs get treated better than the regular clams do - and Tommy boy is the #1 celeb clam - some say he actually has an unofficial leadership roll in the "church".

    Also, the reason many clams are ignorant about what is going on with their cult is because they - willingly - pay for a software package that can be loaded on their pc's that will "filter" [censor] out anything bad about Scientology so they won't be traumatized by possibly being exposed to lies [truth] about their "church". Seriously!

  8. It should come as no surprise when rich and powerful people are treated differently than the masses.

  9. I think that the suppressive person category could be clarified in all of these Scio discussions. The SP is problematic because he or she tries to get people away from the cult, and the sec check has items about "Has anyone said anything negative, has anyone tried to make you question your beliefs, etc." -- Plus, the sacred scriptures (okay, the ramblings of L.Ron) say that a tiny fraction of humanity are actually SPs, not everyone who isn't a dues-paying cult member. Disconnection is also only used on people whose family could get them away from the cult, and I don't seriously think that Katie Holmes would ever actually be in a position to get Cruise to leave. While the CoS is a destructive and controlling sect, they allow their members to associate with and be around "wogs" all the time, hoping to infect them with nonsense probably.

  10. Katie is, however, working very hard to keep the chosen one (Suri) out of Scientology. I can see how this would make her an SP

  11. I'm surprised. I really thought TC would cut Suri loose. I guess he paid some extra dues at the Sunday service. Does CO$ even have services? Is everything just audits and slave labor?

  12. Maybe this signals the possibility that TC will finally see the light and get out of COS.

    1. Don't hold your breath! Never gonna happen. Can you imagine the dirt they have on him?

  13. People who escape and/or speak out against the church are also declared SPs and disconnected from friends or family. Escape may make those left behind question things.

    Miscavige almost makes LRH look sane.

  14. I love this shit.

    @Barton Fink - yes you are correct however the SP labeling has EXPLODED since Miscavige's leadership and while it was initially only for ~2% of the population now it is routinely applied for anyone who blows.

    I can't wait to see the long term effects of this within the CoS.

  15. He won't cut Suri loose, she is the image of his manliness ......she makes him
    Can you imagine if she were really his ?

  16. @Rick - love the name btw, can we all now call them clams? I'm loving that. Where are the clam trolls?

  17. I just think he looks pretty hot in this that wrong?

  18. @Topper Madison....yes. Go rinse your brain. ;-)

  19. @Henriette - no, they do not have services on par with a traditional church and Sunday is not considered a holy day. Both the words "God" and "holy" are not a part of their teachings, it is more of a way of life though you can be into God in your own time.

  20. @Topper - I know, I know. Our support group is called Tommy's Girls; we are working through our disgust with the man he's become versus the image of hotness burned in our brains from our youth. One day at a time, sister. Hold on :-).

    1. I need to join please! I'm still in love with Jerry Maguire and of course I still remember him in Top Gun :/

    2. I'm in we meet Wed? Should I bring donuts or coffee? Lol Its not fair such hotness exists in such a douche *where did I put that brain bleach??*

    3. I missed this yesterday somehow!! Blah. Tom Cruise! I would ride his face until he liked it! Sorry had to be said. I just told my bf if Tom is ever in town he will have to chain me up so I don't do something I will regret. :) I totally would chase him down. I am an atheist but for him.... I would make believe in whatever he wanted... Hahaha.

  21. TC probably got Miscavige's permission by seducing him with back & foot rubs. Isn't that how a lot of couples earn favors?

    Seriously, they are SO up each others' asses (snicker), and the Co$ needs Tom's cash right now to pay off Travolta's masseurs.

  22. haha @Frufra and @Topper, I need to join that group too. I'm 6 months younger than Tommy, and remember so well the Top Gun days, when he seemed soooo nice and normal.

    But @Barton Fink, would most people be a SP then? Because who *wouldn't* try to encourage any friend or family member to leave CO$'s ridiculous clutches?

  23. But Tommy is the light! He is so dreamy. I am drawn to him... Must join Co$ to be near him...

    Frufra, help me!

  24. as always, when dogma affects you personally, you have a very diff take on things. You can say what u want about him, but he loves his kids. mb wrongly-a la cos- but he does love them. no way he wld cut Suri loose. Mb he is processing all this along with divorce stuff.

    And I remember when he was on Rosie show, and she asked about "surprising" Nicole with divorce,he said, "you know things dont work that way", meaning she knew. So he cant be peddling the "OMg!" about his divorce from Katie.

    1. just b/c he said that on rosie's show doesn't mean he didn't blindside nicole. like celebs are always so truthful

  25. Re: "Where's SHELLY"
    My'Reader Photo',January 2013 goal:
    Me in Clearwater, FL, with my "Where's Shelly" T shirt on, in my "Cousin It" disguise, with my "Slash" hat on and passing out Tony Oretga flyers in front of Co$ HQ.

    1. Risky Agent...
      Make sure you have the day on video, just in case. :)

  26. he is the chosen one, scientology jesus

  27. @Rick, I really like the clams description - hard on the outside, mushy and smelly on the inside, clings on to others and won't let go. Co$ distilled down to one image.

  28. @Agent - do it! Do it! Do it!!!

  29. Poor Katie looks like a King Charles Spaniel in that photo.

  30. Aww, but I like clams...

  31. aside from this post, Tom looks damn good in this pic.

  32. @agent - I will come down and crew for you! That pic would be priceless.

  33. Although I (shamefully) think Tommy can look hot at times, I kinda think in this pic he looks like he's holding in a fart.

  34. Agent**It - MAKE IT HAPPEN!

  35. Inneresting. And let's not forget that Connor and Isabella are deep into CoS, too. Wonder if they are allowed to ever see their sister again.

    If Tom and Katie are still in communication for co-parenting, then I think that can only be a good thing. Think about all the divorced couples that don't have CoS on their backs but can't manage a civil word about the other. This may be the most normal thing TC does all decade.

  36. I call them clams, too. They are called clams or clamheads by a lot of people it is a common Scientology nickname. This nickname has been given because scientologists believe humans descended from clams.

    Here is just one little tidbit about clams from LRH's book "The History of Man". :

    "By the way, your discussion of these incidents with the uninitiated in Scientology can cause havoc. Should you describe the "clam" to some one, you may restimulate it in him to the extent of causing severe jaw pain. Once such victim, after hearing about a clam death, could not use his jaws for three days."

  37. More from Hubbard on the clam situation:

    "Should you desire to confirm this, describe to some uninitiated person the death of a clam without saying what you are describing. "Can you imagine a clam sitting on the beach, opening and closing its shell very rapidly?" (Make a motion with your thumb and forefinger of a rapid opening and closing). The victim may grip his jaws with his hand and feel quite upset. He may even have to have a few teeth pulled: At the very least he will argue as to whether or not the shell stays open at the end or closed. And he will, with no hint of the death aspect of it, talk about the "poor clam" and he will feel quite sad emotionally."

  38. Wow - my first thought when I looked at the photo was that Tom looked old and wrinkly. I never thou was manly looking - I always thought he was "pretty".

  39. Ok @Frufra and @Topper and everyone else with this Tommy Girl problem...I have a confession. Those photos that were circulating when Rock of Ages came out--the ones with him shirtless and fake tattoos...Ug I was so repelled but oddly turned on at the same time. Uggg how embarrassing.

  40. really? descended from clams?! and people actually believe this crap? wow.

    Mmmmm I do love me a clam bake tho! lol

    1. Your kitty looks like mine. How is fittingly named Shelly.

  41. Actually, I think the wrinkles and experience make Tom MORE attractive--not less. That plus he still has great hair. I never liked him much when he was younger. But I think he's definitely improved over the past couple of years.

    Hi. I'm Topper Madison and I'm a...I'm a...Tomoholic.

  42. Who cares? Unless your a member of this church, it is far from interesting.

  43. leave Tom alone, who cares about his religion....all religions are complete crocks

  44. LOL @Topper. I'm a Tomoholic!

  45. Anonymous10:52 AM

    OK, they are just f*cking with us now about the clam shit, right? There is no way they actually believe this, can they?! When did this "truth" appear to L. Ron? When he was digging into some delicious chedder bay biscuits at Red Lobster?

    I find it interesting that at first The Anointed One was going to go to some fancy Catholic school in NYC, and now it turns out she's going to go to some even fancier new international school in New York. How much do you want to bet Tommy Girl threw a hissy fit about The Anointed One going to Catholic school?

  46. @Phillip Themholes - people who care about human trafficking are just some of the people who are interested in Co$.

  47. @Tex - you are on a roll today, lady! Those cheddar bay biscuits are the shit! We laugh at ourselves, because no matter where we vacation, we find ourselves eating at a Red Lobster. It's so very Middle America of us, and we just don't care.

    Let it all out, fellow Tommy Girls. Only by discussing and facing our problems can we find resolution:-). (@ Topper - better with age? Oh yeah, you better believe it!)

    1. Hahaha. I am so pisses I missed this post. You ladies are on a roll.

      Hi my name is smash and I am a Tomoholic.

  48. Well, well, well-the CO$ trolls have come out to play.

    Everyone gives a shit, Phillip, because the CO$ is a corrupt cult that engages in multiple crimes, as Agent made reference to.

    MrPresident: While I mostly agree with you re: all religions, why leave TC alone when he tries to shove his CO$ bullshit down everyone's throats whenever he can? This whole bullshit "religion" is for morons who cannot think for themselves, and TC uses his celebrity to draw these dolts in. He's a predatory asshole; so no, let's NOT leave him alone.

  49. But I thought you said that you never read the comments, Enty?

    Just yankin' yer chain. Hee, you sure are lovin' kicking COS in the crotch! Keep it up.

  50. Oh, and the only reason TC hasn't gotten his little grubby mitts on Suri (or tried to) is bc she must not be his biological daughter. If that were revealed, there goes evidence of TC's "masculinity" and "virility."

  51. The key here is
    " your partner has left Co$".

    Katie has not officially left Co$. Now if she leaves OR states something negative about the church, she becomes an immediate SP. So they say....

    "Operation Clambake" is an ex Co$ site,now you know why they named it that!.

    Tony Ortega had a great story in Village Voice Sunday about meeting Andreas Heldal-Lund - the Norwegian that operates OP Clambake.

  52. texsan, which ironic, since he shoved scientology down kidmans throat, but apparently doesnt want that done to him. Hmmmm, when those chickens come home to roost it gets very messy.

  53. Ah, two new COS trolls. Makes me concerned about Steppy, hopefully they are not reeducating her in a hole somewhere. WHERE'S STEPPY?

  54. Tom & COS may be able to mitigate the internally undermining effect by claiming that Katie was never really a Scientologist.

    Remember, Katie can't attack COS outright because Tom could use that as a custody issue, so there will be a self-enforcing detente between the two.

  55. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Liddy, the problem is, he keeps marrying Catholics! Marry some brainwashed CO$ chippie next who will think she's been blessed by Xenu to be noticed by The Thetan-Free One, and problem solved!

    Frufra, I love Red Lobster, and I don't give a shit who knows it. Those chedder bay biscuits are the shit, and anyone who says differently is just trying to sound fancy. There's one about 10 miles from my house, and whenever their endless shrimp special is on, my brother and I go over there and make the franchise owner wish he could deny us service. Red Lobster 4 Eva!

    1. Xenu is their devil not god. L Ron Hubbard is their god.

  56. @Texshan
    Totally! TC needs to marry another Scieno robot and leave Catholic girls alone!

  57. @ Tex - my brother-in -law TORE UP that all you can eat shrimp - we counted 109, I think. It was a total freak show.

    Now he's got diverticulitis (go figure), so, sadly, those days are over.


  58. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Frufra -- your brother and my brother could probably tag team and bring the Red Lobster corporation to its knees. My brother, a former rugby player, wrestler, and semi-pro football player, LOVES seafood. Watching him at The Lob can be deeply disturbing -- just keep your fingers at least three feet away from his piehole, and everything should be fine!

  59. You lucky buggers, my mouth is watering big time here.

    On my bucket list of food things I've yet to do is to sit down and have a big lobster dinner (with claws) and a New England clam chowder. Sadly we only have crayfish here, tasty but clawless.

  60. Go Enty! Enty is right on the nose here - the CO$ breaks up families (and friendships!) by shunning people who leave and declaring them "SP's" also forces children to disconnect from non-Scientologist parents, parents from children, siblings from siblings, and even forces divorces. Yet Tom Cruise gets a pass - because he's Tom Cruise.

    I HOPE he is talking to Katie. MAYBE she will get him to see what a corrupt & evil organization he is the "face" of.

    In the meantime, check out Tony Ortega's Village Voice blog today - Mimi Faust (from VH1's Love & Hip Hop Atlanta) talks about how her mother joined Scientology and basically abandoned her at 13. At 17, a group of SeaOrg-ers locked her in a room and chanted "Sign the paper" at her (the billion year contract) and she only escaped by getting hysterical and forcing them to let her out. Mimi is the exception - most children get into SeaOrg and never get out.

    These things (like the clams!) sound unbelievable but go on.

    You can believe in human-clam evolution all you want, but when you break up families, force children into labor, disappear your own executives for years at a time and then claim a tax exemption for all of the above, that's when the gloves come off.

  61. how do we know they are talking?

  62. Some people say these are better than the real thing. From Todd Wilbur and his Copycat recipes.

  63. Just to lay it out there for once. Xenu is the Satan or Devil of Scientology. He is the one who cast all theatans onto earth or in volcanos or whatever. L Ron Hubbard is more a god to them. Davie Miscabbage would love to be their new god.

  64. Who is "Joey freaking Potter"?

  65. That is Katie's character name on Dawson's Creek. (I think).

  66. @Steppy - Why, the character which made Katie most famous, besides the one she played as Tom's wife. ;)

    If all these people are brainwashed, I would guess that's the reason for the lack of revolution.

  67. "Shelly" the clam? Lol! I've never heard this clam stuff so had to investigate. How anyone believes the CO$ crap is beyond comprehension.
