Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Tower For Rufus

You know you will watch. It is a guy being crazy nice and loving to his cat. How can you not want to watch. Might even make you cry. Thanks Olive.



  2. Thanks for posting that - what a great owner....

    If people treated each other they way they treat their pets, the world would be better off....

    I especially loved the kisses and headbutts...


  4. Damn it! It did make me cry, lol. I wish to seek the hand of Rufus' owner. :)

  5. I don't think Enty can choose which internet ads go on his site, but bummed to see an internet ad for a petition to overturn Roe v. Wade.

  6. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Awwww, Rufus is so lucky to have a daddy that loves him so much!

    In other news, I plan to go to Australia or NZ or wherever this guy is and stalk him. Because he's just about perfect.

  7. At first, I thought how depressing this guy needs friends, but how sweet! It's a little long and kinda boring but the ending is really cool...

  8. That is precious. And I hate most cats.

  9. I now want to make a tower for my cats. Rufus seemed to appresh.

  10. Love what he does with the tape. He makes it look so easy!

  11. He sounds like Murray from Flight of the Conchords. Oh... and he is awesome.

  12. OMG - why am I crying??? So sweet!

  13. It's not that he needs friends, who knows. But Ive had cats and you gain this huge amazement and appreciation for a different species that can't speak the same language as you, yet it creates multiple ways of showing you that it loves and appreciates you. And its not just because you feed it. I find that silent display of love one of the most beautiful things. I lost my old cat after 5 years over the summer and I was close to trying a dog next but this video makes me want another Rufus! Can anyone compare the cost of owning a small healthy dog verses a cat which pretty much was just food and routine vet visits? I'm worried that grooming will cost a lot but I don't really know what a dog needs. I've had 3 easy cats in my life.

  14. Okay am I the only one that teared up watching this?

    What a Good Daddy.. Very sweet...

  15. Anonymous11:59 AM

    That's pretty sweet. Does anyone know the song in the video? I really liked it.

  16. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Katsm, I actually just read an article online about the cost of owning different pets. Large dogs were the most expensive, then smaller dogs. Cats were the least expensive. If you keep them inside (which you should do, anyway), they are even cheaper because you'll have far fewer vet bills.

    I have two small dogs and two cats. The cats are far less expensive and much easier to take care of. I love my pompoms, but the cats are much less demanding.

    Please consider adopting an animal from a pound or shelter. They'll already be fixed and up to date on their shots. In my experience, pounds and shelters are much less expensive then rescue organizations, which do great work but can be pricey. I adopted both of my dogs from my county's shelter. They were each neutered, up to date on their shots, and I had them microchipped. Each of them were less than $80 total. Cats tend to be even cheaper to adopt. Good luck!

    1. Thanks @texshan! I would only adopt from the Humane Society. I guess I need to learn what dogs need like grooming and baths. It's either a little dog or two kittens bc I always wanted kittens!

  17. @katsm0711, I don't think anyone can answer that for you. It depends on the size of the dog for food costs, the breed of the dog for possible health issues and the coat of the dog for grooming costs.

    Find a rescue you feel a *kinship* with and it will all work out.

    1. Thanks @delriser

      I would only adopt from the Humane Society and I agree just pick who I fall in love with. But I just couldn't care for an 85 pound dog so that's why I'm getting advice. If I got kittens I could get them now. If I decide I can care for a dog bc I have no idea what u do to take care of a dog, I have to wait until after my surgery and then I think a dog would be good bc ill have to relearn walking and I thought a dog might make it funner and easier since I find it easier to not say no if I have to take care of someone verses saying I'm too tired or lazy to do my own work. U know what I mean?

  18. Has Rufus hired a decorator yet ? I'd love to help

  19. My friend lost his cat after eighteen years. He had to put him down. It was so sad to see him so heartbroken.

  20. That was sweet.

    I pet a kitten yesterday. Made my day :)

    @Layna Day, if your phone is around, Shazaam or Soundscape it. My phone is at the bottom of my purse on the other side of this room. So. very. far.......

  21. Texshan said...

    Also if you find a pair that have bonded you can probably get two for the price of one like I did. I wanted to adopt them both anyway and didn't know until I got the bill. :)

  22. @katsm0711, the big difference is that dogs need you to be there for them. They aren't as independent as cats; you have to go straight home daily to let them out and play with them. If you spend a lot of time out of your home, stick with kitties.

    We have two dog furbabies; if you're looking at a dog who sheds compared to a dog who needs to be groomed, I say go with the latter. I enjoy spending time with my Schnauzer as I brush him. I do not enjoy spending time with my vaccuum as I clean up after the Rottweiler.

    1. Interesting. So it's either vaccuuming or go to the groomers once a month? And baths right?

  23. What a lovely inexpensive way to treat your cat to a climbing tower. Also would be great for a shelter to have the cats there get some exercise. Very clever! Thanks Enty for putting this up!

  24. Not all rescue's are expensive, I have gotten 2 Dogs for free from a rescue and another one for $14. I always go to the Humane Society for cats. I like to get young ones and one lived for 25 yrs. My husband and I would sit in the living room with the TV off to just watch the cats and Dogs play. My Daughter's cat used to sit in the kitchen with the Dogs and beg for people food. Then after she ate would climb into my husbands lap and demand to be petted and then fall asleep with him.

    1. Awwww yeah ol'ady I miss my kitty. He was given to me as an outdoor cat so I had no choice but I loved watching him outside. He'd follow me around as I gardened or sit right behind me as I had my coffee on the steps. And of course sit in my lap when it was cold. I miss him so much and I'm so ready for the next one! They blow me away how we don't speak the same language but the love between us is understood.

  25. Okay... that was indeed pretty lovely.

  26. Anonymous12:57 PM

    @Anita: no luck, as I don't own a cell phone.

  27. Anonymous1:18 PM

    People like this give me hope for this world. he's really EVERYTHING. what a kind heart.

  28. @katsmo

    I've had many dogs (of all shapes and sizes) and many cats through the years and with only a couple of exceptions the dogs are always more expensive. Cats generally don't have aging problems (like joint pain, dementia) they don't tend to have genetic problems (although I did have a cat with thyroid problems) they don't tend to get sick (if kept indoors) they don't tend to get into things they shouldn't and then barf or have diarrhea everywhere. I adore my doggies (I have 3 right now after losing one of my babies a couple of months ago...a standard poodle, rat terrier and setter mix; all rescues) but my cats (2 at the moment + 1 stray that will probably end up in my house after a vet visit) have cost me FAR less money over the years...and they generally live longer.

    1. Oh yeah I forgot about the cat throw up! I did have a kitten with feline HIV but it went away and didn't cost too much. My first cat had to go on dialysis just for a day I think but since he refused to eat and was 18 years we knew it was time to say goodbye. I'm leaning towards a dog though if grooming isn't such a big deal. The ONE thing I do enjoy petless is that I no longer am paranoid about cat hair all over my butt in black pants and I don't have to cover my pretty bed with an ugly sheet to catch the hair or drool!

  29. @Layna, I Shazaamed it for you and it came up as "no match." Maybe someone else can try and have better luck :\

  30. I Shazaamed and Soundhounded and nothing. You can try going to its YouTube page, he might have put it in the comments.

  31. Cats generally don't have aging problems (like joint pain, dementia) they don't tend to have genetic problems (although I did have a cat with thyroid problems) they don't tend to get sick (if kept indoors) they don't tend to get into things they shouldn't and then barf or have diarrhea everywhere.

    Clearly you've not met my Jezebel the terror tortie--she's 16, and has arthritis, is hyperthyroid (both of which are very common in elderly cats), tends to try to gnaw on plastic shopping bags and loose threads or ribbons (she ate the Mylar streamers off a cat toy years ago), and has a tendency to get an upset tummy and puke all over my apartment. (Sometimes it's a hairball, but usually it's undigested kibble; I think she just eats too much too fast and can't handle it.) She's a royal pain in the butt, but I still love her very much and hope to have her around for as many good years as possible. Oh, and she has serious tortitude out the wazoo... ;-)

  32. That was so cute! I have two cats and every couple of weeks I'll bring home a box from the store so they can play fort. They also love paper bags because, you know, no one can see them when there hiding in one.

    @katsm0711 - aren't you moving to the UK? The UK used to have some heavy duty quarantine laws. I don't know if it's changed.

    1. Omg NO IM NOT MOVING TO THE UK!!! I came to my senses in the nick of time and realized the guy was a dud. Or dunce. Whatever u call someone who's not that intelligent...

  33. I would marry this man.

  34. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Alison, re: the 2 for 1 deal -- I did that, too! My two cats are siblings, and the shelter was running a 2 for 1 on cats that month. I had only gone in for 1 kitty, but they were bonded and super cute, so they both came home with me. That was almost 9 years ago, and right now they are both asleep at the end of my bed.

    Mango, the UK relaxed their completely ridiculous quarantine laws at the beginning of the year. Now, as long as you have the proper documents for your animals, they don't have to stay in quarantine.

    Katsm, good luck! If you go for a dog, I would recommend a shorthaired one with straight hair. That'll save you a ton on grooming costs. Also, don't get a dog with a pushed-in face (pug, bulldog, etc.), as they tend to need more vet care. Frankly, mutts tend to be the healtiest dogs, in my experience and opinion. And if you get a slightly older dog (not a puppy), they are usually already housebroken. Have fun!

    1. Texshan u read my mind. I'm thinking an older mutt and I'll now pay attention to the hair.

  35. I've got a Husky/ Shepherd mix, white, and now all I do is vacuum. She was already housebroken when we got her, but good LORD does she ever shed.

  36. Thanks a lot f#%*er.....!
    I not even a cat person and I cried.....


  37. This video wouldn't be as cute if all of you knew that his entire house, furniture and appliances are also made out of cardboard. He's got a real sick obsession and needs help if you ask me. You should see the toilet!

  38. @katsm

    Do a little research on the dogs you'd like to see from the human NOT go back and look through their is a real shock to the senses,. I've known people who turned and ran...

    Often a rescue dog is a good idea, because the foster people will have lived with the dog and will give you an accurate read on what the dog is like......and they'll be able to see if you are a good fit too...

    I've gotten about half my dogs as strays that friends picked up...and they have all been great, big or small, furry or not....some are big pains in the ass but I've loved them all dearly,
    And you will too.

  39. Many dog breeds have local rescue organizations such as Pug Rescue. They are amazing. So many animals need a good home. Please think rescue!

  40. Thank u everyone but what's the difference between rescue and the humane society?

  41. The guy is sounds like he is speaking with an Australian accent. Not enough dialogue to compare properly. He has a page on YouTube called billybrowne with cat videos, you could subscribe to him, say hi if you wanted to, girls.

    One sure fire way to tell between our two accents is ask them to say the number six. An Australian will sound like you, six (sicks) a New Zealander will pronounce it as sux,(sucks), subtle but immistakeable.

    Hope this helps :)

  42. A cat-loving guy with an Australian accent is pretty irresistible.

  43. Trust me, the accent thing goes both ways ;)

  44. Lol, Robyn. On your crazy cat. I have a cat right now that is NUTS about paper. He chews on it all of the time. He also know his name, comes when you call him, screws with the dogs (by hiding and then jumping out and chasing them)...he's all kinds of awesome (and he has fangs...they don't fit in his mouth so he looks like vampire kitty).

    (I did say MOST kittys ;)...)

    kat, rescues tend to be smallish groups that foster animals in their homes. And don't let one shelter deter you. Three of our local shelters are clean and awesome places for homeless dogs to end up while they wait for their forever homes. They temperament test and send dogs who may need further "life skills" (and several kittens and pregnant cats) to foster homes until they are ready to be adopted out.

  45. This was on the australian news due to the fact it gained so many views after being uploaded last weekend.

    The man has anxiety and said that Rufus made him recover from anxiety. I think he works for an advertising company which explains why the video is done so well


  46. Ps. I hate the fact that by the time I see these posts, everyone has already commented/solved blinds/ etc etc. No one will bother to read my comment because I'm 12 hours late.

    Damn the Aus/US time difference!

    Ps. The man's brother made the music for the youtube vid :)

  47. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Katsm, I forgot to tell you that if you get an animal from a shelter, any shelter, tell them you want meds for kennel cough. Every animal I've ever gotten from a shelter had it. It's not a big deal; it's like the flu. But it does require antibiotics, and they should give you some for the animal.

  48. astrogirl-- Americans have accents? ;)

    I read your comment too, Louise. :)Thanks for the additional info.

  49. @katsm0711 - No difference really. The Humane Society is just a national organization w/ multiple branches. Good luck in your search!

    Such a cute video. It didn't make me cry, it made me laugh! My cat would LOVE a tower like this.
