Saturday, September 22, 2012

Blind Item #1

Which A+ list female singer was caught backstage at a show this week with a male backup dancer down on his knees between her legs. The singer didn't even care and told the person, "Honey, he might be gay, but he still has a tongue and he knows how to use it."


  1. Omg Ingrid. That made me snort from laughing.

  2. Anonymous9:24 AM

    She's a free bitch baby

  3. Gross....some things should be private

  4. My first thought was Madonna, but imma go with GaGa too.

  5. Madonna. Gaga seems happy with her good/bad romance.

  6. Madonna's a sad caricature of herself. It's her.

  7. Christina Aguilera

  8. Rhianna. I can't bear the thought of this being Gaga in her meat dress this week. Ick. Nast.

  9. p.s. I guess it's more of a leotard than a dress on Gaga, but regardless, it must rancidly reek. And, I don't mean the get-up.

  10. I'll go with Madonna!! I can see her doing this

  11. I think it's Gaga, because she's on tour. I don't think Madge is performing anywhere.

    Funny how it sounds like it could be either one of them.

  12. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Sounds like it's Jennifer Lopez, being with the gay back up dancer Casper? But she'd be more low profile. Gaga doesn't give a fuck. Gaga would be my guess.

  13. Hey, the men stars do the same all the time, getting blow jobs. I say good on her, lol.

  14. Madonna is touring, played Chicago on Wednesday.

    Ingrid, you're on a roll today!!!

  15. Whoever this is, more power to her!! This behavior is accepted and expected of men in this position, but there is a huge double standard when it's a woman. I say get yours, girl!!

  16. Ingrid - ha! I haven't seen you around. Glad you're back :)

  17. Probably Madonna, the old whore.

  18. If Rhianna is touring, I'm going with her. Otherwise, I agree with the Gaga guess.

  19. Supapimp: How could you find anything through all that fat?

  20. Lmao. @ Reba. I thought of the Reba character from SNL

  21. This sounds more like Madonna than Gaga, so I say Vadge.

  22. Clark: Hey, can we leave the fat-bashing out of it? You're reading this on a blog run by a self-professed fat man, and as a fat woman myself (although nowhere near Aretha's size, mind you), I can assure you that's it's nowhere near as hard to find as you think it might be, and my GYN has never complained that she couldn't get to it.

    As for encouraging women to emulate men's bad, no. It's one thing when everyone involved is a consenting adult with the freedom to come and go, but getting involved w/people who work for you while you're signing their paychecks brings up all kinds of issues? Bad idea all around--are they with you freely and willingly, or are they doing it for fear of losing their jobs? Remember, kids, don't shit where you eat...

    Another thing: why the hell would a gay man be willing to go down on a woman in the first place, unless he's technically bi? I know times have changed, but oral sex still does count as sex, and all the Kinsey 6 guys I've ever known weren't interested in women sexually AT ALL; if anything, you'd think having someone else's junk of whatever variety in your face, so to speak, would be a lot more intimate than simply fucking them. Having said all that, I'm guessing Madonna, w/Gaga as a possible runner-up but nowhere near as likely as Madge. *shakes head*

    1. You know what site you're on, don't you, Robin? Take the self-righteous moralizing everywhere. And my condolences to your Gyn.

  23. I love you, Ingrid Superstar!!

  24. I think it's Rihanna...

  25. I'm thinking that Madonna, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez all have partners right now. Rihanna seems to pining for Chris Brown....Nicki Minaj maybe?

  26. Fat: One of the last two acceptable prejudices.

  27. Please note the heavy level of sarcasm in my post.

  28. Sheesh I thought I was on Reddit with the 19 year old virgins. As an overweight adult woman, not cool.

    Im going with Nicki Minaj as the singer.

  29. She's super freak Supa Freak.

  30. Sorry .. this hardly a blind for us old farts. This is so Madonna can hear "Like a Virgin" when I read it.

  31. maybe i should make my gay friends use their tongues...

  32. Whomever it is, it sounds like she's a future defendant in a sexual harassment lawsuit. If a woman getting oral sex from an openly gay man in their employ isn't an abuse of power, I don't know what is.

  33. Amen @Robin I agree 100%

  34. Robin, well put & respectfully so.

  35. Doesn't Madonna have her daughter on tour with her? Lovely role model if it's her...

  36. Agree with others. EVERYONE hates fat people. Even "tolerant" people are awful toward those with weight problems. One of my closest friends is heavy, and it's disgusting how she's treated. It blows my mind. When we spend time together, we're treated totally differently.

  37. I think people are fat haters because it's something many people struggle with and psychologists say the faults we see in other people, are what we hate most about ourselves.

  38. Wow, astro, very insightful.

  39. @Astrogirl I totally agree with you ...I think maybe it's because they realize they are only a few bites from losing control themselves?

    The worst offenders to put down overweight people are often people who used to be overweight themselves!!

  40. taylor swift because i love the idea

  41. Thanks Frufra :)

    Tuxedo Cat yes, it hits too close to home and something inside snaps and they attack.

    I love to people watch and they do seem invisible a lot of the time (not making a bad pun). They wait longer for service and aren't asked if they need assistance. Maybe that's another reason why, if people don't see you anyway, what does it matter how much bigger you get.

  42. Astro! You are such a good person! That made me a little teary <3

  43. Aw shucks thanks dia.

  44. Duh - It's that slut Susan Boyle.

    I don't get the gay guy going down on a chick thing either, however Nikki Minaj, GaGa, Vadge and Rihanna are all good guesses.

  45. @ astro

    Spot on.

    I think most people who struggle with weight put up with an insane amount of abuse in their day-to-day lives. I say most because some people don't take sh*t from anybody. I love those people!

    Obviously we live in a superficial society. Attractive people are always going to have an easier time of things. Everyone treats good looking people better, whether they're treating them better unconsciously or not. It's almost like people suck up to the beautiful people, hoping it'll rub off on them. IDK. Anyway, yes, we're biased toward the attractive. But the ugliness people demonstrate toward those who have weight problems is abhorrent. There's no excuse for it.

    I think people who struggle with weight have a little "tinge" in their brains(s) and a different metabolic makeup that predispose them toward obesity. Yes, some people live on crap food and are lazy. But I think that an overwhelming majority of overweight people don't eat worse/more or move less than many thin people. Some people are thin because they work their asses off at it. But many others are thin because their bodies metabolize food more efficiently (the infamous "high metabolism"). Jillian Michaels talks about this in terms of how we oxidize food. People who struggle with weight are often fast oxidizers. That is, if they eat a typical American diet they're in for trouble. Let's say person A is a slow oxidizer (i.e. fast metabolism, ectomorphic body type). Person B is a fast oxidizer (i.e. slow metabolism, endomorphic body type). They both may eat the same package of pop tarts for breakfast. But person A's body will burn it slowly and efficiently, even though it's a junk carb. Person B's body will burn it up quickly, resulting in blood sugar crashes and hunger. Person B stores more fat from the pop tarts, gets hungry again faster, and on and on it goes.

    That's no an excuse. That's not throwing up your hands and saying I'm destined to be fat. It's just the facts. If you eat a typical American diet (which you shouldn't, of course), you'll probably be overweight if you're person B. Person A may very well not be a pound overweight. It's not because person A is a disciplined eater and a hard worker. It's because their body tolerates it better. They still may be unhealthy inside, but they're not overweight.

  46. People always say, "If it's genetics..then why are Americans fatter than those in other countries?" The answer is simple. Go live in Mexico (I did), go live in France, etc... Their cities are set up for walking (we drive everywhere here). They eat a less processed/fresher food diet (they way Americans probably ate 50 years ago). They have healthier relationships with food (we have a love/hate thing here in the US...people going on some other crazy ass diet every year...we set up food from a $$ value standpoint - how much can I get for my dollar/all you can eat, etc...).

    I look at struggling with weight problems in the same way that I look at struggling with drug/alcohol/gambling/sex problems. I think most people have "something" in their brain to which they're predisposed. Mine is probably food. I walk 5 miles a day, so I can get away with some dietary mistakes and still have an average body. If I have a "tinge" for anything, it's food. Really good food makes me happy (high?). On the other hand, I hate alcohol. It makes me feel hot/sweaty and sick. While I don't have a "tinge" for alcohol or drugs, others do (while they probably don't share my love of food). I'll never know what it's like to struggle with alcoholism or drugs. I just don't feel the rush from them. Others do. Fortunately, we seem to have sympathy for those who struggle with drugs and alcohol. Unfortunately, we have no tolerance for those who struggle with food/weight. We like to pretend it's all about discipline/personal responsibility/hard work. I think that's because it allows us to feel superior to those who have weight problems ("I'm thin. I'm better than those lazy gluttonous slobs because I watch what I eat and I work hard.").

    Waayyy too long of a post! Check out the book "The Compass Of Pleasure" sometime.

  47. HalleGoLightly I too have a love affair with food. Eating out in a good restaurant trumps alcohol for me any day. Luckily I am also blessed with a great metabolism so I manage to burn off the rich food and desserts.

    On a day to day basis, I don't eat butter nor fry anything. Baking is my hero, baked chips baked schnitzel,. No oil except for olive. Fresh veggies and fruit when I snack. I don't limit anything, but don't desire junk very much.

  48. @Supapimp, Clark St., and katsm0711 I don't know why you are insulting Aretha Franklin. Actually I do, she's overweight. Her talent obviously is secondary to people like you. katsm0711 I've so often enjoyed your posts, I don't understand why you are standing up for these two.

    @Kathleen Thanks for giving Robin permission to moralize everywhere. Hahaha I'm sure you meant 'elsewhere'. Robin was asking people to stop dissing overweight people. It's not a moral issue, it's one of civility. Civility means not hurting someone's feelings just for the hell of it.

    The only reason I stay here sometimes is because I know Enty can delete if and when he chooses to....I will never post in an unmoderated forum again.

    I used to really enjoy the usenet fashion and gossip celebrity groups, and they just got taken over by trolls.

  49. Enty, you delete posts? Really? I did not know that? Said with my best Johnny Carson voice:)

  50. @Roman Holiday If you are responding to what I said, I don't know if Enty deletes posts or not - I don't know him. I'm just assuming that since it is his site, he would be able to block people who were being total twats.

  51. Tell'em, Robin! That Aretha guess was so outrageous it was hilarious! When I first read this, I immediately thought of Rihanna at the I heart music festival. What happens in Vegas...
