Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Blind Item #3

"I love when I get on a plane and leave my husband and kids behind. Most of the time I never want to go back. I only go back because I have no other place to go. I am always happiest when I am away from them all." B list actress/celebrity with A++ name recognition.


  1. I like the CZJ, but she's more of an actress.

    Jessica Alba. She's known for being known at this point. B list is kind though.

  2. So "actress/celebrity" points someone who does more than act. Could this mean a musician or reality personality who also acts?

  3. Please reveal. Those poor kids didn't choose you as a mother.

  4. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Katherine Heigl?

  5. Julia Roberts. I doubt its Gwyneth, she's so proud of being a "regular working Mom", lol.

  6. Mrs Saddy McSadderton :(

  7. I don't know about that, Patty; I've heard a lot of otherwise very loving wives/mothers/husband/fathers say similar things over the years. You can love your children very, very much, and still find yourself wishing that you weren't tied down like that; I'd almost be more concerned about someone who never felt that way at some stressful point. We don't know her entire situation; all we have is this one quote. Perhaps the husband is a slackass who doesn't help w/the kids, or perhaps he's mentally checked out of their home & relationship; maybe they do both still love each other and their kids, but are just beat after dealing w/the kids, house, careers, etc. Just because so many people do it doesn't mean that raising children isn't one of the hardest jobs ever, right?

    One of the bigger taboos I've seen out there, esp. when everyone is trying to play the Perfect Parent, is admitting that married life w/children isn't all skittles and beer; sometimes, it just plain sucks, and all you can do is hang in there until things get better, or take time off to tend to business elsewhere, as this woman does. (Nothing like some time and distance to help provide perspective...) I wish I could remember to whom this quote should be attributed--I want to say Will Rogers--but whomever it was, their mom told them once " I wouldn't take a million dollars for you, but I wouldn't pay a dime for a dozen more like you!" Heck, my own sainted mother ;-) freely admits that while she's always loved us, she enjoys us much more now that we're (supposedly) grown up and she can actually have a real conversation with us. In other words, don't be too quick to condemn her, unless there's other evidence of her being a lousy mother other than one tired and grumpy quote, OK?

    1. Thank you! I am an only mom and I love my daughter to pieces but sometimes....I would like to get on a plane and take spme down time. I think every mom feels this way.

    2. Preach it sista! I just got back from a short vacation yesterday. I couldn't wait to go and have some ME time, and about 2 days later, I couldn't wait to come home & see my babes.

    3. *Starting my slow 80's clap for Robin*

    4. YES!!! It's hard being a mother, physically, mentally and spiritually draining, please don't judge her, I've felt the same way when I've been away from my family (which is not often enough!) but then I get home and I'm ok!

    5. thank u, yes, totally!

  8. No time frame is given. What about JLO prior to the divorce?

  9. I think Julia Roberts would be an A list actress. Maybe someone like JLo?

  10. Someone with a baby. Sounds like PPD.

  11. Maybe she was just having a bad day.

  12. I agree 100% with Robin. It doesn't imply she abuses the kids or that she's not going back, she's just venting.

    I find this site is leaning towards making us all judgy about everything.

  13. What's wrong with you people? There's a difference in saying you need a break and saying you "never want to go back." This person shouldn't have children.

  14. I don't have kids but I love when my husband is out of town! I love him but he's very needy. :)

  15. Michelle Duggar

  16. I am leaning towards Jessica Alba.

    I must say as a stay at home mom of 2 kids under 2, I sometimes want to run away! I live in the middle of no where. Very few people around me speak English. My husband works 6days a week/12+ hours a day. I think it is just a mom venting, we have all been there.

    1. Man I'm your life twin. Haha definitely know how you feel.

  17. @Lily White, not every word out of someone's mouth is the exact truth. When I say, "I'm going to kill myself if I have to hear that stupid song again," I'm not really going to kill myself.

    I'm getting a Mrs. Lovejoy vibe, "won't someone please think of the children!"

  18. This is not someone saying she needs a break - this is someone being very specific about the fact that she is always happier not being around them. There's a huge difference. Doesn't sound like she's having a bad day, sounds like she regrets her life.....

  19. I wouldn't have said never go back, but other than that I certainly understand.

  20. Just for sh*ts and giggles, I'm gonna throw Angelina Jolie out there (yeah, I know they aren't married legally, but I'm sure she considers Brad a husband)

  21. oh come on, really? this can be anyone!

  22. I immediatly thought CZJ.

  23. *snort* at Michelle Duggar.

    "I agree 100% with Robin. It doesn't imply she abuses the kids or that she's not going back, she's just venting.

    I find this site is leaning towards making us all judgy about everything."

    I agree on both counts. Yikes bikes.

  24. "Just for sh*ts and giggles, I'm gonna throw Angelina Jolie out there (yeah, I know they aren't married legally, but I'm sure she considers Brad a husband)"

    And I thought that at first, too.

  25. Anonymous10:45 AM

    You are living my life right now. Sorry, but sometimes you just want a break.

  26. I cld see rosanne saying thus in her hetday. Many mkms think ghis, u get run diwn but uf thus person really means it, she shld get help.

  27. Holy suckass typing!!!! Many moms think this, u get run down but if she means it, get help. (Shld hv been)

  28. I though AJ at first too...

  29. I'm gonna go with Katie Holmes before the divorce

  30. @Robin the Mad Photographer

    I am not a parent yet but I do understand how tough it can be to be everything for everyone at once and never being able to have any short comings which is why we should all be a little more understanding, kind and open instead of constantly to trying to show everyone how perfect we are. Sorry for the run-on sentence just not in a very grammatical mood lol

  31. I need a break too, but generally I am happy. when I leave I cone back cuz I want to, not cuz I have no where else to go. :(

  32. CZJ is a good guess, and with her bipolar breakdown and her husband's serious illness I can imagine her being pushed that far.
    She came on the scene with Zorro as the young hot thing, then married Hollywood royalty, but made herself matronly in the process. She still gets good roles, but I have a feeling her husband has a say in every decision.
    I read there's a sex clause in the prenup, stipulating how many times per week she must service him.

  33. ...or maybe you are all naturally judgy and this is giving you an outlet?

    sorry, but a website can't "make you" anything. your words, your keyboard. You make the decision to publish or not.

  34. This is not something your children should hear...ever.

  35. I don't mean to jump in and speak for anita_mark, but when I agreed with her, it was because *I* was thinkign that whether some/most/all of us are naturally judgy or not, mob mentality and negative groupthink can affect it, make it worse, and make it come out more. And I agree with her that that seems to happen here a LOT.

  36. Not something a parent should ever voice outloud but if we haven't felt like saying it a time or two as parents we deserve a major award.

    3 teen daughters can make you feel very unloved,unappreciated and disrespected over something trivial. Your household can go from peaceful to extreme chaos in 2 seconds just because someone used the others hair brush. When they were little it was over toys. I look forward to the empty nest maybe more often than I should. I love my family very much and heavily anticipate the future friendships I will enjoy with my girls one day when they see me as a friend and not a punching bag.

  37. I thought Jolie. I bet she needs "alone time".

  38. Jada Pinkett Smith. You know Will needs a lot of attention and those kids are super precocious. From just what I've seen on interview shows, I'd be hard-pressed to not smack the crap out of them on a regular basis.

  39. For shock value, I'm going with Jen Garner. :)

    1. Oooh! Though I'm not sure I agree, I do like this guess.

  40. Oh my God, Jax, you are the most condescending person I've ever encountered. You absolutely never contribute to the conversation, you just sit there, pearls in hand, hoping to be offended so you can write something incredibly judgemental and bitchy and then slink away.

    I know by your rules, we are not allowed to voice any kind of criticism about the writing of this blog but there are often posts such as this where it's easy to jump in and start criticizing and judging. It's so easy to jump in and judge this one and accuse her for being a horrible mother. Assuming of course that any of this is true.

    1. Jax used to be the queen bee around here, now she just comes on to attack other commenters. I think she hate reads this site and dislikes not being "in" with the regulars

    2. Jax used to be the queen bee around here, now she just comes on to attack other commenters. I think she hate reads this site and dislikes not being "in" with the regulars

  41. OMG G.Straitmore! We're sharing a husband.

    And my mother told us this. Except she said we ruined her lives and she wished she could run away. That'll stick with an 8 yr old all their lives. Seriously though I have forgiven her. It must have been very very hard to be a single mom of 30 with 3 kids under 10 in the early 70's in the south.

    So yeah..I can see other moms feeling the same way. Hence me having no young'uns.

  42. sherry, my mom used to tell my two brothers and me that someday she was just going to leave and we would never see her again. i never had children because i was afraid i would be that kind of mother.
    but rethink having know the wrong way to parent, so that means you know what not to do. you might be a very good parent. i am too old now to have kids but i really regret not having any....if i had only realized years ago that having a mother who never wanted to be a mother did not necessarily mean i was not meant to be a mother myself......well, if i had known that then i would have kids instead of (or in addition to) a menagerie to love

  43. GMAB. No way is Angelina Jolie B list. How the heck do you "think of her first" when you read that?

  44. Kelly Ripa? This just sounds like something she would say.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Posh.....she spends quite a bit of time away from the fam....

  47. I was thinking exactly what Jax wrote, many of you are very judgmental as of late. There is a fine line I suppose between having an opinion and being an overbearing unpleasant individual and unfortunately so many of you fall into the latter category.

  48. Anita-Mark--you dare poke a stick at the sleeping dragon known as jax? My goodness woman you have no idea! Jax is the only person currently on this blog who has actually met Enty in person....and has filled in for Enty on a few occasions. I think she writes quite frequently actually--all those biting rather accusatory snarky posts remind me of Jax's rather nasty sarcastic comments from when she was a frequent commenter.

  49. How many of our parents said as much to our faces? My mom was either going to drive off a cliff because we were such brats, or she would lament that she should've become a nun, LOL. I guess I was a brat because when she came back from her drive to the cliff I was disappointed. Don't get me wrong, I loved her, and understood some of the sentiment when I had a teenager, but families can make you crazy.

    That being said, I have no idea. Gwyneth?

  50. Yes, jax does have that ”I have met enty and you haven't nyah nyah nyah attitude.”
    Very self righteous.

  51. My god people. Give it a rest. Everyone's entitled to their opinion.

  52. You know, that's who I thought of too, Gabi, but I guess she couldn't really be called an actress.

  53. There are two kinds of women: Women that say this sort of thing out loud and admit to it, and women who feel the same but try to be holier-than-thou and deny feeling like this.

  54. The days when Jax was "queen bee" were a hell of a lot better than this bullshit. Oh, how I miss the old CDaN.

    gtzisshe, you have got to be kidding me. I am 100% sure that if Jax could take back people knowing that she met Enty, she would. Ever since that day, she has had abuse piled on her by jealous jerks. Forget "queen bee," Jax is this site's punching bag. I can't believe she's getting piled on for stating a simple truth.

  55. Oh, and Audrey? There are at least two other regular commenters who know who Enty is and have had personal contact with him, and both of them have wisely kept their mouths shut after seeing what happened to Jax.

  56. *shrug* Nobody talks like that in real life.

    1. Hez was the Queen and was funny. Many people know who Enty and the Himmms are. Just saying '. Bitterness is a sad trait to witness.

  57. @Mooshki, Jax brings it up often. And this site used to be so over run with bullies, it was horrible. It took me ages to post because new people would get attacked. There was one reveal day that ended up in a virtual brawl.

    This site is a much better place now. Sure there are the occasional fights and disagreements but so what? That is normal. At least now new people can talk without the usual gang of bullies pushing then out.

  58. @anita_mark - you are kidding right? You have your opinions and others have their own. Do not speak on behalf of everyone. Oh I know you will flip out because I have disagreed with you but go ahead, you are one of those people that loves an argument don't you? The whole point of a forum such as this is for others to have the opportunity to express themselves, not to be in a group full of like minded lemmings. I never got attacked before until recently, except from rage filled psychos such as yourself.
    This site is not a better place now IMO. You just prefer it now because you and the others are now the new bullies.

  59. I've noticed in blind items that what were likely jokes and laughing exaggerations with friends are possibly made into scandalous statements of sincerity. Example: The BV about the actress overheard on the phone demanding to be paid more than women who rank below her in the hot women list was probably a joke on the phone with her agent, yet the BV comes off as if she's a demanding diva.

  60. @The Black Cat, with the exception of here and having had enough of Kats, who have I argued with? When have I gone off in a fit of rage? Have I yelled at anyone? Screamed profanities?

    I expressed my opinion. I didn't drag anyone else into it. I also expressed my opinion that this site used to be a bullies den. Again, my opinion. On who's behalf did I speak? And why don't you take a moment to go back through the years and find all the arguments I've started.

    You called me a rage filled psycho. Prove it.

  61. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Now now now. Let's not get hasty. There is plenty of vitriol and hate in the real world. Must we be so unpleasant here? Can't we express different opinions without saying, I express my opinion differently than you, you vile psycho bitch? Let's just keep it cordial ok. We all know that we're not going to agree. It's not a big deal. Let it go people. It's just an
    entertainment commenter forum. We're not curing cancer or anything. We're talking about is it normal for Mom's to want to escape and get some me time. Don't get your panties in a bunch ladies. Who cares who Jax is? Her/His comment was pretty rude, and black cats too for that matter. Rude, rude, rude. Learn how to play nicely with others.

  62. Sarah Jessica Parker

  63. And that is the reality for most women within a system designed to trap them in servitude to men for life. Kudos to whoever she is for telling the truth.


  65. ksus: I know I am late with this. Motherhood wasn't for me but after hearing all these stories it's obvious most mom's would like to run away but of course don't! I seriously wish I heard other kids say their parents said the same thing. It would have saved a bit on therapy. LOL...

  66. I bet Gwyneth feels this way, but could you imagine her admitting it in a million years? She'd never say such a thing aloud.
