Saturday, September 22, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

May 1, 2007

 So you ever had an ex that just kept coming back and coming back? This older, not aging, but good looking B list actress on a hit network show (years wise but maybe not popularity wise) has just that problem. Who knows why she was with the guy (actor/jackass/whiner) in the first place, but it was a long time ago. Over the years he has been back for money and favors. Money mostly. She really did not start getting BIG money until a few years ago. When she got her show, here came the ex. He always needed money for something. Always had a new project in the works and would pay her back. They had no baby connection or anything to keep them in touch but he did. Even when he was in a relationship, he would always be there and always making promises. Well recently, our actress ran into some money problems of our own and called her ex. He had a new thing going now and this should be payback time. When she called he told her to never call again and that he had nothing to say. He said the money she gave him was a gift and if she thought it was a loan, then she was even more stupid than he remembered. Now he was back on top and was going to stay there while she would go right back to the bottom where she belonged. Touching isn't it?

Vanessa Marcil/Corey Feldman


  1. Oh, dear...Vanessa doesn't exactly have the best taste in men, does she? *sigh* At least she's well rid of him now...

  2. I agree, her taste in men stinks! Didn't she just break from the guy on CSI NY?

  3. I guess I never knew they dated. She is so beautiful and he is so...uuummm...tacky and not cute.

  4. I call shenanigans- Corey Feldman has never been on top!

  5. What show was she on?

  6. OMG if Corey Feldman was always hounding me for cash I would hang myself! What a pest. And I could totally see him being all superior and aloof when the tables are turned (somewhat).

  7. Basil - at that time that one Vegas show.

  8. It was a show on NBC called "Las Vegas", about working in a casino. Starred Josh Duhamel.

  9. Basil - she was also on a soap for a long time. Don't forget too that she has a son with Brian Austin Green.

  10. She didn't just date Corey, she was married to him.

  11. So being in "The Two Corey's" was being back on top?

    And I guess Vanessa was having troubles because this is around when BAG hooked up with Megan Fox.

  12. Wow. So BAG sues her for $ & Corey is a loser. I hope whoever she is with now is actually a decent person.

  13. To be fair Vanessa is f-ing nuts. I don't buy that she's fully clean and sober.

  14. i've always heard good things about her, not nutbag ones. so sad her good guy radar is off. way off.

  15. @yodelay I just read somewhere, maybe it was CDAN, that she's divorcing the Italian guy. Poor Vanessa, I always liked her :(

  16. It’s not simply “bad taste” in men. Vanessa has issues. I saw an interview a few years ago where she said that “average looking guys are more thankful for what they get”. This was back when she was more famous and on the cover of magazines regularly (maybe around when this blind was first published). The takeaway I got was that she’d been pumped & dumped by so many Hollywood hotties that she decided to aim lower. Bottom line: Vanessa wants to be worshipped and only dates guys who will eat the corn out of her shit. Unfortunately, she never made the connection that ugly guys can be douche bags too. Corey Feldman? Eeeeew!

  17. I had to think for a few minutes to remember if this was the dead or the live Corey.

  18. I have to wonder if she is more than the men in her life can handle emotional wise. I think I read about how her parents were verbally abusive to her and would tell her she was ugly when she was a kid. I imagine that stays with you for the rest of your life and can mess with your self esteem/confidence. It can also make her vulnerable to guys like this dick hole.

    I am not saying that the men she's been with were perfectly sane either, but I feel like she's a delicate flower and it can take a toll on the people around her. I still love her though.

  19. So I wonder who he hits up for his loans nowadays?

  20. @basil, she was on Beverly Hills, 90210

  21. Oh Tommy Jarvis, you jerk.

  22. She was Brenda on General Hospital!!

    And wasn't this around the time Corey did Surreal Life

  23. I remember years ago he was interview on Howard Stern and he said she only married him to get a leg up in the industry this was back in the early 90's when he actually got cast in roles. He was pretty bitter back then about her.

    He is a parasite she is lucky to be rid of him. She has had her own share of troubles lately with filing for divorce and she miscarried a few times during the marriage. Hope she comes back to GH soon it seems like she is open to it again in interviews.

  24. CDAN Reader - that corn out of her shit quote made me gag! LOL

  25. A reveal from 2007?! Please.

  26. Yeah, Vanessa's ALWAYS up for going back to GH whenever she's got nothing else going on. I'm sick to death of her. We'll see how much they even want her now that Guza/Phelps are FINALLY gone!

  27. This makes me sad.

  28. They were married?!?!?! EEWWWW!!

  29. How naive or even delusional do you have to be to think that Corey Feldman will get you a leg up in the business?

  30. Marcil is a huge WHORE. Word was, at one time, that she'd screw a janitor for a walk-on part.

  31. Who is she? Like really?

  32. Wow, I'm surprised.

    I mean, didn't Prince put her in his Most Beautiful Girl in the World video?

    Shit, Corey eff'n Feldman?

    Sometimes it's tough being beautiful.

  33. Enty, I'm sure we all appreciate the reveals from 2007 but could you please start revealing all the blinds you said that would be revealed from this year? Pretty please? With a cherry on the top? :)

  34. Enty, I'm sure we all appreciate the reveals from 2007 but could you please start revealing all the blinds you said that would be revealed from this year? Pretty please? With a cherry on the top? :)

  35. @ misspeg86 .... Enty has always said his weekend reveals were ones from his archives (the oldies)...he saves the newer ones for July.4th and New Years :)
