Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Chris Brown Got A Beaten Rihanna Tattoo - On His Neck

I am still trying to figure out why Chris Brown got a tattoo of Rihanna on his neck other than she told him she thought it was cool. And I am pretty sure she told him it was even though it shows a woman who suffered a beating. He is a huge a-hole so I would have no trouble believing that he makes his girlfriend and every other girl he sleeps with kiss it as a reminder of what could happen to them if they don't listen to him and his tiny peen. Oh, maybe he has it there so he can slap Rihanna and not go to jail and he feels smugly superior even though we all know he is still an idiot as his Chris Tucker Fifth Element blond hair is showing. Have I told you how much I dislike Chris Brown? I don't understand this pull he has over Rihanna. She seems like someone who would not take crap from anyone yet she takes it from him everyday and also from other people just so she can be with him. With as much time as they have spent together and hooking up over the past couple of years, I am shocked they have not taken it public and think the only reason they haven't is so that Chris can keep having sex with whoever he wants.


  1. I thought they pretty much did take it public at the VMAs? It was a kiss which lets everyone know she doesn't hate him and lets him close enough to kiss her which means he is prob getting close enough to do other things as well.

  2. That tattoo is horrible.
    And he needs to shave, it appears he has mange.

  3. Ugh! I swear they're trying to out do each other in the tacky-as-hell and ugly-as-fuck tattoo department!

  4. is that really supposed to be Rihanna?

  5. i am in no way a chris brown sympathizer but i work in the entertainment industry and HER being abusive NEVER comes up. she has hit chris in the face with beer bottles, marble ashtrays her fists and anything else she can get her hands on. and that is with out him hitting her back. i've seen with my own eyes her abuse her best friend/assistant melissa. they had an argument and she picked melissa up and threw her into some bushes. so if we are going continue to bash him for his actions its time rihanna got bashed too. she is no saint.

    1. She herself said in an interview I read before he beat her publicly, that she hits him, bites him when she gets mad and that she has a horrible temper. Such a shame that the media has refused to forgive Chris brown for a crime he committed in his youth.

  6. I'm with Think - is that supposed to be Rihanna for reals? If so, WTF - the apocalypse is nigh.

  7. lol, frufra. i don't get it. both chris brown and rihanna are to extreme for my understanding. everything about them is too much.

  8. hollywood dime - that all may well be true. The issue is that no man EVER lays hands on a woman in violence. A woman especially. A REAL man just walks away. REAL men do not hit. They do not abuse. This is why CB will always be hated. Nobody cares what was done to him. CB is a little boy with a big problem.

  9. I don't care if it's Rihanna or not. Getting a tattoo of a beaten woman's face is seriously fucked up. WTF?! That is so incredibly repulsive. Fuck you, Chris Brown. You're a fucking asshole, and I hope your fans wise up and realize that something is wrong with them for supporting your assiness. Dickhead

  10. If you hate Chris Brown so much, then just stop talking about him! I'm not a fan, but I gotta agree that Rihanna is no saint either. Why bother to try to defend her, when she clearly doesn't want it? Just let them be together and kill each other if that's what will make them happy.

  11. @hollywood dime - thank you! god i'm so sick of the poor rihanna talk. she is as violent as him. she loves the violence.

    @ __-__=__ - real men dont hit women? what about real women dont hit men? why do women always excuse violence against men, but dont ever hit a woman because then you arent a real man. blech.

  12. @hollywood dime I think it was because the severity of the beating. If it was reversed to where Chris Brown was sent to the hospital people would say the same about Rihanna.

  13. @baka neko, i dont think ANYONE would say bad things like that about rihanna, becuase they would spin it as she was defending herself.

  14. Nice going, tool. God forbid, but if you have a daughter one day, have fun explaining that one to her.

  15. I don't see anyone defending Rihanna here. I only see people criticizing Chris Brown -- very, VERY different. She has proven that she is severely fucked up as well. The difference is that CB *put a person in the hospital* because he beat her so severely. And claimed that he was repentant -- yeah, so repentant that he has an image of a woman beaten tattooed onto his neck publicly, like some badge of dishonor. I'll say it again, fuck you Chris Brown.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This has to be the most disturbing tattoo ever. Obviously he's proud of his handiwork. Seriously, what a deranged thing to do. Psycho.

  18. People keep talking about it so i guess he got a tatt! He is an idiot. People love to hate him so he isnt going anywhere!

  19. Hollywood Dime,

    Thank you for finally saying it. Everyone gives her a pass just because Chris Brown didn't show his injuries as most men tend not to do. She is just as violent.

    I'm with Mish, men shouldn't hit women AND women should not hit men.

    I also agree with Cee Kay, if you hate him so much then why do you continue to post on him. Furthermore, please tell the truth, your hatred of him should not cause you to lie or tell half the story, he has stated that the tattoo is NOT of Rihanna or a beaten Rihanna. Geez, why are you starting bs and trying to rile people up. Even TMZ was objective enough to say they thought the tattoo looks like Rihanna but also included that Chris Brown has said it is not of her.

    You have such a vendetta & bitterness towards him, I'm really beginning to think the identity of Enty is a woman.

  20. @Unknown - How does having a "vendetta or bitterness toward him" indicate that Enty is a woman? A man can just as easily carry a vendetta and bitterness toward someone who beats up on women.

    1. Seachica,

      I agree. My statement was not meant to be an all-inclusive one that says no men at all carry vendettas or can't be bitter; however, I do believe their is such a thing as majority & minority and I don't believe that men are the majority who hold on to vendettas 3 or 4 years later with such bitterness, but you are right Enty could be a man who does. Based on other things I've noticed in "his" other posts I'm still wondering if "he's" a woman.

      Again, I'm not stating this as an absolute or an all-inclusive statement but women do sometimes hold on to things years later & that may be because they have experienced being a victim to similar atrocities or have had a loved one who has & so they identify with the situation and hold on & react in ways as if it happened just yesterday (I'm not saying this is wrong) even though they don't know Rihanna or the particulars. Whereas, IMO, there is a faction of men who tend to get upset at a situation like the Chris Brown/Rihanna one, but they make a decision to not deal with the person & just keep it moving with their own lives or they forgive & still keep it moving. Most men I know don't harp & dwell on things that did not personally happen to them, at least they don't seem to dwell on it 3 or 4 years later. Once more, their theme seems to be to "keep it moving." Again, Enty can be part of the group of men who dwell.

      I dont begrudge anyone boycotting CB, but if we're not buyin his music then why continue to post on him at all, especially if "he" can't stand him. Ignore the guy & maybe he'll fade into obscurity & get some help because personally I think CB is on drugs. No proof, it's just what I think.

      The same way you all get tired of Enty posting on serious hard core doom & gloom real life news stories & begin asking him to post videos of kittens & sea otters or whatever, I get tired of reading hatred, contempt, bitterness toward one person. Why even give CB the time of day. I happen to like the real live news postings Enty makes while others appear to hate it when it's too many for their liking. I don't begrudge them their need to see kitten videos & only gossip postings, so I don't think I should be begrudged the desire to not read vitriole & skewed vendetta postings toward someone he hates. I don't understand the logic of "him" posting on CB unless he's trying to get people to hate him as much as he does, rile the people up & get them to believe in the not-exactly-the-truth posts he makes on him. It's his blog of course so he can do what he wants, but I don't want to read venom everyday, the same way many of you don't want to read real life sad news. Life is to short to hold on to so much hatred.

      I'm not referring to the commenters though because I love reading different & contrasting views, you all so witty, but I have a little different standards for the bearer of "news."

  21. How about no one hits anyone and people stop giving Chris Brown multiple chances at redeeming himself, as he's already proven he is quite unrepentant? Add to that list ungrateful, unchanged and unhinged. Feel free to add adjectives to the list.

    I'd also like to request no one buys anything he is selling so that he just disappears and industry people stop providing him with said opportunities.

    K thanks :)

  22. It defies belief that anyone would want something that horrific on their neck?!

  23. He's a fucking pig.

  24. Even if you ignore the beating he gave Rihanna, how do you explain his behavior towards other women? And the tantrum at GMA? And the parking in a handicapped spot? And the inconsiderate behavior towards his neighbors? And the whining when people say they don't like him?

    He's a tool that got VERY lucky...others have lost their careers without putting a hand on the other person.

    1. Jemtastic,

      Personally I think he's on drugs & I don't think he's doing anything different with women that a lot of men who identify with the hip hop or urban community do, as sad & pathtic as that may be.

      He was not parking In a handicapped spot, I guess untruths got reported here again. When he was first buying or renting his place he was given those parking spots & they were not handicap spots. After CB moved in & the landlord or HOA (whomever it was) got his money, they painted over those exact parking spots as handicap. The law sided with CB on this & retracted all those tickets due to the bait & switch that the landlord/HOA had pulled.

  25. Why would he be repentant when she isn't, like I've said before these two have a strange abusive relationship...

    That tattoo is some dumb ass shiz thats for sure and im no Chris fan.... but some people own their tattoos, its why they get them, they tell THEIR story... ever thought it was his own way of owning what he did, his gona have to look at that everyday and think about what he did that he did that to someone who he did obviously and still does love... Doesn't excuse it by far but that's what it is.

    No one can say anything about their relationship we duno what kinda messed up crap those two have going on and I for one am over feeling sorry for her and him, for being painted on the bad light they are BOTH as bad as each other and BOTH ARE AT FAULT AND HOLD BLAME,

    She is NO victim like him she is the instigater, leave those two prats to it.

    1. @Neece Barson, If that is what the tattoo is, I also thought that might be the reason for it. But of course many people who sit in judgment don't think of it that way.

  26. I just don't understand why anyone would want an image of physical abuse on their body.

  27. ugh. they are both scum.

  28. @Zef... Why should people give him any chance to redeem himself? He didn't hurt the public, he didn't physically hurt any of us so why do we need to forgive him and have him redeem himself to us, what he doesn't doesn't affect me in my life.

    And should we all stop buying Rihanna's stuff to as she glorifies violence as much as he does,... Or is itok to buy her stuff because she is a "victim" and we should all feel sorry for her.

  29. Not to defend Chris, but those leaked pics a few years back showed that his peen is anything but tiny.
    That's the only thing I can possibly think of that would make Rihanna keep coming back. Magic Dong.

  30. I'm just going to keep it simple: they're both repugnant, fucked up victims and instigators and I don't buy any of their stuff, mainly because I don't like it... However, the gossip slut in me that keeps me coming back here will continue to watch this train wreck and read stuff about them in tabloids I don't buy... Also, regardless of if it's Rihanna or not (it doesn't look much like her face, but the injuries do), that is messed up

  31. Neck tats are so Klasssy.

  32. Well it appears that the land of douche has finally found their King.

  33. Not a fan but I think these gossip sites know exactly what they r doing by having a CB post! People will complain that they hate him but post about him a millions times. If Enty really doesnt like CB he should stop reporting on what he does!

  34. I am not even going to weigh in on the CB/R saga. But...

    ...what kind of tattoo artist would even agree to give such a tat?!

  35. I just think it would be nice to have seen some remorse on his part, as opposed to bailing and going jet skiing after the incident. Let alone boasting about his anger management class certificate which he posted on twitter. These are of course the classes he was court ordered to take, nothing voluntary to take accountability or rehabilite himself in any way.

    He also doesn't appear to have learned since the incident with Rhianna, as he shows no change in his violent and unaccountable behavior, which I don't think should be rewarded with his million dollar career in tact.

    Examples include,
    The time he whined about Walmart allegedly not carrying his cd.

    Oh and the time he snatched a fans cell phone after she tried to take a photo.

    This is in addition to the chair throwing incident and the club fight between Chris and Drake that injured innocent bystanders and destroyed a place of business.

    And like @Jemtastic said, other people have lost their careers over far more trivial issues relating to PR and image, issues far removed from beating someone up.

    I'm not trying to fight, and this has already been a way longer post than I had intended. I don't feel Chris Brown owes me a personal apology, I guess I'm just baffled as to how he still manages to have a lucrative career, when as I said, others have become pariahs for a lot less.

    Blaming Rhianna for violent imagery in music and lyrics and such is a very slippery slope, which I don't intend to go down.

  36. oh FFS I hope you all are underage because that kind of fucking rationale is PATHETIC coming from grown woman.

    And yes, you are Chris Brown apologists. Oh and I LOVE how everyone "who really knows what Rhianna is like" also defend Chris.
    Not biased at all I'm sure.

    Tell you what, next time TMZ has Chris Brown's face on the homepage beaten with an ashtray I might believe your "I know someone!" crap.

    1. I don't care for either one of them, but call it what you will. However, what I will call it is unjust, one-side, manipulated, judgmental, skewed, half-truth reporting. I just dont like it when things are one-sided & unjust. It just isn't logical for "him" to keep posting on someone he clearly hates. Where's the logic.

  37. If we stop talking about Chris Brown, will he go away?

  38. It seems like they're in a typical domestic violence relationship where they're addicted to the highs and lows,the drama and both participate. It's usually too simple to say one person is completely a victim. They're basically addicted to each other like a drug.

  39. Are we sure this isn't Sisco of Thong Song fame?

  40. The tattoo isnt actually of a beaten woman. Its just of a woman that looks a lot like Rihanna. Enty was just making sure everyone remembers what he did. You can see the unglamorized story at TMZ.

  41. They both are fucked up mentally and addicted to the drama of a tumoltuous relationship. I know I've been there, I was abused and you know what sometimes i did the abusing. I'm a strong woman I don't take shit from anybody but this particular dude, he was my krypton ire. He IS my kryptonite. To this day it's still hard to completely shut him out. So excuse the fuck out of you, Enty. They are both equally at fault and the bashing does absolutely no help. But yea that tattoo is redic and she is a mess,nbut what do you expect from heavily enabled junkies??!!

  42. I don't care what CB says the tattoo is of (or what it ISN'T of), it's still a woman's marred face, and it's going to remind people of the incident. And you can bet he's reveling in the attention from this.

    Anything to keep his name in the papers. He's as bad as Lilo.

  43. I'm not so sure that's a half-beaten face. To me, it looks like half face, and the other half skull with flourishes. My interpretation of the tattoo as possibly being more benign than first interpreted is by no means me making excuses for this fool. He's a horrible, horrible person.

  44. Abused women are NOT at fault. cinephreak, I cannot believe that you as an abused woman can even buy into that false bullshit. SMH.

    And Ars Longa, how do you know so much about "typical domestic violence relationships"? Do you work with DV survivors? Because I do, and you are also full of shit.

    STOP FUCKING BLAMING THE VICTIMS. Nothing pisses me off so much on this site as this constant victim-blaming, and goddamn Enty just eggs it on everytime he/she posts something about Chris Brown and Rihanna. I've about had it.

  45. I completely despise Chris Brown and everything he stands for, but with that said…

    I think everyone is giving Chris Brown way to much credit. I think he is neither clever enough nor aware enough to get a tattoo with any reference to Rihanna or Rihanna’s beating. He probably just got an ugly tattoo of some random chick on his neck.

    I’ve got a few tattoo’s myself that I got back when I first turned 18 that don’t have any meaning; I just liked the way they looked. And just like I was an idiot for not thinking it through, Chris Brown is an idiot for not thinking it through.

  46. @ jax

    i never said someone *i* know...i said that i know. i have worked with both chris and rihanna many times very closely over the past 5 years. i've seen them be abusive FIRST HAND. the are both wacked out and need help.

  47. @ unknown
    i completely agree with you. josh brolin is an abuser yet we don't have to hear a peep about it. if we protested every abusive male in hollywood, half of entertainment would shut down.

  48. Hollywood Dime,

    I totally believe that. But I was more referring to the womanizing ways of CB & other men, that is what I think Jemtastic was referring to. At least CB appears to be upfront about it & the women can go into it eyes wide open of they so choose, as opposed to the men who lie & deceive & do it behind their significant other's back. I have more respect for people who are honest enough to say "this is what it is, you rock with I if you want or keep it moving."

  49. It kinda looks like a Dia des Los Muertos tattoo. Day of the Dead stuff is really in now.

  50. It doesn't look like a beaten face. I think it is half woman's face/ half Day of the Dead style skull. We'll have to see a better picture.

    Calm down, everybody.

  51. ... or maybe half zombie face or something. Anyway, I think y'all are just nuts.

  52. @AKM,
    NO need to be fucking rude. I have worked with DV survivors and I have seen how they feel EMPOWERED when they realize that they have participated in the cycle because it means they have made choices and can continue to make choices for themselves rather than being controlled by someone else. This is all I will say on this thread because I will not be BULLIED (ironically) by someone who is supposedly a compassionate professional. If you say anything else to me, @AKM, you will be talking to yourself.

  53. I don't care if you read this or not, and I am not a bully. There is no way in hell that I believe victim "participation" equals empowerment. No way in HELL do research, treatment, or advocacy groups support ANY of what you just said.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. That is clearly not Rihanna ...

  56. Entelle (I just KNOW ent is a woman, I FEEL it!) knows how to goat people into arguing! I feel like i'm in déjà vu here, don't we do this little dance of DM and "OMG I know more" every time entelle posts about Chris...save your breath everyone, or at least realize you're getting played like a fiddle!

  57. If you don't like the post don't read it. Plain and simple. Don't like kitten videos - don't watch it - don't like Douche Brown? Do friggin read the post. IT'S A DAMN GOSSIP SITE!!! Why anyone thinks they should be able to tell someone what the hell they can post on thier own blog simply amazes me. Gaaaahhhh People really...Gossip! Site!

  58. ummm that should say DON'T read the post LOL still Gossip Blog!

  59. it's young love, she'll learn

  60. Why anyone would think that's Rihanna is beyond me. It's some kind of lizard/ zombie lady or something...

  61. The tattoo CB has is what is known as a "sugar skull," they are super popular right now. Usually they are colored in though, white background with bright vibrant colors on the designs. I have seen sugar skulls a million times better than Chris Brown's; he has all that money so I don't know why he didn't see a better tattoo artist to do his ink.

  62. FWIW, I will apologize to A.L. and everyone else for the profanity and tone. That's poor self-expression, among other things. But I will not apologize for the sentiment. I will never stop condemning victim-blaming of any kind.

    As I've said before, I also have the right to express to Enty what I, as a consumer of sorts, DON'T want to read here. He/she can ignore it, everyone else can ignore it, whatever...but I have the right. If I had a blog and readers were leaving because I offended them, I would want to know. *shrug*

    1. Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
      That's alright because I like the way it hurts
      Just gonna stand there and hear my cry
      That's alright because I love the way you lie.

      A little on-the-nose, no?

  63. @phillygirl, sugar skulls are actually Latin American inspired and have flowers and filigree. chris B seems to have a woman's face which is half youthful, half zombified or decayed, which is also super popular right now.

    Either way, I like that every Enty post about CB is about him beating Rianha, because, why not?

  64. yeah! maybe someone can finally tell me when it's okay to physically assault someone so bad they have to get medical treatment, then get awards! and militant defenders! and lots of money! i'm fuzzy on the 'how' or 'when acceptable' details, and would like to know, so i can share with my daughters. explained inequality pertaining to sexual prowess yesterday to my teen(it's a womans shame you know), so i'm on a roll.

  65. I am tired of CB & Rihanna. They are both adults. If they are abusive towards each other and don't want help that's their perrogative. People like them will not listen or want any one's help. If they did they would have done something about it which they haven't.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. FUCK rihanna and FUCK chris brown. Why these people are still public figures is beyond me.
    When I see a picture of either of them it is like ice shoots through my veins.
    I was in a long term relationship where my boyfriend was physically abusive. And to my credit I never made excuses for him, however I did continue to allow him back into my life for three years afterwards, which was just as stupid, if not more. Each time only ended up breaking me even more until I finally started saying no because saying yes was just to painful.
    I understand girl, I get where you are coming from. But I always hid my interaction and involvement with him because I was so ashamed and disappointed in myself for being with him again. I was sick to my stomach and hated myself for months, which is why I absolutely cannot understand why she is so publicly supportive and receptive of him.
    Rihanna is everything that I hated about myself and her current kiss ass attitude makes me see her a spineless, weak, child who is so controlled and driven by a man that she lets everyone watch him walk all over her, and she probably enjoys it. Sick sick sick.

  68. Posted before reading, and I also agree with those who mentioned Rihanna's abuse above. I don't that chick is nuts and there is absolutely no reason why Chris should put up with it either. This is a two way street, you can't abuse someone who isn't there.

  69. Who's defending Rhianna? The difference is, Chris Brown held her down and beat the ever-living shit out of her. We all saw the pictures. I've never seen pics of Rhianna's handiwork. Throwing an ashtray or bottle at someone is a little different than holding them down and pummeling the ever-living shit out of them. They aren't both 'just as guilty'. He not only abuzed a woman, but got a tattoo of a battered woman on his neck. What a sick fuck he is.

  70. Then again, maybe the tattoo is a weird way of his owning what he did. It could be that as well.

    1. Or pretending he's owning it; that was my first impression.

  71. I am so glad I read all the comments before I comment because I often learn something. I really believe H'wd Dime. I never before knew that RhiRhi was also violent.Not that, that justifies his behaviour..No one should ever hit anyone. Men, women, children, animals period. I couldn't give a green goddamn about their music cuz I'm old and it's not my style so I cannot boycott them. And finally for what it is worth, it does look more like a Day of the Dead icon than a beat woman. Research is our friend!

  72. How about NOT giving these two idiots any more publicity?

  73. Sherry,

    I agree the masses really should take the time to research or read other "gossip sites" along with this one if they want a more well-rounded & clearer picture. Such as, research could tell them that it was already said well before that Rihanna can be violent, she has admitted to hitting her younger brother in the head with a glass or bottle, I think it was...something like that.

    Also, if one only reads this site (although many other sites only report CB in the negative) then they wouldn't know that the CEO of the Jenesse Center, an organization that educates people on domestic violence prevention & intervention, stated recently that CB & his mother have been a part of their organization for a while & often go in to the center themselves for further education. And that CB participated in the Jenesse Center Back to School Festival providing the kids with new school supplies, encouraging them & helping them prepare for another year of school.

  74. enty are you BLIND?? this is in no way a tattoo of rihanna, not even if you squint your eyes. stop trying to make something out of nothing.

  75. Michael K's description says it all for me: "It's like if you looked at a pile of shit and thought to yourself, "There's no way this pile of shit can look grosser." Then someone comes along and barfs on it and you say, "I stand corrected!"

  76. Anyone mind if I highjack the thread for a moment? The discussion is getting pretty heated, so thought I'd let you know the "Dear Richard" guy did it again! His noisy neighbors threw a karaoke party on the balcony across from his apartment and, instead of calling the cops, he gave each early morning performance a rating and critique. This guy is SO creative!!!!


    I apologize in advance if I've offended anyone by breaking in with something much lighter, but I personally needed a laugh at the moment...

  77. I would like to know who told him wearing women's sunglasses were a good idea.

  78. You know, in so many ways I hate Chris Brown.

    His music sucks. He can't rap. He's dancing makes me want to beat him to death. I hate his 'bling bling' persona that rips the soul out of music and neuters it of all meaning...

    On the other hand, beating your girlfriend then getting a tattoo of her beaten face just below your face...

    Fuck it, epic. That's some brass balls.

    So, Team Breezy. Go ahead and beat Rihanna all you want. She doesn't mind, so why should I?

  79. @PhillyGirl you were right, it is a sugar skull tattoo! Along with a MAC cosmetics ad design.

    As reported elsewhere (the emphasis/caps are not mine):

    BREAKING NEWS: Chris Brown -- My Tattoo is NOT Rihanna ... It's a Day of the Dead Skull 

    Chris Brown's new neck tattoo is NOT Rihanna's face ... or a battered woman for that matter -- at least according to the singer's rep -- who insists it's actually a Mexican-themed skull in commemoration of Dia de los Muertos.Chris' rep tells us, "His tattoo is a sugar skull (associated with the Mexican celebration of the Day of the Dead) and a MAC cosmetics design he saw.  It is not Rihanna or an abused woman as erroneously reported."According to the tattoo artist, CB brought him the "sugar skull" design from a MAC ad the singer had seen. 

  80. Any way you look at it, CB is a vile piece of shit who severely beat a woman. I know the rules of the internet state I must choose a side but I'm going to ignore that rule. Because I think, sorry, know that CB is a vile piece of shit does not mean I think Rihanna is an innocent dove. Maybe she hit him, maybe she didn't, I don't know. Why? Because there are no pictures of him looking like this.

    But the fact is, I know he did this to a woman. There's no denying that, it's a fact. So he's a disgusting human being who could save a basket of kittens from drowning and I'll still hate him.

    Also, his music sucks ass.

  81. Okay .. not gonna get into the whole "Rihanna is a violent whore who is far worse than Chris Brown/Chris Brown is a sick douchebag, blah blah blah" part of this whole deal .. but how about this.

    What rational, well adjusted person gets that tattoo on a part of their person .. much less one open to public viewing.. when you have the type of history Chris Brown has? Did numbnuts think people would see this and NOT think back to the whole Rihanna beating damn near immediately?

    That said .. I wish BOTH these idiots would go the f*ck away. I am so terribly sick of both of them. [Yes .. suffice to say .. I have gotten over my "I hope Rihanna get some mental health help" kick. I don't think it would penetrate her thick skull if it was in the shape of [for fun .. fill in your own blank!].

  82. yep, day of the dead tattoo. very hip now. check it on pinterest. ironically, it's half a skull, he should have just gotten the whole dia de los muertos tatt, it would have looked cooler.

    having said that, i don't defend chris brown, i'm just saying...that tatt is what it is.

  83. I have a sugar skull tattoo and it looks nothing like that monstrosity on his neck.

  84. How is hating Chris Brown helping anything, or Rihanna, or people who've been abused (or any of you, for that matter)?

  85. Also, if you insist on hating him (not just his former actions, but apparently him as a person), the least you can do is be consistent and badmouth Charlie Sheen and Michael Fassbender (and other celebs who've reportedly abused people) the same way you do Chris Brown.

  86. @Whitney, thats what the fuck i have been saying. Charlie Sheen is a low life shit head but no one questions his success and he has been abusive to women as well!

  87. I could give a rats ass if they kill eachother tomorrow. The music biz will find someone to fill their void like 'THAT'.

  88. I could give a rats ass if they kill eachother tomorrow. The music biz will find someone to fill their void like 'THAT'.

  89. I could give a rats ass if they kill eachother tomorrow. The music biz will find someone to fill their void like 'THAT'.

  90. I could give a rats ass if they kill eachother tomorrow. The music biz will find someone to fill their void like 'THAT'.

  91. I could give a rats ass if they kill eachother tomorrow. The music biz will find someone to fill their void like 'THAT'.

  92. I know this is a wildly unpopular and un-pc thing to say but some women truly do invite abuse. My SO had several incidents where he hit his first wife and now that I know her, I see why! She is a manipulative instigator who truly wants to have something to cry about so that she can extort sympathy and money from her family. She cheated blatantly, lied constantly and has messed up the kids with her constant drama. She has had six, count them, relationships with douchebags since the divorce. My SO is terribly repentant that he went there (but never to the point of an injury requiring medical care) and he knows that I would go straight to the police and put up a website detailing his behavior if he ever raises a hand to me -- but watching her has made me believe some women really are trying to drive a man to hit them. It is practically a specific disorder on its own. Maybe that is Rihanna's deal. She has been with more than one abuser.

  93. "I know this is a wildly unpopular and un-pc thing to say but some women truly do invite abuse. My SO had several incidents where he hit his first wife and now that I know her, I see why!"

    NO, they unequivocally DO NOT "invite" abuse. If someone is manipulative, cheating, whatever...you leave her. You do not HIT her! No woman "drives" a man to HIT her! Ridiculous and lacking in compassion and an understanding of the psychology of the power and control involved with abuse is your argument. It is so asinine that I am not even sure why I am responding, except that as an advocate, I am constantly compelled to try to teach people that this kind of thinking is WRONG and only PERPETUATES abuse.

    What is WRONG with some of you?! I swear...I've never seen more cruelty on any other blog. So many of you have absolutely sickened me in the last day with your comments.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. I never said that I (or Rihanna for that matter) deserved abuse, I'm just saying there definitely were times where I (and she) instigated abuse by being the abuser. I'll admit Ive cut an abusive ex with a knife, tried to choke him, punch him.

    When you allow yourself to be in that situation the lines blur. I also heavily agree with JSierra, my story seems to align with hers.

    I'm not being cruel, it's just a fact, Rihamma obviously isn't ready to leave the relationship for whatever private reason, and that's her prerogative.

    All I know is I'm glad there isn't the paradox of fame, money, power and gossip in my life to complicate things and blur the lines. Those types of relationships are extremely hard to just cut off completely yo.

  96. I never said that I (or Rihanna for that matter) deserved abuse, I'm just saying there definitely were times where I (and she) instigated abuse by being the abuser. I'll admit Ive cut an abusive ex with a knife, tried to choke him, punch him.

    When you allow yourself to be in that situation the lines blur. I also heavily agree with JSierra, my story seems to align with hers.

    I'm not being cruel, it's just a fact, Rihamma obviously isn't ready to leave the relationship for whatever private reason, and that's her prerogative.

    All I know is I'm glad there isn't the paradox of fame, money, power and gossip in my life to complicate things and blur the lines. Those types of relationships are extremely hard to just cut off completely yo.

  97. Lord, stop falling for the bait people. It's just Enty starting shit again and it's been shown that it's not a tat of Rihanna. I would like to know why every post about Charlie Sheen and Sean Penn don't highlight what masochistic assholes they are, but then I can probably guess why.

    And yeah, real men don't hit women, but 19 year old boys who have the maturity of boys do that and more so let the boy grow up, learn from his mistakes and put someone else up on that damn cross!
